lti Tilt DARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY AUGUST to in REAL ESTATE ANNOUNCEMENTS who run occasmn DaliANpsA SENTIIIIINTAL crowns SAY lT MOST CONPIDENTLY wrrll FLOWERS at about onuo tntlll oi rm Tumya Lniio 1A in at gracu roundup Child In trill rt 01 Tnursdayv Child naa in to go mt cntid Lt lnrtnl and tt ts no Lhiltl com um iar ilvlill unto that corn on the ninth Day is in am win and new and 54 Chnum timing tnu worn by Coulnrl Cullen aiwm want to non li dl at the wool nu htv aI IIII Kaap tittl nd on Int lhlumnlihh tor 7w unit Iltitill barrio Elm aulinei uirta Announcement will Irtrludr lh mm at voulcnil llir flay ul Ilil month an ml at birth In weighrano nth mi villi lulunnatton printed ruinre thii acrom permanent record in Ilnbrs look or iaintiy Album oa rate or llama Notice In only $150 notice OhOnl PA lllll DEATHS Etamtnc Tu alacl COIIARU Iltlorla II tttdlyI luluit ll 1992 John Cunard in IIIi 70111 year Related husband oi Irene Iiebcnham bro thcr at William DI Blrric George 13 Toronto Robert oi IIllflwdlie IIltrr at Toronto and Mrs Deity liodgett oi Toronto Lovinll Illher oi Mary Mrs MAD Smitbl oi Itltitllit01111 thin Ollvo lliill 01 Richmond Hill Evelyn Mrs Evelyn Gcittl of Toronto and William and Jack oi Toronto Resume at the Icihitk Funeral Home 117 Huylirid 5L Scrvico in the chapel Monday August 10 at pm Ilitrimcnt St Johns All gilcan Cornetcry Craichurst IN MEMORIAM hAlelIi lovinit memory 01 dear moihul lIrIcit Rlin who asaod away August In tool it our hrsrl your memory lingers sweetly tender land and true There it not at day dear mother that we do not think at you Lolngly remembered by In ituu dnughleiinilw Ielrl all grandchildren RAINIn loving mdmnn at so man now Norm Iieskclh canola REAL estate PROPERTY FOR SALE narrow EORSTER AND couPANv Realtors goo BAYFIELDST PAostssANmua Al LASii 31050 down balance on one NHA mortgage with monthly payments oi $7956 interest and principal obedroom bungalows cornpictc in every detail built by outl of Dantes largest and mostraiiable builders For lur tlier Iniormatiou contact any salesman YOUR awnunavau OUR NEW EXCLUSIVE otters It also It 130 and abeautiiui lioincr built ohcdroom bungal low with Mommy and attached garage Cali Doris Nuttycomtie ior your appointment to sea filuougii tiiiu Puget Street beiul iy rAaus FARMS ranus We have quite low good iarms 50 acres and up Priced lrom $500 For iurther par ticulars rail Curly Klooster GOODBYE LANDLOIIDI Monthly payments less than rent immediate possession can be had with this oidcr roomcd brick home near stores and hiis route paymentyou name 11 Call Norm licskcth right now EVENINU CALL Doria Nuttycambu PA HIS PA 8716 Curly Klonstaman PA Le Lommvn Angus HE 96111 Meltith or the illrio ScDistvlct Roll Elli Bolni STOUTT AGENCIES LTD 10 COLLIER ST PA rssot ROGER 855M 0N1HELAR MAPLESI BESIDE THE RE LTORS ONEO mmgmr PRoPERrY rooms Rant some 2RENTALS RENrAIs CONNELL REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE First in Barrio Homo SaiaoIcrcmfllla duality Service Oiieriog last homes in sub PA 85568 3TRUNK LINES Save Miler With Our Photo Files concur SHANTY BAY uosr REASONABLE Palcn ronilhs DEAUTIFULLY um YEARAROUND ESTATE noun on THE mum Pour or LOVELY wooouo rnouera moo ours Ana MAIN BUILDING ROOMS AND division at terriï¬c saving of $500 each Now only $095 down tor bedroom with attached garage Phone PA um tor lurtbcr inionnaiign WANXRDI Ill Acres Land Mull hltl good tiller lupply Contact Binary atlllrr lira Estate 211 Ill PROPERTY FOR sALc PROPERTY WANTED GALOW 1N GARAGE FOR THREE CARS DOCK AND DEEP WATER TEE ABSOLUTELY PLIANCES ONLY REMAIN 1M ABLE COOP N0 M0 prettiest rug brick bungalows PA 56568 to arrange inspection 5MINU1E man To $9000 Hera IS cozy Dreamed bunga Now vacantquick possession CODRINGTON ST ST $13200 Aisco stormscreen combinations and dry basement has laundry sun NIIA mortgage carries at in MELROS $12500 minum stormscreen equipment kitchen and theres tllcd iloo pouredwall basement BATHROOMS THERE IS VERY PRETIY tROOMED BUN IIS OWN GROUNDS AND WATER FRONTAGEI ND STORAGE SPACE GALOREI BOAT HARBOUR WE GUARAN THAT NO VIEWER WILL BE DISAPPOINT ED IN THIS FINE ESTATE PROPERTY NOW VACANT AP 134 SUNNIDALEROAD ONE OF BARRIES FINEST LOCATIONS $5000 down payment is required tapurchaso one oi Barries tiiui property must be sold as owner islcaving city and oiicra tremendous value ior quick salewith excaiienirtermrlvihona 57 CLAPPERTON STREET Has goodsited square living room separate dining kiidten two corner bedrooms and nicovwhita bathroomEA lull corner lot with hado trees and single garage complete the picture at an ideal inexpensive home tor couple or small iamiiy RUG BRICKJIl STOREY FAMILY HOME Aucspecialiyjiiiie exampic ora pcricciiyllepi spacioust planned house for iamily oi or morei All rooms are of generous sithaii three bedrooms will take two bedsi The quality oi con siruction and decorating throughout Is oi the Iincst There are LEAST EXPENSIVE HOME IN FINEST BLOCK Topnotch value for this money kept brick bungalow sci in lovely ranchtented grounds wtth an extra wide patio ot the rear 3bedroom housc Willi lull alu Tha sun bank mortgage carries at only $8342 including taxes MEDIATE POSSESSION AVAILJ ustolnbullt in 1957 This beau Coop listing No 650 THE FIVE POINTS low with nice sioua iirepiacc big bright MARYS SCHOOL AREA and good torccd air oii iumacc $82 including tax throughout and Ca Iiigh bright AVENUE Its naeouner spoiicssiy nice long living room big bright rcd rcc room in the high dry R11 St Telephone PA Gilli LOTS FOR sALs IIIIIDIVIIION 5S LDIJ nllatecod pIAn Unulvleed It It Concea ainn oi inntsdi Amara and Filth Sidemd 709 Toronto Cali collect liudron WANTED To REIle on ouv IOIIR OR MORE Drille LIMA Wanted to not or buy in tho vicinity OI lSt Writ rtvtnr ï¬rth to Box In Barrie Examiner atarv Church nusot=aoarutvifiss WORKING PARTNER wlutltl in throat Slim and workaparc Or lull ilmc In good paying billinul Monay wall neared No experience necessary Good weekly laconic plus proittl cln ho earnad Don Barrie Examiner MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE 1st 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere WITH LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS TAILORED TO vounnuncar 11 YOU NEED MONEY ITD consolidate tiLhls lay ott existing mortgage lOr mortgngzs Cbmlnl duo olloma improvement Oltuy worthwhile caus PA cocci Mortgage Funding ovcr SimmonsScars 12 DUNLOP ST Member Ontario Mortgage Brokera Auolllllhn scone mural on iirst mortgage or live years Will pay RAo intcn cit $75 monthly In Obriio Apply Examiner and too bought to Box 73 BI OIORTGAG told nttd amnncd Commcmlll and residential moneys loaned on with balconies and all fine EVENINGS CALL existing mortgages gt Iivrrta Mort ragonmkm PA class NURSING HOMES All DI m0 BO Bultl MAMA Ion Seal and print maal m4 hunts can rood rii station so tar outings unborn BRA trend OFFICES STORES RENT omcn Iran or not tell lo cated on Collier Si Reasonable ntu TollphOIl PA ht an Ian an HOUSES FOR RENT uoualt tor real in rcrndale Ap Ely Cameron lot It reru IHlill DRDROOMHouu or rant It Slniord SIML Pourslioa September Intentions sum Strand MODERN thm bedroom home tor real Cantnl location Hardwood ilcort Oil heating Attached gar IIO Tollphonl PA Md betwesn In van VI ROOM chu or rout with range on Highway to live mile lrom Darrin tdodcrn convenienceu Avaliablo September Telephone PA Moat PURNIIIIID bedroom lion tor rent Complatuty anI and modern sultehla or buaincu couple or acbool teachers Apply lion l0 aarrie halal MODERN Iittillllul or ill Willi garage All modern Ionvblllbncal City IIIIIIII Close to school Avail tilixSeptlmber Telephone PA HOUSES WANTED IIIO TO THREE Bedroom Home in iiarric District bungalow typ preterred Duirrs occupancy 5ch With option at buying Tac phons itlr Row ureaAnus APARTMENTS FOR RENT APARTMENTS features New Building PHONE APARTMENTS Emil APAI morn badrtwui cad hitcbonutn Parka com available Telphone PA to TWO IIIAISR llrfl room Junta no mood floor No lion in Darling Tellpbnnl PA rwo nootiaoartmor tor mat furnished Control Adult only my on Mary or telephone PA WEI ROOM lumiahld ephone PA Mg nllGifl AND nttneuva thrca room apartment with private bath incur too monthly Amibl ina dayc only Avenue 1170 BEDROOM unturnLIIch boat ed apartment Du Burton Ava 05515 dry laetlltlea Central location Janitor service on AND rwo Bedroom Apart ments tor rant completely n11 tautalncd stove rclrlgerator lan itor Irrvtca lroni so Telephone PA 32670 niAclOUl live morn mund lioor apartment included Dunion St East am Available September Talaphcno PA 7127 UNPURNIIILID 11 01351 ba apartment thrcu largo mama and Parking Talrpbom PA 00001 or PA 61012 runNtaIlan Apartment mama Aufl bun tellcontained private entrance treat hydro wa ter and parking supplied 15 mon thly Telnphonb PA 02150 DELUXé itrlttAcTivDuntnmlahcd two callcat location Adults only its monthly Apply at 157 BrIdIotd Strut Taicpltonl PA with IIaArED Apartment or rent tour rooma Anti bllil Ullllllll trip eralor and stove tuppiied Parking avalldbleo Close to rphona PA H1173 llllIO ROOM apartment Sellcon no vera ah Separlio entrance Ideal tor bachelor or couple Telephone FOR RENT uni RENTALS APARTMENTS FOR RENT oathoaatau nobod berooinlapartlnaat Available Septua lthL available immediately Laun dry and pukitil Slaves and r9 Mac one bedroom ID in trtgeratoax Totepbonc PA H357 children Oil MM modern apnrtinent alto tum room un tarnished IDlttmrnt CcntraL Tab um and entrance Toronto 51 dirtricl Taicpho PA 666M LPCONTAINED turnilhed apart meotataly Ibone PA B4557 link UNPURNISIIIO ultra room 1nd itoor apart able so tlmhlr our Avlit 66 Campbell IoDhohI PA 50512 Avlillblo non Telephone PA TWO BEDROOM Apartmani Illa trlc atch and reirtgeratnr laun lntmcdlvto pou aaulonqlalophuoePA 54091 monthly unlumlahed Garlic lrouhil loor sinverandarWaabur and dry tbraa urge room healed apartment 1k downtown Tel Two piece bath Giassedlu ed apartments asaln ttoor vary madam Stoves rciflmltofl and drapes auppllcd Central loco tian Cieln ultcnntainad healed Berlin IAII IN No bedroom tritium lobed apartment to beutalltutir alt uatcrl anartnnnl building water rclrigeratur Itova sundry IIclUtiu orange In lInr ranin and pnlblhl PA Iloaann Illttd main floor apartment riled tour Picca bathroom Front and bull Entrance Grove and cm Portion Laundry with dry er Immedlltc phone PA Mil PA mm com PA on PA 54311 Real tin star Ian rlcpbono two bedroom unturn simian Trio MOST COIWORIABL tall 10 live to flame Modern two bedroom apartmnnta availbin now In brand new building located lit lovely muflontill diltrltt Very nenr to separate and public loonL Janitor urvieo treasonM lent Apply Iiiill Steel street or or auction PA 61601 APARTMENTS WANTED TWO DEDROOM Duplax vIInted to reatthoparaia cnlranca Vicinity Septomhar Ian 01 Barrie Examiner or Islaphono daya PA uccna Pa Required by nor Reply to ROOM It BOARD GENTLEMBN aoamn or respect Ibia clean hotel carved in our modern restaurant Apply Golden Appla inn DhonIMr Planer Staynerlti Melia to be ROOM BOARD WANTED ROOM AND board rlqttlrod or male teacher in private home ilrhd luncbu Arriving in Barri 27 Pleln writa Don Barrie Examiner CBNntALLv Located Bedroom tor nut Telephone PA FURNISHED Housekeeping IIooII wlth raugcttc Use rcirigerctor and bendix Central PA 081 or PA MINI FURNISHED ROOM Queens Park vicinity Id weekly For PA 56666 Telephone ior PHIL turther particulars telephonl MIRA PA 358 all Nil TWO SEPARATE Houaalteoplng will AND runs Rodin on our Central Ontarios Largest PA 68040 PA 83188 dclr mother And grandmother Helen ttAin who passed awhy August 11 1961 In my heart yourmemory lingers Always lender and and true Theres not dl our mother do not think at you Sadly missed by daughtera Inn And Illiiolla lonlnllw Lloyd Ind llrllib Radiation VBeit Caused By Tests NEW YORK iAPI Dr James Van Aliensaid day thnt huge new radiiition belt in the lower reaches oithc Van Allen belt has been iormcd around the earth as result of Rooms tor rent In Aliandalr Btu ring at door Parking iactiitlu Telephone PA MOII ruuNtausn Drdrooin icr rent in private homo two blocks Iron downtown Burincu gentleman preterred For iurltlar dalallr talc phone PA 58879 LARGE SIZE Furnlahed Room and kitchen Reirigorator and stove Hot water supply Downtown lo cation Separate entrance Parklnl laclliiics Telephone PA 34594 AIIIIACTIVELY tarnished room with reirigarator and stove A1 lurnlahcd bedroom auilahla Iot buaincar lady or teacbarDolh Illllllnlblo August It Telnpbono PA BM NEWLY Decorated two bedroom apartlncnt Ltvin room kitchen and butt t7o incluouhettnnrr electric Shirley Ave relopaooo PA H746 IIIRBERODRI modern Illlltlndttt in hotel Unlttrnlshed Located on main meal in Signor Ap ly Golden Apple Inn aIthona Fisher Stlyner I75 awo naunooni apartment Stova and refrigerator luppilud Available immediately Over Pillbr Queen olllce Light and water lliDplierI Telephone PA cater NEWLY BECORATED uniurnish 2d hcatcd completely encou tallied threu room abutment old bath Arnpic storogc parking clean to schools has and stores Telephone PA carol ULTRA MODERN unfurnished one bedroom apartment Private bli Rcaitors lllta it It MOORE PA halal r0573 VEN NtS 94 AGREESEA wn AnaA court OPEN LL EM tiniinsns aAnnlr DISTRICT nnAi ESTATE D0RD BEYOND YOUR DREAMS Btwithi yourgnsAking SMITH CAMPBEL $12600 It cost lot more but REALTOR listen in this Just bordering the city on picturesque lot 100 32 HIGH ST PA 60241 Joao Lang PA total WANTED Someone to take tint mortgage rom$3DOfl to $5000 It per cut interest on 100 acre Ilrm Money required to buy stock Ind Intpiomenin Apply Box No 31 Barrie Examiner FINANCIAL EASY COMFORT SUMMER AND WINTER Large new room heated apartment on ground floor of apartment building Individual thermostats drapes stove rc irigerator and air conditioners optional 011 bus line Napier Street area near separate pub lic and high schools litany oth cr teatures Children welcome No pets please PAS0242 Charles Read PA 112017 Smith Campbell PA 117389 latrict Real Estate OlaTYDON fKOiiL REAL ESTATE BROKER NEED MONEY If you own any property we have private individual clients who will loan you money on our accommodation to con solidan all your outstanding accounts with monthly pay ments as low as $2500 They will loan you money for home improvements or any tisclui x110 bedroom bungalow sep arate dining room ultra mad ern kitchen double garage See it now WARNING passcrsnill he cbarrncd 71Imosl 21 acresWiIhWéWoi the bay room home born 40 no good chI all conveniences Bargain at $5700 Make otter C0177 tor Want Ad Section the July highaltitude nuclear test conducted by the United States over the Paciï¬c Van Allen professor at the SIatc University pt Iowa dis covered in 1958 the radiation belt which is named alter him Thcheit circles the earth from an attitude at about 600 miles to perhaps as high as 100000 miles Emma ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and Classiï¬ed adver tisemcnis are treated at tho rate oi to per word pcr insertion for one and two times do per word or three ioui or iiva times and use per word for or more insertions 1071 addi tional charge it not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED A1 VERTISEMENT 96C OR 24 WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS 0R $106 FOR 24 WORDS II CHARGED PER SINGLE IN SERTION ERRORS OR CORRECTIONS Advertisers are reminded that all phone Insertion orders are 1pr ed As convenience to you tha ltvtrilscr Thcrciore the Clmifllrl Aircrtlslng Dcpblmunt requlrbs advertisers to kindly recheck their advertisement immediately after IIrsl Insertion in order tint any errors or omissions may but reported before on In order that some may he reclined tor the allowing do insertionorocr We wish to pulnt out that The Bani humour is responsible or only out incorrectly printed Insertion on any advertisement and then only to tun utent or portion or ad that Involves tho mISDrlnt Errors which do not lessen tho value oi the advertise metal are not cliglblo IDr Cortes Ilnns by moire goods Coming Events in per word minimum charge $150 Built and Death Notices torup to 25 words over WOI5CDOI hlnmber flor Ilse Barrio no outrch word cxtrai In Memoriam No tices $150 if verso used ac per word extra autumnalcm occurs InIOmlliinn Bimini advertisers using Bltnd Letter liax Numbers of Replica is held strictly cnlliiu enti Replies Boxes yotlu or public on Classified adverbscmants and notices for these pages must be received by pm day pre cedilg publication with the ex eaption or Ciassiied Display advertisments which must be in by 1200 noon preceding day Rates and type aty iar remi lerplay ciaasidetls may be oh llliiw biattghThi Exlmincr verttalnl department Jrlmsufllifl and to roll price or transferred Telephone PA Sl75l Member of Barrie Ind District Real tiltlo noun Evanincs Cali Merv or Enu Gould Oro ma Harry Sicssor PA 61167 Orca Brown PA cm is Lourncod Siayner Iosw Lloyd or Floris Hocklcy PA 58313 BARRIE VIEW SUBDIVISION HOMES CUSTOM BUILT IDLELIB PLANS NEw HOMES 0N DISPLAY FEATURING OPEN HOUSES AT TOWER CRESCENT AND lSPRiNGHOME ROAD Several Ready tor Your Inspection VARIOUS one Brackets Follow Burton Ave to William Sl south on William to Bald win Lane turn tell on Baldwin Lane and follow the signs GORD SPRING PA 05007 noun HOMER PA lastl LOU IIORIARTY PA 61715 sun DIV OFFICEPA coon Emory out 232 Iiffin St M1881 Estata board iRWiN BUILDERS PAINSILICILQNT 115 DUNLOP ST EAST Norman DUNLOP sr LDREIIXI PA ooita Everett Shcbieli Orn 791 7b TIFEIN STREET BARRIE CALL DAY OR EVENING PA 82379 Member or tho Bari1e and District Ru Hilts BoarrF HENDERSON REALTOR Ia counters mm PHONE PA 82578 We can arrangefirsl mort gages svmnrnscanu RITA SCAanm PA aaaaa DOROTHY waLcox PA casts may roan PA arvao measure SWAIN PA saaoo Member at Barrio null Duerict and Ontario Roll Estan Boards Homes Faults businesses REALTORAPPRAISER ROBERT HODGES REAL ESTATE BROKER 09 DUNLOP ST BARRE Phone PA D7236 OppositcrA and Store IVINTERIZED COTTAGE ou waterfront Only $55 per month on one year lease INCOME HOUSE FOR SALE Only $2000 down Income $1560 per year only $9000 019am gt Marshall REAL mane anom G1aydonKohIPA Marion RutledgePA 57115 REAL ESTATE BROKER First Mortgago Funds Available interest 60 oi Value mourn can Howard Norm PA Hm CAR sPA ll42S2 PA 84608 voPA bat51 Sheisweli PA 89961 PA 68712 lack WiUsnn PA MST Norman Shclsweli PA 39951 Next door Lethe imperial Theatca 45A DUNLOP ST PA 66481 Menser tillIll and Dlstrltt Real Estate Board REAL ESTATE Broker Phttuc PA mo 93 Dunlap St Mortgage Money Avlllleo MABEL MARSHALLPA cocoa OWEN JONESPA sonar MURIEL JEFFERYPA cola CARL WOODWARDCrumoizoaln WEB HARRISPA lZSII DEL JERMEYPA 6Oth BILL SUTHERLANDGSRM Strcud MOVINO Dont target to transfer your INSURANCE and it you néad extra coverage or any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA OWN 113 DIIDJOD St II MARION Creacont Th1 bed illittnd rel tian room Less than original cost Low down payment Owner mov Inz PA solos sAva suave sailing below vutuui rum bedroom brick bungalow close to schools shopping and our iin NlIA mortgage Largo lenced Oil honttng Dinlnr nook mingleLoo tilens Sizes purpose For prompt coutidcn Vtiai service call ONTARIO FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS PA 61071 SAME DAY CAN CELLATIONS MUST BE PHONED IN BETWEEN 831 and Mn By ANNE iADAMS cups cosnulr ansvsaw cape and In skirt tlrchS ring REWDRIFIREI happy plans tor birthday par ties and Easter outings Iilt risW1ih Printed Paltcrn 4529 Chil 68 10 Size dress takes 21 yards 35 it FIFTY CENTS 150 cents in cape 11 yardsstincil fabric cainLIIntarin locirtonroogdL jlmuums bedroom npartrncnts overlooking 57357 111A oslao Pausell NEW AND modern title and two rccnle Kempcuielt Day Real wa ter parking and Janitor service included Automatic Whittan II ciiitics included PA 87502 MODERN unfurnished thrcn room Apartment with rain piece onu room SSSlnonthly includes heat and laundry incilltics Located on 33qu Street Telephone PA SECOND FLOOR downtown two bedroom apartment IhUt piano both hot water heated Electric stove and rolrigcrator supplied 555 per month Telephone Smith Clmphell Real Estate at PA 50241 UNUSUAL Opportunity lor two business couples or friends Have your own bedroom and living tl5htlltcbcn andbathIrl vata entrance $55 monthly Tele phone PA 69095 IIIODBRN one bedroom unturn ished neared apartment Sellcon tained with laundry and parking facilities Near bus stop immedi lit possession Telephone PA 115467 COMPLETELY Furnished Oll beat an apartment on bus line Living roufll bedroom Ind kitchenette Private bells and entranac A11 utilitiu aunpllcd s55 per month Telephone PA S8617 LARGE new two bedroom up stairs apartment tor rent Dunlap Street West Heated Parking spacc Unfurnished lmmediata poaaullun Also one bedroom bachelor apartment Telephone pnlaaaao FURNISHED nchclor Apartment ground near all conveniences Approximater threeminutes tram main street Telephone Queens Hp tLi PA D2424 n5 for Sam Straus mlli MODERN ground floor artrnent three rooms Also bachelorapart ment accommodate two adults A11 hunted Ilor water Free parkv Ink Very Central Telephone PA aslatnttup ONE TWO AND THREE Bedroom Apartments Relrlgerator Jud biotic washer and dryer Janitor serviceNew building Close to I11 Iamlly facilities Telephone PA UNFURNISIIBD titre bedroom hplttmont Du second ttvor CODI ploteiy sellcontained Ilsa oi basement tar storage Possession Aug 31 ADDIY Ii 50 Penctaal TeleDlIono PA D71 ONE BEDROOM Iparlmb iurnls Cloi September is Plenty Itorldo space $70 per month Telephone PA £41116 APARTMENT unlurnishcd three rooms plus suitme Oil heated Laa oilnundry room Oilstreet parking Reasonable rent Tele IillDut PA 86531 or uppiy BI Deal In beat UTSIOITBIRRHW Cottages Garages General Remodelling PA 60914 FOUR BEDROOM brick house In liltrie living room pltte bath And trinity Located on Recreation room largo dining area our ornci lot DthEy Park one Istricl Landscaped with gardcn murmortizio 4000 Owner fllwpn run 15 CLAPPERTON ST BARIIIR FRANK NELLL PA SSS KARL MARSHALL PA 39517 Member 51111 and District REII Esta Board AmAcan thycamid brick home three bedrooms extra largo llvtn room and kitchen Fourun ltnla ed rooms in basement Lovely garden and patio SHAME Carries 95 TlnentT cr virus towrl pnooo THREE BEDROOM 107014215th house LandscApcdl storms and screens tour piece tiled bathroom urcnklnst nook Close to schools churches and shopping centre Low down payment Owner will sacri lice Tclupbflnl PA DZIII Ituuata tor quick aalr Nico dist trict and central location in Barrie Owner living out oi tow nu liberocall poisonouspour Ibie xtra and terms NO real Int lrnnsicrxcd 23 erioll cent rel Teiepbpnl 737117 liloou icrn Department 60 Front IV Toronto Ont ian Catalogready now More cents saies lair tno stamps please tor this pattern Print plainly SIZE DRESS STYLE NUMBER Send order to ANNE ADAMS NAME AD arc oi Barrie Examiner SPECIAL SpringSummer Sport day dance voririllvelI it aitcsl Send 35 cents tlun blindl automatic laundry in new moderndbuilding Very clean CONVENIENT at End location Modern two bedroom apartmcn Completely lollcontained van clltttaa stove rclrigcratar Tale phonu PA plain or apply It Napier sue axcamouau apartment nvliiahla Immuotututv Ito reboots nintonanco lerator tlonai Paved parking incllltic For turtltar information talcpnona PA BABES or PA MIMI couy ironrand rear Iteirlgarator and drapes cuppllcd West end nolt Plaza $75 monthly Taic phobia PA salsa BUSINESS accepted 1111111 it p111 Day More publication SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Month or Year Toiephone PA 82414 APPLIANCE SERVICES ANCE AND TV SERVICE ztbour service 147 DUNLOP ST PA 61142 DRIVING SCHOOL ORILLIA SCHOOL OF SAFE DRIVING tsunvtua SINCE 1056 FOR APPOINTMENT ANYTIME PA 66551 EXCAVATING FILL GRAVEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Grading ltatar Delivery Crushed stone Hall yard Bacilhoo for hire DENNIS MORAN 29 Anna Street PA 82907 BULLDOZING Grubbar Brush Biade Top sail Gravel Fill ART GORDON CONSTRUCTION PHONE PA ovsa7 HAIRDREssaRs CLIFFORD HAIR FASHIONS ndi Moderate rates FRED GRANT SQUARE PA color INVISIBLE MENDING INVISIBLE MENDING Barrio We also invisiny mundyour upholstery at your home PA 512 Copy for Want Ad Section publication PHONE PA aztll Phone PA 87601 anytime on com PLUMBING ROLSALISBURY PUMP REPAIRS PA 89461 PLASTERING PLASTERING AND REPAIRS STUCCO AND STONE VENEER Free Estimates SAM CRYER PA 61675 FAINTING AND PAPERHANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Faber Handing Spray Painting Service Since 1920 RR Barrie PA 66950 Painting and Decorating Rates Reasonable Free Estimates EXPERIENCED PAINTERS GARRY VANGENNIP PAVI ASPHALT PAVING VARCOF BROTHERS LTD Earries oldest manuiacturera nppiiursoi asphaltbave new paving depart ment to take care of expanding business and will be pleased to clinic onany paving job large or small in town or on the farm DARRIE Parana EVENINGSPA aaIis REFRIGERATION STANERYSON REFRIGERATION sanvtca