mourn dayofaiong Twenty years ails the IN Dieppe raid still is controversial chapter Canadas war history lilunrov CF war zone modest at Dleppe now publisher of the Winnlprg mom recalls the costly operation and reviews the controversy in this absorb ing article Writtenfor Canadian Press By ROSS Moreno it was the crudest costliest was for Canada Aug to ion when units of the 2nd Division raided Dicppe Yet to this day most of the senior olllcerl involved in the va it was worthwhile that it had decisive payoti in later operations that brought victory The commanderof the force lifakGen ll Roberts wrota me from retirement in Jersey annet IslandsL consider Dieppe was well worthwhile as we learned lot about what not to do0ar later successful landings in North Afrlca ltaly etc could hardly have been carried out without it find we bcen allowed to have ControrIers and greatly increased fire power had to be tested baton any largucale operatimu such as the Normandy landing could be setup with any degree oi confidence or assurance of mo gt nrig 14¢th was badly wounded in landing crstt on on vew navy pre nary bombardment was necessary The operation mowed that more infective directcoverlng and importing firsmust ho provid during the period when the troops actually left the landing craft until they at talned foothold beym the loading bench Also it demon strated that better beach or ganization wasesscnllnl and that more reliable alternative means of communication should be provided and for greater flexibility in the over all plan GREAT GALLANTBY The chief iusticos most vivid personal rocollcction after 20 years is the grent Eoilantryg and devotion to duty courrige shown by the men with whom served in an operation which for most at them was their first experience under hattla condi iininhï¬r it says will recalled for all tints about Di eppo is the ol the men andthe We lost lot of our ottlcera theta by ï¬rst personal Katha try The perlomiaaos of all units had on tnralurlabie cited for good on the Canadian army Donttblpk we dont deploro the loss 01 um people but it wasnt in valnv TANKS LATE Taking it on the highest level of those days the general re calls that lord Alanbroolre then Chief oi the Imperial General Staff told thaBrliisb war ca binet that it was absolutely es sontlal to carry out an opera tion on the Dicppa scale against town that had harbor to show whether that harbor could be captured or not it the bar bor wasnt captured the whole planning for future invasion of Europe had to be altered And it was Gen McNaughton contrary in some other senior officers says hs docsnt quarrel with the abandonment of heavy bomber attack At thetlmc he felt that rcllanccon surprise and on tho circa usranu in whether an out we who led thenn ltitlsToNtbcn Can adas defence minister in lpecis Canadian units that took part in the Dleppe raid lie chats out the so port for tho Nar mandy lsn ing was what was recommended in studies made Di by rat Canadian Corps after Dl lea cope to amen LESSON Barclay oi Peterborough 0nt while on visi tolri taln in October months after the illfated war operation to Phat two been said that Montgomery ad vocotcd the trontal assault as it this is tron hi rned real lesson if one in study the fire plans of any his subsequent battles Gen it Crarar than commander of the ist Corps from which the 2nd Division was drawn and now living in retirement in Ottawa holds to the view that the urn at Dloppe raid undoubtedly was in the fi not result proved to be probably the most valuable contribution One of the nagging questions about the operation itacli is whether or not the Germans were forewarned about the raid litany veterans of the operation whosaw it from the platoon le vclrnra still convinced the am my was ready and waiting Most of the outdoors from study of Allied andenemy doc two old battleships or cruisers Dicppe might have been very diiferent story FAVORED BOiilBlNG Goa Roberts who suffered slight stroke in April from whicbahe hnamado arfinere oovcry bddcd We lost 70000 at Singapore and 25000 at To tanks shooting thelniantry across the esplannde into the town would do the Job But the tanks werelntc landing Neither does be support the view that battleship would have affected thenperatlonaui ficlentiy to Justify the use of such capital ship He believes tions and for so many their urhnps it is small comiort for those who lost their hue bands and sons in the Dicpps operation but think they can feel great pridevond some soils tnction in realizing that the sacrifice of these courageous ills MAP basedon one ndlan Dir landed on Jecive broken arrows the Col Staceys book bcachesrottnd Dioppe Their operation collapsed and sur Slx Years oi War shows move iniond solid arrowsl whcra units of the 2nd Can was far short oi planned ob vlvors were evacuated by boat Ncwsmapt bruk and learned very little to help wan the war Dieppe cog tributedb ioivrnï¬rdsour sie ccsslui landing in France on men undoubtedly saved the lives of many thousands of their commas tor and contributed substantially to it would have been sunk for sure and there were never of the war to final and decisive Allied osp MaiGen Churchill Mann de Wiihiï¬rl the bitter ie no of that day Goa Crerar says the uments docsnt bear thi bntrthnrararetreaioiMr ï¬ngering suspicion The princi out iii pal one lstirnt the raid was or iginally scheduled for hurt and had to be cancelled be cause of bad weather All the 5000 troops had been fully the final victory LLCol lilcrritt who commanded the South Saskt chervnn Regiment in succo ful landing at Pourvlilo on tho rightilank and won the Victoria Cross said it is bcsido the point to argue whether it was worthwhile or not ltADlO BROKE DOWN but clcorly as it turned out we suffered trom lack of preliminary bombardment on the centre beach and lack oi sufficient firepowcr alter the puty military commander for the raid who now raises Abor dccn Angus cattle on his farm near Toronto says that ol course it was worthwhile LEARNED BY FAILURE Without the improved lech niquos equipment andtrnining including the working together of the three services and the realization that it would require far vaster effort by the Allies to reenter Western Europe all of which were direct results oi Dinppo fecl certain Ddoy Ive often bech asked why we did not bomb Dicppc The original outline planvdidicall for bombing certain targets on the night prior to the raid but this was called off for political rca sons few days belore the raid we were told we could use bombers butlafler consultation with Leigh Mallory air vice marshal in charge of the air operations we decided against it He said they might not even hit Dieppe let alone the targets supremo Allied command would have proceeded withplnnning for the invasion of Europe on assumptions which were dan serously faulty and Which briefed and when they returned might have had disastrous re from the ships to their camps he lb WNW in southern England it would elation W85 Milly lnrinchcd have been miraculous if some Dcnis Whitaker now senior indiscrcct comment about Di husinoss executive in Toronto eppcwasnt mndc somewhere who fought on tho main beach by some of the men in the sub as captain with the Royal scnuent weeks heard few Hamilton Light infantry also breachnsot security myself but said it was the work done that doubt very much if any on Augurt day that helped save so LANDING CRAFT draw away from motor torpedo boats in the English Channel as Canadian troops to years ago started the run in to the beaches at Dieppc France CP from National Defence Canadian Ship Is Picketed CLEVELAND tAPtThe Sea way Quean Canadian vessel pickoted tviule her cargo of iron ora was being unloaded here left before dawn Friday The AFL C10 Maritime Trades Department picketed the ship Thursday protesting what it termedra lockout oi the Seafarers international Union tlnd of Cnnad Stanley Varcs department secretary said any other ships coming in from Canada also would be picketéd No attempt was made to stop the unloading of the Seaway Queen Wares said his imion has no quarrel with the United Mine Workers union which was dointhhe job Racial BarHirit Causes More Help TOEONTO CPtThertiniver arty of Toronto has been inun dated with offers of accommo dahon since it disclosed that some 500 landlords declined to sign icate pledging not to discriminate on racial grounds Jordan Sullivan president of the Students Administration Councrl said Friday the tele phone has been ringing ever since the story came out The callers asked to be placed on the accommodation list kept for the benefit at out oftnwn sludcnts and staff mem bers Al aid they would Dr cl Hill director oi the Ontario human rights com mission has launched an inves tigation into Thursdays charges by the uniVersitys housing committee that about onethird ot the landlords ap in an inter view therein soriousdiscrim inntion problem iirTor but its hard toptn dawn Negro students have too in ii comrnoni sense and son sitrvity to go around shooting off their mouths everydlmo they into discr Try An ExamineWant PHONE PA Hm Austerity Lowers BBG Membership OTTAWA CPlGovernment Austerity may keep the work ing membership oi the Board of Broadcast Governors down to 12 men and woman Appointments oi two new parttime members to bring the regulatory hoard up to full strength of 15 are considered un likely by qualified observers here at time when all fed oral departments and agencies are being asked to trim their budgets Three oi the BBC members are on lull time and draw sal ariiesi The 12 others serve on part time basis and got $101 day tor attending BBG pub lic hearings and in camera meetings as well as expenses intravelling to and from 0t Iawa askcd for Evan it they did hit chppa the street would be blockodby rubble and our tanks would hover get through Nor would the French people be over joyed to see us We often won dered why combined operations HQ did not ask the Americans to place few day bombers at our disposal but they may havo done so being refused as their bombers were busy in the Medi terranenn LACKED FLEXlBlLiTY Brigr Sherwood Lott cnm mander oi the ith infantry Bria gone and how chief justice of British Columbia says The services had had no perinnce in largescaio amphib nus landings since Gallipoli Tha procedures of combined opera tions on large scale under conditions of modern warfare mm FUELS CALL rust osrr PA 6653l landing The overail plan was rather rigid ltmlght have been better had tho force com mander been ahlo to corrrmit his tanks and reserve battalion after he had seen ivhcre initial success had been gained at Pourviile Buttradio communi cation from the beaches broke down and Gen Roberts was not supplied with enough infor mation tor this purpose Who can say Gen GLi McNaughton commandcr of the rst Canadian Army at the lime and now re 1k tired in Ottawa who verycan didiy stated that the final de that the later landings would have been far less certain of success He nddcd ifll would have been too bad if it had suce needed because an easy suc cess would havecrentcdv the idea in the American mind at least that reenterlng Europe might have been possible in 1942 or 1943 and very likely this would have resulted in co lossalfoilure Gen ltlnnn atsobeliovcs that the raid would have been more cly to succeed if ve heavy sea and air support had becn made available He points ri awaits of success many more lives when the lit licd forccs came to stay two years later But Whitaker contends that the single fact that sinndsout most clearly in retrospect is how early conceived was the origins plan SECURITY LOOSE Ho docsntthink that green troops shnuld have been used no matter borv complete their training He is critical oi the inflexibility of the plan with completeI surprise prime rc heavy preparatory bom bardment was essential it has emy agents ever picked this up rruiirii 1250 or lilEER PAK FOODS FA sosor Week For flm glad chose Mutual Life Ive got security and bio dvdends besides Geththe most from your insurance dollar Guaranteed protection andsavingsf plus high dividends Mu ythema from Representatives lavishirley Avenueth PA 82308 nuereogaetlletiinatnnat origins Pbirflon 128 Quae KEEP PA875ilil Street Ph Pit 0848 ualqufe Assuaaucn GpMPitbtli creations gt onecompiiywinneaiaamagdividendrem