mlmhwh Syracuse rally that netted Till mm aw Lth Im mum iDIIIM Simrookil 1m homered menu niy dIyln his debut for the Suns Ns cloutId Inotbar In thI Ismnd also contributed some Inn hittluanyMntu hII double ilaurcd In tworun Indrr to Atlanta couple Curler third inning and his oi weeks In to it he could IIcrtItco fly to ther Westerner iousrs Veteran Weslock LONDON Ont CPI Dott nilvorbu Iudd the man of the bourlin MSllynldlln IInI ndimlBIï¬leVr Ilia tMv dorm Illlt torla Ptdl Drowniio of To St Muhle lent Roy Meta Bob Wylie of Calury Seder their tynrold bonus mm 3mm dump MIMI INS cheman ICIIII Dion Conan of Kitchener IN MMIrma mm mm mind and thy Brownies ItIl toil shImoionshtn out the regain thI winning touch HI IIxttL puertarv IlnaIIIroll today in at lb three In ornItionIl nIItchII icIt In the tut dwind llnl ileid fhe hix blonds Coirnrian ï¬tted oIItIrn enthnIiutI ursday with coollyarming one we over veers Wellochpcl Tomato in tha third round For brIei Warlock 196 Canadian Implon Ind current Ontario Open and ma tour chIrnoion wore the hem mIniiI lhI tyearoid Nick IN Thursday Inidro is hole round were Icheduled for tom the uuan icriInIiI and the umIIuiIiI Slivarbera was drawn in thI ouIrter iInIII IllIIIII Tom Draper oi Royal Oak hitch who knocked oil Jim Scluonr oI SuitItoon and Ind Merle Noyes at Port Coiborne Ont FORMER CHAMP ADVANCES Lod lhI other interoIlionIl IttrIo tionr tor todays morning round round In hutch that had been Brewers moved Ilene in the he wrlldelr balhhoocdu lite Ir with aIndt win overIII Dol olllaadon Ont Doll was Indira when Brownlee called or ruiina It the nth hole where Dole Itrppedon bIli mIrlt In In lumping gtlILmnSI ruling went to Ihakeo he ullirmtatv loIt hII int and the match OJhcr Iecondround IcoreI Ins ciu ed Noon deIoItId JIcIr on 0ni one Wylie deleIted StrItlord Ind itth lie wn lined 3250 mm home Icr coupler gob Fair to ed net to Atlanta BARRIE DISTRICT CENTRA RAD IX EFERENCE 196263 Collins Etymological DIctlonsr The Plains of 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