Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Aug 1962, p. 1

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Local orient am new and coalioui sunny tomorrow Low ton Olllt Timeouts sin Wltit no re sen will one telephone mrtocsllfortbsaudneu EditorialDept on com wartfen NESBIlT ire Oxford Parliamentary Sec rctsry to Trade Minister Hoes HEATH ltlacQUAltitlE PC Qucdnsl Parliamentary Sec tPCPeacs River Portia Scarborough rotary to External Affairs Minister Green R8 AN fPCGrenvlllsDundasl Par liamentary Secretary to llcnlth Minister Mnntcilh GERALD BALDWIN mentury Secretary to Prime Minister Dlefeobolror Ann radiation Executive Officer to Prirno Minister chicnhskcr OTTAWA CF The Social Credit party docsnot wish to see federal election held during the coming winter party leader ltohcrt Thompson said iFriday He told reporters following caucus of Social Credlts an elected tire that his party will not support nonconfidcnce motion in the parliamentaryI session opening next most merely to bring down the gov ernment Social Credit will have the third largest number of moms hers in the new Housew The Progressive Conserva tives returned to office with minority government in the FRANK hchEE PCYork Parliamentary Secretory to Immigration Ml nistcr Bell Reds Launch Satellite Amidst MOSCOW Frcmicr Khrush chovlhuggcd and kissed the Soviet space twins and ushered them to honors atop Lenins Tomb today while scores of thousands of hinscovltes roared congratulations for exploits tumultuous herocs wel comecomplete with red car pet traditional bouquets and Red Square ceremonymarked the capitals reception of Maj rindriun Nikolaer and LtCol Pavel Popovlch Khrushchev said the two both svowedly ready for any now as signment had performed wonderful feat of science teeh niquo economy and culture The Soviet Union punctuated the celebration by announcing the lofting oi another Instru4 mentbearing satellite presum ably unmanned in space re search program launched five months ago It is named Cos mos Vill DAY TURNS GREY The day dawned bright and sunny Low clouds moved in however and by the time the cosmonauts arrived the capital was grey as winter The latest Soviet been ex changed embraces with mom bcrs oi top Soviet officials members of their families and their orbital their VRussiun predecessors in space Nikoliwev and Popovich first reported to Khrushchev salut ing himwsmortly nitrifipladgltlz thatthcy were rcndyt carry out any further missions Then Popovlch kissed and embraced his seven year old daughter Nntnshn and took her by thohnnd as he and Nikola ycv waved with the welcoming party to the huge crowd gath ered to greet them WAVES FLOWERS Khrushchev led the astronauts and the Soviet officials on happy march around in front of the welcoming crowd The So viet premier was waving bunch of flowers in acknowledg ment of the cheers of the crowd Khrushchev suddenly took Na kaha Popovichs hand and she relinquished herrtathers The premier had to give her lit tle tug now and again to keep her on the right route The cosmonauis plane landed lust after Khrushchev arrived in another plane from Sochl The Soviet premier was run tanned and apparently rested from his holiday in the Crimea on the Black Sea The cosmonauts arrival was televised and transmitted live dtions to television screens in West crn Europe MAKES IT STICK CHlCAGO AP Mrs Violet Palumbos weapon against books she doesnt like is glue But she has called off her crusadereluctantly Mrs Palumbo 51yearold mother of two teentigers was arrested Thursday in her homo on complaints oi neigh borhood merchants who said they were stuck with volumes of gluesealed paperbacks The complaint by Mrs Sophie Radio book and card shop owner was dropped Friday in the municipclcourt of Judge Joseph Butler Mrs Palumbepromiscd not to do any illegal bookbinding in the future Mrs Palumbn said she had been gluing together the pages of books displayed on shelves oi drug store and card shopbooks she contended shouldnt be sold to young stars but are To OfterDrug Aid Plan arrows CF Provincial rcpresentatlvcs have agreed to carry back to their govern meals federal offer to pay half tho cost of diagnosis treat ment and maintenance of thali domide deformity cases Health Minister Montcilh ao nouncing this result of is fed oralprovincial conference here Friday said he believes most provinces will accept the offer Reports have indicated 56 or more babies were born in Can ada with phocomelin or seal like limbs since thalidomide went on sale in Canada April taskAuthorlties have estimated up to 7000 such births in the world The drug recommended as sedative against insomnia but later used against morning sick ness in pregnant women was withdrawn from sale in Canada March 1962 at the govern ments request DIFFERENT NAMES Williams Mcirell Company of Cincinnati put it on the Cana dian market first under the name Kovadon Frank Homer Limited of Montreal marketed it as Talimel from Och23 1061 Following reports nfbirth do gauges mothers had taken thalirhimide the drug was withdrawn volun tarily by the manufacturers in West Germany Britain and Australia When lilo It had been sold in Europa sinco late faster early Intowithout prescription in West Gen many federal document supplied to the closed conference of fed eral and provincial government representatives Merrell asked the Federal Food and Drug Directorate Nov so moo to reconsider requirement that thalidomide could be sold only on doctors prescription The directorate declinedf The document also showed that between Dec tool and Feb to loinafter thalidomide had been withdrawn from sale ahrnndtltecompnnics mnin tolncd that connection be tween the drug and birth do forrnities was not proved Doc tors were warned against using it in pregnancy Doc and Norm neurons The companies notified doc torshiorch and if 1962 that they were withdrawing thalido mide from sale the dormant said but it was available as late as Aprillz from doctors and hospitals On April 10 the Federal Drug Directorate enlisted ponies sionul organisations in an effort to track down and destroy re malnlng thalidomide stocks and orderedtnspcfer check 50th drug stores and seize any found The federalprovincial confer ence agreed that committees he formed under the Dominion Council of Health to study meth ods of reporting live births availability of medical and sur gical skills for rehabilitation and the provision of such pros limbs At his press conference fol lowing the meeting Mr litan taith issued formal statement saying it was the general view that the thalidomide problem was only smallpart of the much larger problem of con handieaps in children lilarlteflorum Ending Today SACKVILLE NB CF forum on the European Com mon Market and the effects of Britains proposcd entry into the trading bloc ends here to day with shift in emphasis from Canadas position to that of the United States the Com monwealth and the world as whole The Mount Allison University annual summer institute called this your on the Common Mor Jrcteandéth efleeuofcsrimins family will end on an interna tional note after two days of discussion directed mainly at the Canadian result of Britains move He was the leader of conscientious tiietie ev as artificial genital disabilities and severe entry into the alienation trade June to election have no mem bers The Liberals have doll and ihc nor is The social Credit leader also told reporters that Prime Minis ter Dleienbaker has no right to attend tho forthcomingCnm monweelth Prime Ministers Conference as the solo repre sentative of Canada HAS NO MANDATE delegation representing the four political parties in the Commons sold Mr Thompson Tho prlmcmlnisterhed no mandate from the Canadian people to attend the conference minority government Iislecrol Opposition Leader Pearson had done previously Mr Thompson rapped the prime minister for making ions to go to London without irst receiving ayotsbiconit dence from Porliam st Was iiProbabl HOLLYWOOD AIMThe 0f fieiel file on the death of Mari lyn Monroe was closed Friday with coroners ruling it was probable siuclde said the blonde movie star could have died from either oi two lethal drug doses found dur ing an autopsy Miss Monroe known to have at havc been killed by either norm butal barbiturate rchleral hydrate common knockout drop mined number of previous sul clde attempts the team re by an urgent call for rescue Her death discovered Aug in the locked bedroom of her Hrentweod homo involved the some familiar patterneven to hand clutching the phone But rcscuc never came the last time NEWS Wants To Baldy TOKYO Reuters Japan LEOPOLDVILLE healers THE HAGUE Reuterst Dutch and indoncsian forces laws is DutchIndonesian Nations in New York this we the longdisputed territory to take it over next May To Build Engines fence Minister Khrlshn day He as Indian piano Ho should be accompanied by Coroner Theodora Curphey team of doctors said that tempted sulcidebeforc could The pattern of an undetch portedphsd always been halted Govt Kunming SAIGONrfAPl Government ground strand sea fore havekiiied so Viet Cong Guerrillasand capturcdsomore massive operation in mangrove swamps at the southern hp oi South Vietnammllitary sources so rtsd scoreds Dislike 17 Winter Election The Commonwealth eonfen once to deal with Britains pro posed entry into the European Common Market is schodulcd to open Sept ltl Parliament convenes Sept 21 Mr Thompson said winter election wo result only in the election of another minority governmentlt would be better to wait until at least spring NOT WANTED He made two trips across Conadaslaeo the June is elec tion and hadrcschod the con clusion that Canadians dont Wont any immediate election Any party that forced one would be very unpopular HERES ONE Chicago man vlsltlngln London attended hall where everyone except him self spoke with the usual British broad The ac cent puzzled him but he did his best Ha danced with the wife of his host The lady spoke with an especially broad as cool and she also was some what heity When they had finished the round of the floor she was panting Shall we try another whirl askedtho Chicago fientlemum Not now she said im dohaccd out 0h nodhc said gallant lyir touttum Team Decides Munroe Death Suicide The coroners report heavy onpsychiatric Investiga tlonsliowcd long history of psychotic disturbances She long had suffered from fears and depressionsand of ten had expressed wish to withdraw or die Close friends however con tended toa man that aha was happy and had too much to hvo or But the psychiatrists said fu ture plans or hopes meant lit tle or nothing to one in Marl lyns state of mind Money troubles didnt figure either Her will filed Friday in New York showed assets more than $500000 Maiilynlaft no note by her bedside but said psychiatrists suicides seldom Was Marilyn drug addict Among iiddiClhSite was not an addict answered one psy chiatrist She had no physical dependence on drugs only psy chological BRIEFS lympics willropen negotiations with the United States on using American communication satellites to relay television coverage of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics the for eign ministry said here today Aeronautics and Space Administration and the Japanese postal services min siry will meet lnTokyoahoutAug 25 Denies Rupture With Britain Officials of the USlNatlonal IheCongdlcso foreign min istry denied Friday pressseports that the central government was about to savor diplomatic rdatlons with Britain An official saidfthero is no question of rupture in the diplo matic relations with Great Britain gceissrneinaieonion An official ceasefire between in disputed West New Guinea was proclaimed in the territorys capital of Hollandia today The Netherlands news agency reported The ceasefirefol agreement signed at the United ok for the phasedihoudovcr of Indonesia which will officially or India NEW DELHI Reuters Soviet jet engines for supersonic gt ii fighters are due to be blade in India from next year Do Mcnon told Parliament Fri ratt face The engine willpower dsy Highest 51sinay Ai CNE TORONTO CF ideal weather and plenty of advance publicity brought holidaying crowds flocking to the titth opening of the Canadian Nao tlonnl Exhibition Friday The opening day crowd reached record 118000 compared with the previous record of rupee in 1960 One maioi drawing card was an lntematlonal swim marathon in which 35 entrants splashed through otdcgrce Lake Ontario waters to win total of £15000 in prizes The l5mlle race was won by Herman Wlliemsc so lschool teacher from Utrecht ollnnd in six hours fill see ads flat cutting 16 minutes one second fromtho record time he set last year Premier lean Lesago oi Quo bec officially opened the CNE Friday at 3pm when be flushed button releasing to nrrage bombs over the water front ft was the first time Quehccprcmler had officiated at thevopenlng and Mr Lesage sold his presence is principally the expression of your thought fulness and friendship towards the people of the provinco of Quebec CUTS SWINE SHOW Although the annual swine show here hnsbcen cut out of the program doc to government legislation enacted in an effort cholera epidemic horses and livestock havabecn coining into Elbe mammoth foll felr hero for oys The agricultural part of the CNE will have staggered times for the arrival of animals and the lodging of them so that there will always be livestock here until tho close of the show Sept WASHINGTON tAPlGenrgo Humphreys defence of multtrnlllion dollar nickel deal with the government will be re named in the Senate after an indefinite coolingoff period dustrlallsts hearing before Sen ato investlgatorseoded abruptly Friday after shooting match between Humphrey ondSena tor Stuart Symington Missouri Democrat But Symington chairman of the Senates special stockpile investigation promised that Humphrey or any other wit ness will be called to testify if this is requested by counsel or any memberoi the subcommit mlu But before that Syndngton said subcommittee investiga tors and auditors will reenam loo Humphreys testimony and records of the Hanna mining complex on the much disputed 393000000 nickel stockpile con tracts caucuses aerosol at Republican who refusal to let Humphrey and said in an interview he will in sist theybe recalled later Chairman ZSymingtonvdlsre bers of the subcommittee and wltnesses Bush contended Humphrey tho senldr the chain of llnnnacom panics until he sine treasury Myopia sra crow Ont CPtiwe men are dead and suffering from injuries to curb seurrentprovlneewidsv ngb tomorrow 75 For full rurnmsrg turn to am the Than 7cpor CopyEd Posse Judge firmnesltlnion or Violating Order TORONTO CPSMr Jusch Norris hsscrackod down on thamaverlck Scsisrors In tcmntlennllhdon of Canada in his bid to win truce in inter unlon warfare that is disrupt ing Canadian shipping in Amsrl can lakeports Faced Friday witha refusal by the SlUto use its influence to end American unlen harass ment of Canadiaaishlps the os yesrold Jurist demanded pcr sonel appearance and explana tion from BIU President Hal Banks lio summoned Mr Banks to appear Aug in when his one man investigation resumes into waterfront labor violence and shipping dismptions Mr Justice Norris accused the SW of trying to use his one man federal Inquiry as prop agenda forum in violation of his order against such activities UNION flltPElRTINENT lie also told SlU lawyer Bruce Thomas that be consid ered the union tmpcrtinent in expressing regret about his at tituds onshlpplng disruptions The tough minded judge is trying to get to the bottom of long brewing violent union struggl between the SW and two rival bodies the Canadian Maritime Union and the Cans dlan Brotherhood of Railway Transport and General Work ers both affiliates of the Cana dian Labor Congress The conflict is being waged around the ships of the Toronto bssed Uppeerakes Shipping Company Mr Justice Norris heardfur thcr evidence of shipping delays encountered by vessels of the Upper Lakes line in recent days in Chicago Cleveland Duluth and Milwaukee in each case the ships are either being boycottcdby long shoremcn or picketcd by men The 72Ayearnld Cleveland ln sharply protested Symingtoas squad of Hanna associates con tlnuc their testimony Friday garded the rights otother mem carrylng signs protesting against Nickel Hearing CornesTo Halt With Heated Shouting Match secretary in loss angered Sym lngtonby telling reporters that mm Frederick Priidldfd 53of voted Symlagton quoted Humphrey as saying to newspaper men They dont attack the former president Eisenhower direct so they are attacking me This is stab in the back Senator President Bush Con citizens whohad been called as lockout of SW arm by the company Howeversomo of the ships are being handled by thorocrews SUPPORTS SW SW lawyer Bruee Thomas telephoned Mr Banks In Mono real and then told the commis sion that the Maritime Trades Department of tho AFLClo in the United States is sup rtlng the aw in its dispute wth the Upper Lakes line He said the SW could not and would notuse its future once to stop this support it is the intent of the Bill to co operate fully in this inquiry said Mr Thomas But the judge took differ ent view and ordered SlU Pres Ideal links to appear in per ion to explain the situation He also ordered SlU agent William Glasgow to ppeor Mr Glasgow was identified as one of the pickets in photo graph tokcn Thursday in Cleve land of picket line protesting the unload ng of Upper chokes freighter Seaway Queen on identification hotly disputed by the SIU The inquiry was told by CIU officials that Mr Glasgow was at the Lnkchcad when the photograph was taken Mr dus tlco Norris ordered Mr Glosa gow to appear himself to testify where he was TwoIntiuesls Wednesday Coroners juries will sit on Wednesday to hear evidence re garding the deaths of two men in accidents in the Barrie area in recent weeks Dr Shannon will preside at the inquest intothodenth of John DeWoty of in Lyndhurst Court Torontovictim of canlruck accident on Highway too en SaturdayAugust Both vehicles caught fire on impact nndltho dead mans bodyrwas charred beyond recognition The second inquest concerns the death in twocar smash Stroud on Friday June til The accident occurred near Palnswielr on Highway it Dr Forrlngton is to pre side at this hearing and lungs have tlot develep ed nough loususll than

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