BlLENT PLAYMATEH gaze at the last place where little Tommie Baker was last seen playfully splashing in the mudd water withbct threeyoarold brother Allen From left Bernord Meltcnno it Michell McKennn ll and Paul hlclienna t3 Paul and Bernard live across from the Baker farm and often played together Paul said Tommie was fshy but not uhlrieod ly INSPECTOR James liar rls of the OPi criminal in the bugs ground search is centred Neighbors police search dogs and army per sonnel from Camp Borden are assisting THE ROAD in veatlgation branch Toronton inspects map showing the Adlan Tecumsclh Township townllne with front of the Baker home it blocked with can belonging to thejcorcs of searchers who are looking throughout the country side tor the pret rooms ty lOyearol istraught fo MAKER right thcr of Tomm welcomes another unidentlfi searcher Inspector Harris has called the neighbors assistance something really wonderful and the police cant be too thankful OUR TELEPHONES For Examiner Want Ads Tole phone PA itgtlt The telephone number to call for tho Business or Editorial Dept is PA 66337 LOCAL WHETHER Thunderstorm this evening Sun on cooler Tuesday Low tonight 55 high tomorrow 77 For full summarygsce page to With snoop is Isolated In Toronto wNetMoro Than 7c porCcpy12 Page TORONTO CPlA teenaged boy with the blisters of smell pox on his slenderbody has be come the centre of an interna tional drama Laboratory tests scheduled for todaywere expected to con firm the diagnosis of medical authorities that James William Orr l4 carried the highly con vtagious disease with him when he lcft the jungles of Brazil three weeks ogo with his mis slonory foflier and three other members of hlr family The boy is confined to an isop lotion room at Riverside Hos pital in Toronto His condition was considered good His father in quarantine witti friends in on castend home here Because smallpox can spread like wildfire and because it can couse disfigurement and even death licalthvouthoritlés in Canada and the United Stnlcs acted quickly and drastically vAccrNArr rAnnLv The boys mother sister and brother had continued on to Worked In Natural Resources Mr Northern Ontario Dies Touch tCPILtmol Reynol 75 of North Bay Th pronunently involved in the development of Northern On tario for nearly two decades died here Saturday Col Reynolds who had been called Mr Northern Ontario was shrewd visionary and lover of all things pertaining to natural resources and their development He was chairman of the in tario Northland Transportation Commission until his recent retirement Sunday ships of the Ontario Northlaiid Boat Lines commission subsidiary dipped their flags to half maatin tribute to the chief largely responsible for their operation on Northern Ontario lakes Col Reynolds was prom inently involved in the attairs of Northem Ontario for nearly two decadesgtln August i944 he was appointed chairman of the Temiskamiog nnd Northern New Trctnisldtion Of Old Testament By oayoioNn nation LONDON AP The new translation of the Old Testa rnent now being madeby 10 man panel of scholars will con tain revolutionary changes in wording which will give it wholly new idiom oud rhythm the panel director said today The illman board chosen by the Protestant Joint Committee of the Churches has spent 15 years on its task so far But progress has been rapid that the new fun may be eadyforprin years at least year earlier than previously forecast Prof Godfrey it Driver of rector of the panel gave de tails of the radical the es in an interview lie said period they will cause much controversy asdid changes in the new translation of the New Testament published in March last year You cant change camels into motor care said Driver But we wont to prevent the singsong into which the old words can easily foil ELIMINATE WORDS Wd such as hoyah andiepros opgefrto the new version amazes poor writï¬r their home at Three lfllls Alta ltcv lomes ItobertOrr in before the smallpox was diag nosed So public health officials there vaccinated those three plus about 10 othcr relatives and neighbors then placed the motherond children in quaran tine until Aug 71 Twentylwo passengers on the flight from Brazil who might have had contact with the Orr family were being sought by American authorities porters by telephone here that Jimmy fell ill on the trip by jeep out ot their missionary out post Mr Orr nondenominational missionary in Argentina and Brazil for it years was return fivc years in Brazilian vil thcr of the youngster told rc log to Alberta with his family to begin years leave after loge 300 miles from the near buried Lake In Canada both Federal llcalth Minister Monteitli ond Ontarios health minister Dr Matthew Dymondoppcalcd to anyone who travelled on train from New York to Toronto with the Orrs to see their family doc tor It was the first case of small pox diagnosed inOnt to in is years and the first undo since laid tednrolpiovtiicial and Metropolitan Toronto hcatth authorities plan daily meetings to ss any develop meats in th case They stressed there is littlodanger of an epidemic Ontario Railway Commission name of the commission was choagcdon April 1946 to the Ontario Northlond Trans portation Commission adminis tering the affairs of the railway and affiliated boat lines on ortbern Ontario waters Col Reynolds retained his chairman ship throughout that period Born in Dobcaygeon Out the son of prominent lumbermany was educated in public schools of Sault Ste Marie and won Sound Collegiate Col Reynolds vigorousTy de fended the importance of North crn Ontario He made persistent efforts to have the James Bay area developed and seaport created at Moosonce Under his adnunistration the commission set up navigation fleet to service the Timagami lakes and Nipissing and the upper French River giving thousands of tourists access to remote fishing areas four hours here Saturday before the eight city CTV networks printed as verse This will af feet almost all the books of the prophets and particularly Isaiah in the process of translation the scholars have made use of the Dead Sea scrolls but found them of much less value than expected HERESIONE Vuke and his pie in the valley At 16 Luke died and few months later his wife was tibout to join him She called in aneighbor and sold wcaklyh Ruthie bury me inmy black silk dress but before you do mightmas wcllcut the back out and make yonrsclf new dress out of it Its good run leriel Couldnt do that said Ruthie when you and Luke walfc up them golden stairo what would them on gels say if yotli dress aint got back in it They wont me was lookin at the rejoinder without by the Vatican ra crime est city With him besides Jimmy were lllrs Orr sonJosephus and daughter Dorothy Waiting for them in Three Hills near Calgary were four older chils drcn all studying theology at Bible institute there trrsaid Jimmy became during an tilthour wait mdchntratvstation ilytook an overnight trainCPR train 324 vloFort Erie Ontto Toronto where Mr Orr immcdialcly called doctor friend who to his office rave Jimmy The doctor whose identity was withheld kept Jimmy at his home for week Five doc tors were called in By Satur day they decided to put him in isolation in hospital casualty ward G13 Cup Hassle Still Unsettléd oy nussnu narrow OTTAWA tCPl The 1962 Grey Cup game is still up in th viewers air for television The annual Canadian football classicrwns kicked aroundfor the Board of Broadcast Gover ours by the squabbling Crown nwned CDC nd privately owryed CTV television networks Tire outcome was deferred as be board reserved judgment on is proposed contentious regularl ion which would compel all TV stations irrespective of net work affiliation to carry the Dec1 game This would require tlieStista tioo CBC network to broadcast coverage including the adver tising sold to the CTV iiaronn ingrown At Saturdays hearing CBC President Alphonse Ouimet said the justice department in is role as legal adviser to the CBC has informed the corpora tion that it considers the cons roversiat BEG regulation be yond the boards authority This raised the question of whether the justice department Abortion Crimer Declares Vatican STOCKHOLM ReutersteMrs Sherri Finkbine today was ex putédrtorslayuinhospltaHolLa week following the abortion of her deformed baby denounced the Van Thaao year old Phoenix Aria telev on performer had no complications in Saturdays operation and was feeling much better her husband Ho hert told reporters Sundayfrom is wifes bedside 1id Fink blnepa member ofthe Unitarian Church rcspccttho views of the Vatican At the same time hope they respect mine also The Vatican rodio dectnr crime husbeen commit ted It is impossible to give an other defio pear of what hap pr Stockholm wcdcn not Sarah Churchill Put In Hospital BRIGHTON England lieut ersl Actress Saioli Churchill was taken to hospital here to day shortly before she was duo lncourt on characoh drunk and disorderly conduct The daughter at the British wartime prime minister who married Lord Audley earlier this year was released on bail after being charged Saturday doctor called early this morning at the house where she and her husband were staying on holiday Then she was taken to hospital and put in private room after treatment in the will approve the regulation in its final form as recommended by the EEO Mcpnwhile the possibility Ie malucd that an arrangement may beworked out separately betweenthe CBC and theCTVd GreyCup sponsors MrOulmet said the CBC has offered the football advertisers tree of charge courtesy an nouncements telling viewers that the game is being shown with their cooperation This wouldbe similar to on arrange ment has with Imperial Oil Li ted for National Hockey League games which that com pony does not sponsor Mr Ouimct presenting the CECs case said it is not in the public interest for the na tional broadcasting sehvice to 6Tb By non curtain DlEPPE France CPLConn dians Frenchmen and tourists on holiday herefrom all over the worldcombined Sunday in an anniversaryitribute to the men who died on the beaches of leppe in the Second World War raid of 20 years ago They come by the thousands to the beachesto honor the dead and tochcer the survivors of the ninchour raid that com mcncedJLdawLau Blasts lliined lit Newspapers MADRID Reuters Spanishgovernment opponents to dayset oft bombs at three newspaper offices in Madrid and Barcelonu The Barcelona independent newspaper La Vnn guardio was shaken this morning One man vins slightlyiin jured but little damage was caused Kidney Transplant Performed LONDON Reuters doctor sacrificed one of his kids neys in an operation to severidying colleaguejn Lbothancnï¬reJiidoinf sed Sunda lan Clark at of Reading was dying with kidney wheaDr David Spencer 32whol took over his practice faxed to sacrifice one of his own kidneys at the risk his life To BevTried For Baby Killing LIEGEbelglurn AP Belgian coutrsatuiaayoroe personston charges connected with he of baby deformed by thalidomide The next stop under Belgian law is decision asto which cflllttishflll try Suzanne CoipelVandeput 28 the dead baby mother her mother and thefamlty doctor Flood Causes Bronchitis BOTOGA Colombia AP bronchitis broke out today afterflood watersswnmpcd hejungl town IofFlorencia killingvtt persons and leaving 13d isslng Th avalanche sot loose byd urst dam FtheRivcr Hath sweptfrcc trunks dion casu ii1lEWS BRIEFS add bronzcd ï¬nd ttti PulicoBelieltelllan PPe killed wounded lSOllEt Two minutes before pm Sunday three jet fighters flew 6r token low over the seafrontond dropped wreaths marking the moment 20 years last gunin the battl For many tthe Canadian veterans revrsiting Dieppe for the first time the scene was strikingly different from that of the greymorniog when they dis ern risedJr Eng and headed up the main Di eppe beach and the flanking beaches in thefrice of heavy fir from occupying Germans Sunday as they gatheredion the broad strip of townsepurat ing the beach from the boule word with its bank of hotels overlooking the English Chan nel the sun was beating down through billowing while clouds and thetemperature at addday climbed to in degrees The in commemoration mg to chills that dominate the whole stretch of hen Thousnnds of townsp ple farmers from neighboring urists shorts nrid sondals French vc the two St Elda Girwne of London Out young West Berliner called Limitations By James Examiner Sta More4tha 150resident in provincial too Area Child liennio ft Reporter is=a ea police are scouringthe coun tryside for blond blueeych 10yearold girl whowas kidnapped from ome early last evening sins mode Baker daughter Thomas Baker who live six miles south The girl was last seen with her young brotherfl Allen three and one half years at an irrigation pond swimming hole 1500 yards from the farm house Allentold inspector James Harris of the OFF Criminal InvestigationBrauch Toronto that man stoppcdhis car on the ming hole and called SEEN IN CAR The man inthe cor said he could not hear the little girl so she went over to the side of the vehicle She was lastseen heading south in theucar Ac cording to police this occurred at about pm Sunday night description of the girl is as follows height feet weight 55 lo to pounds blue eyes blond hair wearing blue bathing suit whitebathlngicap with aggrcen strap She was bareloot Inspector Harris who arrived from Toronto at am today said he was overwhelmed by the cooperation and assistance offered by neighbors and friends These rural people are at present scouring Adjala and Tecumseth lot by lot and con ccssion by concession in an at tempt to find the little girl Every portion of the looacre akrr farm has already been thoroughly searched At poon today 12 transport units from atmared=€or ough into the scare The units were supported by regular personnel from the signal corps and their vehiclesare crisscrossing the countryside inspector Harris said fear the worst but he did not elab orate Tolielp in the search Inspectorllarris has called for searchdog trom Kingstontn assist thé police Tommie besides her bros ther Allen hnsva sister Mrs gravel and another brother Albert 24 of Schomberg Mrs Eak sedation Meanwhie in Be ie is bed under new demonstration alongside theCdmmurilst ivall7toda aft archcdt man hordct own Wept Bérl hence on hurled roadvodjacent to the swim to TommieY of the person that picked up two seven and nineyearold girls at Queens Park yesterday afternoon The youngsters were picked up unharmed byProvin cial Police at Edcndale about pm last night There is sus picion that it could further same person TELLINGHTRUTH lusp Harris said he is con vinced tliatlittlc Allen is tell ing the truth because he has repcoted the same story over and over The police working from mobile headquarters at the Baker farm home have divided large map into sectionsand throughout the morning have been appointing their eager helpers to search fields and woodlots in the hope that some thing can be turned up that would be clue for police to go on will be here until we know what the situation is one way or said lnsp Harris who wrnnmSODWW to have coffee andsandwi as prepared by gh ho ring housewives Playmates of Tommie who live just across theroad des cribedthe youngster as being quite shy but not unfriendly yloliceare searching for two automobiles one which was used to pickup the Barrie youngsters from Queens Park and another seen in the vicinity of the swimming hole that the Baker children were using at About the time of the supposed abduction The descriptionot the vehicles is pain near to save police from chasingiaroundi attcr ir croon rstratorsoromWestnerl city itlust of th mittsp iii down