Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Aug 1962, p. 2

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Britainllpprovcs Coloniesllnion vaDON titeuteraiBrllato today are Its approval to union of its tiny cotorw oi Aden on the tin of the Arabian Postin lull tltbthd neighbouring ted erottoa at soth Arabia But the government empha sired that the union plan should not affect British sovereignty over Aden or the British gov ernors reserved powers has communique issued at Indonesian Group SCSIeSMdiorwo as unnota aronntsonl sraansamzxasnwen FRIDAY AUGUST terrain ol sawtoothed moun tains many of the 700000 natives have never seen white man or flying machine They still fight with spears and stone IXEI indonesia says it will begin Canadian Press Staft Writer The nonaligned indoneslan regime with its iriendly links toAtoscow has scored major triumph over NATO member CRASH TOOK ONE LIFE INIIIHED THREE OTHERS young girl was killed and three others injured when this car folded itself around steel post nonr Johannesburg South Africa niicr skidding out of control The impact almost out the car in two Ironltaiiy sign on post indicates parking is forbidden AP Virephotoi 1962 the end of nearly mouth of secret talks here said the mar ger plan had been completed durlnc the contcronee Colonial Secretary Duncan Sandys in formed ministers irom tdea and the federation that their proposals were acceptable to the British government ADEN titcutcni Spokes men for Adcna two strongest political parties today criticised the result of the Aden constitu tional talks in London The general secretary of the newlytermed Peoples Socialist Party AbduloAlnsnng who also leads the Aden Trades Union Congress comment aned auccesrlul general strike on July 23 in protest at the talks and we mean to main tnln this policy All Mohammad Lnomnn sec rotarygeneral oi the People Congress the small but pow fui intellectual party said Our position is as clear as the fact that neither the federal council or the ieglslativeccun cli is representative enough to reach an agreement INNISIII NOTES Many Topics Covered ago erly where the owners havooot At Council Meeting by ROS request from the owner of Parsons Dance Hall to be al lowed to open on the holiday Monday at midnight was plnccd heioro Township Council at their meetingthls wcck Mr iarsons explainedthat owing to having restricted ni tendnnce to coupios and mom bershlp he had lost heavily this summer and needed the mid night dance to help make up some of the income He was asked to leave the matter with Council for later discussion However when Reeve Cochrano asked for an opinion and said he would be willingtomako an exception ior one night Deputy Reeve Campbell said that so for as he was concerned there was no change In his mind on the matter Other members of Council did not express them selves Thc bylaw prohibits the use of dance halls in the town ship after midnight PLANS FINALIZEI The plans presentede George Burton loathe revamping of the township buildings were no copied unanimously and Mr Burton presented the specifica tions which will allow tho tend ers to be received it was grced these should be in the hands of council by the lost of August so that thcblds could he considered at tho Iirst Sop tcmber meeting The time for completion oi the front otiices will he set by the end of the month with the changes to be made in the Conncll chambers rbullding including offices for the ipoiice department to follow all to be completed by an early fdate Tenders arc to bc adver tised for iGWILLIMUUH DITCII The owner of lands through which the ditch draining the swamp on the south side at the County road in West Gwlllim hury runs has requested that some action be taken to have ihls dtch moved claiming that it Its causing loss to his property iwhen it overflows war the dry season this year he has had good crop with no flooding one of his first in some you The ditch crosses the Innis ill farm to end up in the south innlstil ditch to make its way pnst Highway an under which laccordtng to claims it makes direct and natural coursclo the iver However the culvert un der this road is not low enough to drain the water report from the lnnlsiil township en gineer was rcadnl the time and this advised that the ditch should not be pushed over to innisfil This is an oldstory with lot of discussion behind it and one time went as far as an appeal N0 CLAIMS Clerk Richard Groh report ed on the matter of Mr Alex Shnkcll who had been to the previous meeting of Council to claim that he was doubly asses sed for house both residential and commercial Port oi the building was in use as hair dressing establishment Mr Shakcll had bccn to the office and now was ready to withdraw his claim having been convin ced that there was no dupilcnt inn Assessor Robert Sprouia told the ralcpayer ntitho for mer council meeting that he was not being doubly assessed and he wouldrbn readyingnova this bélere Court or Envision iltr Shnkcil now has accepted his assessment as received ZONING REQUESTED petition to require that pro pcrty on plan on the north side of the 10th line he consid cred residential only area was referred to the Planning Board for their consideration and report THREE YEARS BACK report on dratnngo which was handed to the Township Clerk in April 1959 was brought forward and finally approved The matter had been in my once the report having been lost in the files Council recom mended proceeding with the work known as the liaison Dlt cit DONATION TO MATCH Ken Ralston representing the South Stmcoe Plow Match was present to ask for the usual donation at $25 The Match will he held this year on the farm of Herb Hughes at Fennells Cor nets on October 24th The de nation was approved FEDERATION vTAX The Federation oi Agriculture oi the County will receive the sum or thntllclt share oi the ball mlilrtax which is imposed on form property in the town ship This tax is only on prop objected to the levy it is down some from tho prcvlotss year NHWEOAHD ltitncls Point Association have appointed nominating commit tee to bring in list at slate oi olticcrs for their revamped association to be known as itiin ets Point Residents They plan for monthly meetings during the winter as well as in the sum mer Election of the new board will be held in one week Knock Trips CookstoWn Knock defeated Cookstnwn 73 last night at Knock to take or lead in tho bestottivc Smith Slmcoe Baseball League semi final series Don Shannon fired threehit ter at the visitors and aided his own cause with pair oi runscoring singles Gary Harris and Don Martin also had mobile for Knock oil the deliveries of Wayne Hughes FourHi game is scheduled for Conkslown Saturday at 645 pm CaveIns Caused By CitysMines MANCHESTER England tReutcrsiTbls northern in dustrial city is sitting on coal mine and factories houses the local river and water pipelines are in danger it was reported today The national cont board which runs the stateowned mines is still digging out vast cool field under the in dustrial Bradford and Coily burst areas of the city caus ing severe cavclttns on the surface 1000000ucuhicfoot gas storage tank has tilted and now can only hold half its nor mal capacity fire station and public swimming pool arc sinking and part of the man laid brickbed of the River Madway has collapsed Civic authorities also re ported that watcr mains and sewers are breaking cracks are appearing in buildings and roadsand many houses Its Harveét Time At No 24 SuSsex by KEN KELLY OTTAWA CPLits harvest time at at Sussex Street crew of we rkm en swarms around the heavilyladen crab applo trees that screen the front of the greystone official resi denco of Prime Minister Dicfc la apples crsbappio telly for the Prime ltiinlster and his official guests its one ofhsfavoriis confections The coincidlng appointments as week ago of ill anliacc ltic Cutohcon of Toronto to the Senate and to the cabinet as minister without portfolio raised speculation that tho sovycnrold businessman might become gov ernment leader in the Upper Chamber Hequlckly ruled that out and the stream of capital gossip turned to Senator Alfred Brooks 71 former veterans minister and senator since 1060 The Senate lender now is Senator Valtcr Ascitlne GE yearoid Cdnscrvativc from Sas katchewan who has government loader Sincu lass Senator Ascltlnc has indicated privately that he will relinquish the task involving responsibil ity for planning and piloting government legislation who Parliament meets Sept 27 Another name mentioned is that rat Senator Mark Drouin Senate Speaker since 1957 Nor mally the Speakershtp alter nntcs from Parliament to Parliament between French spenklng and Englishspeaking Senators ii is not an elective post as in the Commons but one that is made by the prime minister Both Senators Drouin and Brooks are longtime friends or ltir Dicfcnbakcr Congress Thanks GenrvMacllrthur wasnrnorou tAPl Gen could muster and acceded to to trouble loaded Southeast Asia an Just asanother NATO ally It Portugalviound reason in be WU classroom the roles the United States in the loss at tiny Goa so The Netherlands may also have reason to be dis wpport in opposing Indonesias takeover oi West New Guinea Faced with the prospect oi fighting lonely and costly war In averse tnnglochoked territory the Dutch government has yielded with all the grace It President Sukarnos demands that it getout of Dutch New tnir educational campaigns but may be certain the natives receive an education highly sympathetic to the Indonesian use The blunt reality for tha West is that inst as neotrslist india upended its territory by pleased with the lack of US it ng over Goa so has lode sis been able to expand by in over West New Guinea While the US may belied Nelhe lands through the North Atlan tic alliance American diplo mats growth Portugal and the are acutely aware of the Guinea as quickly as possible OTFTTFESVEFYEIiNsmEmdeTstIe on on all The Aug to agreement signed at the United Nations turns over West New Guinea to in This may not help promote oi nonaiigaed political forces and are cliveiy courting these forces bymaking clear warmth and cohesion among the NATO allies but in per suading The Netherlands to play ball with Sukarno tho US at least has helped restored peace in troubiuome area EH donesla next May after tem porary reign by the United Na tions And indonesla has agreed to allow the Papuan natives to decide in seven years whether they want to remain part of in donesla or become independent The chances that the natives YOUTH COMMITTED will choose independence in TORONTO CPiGnryltlc Seen in the corner of the Ewart at it thlowdals seven years are small In this Corkell lit was committed Thursday for trial on charge of capital murder in the April it death of Ronald McLeod gallery and the house the Reach Owners oi the plant lestplont on the left is an arc lttr and Mrs Alfred Lev ti and half foot high toms in Toronto See story page to plant growing in Belle AmeExaminer Photo WEEKEND EVENTS BANDS MODEL AIRPLANE TheLlndsay Eoys Band will Model airplane flying at Bar gire concert in St Vincent rte Airport Sunday beginning Park from to pm Sunday at pm If there are high Salomon Army and winds or rain it will be post and openair service will be POiled held at the Five Points hays field and Dunlop StsSunday beginning ate BOAT CRUISES Onchour cruises on Delaney Boat Lines leaving Harrie dock at are and 330 Saturday and hourly on allstar cast Both in techni color plus cartoon Sunday DEN stun starring Charlton lieston At the Shanty Hay Drivoln Theatre today and Saturday N0 TIME FOR SERGEANTS with Andy Gritfiths and Nick Adams and downstream FINN with Eddie Hodges and Tony litandnll in technicolor cincmnscope plus HARP statements For the second time in the memory of veterans on Parlia mont Hill the Senate may be nskcdto declare living sene tors scat vacant when Purlln ment meets Sept 27 The British North America Act states thatwthe place of notor rtwo ssi sot parilament he iails to give attendance tntho Senate Senator Thomas Iarquhar o7ycaroid LitiieCorrcnt Ont merchant has missed the last two consecutive sessions He has been in ill health In thosc circumstances the clerk of the Senate reports the fact to the Upper Chamber when it meets and his report is consldcrcdyby the Senate committee of standing orders and privileges On adoption oi the report the scat iadcclnred vacant similar situation arose in January 1957 when the clerk reported that Senator Duties of Pctcrborough Ootl confined to bed with lengthy illness missed two consecutive sessions The Senate committee opened study of his report but Senator Duffus an Ontario Liberal like Senator Farouhnr died before final action was taken to vacate his seat The Duflus case was the first since lSls when two Sennia seats were declared vacant MUSEUM shawingAthe6d BC to the present including the tools he usodthrougb the ages on display at Simcoe County Museum open week days it to 530 pm The anyflbmnnm at pm Ontario by Premier Robarls on LIBRARY the steps of Queens Park Barrie Public Library at Co Sprlngwmr Park liar and litulcnster Sis is open DRiVEiN THEATRES from an em to 580 pm At the Huronia today and Saturday and the adult do Saturday liiASTER OF THE partmcnt is also open from WORLD wrth Vincent Price to pm FURY IN PARADISE with an MOTORCADE ARRIVES TORONTO CPIThe Trans Canadu motorcade was nitl cialty welcomed Thursday to STOCKsBONDsMUTUAI suuos RESEARCH ADVICE without obligation NISBI THOMSON AND COMPANY LIMITED DUNLOP ST SUITEA ENTRANCE MEMORIAL SQUARE PA 82412 BARRIE PETER WEST BASc PEng AFOAI araarnansqmato Montreal Canadian Stock Exchanges annwcasscmr to Coast in Canada New York tondan Eng SIMCOE MOTORS er rrmwsr as soon have become unsafe Scores of claims for com pensation already estimated at more than 21000000 have been sent to the coal board WEATHER Synopsis high pressure area west of the Great Lakes is moving eastward and will bring clear skies with chilly temperatures tonight Saturday Dauglas MacArilrur whose noted military career ended when he run afoul oi President Truman came to Capitol Hill Thursday to receive the thanks of Congress for his services With trembling hands but his posture still ramrod stiff the 82yearold soldier stood on the capital steps andacceptcd from House Speaker John tit McCor mack an engrossed resolution passed unanimously by Senate and House of Representatives it expressed grateful recogni wiil be sunny and little warmer in all regions Lake St Clair Lake Erie Lake Huron Niagara western Lake Ontario regions Windsor London Hamilton Toronto Partly cloudy and cool today NIG at Clear and very cool tonight Moors Corp 47 Sunny and httla warmer Sate gtlchlpwllwfl 35 urday Winds northerly 15 to day light tonight and Saturday rem Pipn tit Eastern Lake Ontario Geor Para tiers It glen Bay Haliburion Algoma timogami Cooliranc Wh River regions North Bay Snuit Sic Marie Clear and Very cool tonight Mainly sunny and little wnnnar Saturday Winds northwest 15 todnyplight tonight and Saturday tion for hfacArthurs foutstand ing devotion to the American people his brilliant leadership duringnnd following the Second World War MacArthur in reply made no direct reference tutho great clash of mar when Truman fired him from all his Far East commands But he spoke words that perhaps connoied feeling of vindication He was deeply grateful he said that Congress after the lapse of sufiiclent time swayed neither by sentiment nor cmo tlon rendered an estimate of my services which fear does me too much honor Truman relieved MacArthur after the two differed on the conduct of the Korean War The general wanted to carry the tight to theCommunist Chinese bomblngrthelr sanctuary beyond the Yalu River for one thing Truman insisted on trying to keep the war limited for fear world strife would result MacArthur Iinltcdgwith Pres ident itonue Thursday and then wentto thcCapitol for TODAYS STOCK PRICES Compiled by Flynn as Duniopst Dorrie mbuamiar DIST Salt Dom Found to Dons Stores ll Dom TM is Gt Lake 101 In Pow it iiardeo Home 460 AIM Hornl Pit 240 Julie at N5 67 Home OII Jlli Boil Tnl dili Hun in Mill EI nraxiiinn 11 lmpTnlcco tilt let Oil im 01 4t DC Power in AlcupL are CdnimpEkCorn inland NC scdn Drawer inter Nickel stl CPR liltcipiov Pip 73H cda Cement Jockey Club Can Cbomical thltt Can Oil IIlthlntld tenderly Power its Pow Riv tthan tindeSm Massey Forg cCon Paper Neranda Asbestos Abltibi Algoma steel Alumtnium inbarta Gar Milk Not Gas Atlanstaai Bit of Mont is nit 25th 27 it in One Nat ou nan Hltvk Siddiey Rathmnna Royal Bank Ellldn Shirer Simpson Shawinlgan Steal of Cut Toniznm Bk Trans Can Trans Mt Trad Illt Texaco Union tins Walker GdtW Forecast Temperatures Low tonight Illgh Saturday Windsor MINING Coco Mines Opomlsks auansr it Quemcnt lloiltngor Rio Algom KornAddtsoa Sher Cordon Lamaqus steep ttock Lorado United Oil Maritimes thlrny riiiurrayrhtin Wiltroy Nornsotll Northante Winghgm Sloecsallst Anyoneafter taste of Walker Spccral Old Hamilton St Catharines Toronto Pcterbnrough ilrcnton Kiilaioo Mnskokn North Ba Sudbury Earlton Knpusknslng White Rlva Moosonen Clln Chlb ICon Rio Copper and Onn Hall EItIIIvIn Faiconhridsa MS Ofl 104 50 91 Ni 605 Youre Specialist in good tastewhen you choose the luxury wl Icy at aipoputar price Walkcrls Special Old Good taste luncheon cflngresslml good looks and economy have made it Canadas largest selling lead and the Hungarian popular priced whisky Next time make it point tobuy lWalkcrs Special Old NORTHERN POST Jan binycn island in the Arc ticititimiles castuof Greenland aDIIHLHAID mu warm was Whaling hassles early as idlt My censors are writava annih lemmas sensuamawiuimusemm can ma near acnrva aroma Minurc NowAthonIfiNaw North Nottbgata Vioiamac bowiowsa wownoun avunaaea 7nd up puma up shooting up rs aonohro dices excnnnno swoox lad sin 19 cores itp 1311 runs on is on an er IN THEBPARNLING DICANTER Mi units

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