Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Aug 1962, p. 3

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Two iomdrodgad forty high school army canals are borne ward bound after training very hard for the past seven weeks It the Cadet more Training Camp ct Blackdovn in Camp Borden Tho blah school cad ets of the Royal Canadian Cad et Corps coming from over 100 Ontario centres are now anall flcd on trades such as Driver ltaosport Mechanic Radio and Telegraph and Rifle Coaching At very impressive tirade alien ceremony viewed by ap proximately sou parents and guests the cadets performed the closing parades under cam VICTURE SHOWS PROGRESS OF UNDER PASS THAT WILL HELP MOTORISTS mood of Cadet Lt Col John Huichingl at 50 Mclroso Ave nue Barrio part inspecting olitcor was Ooh Delaware Milli ED the Director of Militia and Csdotsirarn Anny lieut auaneraottm Oncottho highlights of the closingexercise was the catalioa of awardsfby oelamero to the following cad Bast Cadet lav CampCs oet Motor Wifliatn Rothcreel Mll vgtxi Mlitiertoa District itigh ltoat 0adetDriver and his ohanic CorlissCadet Molar Gerhard Harps RR Banners Elmira District High Sdrool Bast Cadetle and Tole grsph Coons Cadet CSM Robert Donald Oshttie Oak villchafsigar alga School Buttcidet Rifle Conchita Course Cadet Brion halter Brampton Brampton High School One of tbs outstanding achievements of this years camp was the Rifle Coacth Course teams participation at the Dominion of CanadaRiiia Association shoot at Ooanaugbt Ranges in Ottawa They came back with an impressive Win placing first and second fertile Lt Gen otter frorriry ICadet latecproviacisl contest and art oitrer record placing of tire cadets for the rose Bislay Team to Blsioy England Construction Workllnderway jShovsbrniralhv To Trespassors 0n Concession Road Underpass An underpass bridge is utt dor construction in West twil ilmhury Township on lilghwny too to accomodato the thirteenth concesslanuono oithe last con cession roads to have had acc ass to thslllghway The contract price for tho protect it 5152000 it will take another two and half months more or less to complete said Mr Gino protect fore as man for if Morgan Const ruction Co of Toronto Excavation of the underpass which was done by King Coast ruciion and which called for the removal of 00000 cubic yards of soil was hindered by excessive wuior sceprtgs Equi moat fro auonlb bogged down in the wet aep clay company spokes man explained Forms are being erected for the abutments ltir Gino expects pouring of the concrete abut meals to start early next week Over hundred tans oi rein iorcing steel and thirteen hund red yards of concrete will go he to the construction of the under pass which will be 1st feet long and as foot wide The sides will be refilled with gravel tram ncorby gravnl pit Tbs fourloos bypass paved will be torn up and all flli removed down to tho original ground surface up ion completion oi the underpass Company Founder Retires As Head LTj Rosscr president and general manager of ittansiicld Rubber Canada Limited Bar rie announced his retirement fromtha com any Mr Rosser ouadcd Mansfield in Barrie in 1055 for the mom uiacturo oi Special Brand tires Framthc slrt of manu facturing in July 1955 the coin pnny has been run on ocon tinual 24hour basis for the past savcn years The first million tires had bccn produced by rat and that milestone was marked bya ccl cbration with represents from Barrio as well as aupp tiers customers and the press fram all parts of Canada Mansfield has been in con stant expansion from the time of its founding and today ships tires throughout Canada with large part of production going into export in many parts of the world While an offer for an assign ment in California with US aifiiiate of ltiansiicid Rubber is undcr consideration Mr Rosscr said his present plans trove not been corn ictcd Original Mr Rosscr come t= ROSSER to Canada from California in 1052 as key executive with another Canadian tho manufac turing company successor will be announced in the next few days No trespasscn were given day in jail but won the sympathy oi the court when they appeared before Magis trate 1enrso in Barrie court house yesterday After hearing testimony that George Giroux at and Ronald Duclos so both of Montreal had been iorrnd walking beside cars in the freight yards of Canadian National Railways Magistrate Pcarso commented Presiding over case like this always feel the urge to reach into my pocket and offer some assistance However there are so many cases of this type that ii did help would have very little to take home to my wife The two men speaking through an interpreter said they were unaware they were not allowed to walk on the rail road property work and wore hitchhiklag through the province that hitchhikiag was illegal in Ontario but said he hoped someone would be kind Buffalo are Hunting Oil OTTAWA tCPlcherai nus thorich are deeply concerned over an outbreak of deadly an thrax among buffalo in the Hook Lake district of the North west Territories 500 miles due north of Edmonton An estimated 150 animals in herd of 2500 have already died at the swift killing disease and crows have been florvn late the remote regioh to burn or bury the Infectious carcasses Hook Lake is in the area in which buffalo hunting by sports men hos been opencd for the last two years This falls hunt ing season has been cancelled because of the anthrax aut break within it hours oi the first symptoms it used to be fatal to humans but prompt use of antibiotics will cure it At Barrie Fcrir Grounded lly srswnnr recs Agricultural chrcsontatlvo North Simone Our report for today is prim arily for Junior Farmers and Hi Club members for whom lwish to announce the an nual Livestockand Seed ludg Xing Competition which is to be held at the Barrie Fair Grounds Wednesday Aug so The competition is sponsored faintly by the North and South VSlmcoc Junior Furmcrs as sociations sad is conducted by the offices of the North and South Simcoc branches oitho Ontario Department of Agri culture with ludging assist aInco from neighboring coun tcs MANv cosssss The competition will consist of judging two classes of dairy cattictwo classes of beef cat tie and one class each of swine carcasses sheep cereal grain small seeds and pola tons to addition there will be an identification of weed and forage plants The judging of livo hogs has been dropped this year due to the danger oi hog cholera The whole competition is div ided into three sectionsnovices juniors and seniors novice ls onervho has never hetero taken part in lodging comv petition The juniors corrslst of farm boys and girls 15 years ai age and under and the son iors include all others to tags years of age in the North Simeon section of the competition $75 in cash prizes are awarded and win more oi the various classes are given special nwordsor troph ias believe the prizes and awards for the South lSimcoo division of tho competition are quite similarvfo thasoI httvd inoffenneunced for North Sim parrr tilts hoop years of age and under and is Farmers and 4H Club mem bers would particularly like to remind all Calf Club mem bers that this is their official judging competition to score points for livestock judging in connection with their 4H pro gram so we suggest that club members get in touch with their club leaders andmaka arrangements for all club members to attend the com petition Any club leaders who can attend to assist with the competition will be most wol como Registration of all contest ants will bc held at the horns Barrio Fair Grounds starting he an entry fee of kit and each contestant is reminded to bring lunch for the noon meal in the evening following the judging competition Junior Farmers dance will be held to conclude the days activities It will be lretd in the Commun ity Halt Guthrie at pm All juniors are invited to at tend At this time we would like to remind ailvluniors that it is time to get ready for the ir whether it be school fair ior fair or alll Club Achieve ment Day This year our fairs start all with school fair and 4H Calfr Show utv Cold wntcr the Huronin Fair on Friday Sept with Ore Fair coming along the following week Sept 12 whether you plan toshow livestock or field and garden products or pro parc special displays it is not too early to start getting ready and we hope to see you all at tho fairs For many young people this is also time to give final considerationto education plans for the coming year Some will be getting ready to can or collegiate and there will be quite few who are consider ing entering colic in this friayhnda of special interest to Junior education we can get as is becoming morotnrs each year at 1315 am sharp There will tinud their work at high school if that our future earnings and cnioymcnt of life are depend ent on obtaining an adequate education in the work of our choice Times are changing rapidly and while there seems to be room for fewer farmers each year there is no lack of op portunity for tell trained young people with rural background in many allicd oc cupatlons Our safely slogan for today is Accidents Dont Just lisp pen They are Caused DEATHS By THE CANADIAN FRESS Montreal Glen Mackny prominent newspaper sales and advertising executive andre ccntly named vice president and regional manager at tho CTV television network LondbnSir Alexander Lowe McCall as leading figure in Britains petroleum industry MontrealHorace hlulr Ly stcr 71 president and co founder of Dominion Welding Company MontrealCanon Hubert Cof fin 02 who came imm New foundland in thecarly 1900s case of Montreal Al Brown of lorontoprcsi dent of the Strowmans League of Canada alter short illness MontrealT Vincent Burke or iormerpresideat of tile in stltute of Chartered Account ants from heart attack MacKcican 00 barrister who was former counsel for the con crate trust department of tho ational Trust Company Lim Points Arr Barll latElbert liail Baker 73 of Cleveland do ndlmnrd cko Man fscturrng Company at his Ca nadian fishing camp They said they were seeking Magistrate Poarso warned projects and progress Tire bacteria kills the animal after long illness and served in the Anglican dio Arthabsskc Que Elmer Toronto Frederick Robert Will Produce ll Yearbook Georgian Bay Credit Union Chapter plans to produce yearbook announcedchapter president Jim Wilson of Stroud it would show the vari of activities of the chapte and would list the numercbi and financial strength year book the president said would cnablo member credit unions to keepup to date on chapter The occasion was the first chapter meeting at the new offices of the Simcoc Federa tion of Agriculture on Innisiil Street Other items on tho agenda was the participation of the chapter at all the principle fall fairs in Simcoo County Last year the ciraptcrvslrarcd booth with the Connor Feds oration of Agriculture andCIA but this year the federation re quires all the display space More than 10000 pamphlets on credit union information were handed out at those fairs Ailcr great deal of discus sion by the directors it was decided to refrain from fall fair work this year but to so sumo it next year iira Blue Water Chapter will hold training school for credit union officers Sept 29 in St Marys Hall in Owen Sound Any credit union members of the Georgian Bay Chapter may attend this school The next meeting of the chapter will be held in Drillia labelSonatelle lla Undesirable cross or con Matching of Metrosc Ave nue Barrie is receiving the clot reaction from the French Fronohpassport made out to Jean Albert Seneque Officers Eovcmment Soustello took part in the toss Algerian military rcvolt that re turned President dc Gaullc to power He later became bit ter opponent of do Garlic who contrary to the insurgents ox MN Italy tAPtJacaucs pncetatians pushedibrhlgcriaa Sousicllc former French cab inet officer and figure in the abortive rightwing movement to black Algerian independence has been arrested by lloiian pas lice and ordered deported as an undesirable alien Police said the buycacold Soustciic travelling on false passport would not bc expelled to France but would be taken to the frontier of his choice There was no immediate ofii CORRECTION Found guilty on charge oi operating vessel whiic towing water skler and failing to have second person in the boat to watch the skier Anthony Coohslcy of Lsaside was third 20 and costs in Barrio Magis trates Court Tuesday it was erroneously report ed in Wednesdays edition that Mr Coolrsloy was guilty of criminal negligence itrc Examiner apologizes for the mistake in reporting lhfltiamtm dependence itaiian poiioé said Sousicllcr flew Roars to Milan Thursday travelling on NOTICE or CHANGE IN frrrsoustaoruo nouns gar Sticklfrom Col ill Delamere John was picked from 240 cadets to command the parade Commanding Ofilccrs Swag National Defence Photo supra answer TIME Picking cf the rear apple when crop to Simon Counb has al ready begurr it Roth wdi Giiford started bion day Aug 1s to pick an ov crago crop of cookingeating apples known as Melba They are an excellent all round apple says Mr Roth Brian Baker but they spoil very costly and great care must be exercised in handling them llerc Leo Jefferson Gtifo and his friend pro pare to pick another tree Over doren pickers iocai are on the job Photo by Travel Allowance To Be Cut Orr Travelling allowances for gov crament employees to Camp Benton and Mosford have been cutoff effective Sept Collins president of the National Defence Employ ccs Association said all enr ployees who now receive 20 or 40 cents commuting allowance will not receive it after the last day of August Travellingallowances of 20 cents day are paidto em pioyoes wholiva three to nine miles from their place of work Forty cents day is paid for those who live more than nine Toronto women lire Bruised In Collision Two Toronto women were treated for bruises and lacerav lions at Soldiers Memorial lies pilot in Oriiiia yesterday after twocnr rearcad collision on Highway it near Hawkc stone The driver of the following Vdricle Patricia Ann Mclfay at 820 Gicnair Road Toronto and her passenger Diana Mc Cormick of Strathnlicn Bouto vard Toronto were released after treatment Provincial police said the life Koy car collided with tho rear end of car driven by Violet Patterson of lot concession two of Mcdontc Township as the Patterson vehicle went to make aloft turn Botir vehicles were moving south on Highway 11 Damage was estimated at $1000 for the McKay vehicle and $300 for the lead car Tractor driver Walter Boyd was checked over in hospital but not detained altar his trsc tor was in collision with re hicio driven by John Ciaaciotto ill of Rochester New York The collision occurred about half mile south of Strand Mr Boyd of tireNinth Line of Innisiil was driving his tree for and mower on Highway 11 when the collision occurred Police said the tractor was forced into the ditch but was said be rented car drove to Milans central railway termi nal where he ate and made telephone call and then drove to hotel at Brescia east at Milan whore ha spent the night The next morning he wasar rested on the road la Loire Garvin endures brought back to itiilan undamaged Damage to the car was $300 pr wholes businesses miles Daily bus fare from Barrio is 05 cents Mr Collins said travelling allowances were instituted in the dayswhon there was re cnriiing problem He said some businesses paid the bus fares for their employees also Up until 1019 everyone liv ing outside Camp Borden to eeivcd travelling allowance of $15 for full work month and 60 cents deducted for each day or absence Then zone payment for travelling allowances was in troduced and went as high as so cents per day for those liv ing more than rs miles away he said ltfr Cotii over the years there has been several adjustments to those rates allt ways lower until this final on dcr to cease travelling allow anccs HUNTING for really good insurI soon for your home and prop artyl flaw Umbrella iiornaorrnsrs Policy gives you perfect tovcrsga rotten trains barbie Call us today BENTLEY AND COMPANY il Collier Si Suite 302 PA cases We ave some choicoaress In this building avaii rabionow or com up forvacancy soon including ono dentures orieooa sq on the ground floor ids manufacturing forageretail

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