Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Aug 1962, p. 11

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situates trespass comes an SALE 20mg Tread Emu hellish Simeon Almost new cottage with WWW aura on Am Touches as no COTTAGES FOR RENT ItsHarmans MOTORCARP sALe to HELP vouue MAN mthdrtvori fleeces required or foster clerk and delivery driver for pIILI rtrnenl Good appearance an desire advance Group nun mum stmicsutundm WW cannauhlpteeutltmm suits plan W13 Distal linens extension ruin only at we some vs vs lrnl harm to rim um clamorin am Baydeld lites Telephone rs Man log glass by If Walkom duet wrung by Mrs sorry and Tender was sung witniirc in at the organ Sickcornlrllttec porta um givon Indoors ace JENNINGSUSED CITIES scame STATION Angua0nt still HOS has anthem Mr and um no Starling for rent for the 1m grade In rains comme ILLIPurPhhadB gun iii August mu reminds of season name in PA rOTIAOl for rent All convenience oil but iiiuili rptflnkr Apply III Cod glon usual at Balm Bush ARTICLES For SALE WE BUY SCRAP TRUCKS Highest prices paid Old Vehicles or Wrecks AMCAN SCRAP METALS Dunlop SL West Just across Hwy too PA 89666 USED FROM $5900 SPECIAL New Rangelte $8450 New 21 Range $9850 Idealfor Cottage EPLETTS TV and Appliances in DUNLOP ST trauma PHOTO REPRINTS available at The Barrie Examiner it you would like to have re prints olyany news pictures taken by our staff pbotogra phcrs please call at our Busi FRUIT VEGETABLES mm COIN for call llth Cen malnn of Ionian east of Skyline 1am new talapboae PA GOOD POTATO or Ill Van Der Keep done THEIR HUMMER on as pass no strode BOATS MOTORS MADMANY Pllnl IMH Buchanan Inbnlrd 11a gtTiephond PA or DILANBY IINOLI east blister boat Also it new ILP Johnson motor and not new is HP Johnson motor Tc hone all Leirny di En it DILCIIAH with ohn Inn motor convrtlhlm tvp cons plain nvmu rovar automatic starter and controls ream ruer upholaie Paddler pump and life Jacki lcphnna PA NJ DOGS PETS VB PUPPIES part Chow lrt Colill looltlna for horas ain phone PA occur ARTICLES FOR RENT cAanEita mun for rent with picnic ilhll lid and iiiind food cupboard For full particu lIrI telephone PA eases ARTICLES WANTED NH WANTED CENTRAL Collegiate last hookator made lliuat ha in good cnndltlon Telephone PA nmn after pm CEDAR POST Wanted Contact II Mighton on 114 Durham fipixario slcphvnc Allan Park WANTEDOLD International liar vcater mogsi type one IIP gu ollus angina mounted on wheels row trucks Apply Box It Barrie Examinar Phone 44011181 BUY NOW Save Tax ON BRAND NEW 62 VOLKSWAGEN WHILE PRESENT STOCK hosts as PiERCE MOTORS LTD in PLYMOUTH escort monthly hits over payments 1000 Milan on car Telephone PA um CHEVIOLH Sedan Iliifltrilr ur iiigood condition law tell an Tale bona PA cast or apply Past after pan IPH Herald radio and VOLKSWAGEN DCIIIII PIdIPs rear seat speakr windshield washers A1 mechanically Price S300 Telephone PA M115 VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe In good condition WIndLhIIid 11 Al meehanlraliy Priced 50 iaIphnnc PA NEED CAINSea Seaboard rin ancs Your Lenan leignonr 10s for all monthly III Dunlc that Harris Tsicphana um CIIEV Sedan Deluxe or IE Siudahahr Sparta Coupe IN auto matic Both can reasonable In good condition App McKen its mart Ivy sin TRUCKS TRAILERS issn roan TRUCK for stun with van noi low miles Allu twowiiui trailer tuned mime tlon Telephone PA scoot MOBILE HOMES 12 TIIAVEL trailer with stop and ailnll Ilghil Siccpl Ihrln Very any to pull Price $350 Telephone PA 111 Insurance and other benefits Apply in pcrsoato MR MERRICK Dangerfield Motors Limited 65 CoiliecSt logs in Stroud company each tender essarily accepted marked Barrie 12 TENDER5 TWP 01 INNISFIL TENDERS FOR dENOVATlON OI MUNICIPAL OFFICES Scsled tenders clearly marked as such wil be received by the undersigned until pm Friday August st 1962 for the retro vation of the municipal bulld Plelia and specifications may be obtained from the undersign ed at the municipal office lender deposit at 525 must ac Lowcst or any tender not me GROH Clerk lOWNSHIP or lNNlSIil srnouo THE HYDROELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION 0F ONTARIO CONSTRUCTION OF COMBINED AREA OFFICE AND SERVICE BUILDING PENETANGUISHENE ONT SEALED TENDERS in tripli cate addressed to the under signed 610 University Avenue Toronto Ontario and clearly spent last week on holidays in Hallburton penitence Meeting closed with Jinuny IiilllgnaJr spent shrine Hymn week in Tomato with his uncln and aunt Mr and Mrs James Graham Mr and Mrs Arman Tripp at RIchmondVHtll spent tits week end with Mr and Mrs lnck Cameron other recent visitors of the Carriemns were Mrs Moreno and boys of Toronto Mr and Mrs Lloyd New and children of Thormen wercSun day guests pl Mrs Clarence Atkinson and boys itflfraiitl Mrs Aichée Ignites an am rpnli an Lakafleld with thc iatters grand parents Mr and Ernest turk and other relaives Ilr andMrs Rawn and Mr and Mrs Hawn and family visited on Sunday with ltir and Mrs Walter Lynn and Mrs Alfred lrynn Sunnldala Mrs Nonnan Iian of Stay ncr II spending few days at the home of lilrs Sieve Rawnd Master Robert Finlay is via iting this week with Mr and Mrs llotd lltlulns and he lly Ihndon Larry and Anna Rawn are on holidays in Colilngwood at he home of Mr and Allen Sinclair andfamii Congratulations to 1an Alli son who was successful in pass ing his Grads x111 exams Miss Doreen Smith is visiting friend at Guelph and pianl to attend the Stratth Festival WOMENS INSTITUTE New Pics met Tuesday evening at Huths School Six tccn were resent Roll call was answered Hints for hop hcnlthy life Miss Mary Iiulroy commented oath mat to Hcalihls more precious than jewels llira Norman Alociai hour was spent over the potluck lunch served in the botanical of the Miners son ALLEN INIIAM The temperature at am Friday was so degrees ooolj degrees greeted early risers on Wednesday morning 15111 but walk along the share has atthc putt soon made the blood tinglaiagain with the morning sun fairly highln the sky seemingly over Big Bay Point and extending rays over ihejwaters oi Kampenielt Bay following uni ol bright August moon PULL OUT WEEDS With the hay fever season here again it is hode resid ents will be kind enough to pull out or otherwise destroy any of the obnoxious ragweed on their premises and thereby probably assist to nome slight degree those persons slcgic to the pol lca of this weed Mr and Mrs Kightley of Tor otito recently visited with liar ace Brock Cliff Road The lat ter is brother of Mrs Right oy Mrs Ann Terry and Mrs Arthur Brewer of Cleveland have been ylsltlng Mr and Mrs Carl Marshall and the afore mentioned wcro all guests on Sunday Aug 12 of Mr and Main Ed Saywcll at Bucthorri nervous to nonnnu Iir and Mrs Maurice Wood cock and family have returned NUCLEAR sue conic Down Haddo nuclearpowered attack submarine of tlic Thrasher class built by the New York Ship Building Corp Camden NJ waa launched by Mrs Henry Jackson wife at the US senator trcm the stain of Washington Expel Stalinist Leaders From COmmuni st Membership from Petawawa to their home on Fnlrview AvenueMr Wood coc who is the services was postedio Petawowa some few months ago and has again been assigned to duty at smptlior on MIssrotioNto We were all pleased to have hadin our area this month Miss Toronto for 1962 17year old Carol Ann Beimcr of Scar quwho accompanied by her fondly vacationcd at Baystalrs Dodgc for Wellesrncd rest Miss Toronto was chosen as such in July and her photo graph appeared in recent is sun of this newspaper The party have returned to their home green sign with the name Highland Ave on Highway 11 near the intersection of LMincls Point Road indicates iiiatmotticrsohthtoldflbllcndal Hand is now known by the first pass Office We are sorry we cannot accept phone orders Giossy Prints 5x7 $100 Bx10 $l25 plus tax gtfiv 10 DAYS ONLY Furnaces Forced air oil or gas installed complete with duct work as low as 275 PER WEEK NO DOWN PAIMENT Used oil burners from $25 up WOODWARD AND SON PA Willi OR STRUUDAIRS STROUD FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highest prices paid for dead or crippled cattle and horses Small animals removed free For fast service phone or ask for ZENITH 91130 No CHARGEI It hours dayMan wuss BARBIE Pa W51 Icoilcctl NICKS DEAD STOCK ER Poxrnaad Ontario Licence No 17am Ntcs Montague Prop LIVESTOCK lionertN mas com or heifers your own borne or hospital up fitfm £5147 Bernice rs ones or re ronaan ironstone Bull forsale mm or mum mm Good blood line serviceable lrnl nsture visual noise groom Telephone Cooksiovtn 4584771 In Pmkwnl mummy an Barrie orusg pix to la dcnsa Group and private classes WWW 5T0 It 3321 are Apply Charles Harvey nos Stay WOMENS COLUMN TENDER FOR COMBINED AREA OFFICE AND SERVICE BUILDING AT PENETANGUI SHENE will be received up to 100 pm Eastern Daylight Time on TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 11 1962 for the construction to full com pletion of an Area Office and Service Building in Pcneleng ulshcne The building will be an electrically heated single storey concrete block building approximatelyol feet by Ila feet by It feet high with flat root The building is to be com plated in all trades and ready or occupancy by February 28 963 Rown visitor was the win her of Mrs DeGorlers draw Mrs Bert Kenny held can test on old sayingsMrs Alex Finlay and Mrs Cllnc Rnwn being the prize winners AT ELMVALE FAIR committee was appointed to be in charge of the We display at Elmvnlc fail fair Mrs Smith was named assistant lea der for the 4H Homemaking Club Mrs Archie Smith offer ed her home for tile September meeting BliXTliit nyluna may DENNEY Elliot Barrie spent the weekend with his sontnla and daughter Mr and Mrs Duff IIIAILEIIIIor In ID fut Sleeps two to four parlnna hilly wired tin builtin cupboards rink Inn ice box ltldea exception ally Well Sacrifice pt 75 Tnilr phona ON 1715 PERSONALS READING AND advising on all attain Open from IJII to pm Telphone Orillil FA Hint of 19 Front St South Oriilll SEWING DONBIV Lsdles cotton drnuna blouses aklrtltliso chil drens apparel Iteasonslils Tale phono PA Malt afternoons BEAUTY SHOP Coldwavcs Sets etc by certified hairdresser in BUDAPEST tAPl In house cleaning of Stoliitists Hungarys Conununist party has cxpcllcd from membership accusing most of those ousicd with involvement In the linkosi purge trials before thc 1956 up rising The action was taken at Llilaiyns Helmet and Ernon 02 fouadoy meeting of the party roe two OIICEDDWEIIIII leaders central committee coding Fri lending Stalinist also was day fired frdmthe politburo and 23 othclrswere kicked out of the imry of the famous salami cos to vol nion In me angry any qr 1956 the By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS yenrof tho antlSovml uprising mu ham AB HPcI Davis LA that shook Europe The 7flycaMld party veteran 502 343 Robinson Old 463 106159 343 11 Aaron Mil who broughtH the Commfiiélsls to power in ungaryv to SecondlVorld War is believed Mush to be still in the Soviet Union Allmnn CM an He is said to be in poor health His disciple and successor as nunsRobinson ma ltuns bnttc InT avla 121 lionT Dav Tehderingdocuments may be oblainod on or after August 20 1961 at the office of the Dlrce tor of Supply 620 University Avenue pa per set which 51 party general sccrctary Gcruc fled the Union during Has all used goods plus new slightly damagedltcms way below originalcosi We also buy content lots 55 DUNLOP ST Phone PA 82427 rJones Antiques Occasional furniture bric abrac China and glass NOW AT 131 COLLIER ST PA 66261 HINT FOR THE BRIDE AND GROOM Watch Classified Ads for terrific ration and Applla ce Bargains OR TO INSERT AN ffARTICLESWANTE AD CALLPA82414 FREE Year Warranty All with USED REFRIGERATORS country CHICK DEKALB PULLETS More and more poultrymcn are choosing DEKALE PULLETS Started ready to lay and day old chicks Order now for early ordcr discount For service or help on your poultry problems call Craig Hunter HUNTERS POULTRY FARMS STROUD PHONE 77 FARMMACHINERY DELAVAL SALES AND SERVICE Milkers Vacuum Pumps Wash Tanks Separators Paris for any milker HANK BROWN RR5 BARNIE HOLLYI Pocono MINESING MOTORS FordTractor and Equipment SALES AND service PHONE 103 MlNESiNG AUGUST SPECIALS TUES THURS AND FRIDAY NIGHTS pm to pm QUICKIE SliAMPUOAND SET WITH ROLLERS $100 CHILDRENS PEHMS $500 ADULTS PERMS $550 10 $1250 RUBYS BEAUTY SALONS 124 Dunlap St PAT4423 t7 Essa Road PA Mull No Appointment Necessary LEARN HAIRDRESSING Goyernmant Chartered Schooi Thorough training in all bran clue of ocauty culture DERWIN HAIRDRESSING RIDING LESSONS Dy lppfllnl nient Any IgePonler or horses Telephone PA MIMI LOST rouuo RED AND WHITE Sicn ltra ed from Lot Concession Innsnl Township Weighing about 700 131 funded on the return within so days from the closing date for tenders of cards set ofdocu meats in good condition lelc phone enquiries are to he dir ected to connoisseur Local 23019 The tendering docu menk may be inspected at the office of the Daily Commercial News Tomato The Toronto Construction Association the Barrie Builders Association and the Orillin and District Bulldcrs Exchange Each tender must be accom panied by certified cheque drawn on Canadian chartered bank andpayabie to the order of The HydroElectric Power Commission of Ontario in the amount oieltiper cent oi the total amount of the tender Pro visionfor the return ofthc The successful tenderer may be required to furnish per formance bond in the form ap proved by the Commission and issued by is bonding company licensed as such in the Prev to the Commission for 100 per son for weeks holiday tune of Ontario and acceptable and Mrs OHara day afternoon with the farmers aunt Mrs Elizabeth Gauicy Mr and Mrs Dendman at lauded the DaggerMorley wed ding at Gleacalrn pnrAug annvvnav reason Mr and Mrs Beyer and son Bruce of Toronto spent the weekend with the farmers mot her Mrs Beyer and atten ded the Derry Day parade in Collingwood on Saturday Mrs eyer relented home with her Joseph MBAIEE is in Newman ket this week visiting at the home of his cousin Mr and Mrs lurnbull lliston spent Wednesday even ing with Mr and Mrs Tum bull Miss Barbara Wray Schum burg is holidaying this week to vocal Mrs GIDeers and boys vtsited friends in Aylmer and Niagara last week rnonr now arousivrcir Mr and Mrs Hughes and son im of Oromocto NB spent Iwith Sgt to days last week Varley occupied the chair and mentioned name ASSOCIATION MEETS One of the best and must ca tkuslsstic meetings of the Min ets Point association was held Thursday night with the kind permission of Mr and Mrs Frank Varley in the Plan Room at Baystairs Lodge There were some 27 in attendance and the organization is now known as the liilnets Point Hcsidenis Association Vice president atferrcading of the minutes of previous meeting and receiving treasurers report the meeting was devoted to draWing 11p of constitution statement was also given by the member ship committee consisting of Max Orenstcin Harry Hadden and Hark the pol up members with several prospects The next meeting which will include election of officers for the forthcoming term will he held at the lodge it pm Thursday Aug 21 and steering nomination commit tee will present slate recom returo only last year At be time spokesman said he would be banned from political activity osnsrosr Fired from the politburo was Karoly Kiss long regarded as Hungarys leading Stalinist still iiolding position of prom nencc former deputy pre mier foreign minister and vice resident Kiss lost his Job as secretary of the party central coruntied last year It had been gcnerally ass sumcd that Rakes and Game lung sincehad bccn ousted from party membership be ausc there has been no indi cation cither retained any mem ership rights in recent years The decisions were announced Sunday in party comm ntie study pair was taken by Mrs VJE MeArthur The Challenge Tomorrow The meeting closed with ymn and the Lords Prayer short Ladics Aid meeting was held dealing with various items Lunch was served by the ostcss DoublesRobinson ta TriplesW Davis Loa All gclcx 10 lloiae runsMays San Fran ctsco iii Stolen basesWills Les A11 gelcs 65 Pitching Purlioy Cincin nail iiiI 8111 SlrlhcouiFKoufax Los An gelcs 209 American League an MRI 442 62 146 330 its 115321 407 7d 154 310 Hinton Wash 392 53121309 Sicbcrn RC 164 87113 308 HaasPearson Ins Angela 96 Runnels Alias Jimenez KC Rollins Min 11 batted In Killcbrew Hils chardson New York 155 Doubles Robinson Chicago as TriplesCircuit Kansas City 14 Home runs Cash Detroit and Killcbrcw 32 PRICED FROM $59 MCFADDEN Appliance 1n PENETANG ST VIKING 21 TV Swedish walnut 1951 model in good condition Mr and lifts Edgar have returned homeaiter an enjoy ablemoior trip through to Mon treat Cornwall and other east 1an evenings assembly refresh coumgwoon ments were served hA Iplumlpelg hered aliengeld to acng paraein lingwood on Saturday Augtlth where large number of Black Knight and Crystal Cbnpter lcd WOMENS INSTITUTE Womens Institute matAug at the home of Mrs Scott with 13 ladies present gcs formed the piece on Still the Preceptory No Bsxter The president Mrs EBan buryprcsided Stolen basestood Detroit mended by them At thiscom lag mectipg th also be iuaiion Withthe cicseoi lltursday pounds strayed on or about Aug ust 10 Anyone knowing where abouts of lime Icie bone It EWIIII It 10 HELP WANTED FREE LODGING to childless rnld 176 BURTON AVE PA 32373 are couple in return for light housekeeping by wife Abstatnerc CASH TRADETERMS only meg pply Telephone PA ouaavav also for sale my 95 Harris Telephone Gnrmiey MASSEYHARRIS 0119 WW Disc for sale ilx platslngodd con dltlon Telephony PA 81891 DION TIIIIESIIING Machine size In in grain elevator and straw shredders in good condition Tele phona Ivy 711a anove self unloading forage boxes 14 wide high Heaters $1050 also one 16 wide high If hcltlrn $1200 Elli Mcslcy McKee Harvester mater Cookslown Telephone 411 AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CAR FORSALE SEE tron RAMBLER Mrs Heatherington of Wood bridge spent atvcckwiik her sob and his family Mr and Mrs Heatheringiori FAMILY REUNION Congratulations to James Crawford who celebrated his birthday family reunion on Aug1 Mr and Mrs Rice and family are holidaying with their family Sympathy is extended to Mrs Proper in the less of 1on ing father Glad report Mrs EBarn hardt is mprovlng nicelyafv ter her recent operation in Sol dicrs Memorial Hospital in Orillia CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies Service Case NcwHoiland David Brown Bodily Farm Equipment cent of the total amount of the contract The lowest orany tender will not necessarily be accepted EASSON Socrcta Will improve Palace Work LONDON tEeuierslA cnn ciliation officer for the British civil service union has been talking with Queen Elizabeths Crown equerty the man in charge of tthoyal Mews about improving labor relations at Buckingham Palace it was anfiuncedlsuifidlfy Mfi move ows comp stats EMPLOYMENT WANTED fiomllz nglrnlgcrs olihe Hoysl ews is es staff who look tolerancetarsus munitions coaches tor Good organizer Mobile and horses phone PA coins Imicy stirred petition com paiuin 11 out excesslve regi MALE HELP monsoon and extra duties whicb interfered with spare time Jobs taken supplant their wages They earn from $22 in 530 week andgei tree lodgin ragMcBride Los An galcs 14 733 Strikeouts Pizzara Chicago nndPnscudl Minnesota 150 Telephone PA 6t1557 SPECIAL CNE prices are on It nur Singer Sewing Centre In nlnp St Tole hone PA GREY PERSIAN lamb full length coat Warn unly one season In air £01112 excellent condition Elle 14 lo 10 Telephone PA MAIL some evenness Contents or house for sale reasonable See It lINalsonSWotlh up one savanna Goon used Singer port ables as low as 5190 Drop in and one them tovdny Slugcr Sawing Centre 28 Dunlflp St Tale PA MEAD limo SINGER VACUUM cleaner In new condition Extra naw revolving gram Teliphnnlc Pit Simon even or res onto tr al without oiiissuan POWER Lawn Mowers rcpatrcd Itsalaiara clcaned rcpatrod an secured Plow points repaired Hamilton Radiator and Lawn fit or service 14 Frederick 52 1mean bought anld renb en repaired Student rental rim Askiabout our Rent Try than any Plan Star Typewriter co tee Dunlap St We PA assis IIODSOND DARX Sporting Inoril Barriers largest selection oiii armseverything for the loo man Open every cvenin Te phonesllAthbLchnw II FEMALE HELP WAITRESS required tull time Uniforms supplied Apply at Go chtlflnlit DI tclflpllunc PA 34 MALEa FEMALE HELP REQUIRED for market gard on lea In or out No heavy an evening work Hllicrcsi Gardens lthelpsnrl Telcpllune Elmvate IJIR joined the parade with music supplied by Baxter Juvenile Band ill Clark and sister Lila of EVerett visited this week with their aunt Mrs Gauley Sr Miss Barbara Madill Toronto spent the weekend with Miss Anne Gauley Mr andM McAiee and family Durham spent Sunday evening and Mrs vlurnbull Miss Ellen Menary isvist ing this week with har aunt and uncle Mr pad Mrs Bill Ryolo flan Barrie Themoito meriy heart doeth good like medicinewas ably explained by Mrs Rice Roll call was answered by joke Tile business was dealt with Mrs Mould and Mrs Miller to take charge the 4H malring class in Barrie Aug 111 The apron lot for Ori fair was passed around Meeting closed with God Save the Queen and The yLords Prayer lovely lunch was served andTa soclailiour e11 ved LEADERSHIP CAMP Miss Sharon Miller has re turned from two weeks as re presentative of Park Street Collegiate at the Ontario Ath leiic Leadership CamplLLo fordlllills Sfioreporis celienl lime Sympathy is extendedt Mr McKay in thdlosa lng sisterMrE Toiont HAVE STYLES Fence Io inetaaan the Beauty and value of your property to suit any purpose and all 1er of ntchiinntura Spitt PlclrstStnckadCada Benetlcials MinuteMonelt Pm Kaufman Plan gives you push fast for mm mam WM Ch vacuilanmeashattacki datlheworidamoaidurahia up leftoverbllls cash fast Egon wood It nomads parsnipnan was lian In beautiiui sliver iahricaiad at Ilia than last and simple The coat is low Stop in ortphonaiccu Iui descriptive hroobur go or meeting of the Ladies Aid and Womens Misa IDIIBIYSOCIEIY WES held on Wed nesday evening in the ch ch with 11 members and four itors present The president opened with reading singing yHymn 112 and prayersliesponsivwoadtngew taken from Psalm 30 and Hymn 283 was sung Minutes of last meeting were read and approv ed Roll call was answered with verse from the Bible contain ing the word Holiness Offering of LA and WliiSl was taken PRODUCTION HIGHER and offered in prayarby Mrs Production of crude petro it Menary oral ElhlnQuiz led leum rose 65 per centtn May It sawell ta 20023613barrels from Illa our red Program vtGrowth 883428 in the same monthlast isgladdcning and llie Devil year the bureau of statistics 11 goes to Churchby Mrs ported today vyn Denney Through Required lmmedlatelybyChev Old and erjrlliilec dcale Good working con lions group instlr Vlau Motors letied ance and clhcnbepefitsuFinan 17 Gowaa Street clal assistance III moving by 66488 youioitown applicants Will be Lick mums Bribe Aug 15 Mb ms 4an snow MR ED HAGAN Paterson PA 61321 sunvgthiggufigggés Mrs Hilda DANGE Melt Fred lMcBiide iliili°ilii°i MUMPS 1121 65 COLLIER All Robina Bob Tellpllnnh PAI Heat iImmmlzihi gurglinhsiiiglne 1902 can It PA8247 awsnn cep onn van no is mnmhmn th mi mak ucBNsnD Mechanic specialising my on as Motrin Shelvado am 11135 sell Telephone New Low mm mmm lted Immediately Apply to Har orator Bought new In January 195 Me kcopar frceter cheat gmlimmm mum crisnrn dairynndug liclvas on donr Looks no children real fray An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 82414 ONE SUPGALLON square Water Tank with baffles also one and nation tank with agitator and no gallon tank with agitator usedrtor Card hone foiyour loan this veryn1nutel Lb MISSIONARY ocmrv The was held the lass trimaran ptdeau two door hardtop white wall tires VBaut omaiic two tone white and brown buy at $15000 Call PA 39916 tor Take river plymcnts Telephone dppnlntmdnt gt PA Milli after 11111

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