Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Aug 1962, p. 10

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lkflil annals assumes soreness Amnesia in ANNOUNCEMENTS more Wm 1m Oman PROPERTY Fort sate DEMANDS say noon mum CONFmENTLY WITH CALL DAY ON EVENING CW snows ER 8E3 tau 11000 lull as pm or no om ocatednthono and IF leaneramorilsnlg no room on in an anti mrrlxufiila ui all Flee lull plug two piece mail in mono and to WWI cam 57 than is FllCu lilac month including interest prio announoooienl aller hi all Bar cm and rt mansion Clauldcd um DIWAIAt the Royal Victoria BEDROOMS 54 MEWS Tdnlr flung 311700 only it the asking price Andy Dew oi till Little Avenue for um Qumran01 Nick bedroom bungalow Large kit DEATHS then tiled four piece bath lull mm basemenfi laundry Inhaler air oil eating equ ppe wi Ittit alleloliliiluillmit viii aluminum stamina and acreens Low down payment to one NIIA mortgage that carries lor $91 coward in his 70th in Below ed husband all Dobentian monoliy including interest pr1o cl at and taxes brother of William of llllltti BEDROOMS George Toronto iioberi of Wlli oirdaie Waller of Toronto and Mrs Betty iiodntt lovinl lather oi 31illiitlitln lyr tillra wmin GellfilJolkTorl $750 Down Payment Ibrbnld outlawNine Tithtgk 3131mm Plulmlll mmy hlnerat itoala ii7 nnynlie St four bedroom brick bungalow Living room and dining room combination kitdien piece tiled bath large basement with forced air lientlng This prop erty is equipped with storms and only about years old and well located to schools immeds ualrrie Service in Ina am Monday Auruxt to at on inte pomssion with $750 dow payment ierment Si lbhlal Anglican Cem etcry Crailhurst Member ol the Barrie and District Neal htlta lloard IN MEMORIAM UNITYIll lovinl memory Bertha Altllllt IV No one no the footsteps of in angels drawing near Who took from earth to hlltllll lhe one we in so dea The nearly rules it opened gentle voice vald como And with farewell unspoken calmly entered home Jadiy missed by the Very lam CARDS OF THANKS KYLEin the midst or nur aor rnw we wish to explesa our hurt leit thanks and appreciation to our many friends and neighbors or the kindness and sympathy shown us in the loss at be loved husband and lather Mrs Kyle and lamliy oi lwho passed away nanonn FORSTER AND COMPANY Realtors SS BAYFIELD ST PA $6453 ANYTIME FOR RENT SIM NHA mortgage carried at not includingtailesliu Topooioh value or this money COMING EVENTS NGO Stroud Community Hall EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT Doris Nuttyconaba Norm Heskcth Curly Klooslerman Lea anegaova Mllllllon of RI BIHIQ do DIIIHCI Four bedroom house two btlths 590 One bedroom apartments $70 and up IND CALL PA l7S57 PA Hold PA MASS Angus HE Hill Real Estate Board JACKPOT tile 81 Numbers Called DOOR PRIZE EAR YINYWCA invilu women 16 and over to tn Learn to swim Fromm daily It It am at the Lions Pool For inquiries tale phone PA Mm HENDERSON REALTOR 19 COLLIER STREET PHONE PA 67S STEEL ST Ranch style brick bungalow Over 1200 so it Largedinlng and living arca Hanover kit chen Tile bath with vanity Panelied rec room Lot 66 160 In good location of line homes Carries ior $104 For appointment call Emerson Swain WHITE COLONIAL Sunnidaie Road Look it over and arrange to inspect We think you will agree with us that it is Sarries finest The price is in line Terms to suit For up pointment call Emerson Swain avaNnvos CALL am SCANDRETT an user nonorav wrncolt an east eancv anon as some miansON SWAIN no score Member or Barrie nso District and ontaoo Root Estate aosroo Homes Farms Businessos REALTORAPPRAISER ROBERT HODGES REAL ESTATE BROKER no DUNLOP ST EARRIE Phone PA E7236 Opposite and Store VINTERIZED COTTAGE On wateriront Only 555 per month on one year lease INCOME HOUSEFOR SALE Only $2000 down income $1560 per year only 359000 HODGES PA E7238 Says Oil Kings Have No Beet MELVTLLE Sash CPI Gordon Juclres of Melville sec retary manager of the Canadian Amateur Hockey Association says Edmonton 011 Kings were entirely wrong in charging any Bart of an operating loss from st season against the fact the Memorial Cup series was not played last spring in Maple Leaf Gardens in Toronto Juckcs was commenting Fri day on report quoting At An derson Edmonton Exhibition Association manager that the Oil Kings had season deli oi $5000 because their seri against Hamilton Red Wings was not played in Maple Leaf Gardens The report quoted Anderson as saying that playing the games at Guelph Hamilton and Kitchenercost us 525000 because we had to play in these smaller centres Juckes said figures show that the Edmonton junior team shared in larger profit mm the Memorial Cup series this year which went live games ihen they lit in 1960 when live of their sixgames against St Catharines Teepees were played in the Gardens Edmonton received $10600 for two games in 1962 as com pared to $8415 ior their six game series in 1961 he added and it is likely that tax re funds will still give them an other$1400 THREE UNHURT SYDNEY NS CPIA twine engine American plane crashed into the side oi mountain Friday night but its three occu pants walked away from the wreck ivith only scratches The Cessna 172 was all route to Chailoitetglvn from Stephen Ville stand ANNOUNCEMENTS HAROLDgANnEEEnnieRoasoN Emory Nitib 232 Tifiin St PA 61881 ilember ol the Barrie and Metric Real Estate Board HOUSE for quick sale Nice dlao trlct good central location in Jarrte Owner living out at town would like to sell as soon or porr ibic Extta and terms No real estate Telephone 231 IIIWII Wishla Annéurice the ReOpeningfllof STEWARTS ILUNCH SAYFlELD STREET VBARRIEVIEWISUBDIVISION breakfast nook Close to schools Mo Tolepliolfn PAMSZI piece bath and vanity LflCltud on corner lot Oakley Park Square PROPERTY roe sale Ens CONNELL Fiat in Barrie Rome SolosForemost to duality of Service PA 85568 In NK LINES an iiiiu our 0dr Photo rim m0NTHEALAKEFRONTSHANTYM MOST REASONABLE PRICE FOR THIS BEAVTIFULLY KEPT YEARAROUND ESTATE HOME ON THE LAKE200 FEET OFLOVELY WOODED FRONTAGE TALL OAKS AND MAPLESI DESIDE IRE MAIN BUILDING ROOMS AND BATHROOMS THERE IS VERY PRETTY +ROOMED DUN GALOW IN ITS OWN GRO SAND WATER FRONTAGEI GARAGE FOR THREE CA ND STORAGE SPACE GALORE DOCK AND DEEP WATER SOAT HARBOUR WE GUARAN TEE ABSOLUTELY TIIATNO VIEWER WILL BE DISAPPOINT ED IN THIS FINE ESTATE PROPERTY NOW VACANT AP PLIANCES ONLY REMAIN IMMEDIATE POSSESSION AVAIL ABLEI cooeno 134 SUNNIDALE ROAD ONE OF BARRIES FINEST LOCATIONS $5000 down payment is required to purchm one at Barrias prettiest rug brick bungalows citstom built in 1N7 liiia beau ttlul property must be sold as owner is leaving city and ntlera tremendous value for quick salewidi excellent termsi Phone PA 5556 toarrnnge inspection Coop listingNo 660 57 cmaanmu STREET WALKTOTHEJFIVEPOINTSL Here is cozy broomed bungalow with ulcesiono lire lace Ilas goodsired aquareliviagroorri separate dining btg right kitdien two corner bedroomsrand nice white bathroom IMt corner lot with shade trees and single garage complete the picture oi an ideal inexpensive home ior couple or small family Now vacantquick possession CODRINGTON ST ST MARYS SCHOOL AREA RUG BRICK STOREY FAMILY HOME $137 An especially lino example oi periectiy kept spaciously planned house tor lamliy oi or more All rooms are oi generous silooil three bedrooms will take two bedsi The quality of con struction and decorating throughout is ol ilio finest There are Aisco stormsserecn combinations throughout and the high bright and dry basement has laundry and good lorced air oil luroace LEAST axonnsrva HOME IN FINEST aLoclri 91 MELROSE svanua man Its oneowner spotlesst kept brick bungalow set in lovely ranchlenced grounds with an extra wide pnilo at the rear abedroom house with full fllilo mlnum stormscreen equipment nice long living room bigbright kitchen and theres tiled floored rcc room in the high dry pouredwall basement Thaw7 bnnk mortgage carries at only $3342 including taxes EVENINGS CALL MRS III II MOORE ltPA MI FOSTEIL FA Mm ROGERS Ill SIT I7 CUNNELL TA Slilfl MEMBERS EARRIE Sr DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD campEEL REALTOR 32 HIGH ST PA 60241 IA 60242 1N THE VILLAGE OF HILLSDALE halt acre with nice room home lull hnscmcnt good well and cistern Vonderiul garden land Price only $5000 With al000 down balance on one open mortgage SHANTY BAY Six room bungalow full basement oil iuroace 3plece both gor age On main road in village Price 56700 Low down payment roe RENT Two bedroom npt on Kempcnlcidt Dr $8000 per month Two bedroom apt on Grove St $7500 per month Joan Lang PA 86701 Charles Read PA Moll Del C015 PA 84987 Smith Campbell PA 137389 Member at Barrie and District Real Estate Send GRAYDON KOHL REAL ESTATE BROKER 115 DUNLOP ST EAST PA S4252 PA MODS PROUD INVESTMENT Two frontagesone on Codrtngton Street the other on Weldon Crescent Four roomy apartments all newly decorated exterior completely refinished Storms and screens throughout lareed air all heating Asking price only 23 at its actual value VLA PROPERTY At Midhurst till story home Owner has been transferred to nor thern Ontario Name your price Graydon KohlPA 84608 Bill pawnen onloi Marion RutledgePA 35785 Norman Shelswell REAL ESTATE BROKER DUNLOP ST PA coral PA 58742 First Mortgage Funde Available interest 60 oi Value caveman mill roa Loogtln en th vies Willaois PA 34051 Ever tt shsiawall oro am Norman sheiawall PA mei Hoavard Nomegnomes HomesCustom Built To Your Plans New Homes On Display Featuring Open Houses All rower CRESCENT SPRINGlIOME ROAD Various Price Brackets savanna nanny son yous INSPECTION Follow Burton Avelto William St south on William to Baldwin LaneturnleftonLBaldwin Laneand followtlie cono SPRING PA MOST DOUGEOMEEPAHBQT LOU MORIARTY an 61715 SUB DIV OFFICE PAS0641 THREE BEDROOM semidetached FOUR BEDROOM ROI for sale Hot water heating with oil Are tlnuae Landscaped stortlu and screens Tour piece tiled bathroom place etc Sb CIappoliCn Street Telephone PA Holt MARION Crescent Tlileo bed room bungsinw two years old Tully landscaped finished TCCTCfls tion room Lesa than original 1st Low down payment own in ins annular churches and shopping ea tre Low down payment Owner lit snort noun pronouns brlek hornstis Barrio Recreation room large living room dining area our Tunas nonnoosi Brick Bunge loiv ror alien Full basement all heating Located on Wellington Street East Down payment to suit district Landscaped with garden Frtac 527011 and assume mortgage SaturdayAugust l81li transferred Telephone anai1ae PrintcdPattern+4524eHatte io lull price or 514000 Owner purehnaurllelephorio PA 541154 for Partieulara on Esrer PROFERTY FOR SAI LA COUTTS GCO Real Estate Broker Oweofilmt Barrie III NAPIERSTD Lovely aiiunted bungalow in beautiful treed setting Emile ant ior lha retired couple to enjoy this landscaped property and eomlortable home The bungalow newly decorated ieI lures three bedroom living room and kitchen lull base meni spotless condition Must bosee do be appreciated Pull prieo only £11300 For inspec tion nail Joe Vreugdenbli ORO STATION Storey and hail six roamed home with over three acres oi land located on good paved road near lotto Good well and pressure lyatem Four piece bathroom hot water Owner will sell house with approxim ately one and oneguarler so rca separately ll desired Coll Alice Worthington $12001D0WN Plus your signature on easy terms lor the balance reno vuted your around sroom lrame dwelling ioaiuring3a 12 to living room modern kitchen and three bedrooms This prop erty is situated hall mile from Barrie two hundred lcet from initcshore Close to school and store Coil Lawrie Harkcr now and see all the extras too Mellich oi ilarna Ea District liesi Estate Doard PHONES Ollie ponies Evenlnla GORDON COUTT PA S7 WALTER ll OITTSuIA V0 SANDY CIUITS PA was ALICE WORTHINGNNSTRDUD TIMJ LAWIIIE iiAitKERvPA 6345 Jo VIIEUGD LPA HIM GARVEY Real EstatevBroker RR BARRIE TELEPHONE DAY 0R NIGHT PA 87952 itinlvlhor Barrie and District Rcal male Board Keith Marshall REAL ESTATE BROKER PASZSOZ l5 CLAPPDIITON ST BAHIIE FRANK NELLES PA Moll KARL II MARSHALL PA SWH Slumber Barri and Distrlcl lieu Esintii lloaro REDUCED120R 0W SALE Offering lust thnmos in sub division at terriiie saving of $500 eacil Now only $995 down for ad bedroom with attached garage Phone PA 82670 for further information lay ANNE ADAMS Sartre ro SLIM Whether you makeit sleeve lcssorwith short sleevesrthls slimming stepin is must have lashion or busy summer days indoors and out Send new Sizes 14 16 111 20 12 24 Size 16 requires yards s5innhlabric FIFTY arms so cents in coins Ontario residents and cents sales tax the stamps please for this pattern Print plainly SIZE NAME AD DRESS STYLE NUMBER Send order to ANNE ADAMS care The Barrie Examiner Pat tern Departnient 6017ront St Toronto Ont SPECIAL SpringeSummer Pat tern Cataloglondy nowi More than 100 sparkling stylessun sport day dance work travel All slzesi Send 15 cents BILL SUTIIERLANDItil Strand italicssme ransom FOR SATE nLo REALTOR Next doorlotbaimpeml Theatre 45A DUNLOP ST WETSPOINT Just team for this bedroom blmgaiow Small down payment and it carries on one mortgage for one per month Very nice treen lot in us See it now by calling Ralph Boalie PA 66181 evenings PA 60003 DUCKWORTH STREET Very good bedroom bungalow with EXTRA NICE dining room lull basement This is well lrept property on an oicellent lot Cali Happy PAdml evenings PA met ALSO PROPERTIES FOR RENT PA 66481 Member at Harri no Diataiot Snood MOVING For complete moving service nice and easier Cali COOKE CARTAGE E7 STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT gt Essa Rd Barrie PArkway 575 CORBY REAL ESTATE groker Phone PA aztie Sit Dunlap St nidrtaage nosey Avaiiaoia noose MARSHALLPA onto 0sz JONESPA um MURIEL JEFFERYIA SStlli CARL VOODWAimcraomoro Ill will HAIITIISltltPA 82le DELI JERMEYIA MS neat ssrare MORTGAGES we woman out or on years WI pay asth ItsIlIrmA to 17351 handles limo more to late our mortgage iron moo to noon at per not interest on lilo am no Money reclaim to buy Noel and implements Apply lloa No as Barrie Examiner $50 TlLl PAY DAY 11 cosrs ONLY 47c For Two WEEKS Ask For PayDay Loan can PA 60203 Crescent Finance 26 Dunlop St stoma ED MONEY NE ll yeravnn3itiieny have private individual ctients who will turn you money on our recommendation to con solidate all your outstanding accounts with monthly pay merits or low as $2500 They will loan you money ior home improvements or any useful purpose For prompt confiden tial service coll ONTARIO FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS an own RENTALS NURSiNG HOMES ARK IDKN NURSDIG flflltil Built lot this work Saint Ind private rooms kind nursing care gnod land rooms station it gon ltll saunas Talaobona sent strand OFFICES STORES RENT OFFICE aPAcBlor not wait to rated on Collier St Reasonable MOViNG rater Telephone PA sense bov Don target to iransler your We lNSURANCE and 11 you need ellira coverage HOUSES FOR RENT at any kind Montan three bedroom home for ONS tidal Grill lliillll INN ca ago Telephone PA Mm between PA S1801 am pin homc threu bedrooms extra large PROPERTY WANTED Agencies Ltd Realtors Barrie woman so Acres Land Must SUBDIVISION lid Lots registered wanted to rent or buy in the WORKING Home wanted to invest clone and work spare or till Duutuo St SAVE $1500 Selling below value Three bedroom brick bungalow close to schools shopping and our Iinc NilA mortgage Large fenced yard Oil hunting Dining nook vanity etc Leaving town Toioe pilotiii Ill HESS ATTRACTIVE Iwoyoorold brick living room and kitchen Four un finished rooms in bolcment Lovely garden and patio L000 Carriea 395 per month Down pay ment can bo arranged Owncl bile inattransierred 13 Marion Cresr can HOMES WANTED Three bedroom bungalow and older type four bedroom We have good buyers waiting some with cash Call us today Sloutt PA 85901 WANTED 10 acres more or less good house and stream Buyers walt ing Stoutt Agencies Ltd Real tors Snrrie TELEPHONE PA c5901 havegood water supply Contact Emory Miller Real Estate Til ftrl St Telephone PA Sill LOT FOR SALE plan unservlced It Ilth Concesw lion oi Ionlsdi mus Ind Filth sinemd Call collect Hudson asloo Toronto WANTED TO RENT on euv FOUR OR MORE Eadroom HMIIS vicinity or St storys Church write giving detailsrto our all fiarrlo branliner BUS OPPORTUNITIES SERVICE STATION FOR LEASE Barrie and Stroud Complete financial assistance and train ing available it requiredEor details call or write Archie Ed wards Canadian Petrotlna Lim ited 835 York Mills Road Don Mills Toronto Telephone 447 7261 full time in good plying business Money well secured No experience necessary Good weekly income plus pmllts can be carried Rox iii Barrie Exomlncl MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE lst 2nd MortgageeLoansAnywhere WITH LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS TAILORED T0 YDUIt BUDGET IEYOU NEED MONEY Iro oomeildsto dents Pay all existing mortgagor on mortgages coming due llomd improvement Avly worthwhiic cause PA oosoi Mortgage Funding over SimpsonsSears ire DUNLOP or Malabar Ontario Mortgage Brokera Association MORTGAGES lot and 2nd holllh acid and arranged Commercin Ind tellnennn moneys loaned on existing mortgages Earrirjlort ale Brokera PA oiaoi FIVE ROOM Holiso for rent with garage on Highway on live miles lrdlll tiarrte Modem conveniences Available scptambar Telephone PA HSM hh NEW Two bedroom iluogainw for rent overlooking park and buy Double garage paved drive lovely grounds law heating 811 month Telephone on even FIVE ROOM llousa to lit in AL Ilndllt Oil hauling Largo living room Willi fireplace three bed rooms Iivniiabic August 15 Tale phone PA SSIIS liter pln FURNISHED it bedroom houaa or rent Completely new and modern Slllilbin ior business couplo or school teachers Apply Box In RENTALS HOUSES FORRENT satin lqulr PI small water aodlnydre available an as at Queen otnel ham 1n aaoaa lean Elmo beam in use voua noon IIqu for not with than niece bath suitable for 31 ptl Available September AW ToilphoM um VI RODS more or not 11 basement Laundry tuba Ola bub NAvlllrbtrgtlv£mbtrl Tale pbona PA coon AVAILABLE Comfortable um room tam home on and road All conveniences ioiap one ills sing or Houses WANTED mm TWO ID THEII Bedroom Nollfl In Santa Iltttricl bungaicwlypa preferred llaatrea occupancy So With option oi buyin Tam phnll Iir Holllil PA Sit twuri hours oi and 1pm APARTMENTS FOR RENT DELUXE APARTMENTS witiibalconicsand allline features New Building PHONE PA 88040 PA 83188 EASY COMFORT SUMMER AND WINTER Largo new room heated rapnrtrnont on ground lioorio apartment building ndividual thermostats drapes love re lrlgerator and air conditionera optional Onbus line Napier Street area near separate pubv tic and high schools Many oth er leatures Children welcome No pets please PA 85738 PA 85841 anonrwoon rannAca Sell contained two bedroom RPDTIITIEIII Living room kitch cn lull basement with laundry tubs Control location Free parking Telephone PA Billqd BRIGHT AND attractive flak room apartment with private bath and entrance Toronto St district Telephone PA 555 TWO 1100M apartment for rent Furnished Contrli Adult only goal or Mary St or telephone PA FURNISHED APARTMENT living room bedroom and kitchenette Parking space available Telephon PA emu THREE ROOM Tumllhld mbdlfll aparime lao three room on Iumlabcd rlment Central leis ephone PA NOEL APARTMENT TO rcnt Two front rooms Newly decorated hire rilsbed Very central and reason able Adults only III Mary St TWO HEATED largo room apart ments on second tioor No Moots llllliu Examiner tion to children Oil parktnl Telephone FA arose BUSINESS DIRECTORY costs About Low Rates Telephone APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE Mhour service l4 DUNLOP ST PA 6ll42 EXCAVATING FILL GRAVEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUbflED Excavating and Grading Water Delivery Crushed stone Roll yard Backhoe for hire DENNIS ironnn Anne Street Barrio PA 52907 GRADING BACK FILLING ALL TYPES OF Dozer Work J0ilIIK8y PA 82503 INVISIBLE MENDING INVISIBLE MENDING We invisiny mend your suits and dresses We alsoinvisibly mend your upholstery at your home PA 61296 PLUMBING ment to ta SERVICE By Month or Year poo2414 PLASTERING PLASTEIIING AND REPAIRS srucco AND STONE VENEER Free Estimates SAM CRYER PA 6l 1575 STUCCO STONEL QUlKBRlK AND PLASTERING CEILINGS nouns C1 ancnwnvs PATCHES Free Estimates Budget Terms SIMCOE QUiKBRlK Phone A1 5min Vii Letroy 60M Collect PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Hanglng Spray Painting Service Since 1920 RR Same PA 56956 PAVING ASPHALT PAVING vnneor anornnas LTD Barries oldest manufacturers and suppliersol asphalt have opened new paving deport careoi expanding business and will be pleasedto quote ollll any paving job large gov SALISBURY Punrnarniils PA 394m ALL PLUitIDINGand Heating In stallation acrvlco15 above mate erili cosLTotephonc PA M7 WELL DIGGING WELLS DRI LLED runes msrnuco BYLICENSEDDRILLERS roan ESTIMATES Coupland Drilling rs salsa

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