Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Aug 1962, p. 10

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ll roar mun mm mar anchor 11 no loHEtPWANiED MAL Hats in Patent gt TRUCK DRIVERS WANTED Stqtlons TORONTO ICE rationtaanlniiluanentpitho 24 ycars oi age or older Preloranca given to exponenc onrawn tcrr Extruded hero wouldta arICKcIi Widhma WWW ad men 1i goo Kood unused radio WIva can network affiliation 1h Ah mmh le in In Ottawa appwcd Tnnkly dont think they mmufllflmfl an Haney saidWsIm Apply In person only Thursday to hlva clvan tho Radio Pratt want Imita arm leth my IIhI 1qu no can undou no mo autumn EM has mm Complicating tits situation mum mum iitt Ffuut IIEGAINonc55 Campennntor no right rouro rm thaiact that pronoun the by 8° much to $10524 awdodvnauo one or theother oi the 1150 BBG invited ireocb language mm mmc Industry without tha uaiatanoo NOTICE and iLSOlIilocycie frequencies licencaappllcallons or Ottawa min or cacounaemcnt at any led were the publicly owned CBC saying the capital area needed Md HIE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC and three privalcty owned other French station There Wm difahadimedt 1dodvrsrldiridtmrigty sanannrr SCIIOOL ron scapula SECTION NUMBER broadcasting companies The now an tum English stations 3m Mutilation imonlh tun harassment In rats TOWNSHIP or SUNNIDALE one and two others want to hero tlIe corporations cao the landward depart gm rnrc NOTICE that tho above mentioned Board on the 7th broadcast in Fronchthe lourtlt and privateiyowaea cans and Wu FM to 43 cudwaiszrls died eduh do day at August Iss2 passed Byeiaw Number on to authoriro the applicant in English ORGY Pm Plm Cm tau nnndh Sllada mi 11 borrowing oi money by the issue and solo oi Debenturas oi the day loll afflumont til WUW We lm LovcrBrotherl Limited iqinr ddid Board in the principal amount oi 385000 eruitittd helm 10 boflfd it had mud Md on and onto Illeginx III production 0ol The plume or whlch momy to he borrowed the decision was reserved Involved another English linlttalle at Tho attorncygcnersla do art similar potatoes in Canada II construction and equipment oI an addition to the oxistlna noman it the dovernment nustflllt on End resertmdtclni°tl mcnt coatch that the his against the rlahla granted Catholic Separate School in School Section Number In tho PlPfliffim With WWI deity l0 pending the French applica chlmcdundcrrthe Salado patent Saladain the name pliant 76th ommngdaxh opening at any new CEO sta non limp hIdI um are seriously snd dairin1cn 5am The amount Itl hIeI Is 55000 on tthIjecuglIly IIIIIOIhc IlIlIDIBIIEHItII thiIIInIrIgggsaoFitflohn EDIde thrca yfiarmco by an to aliacttna the licensing oi dam L15 said chrnturaa in arse upon 00 ass own group to by James rl under stent held it rroreIIrtrI rnIrIt arelrglsfin nIIId any other Ital or peIrsonuIiI pIropoNy spggggtnmgfmcafid IIIII ArienSIowon WONMIWWMWWW the Canadian lofimmcfllyl Wadi mm We It 50 ate IoIsItcecIIhInu ISIIB suIfigBoargud P0 it WI only mm III arso WANTS IT hTha government submission The Debentures are to ae datod Scptcmbcr 1902KuPtlelttdiHIllIttllhllenOWll flmr SW8 ninthntsuadnhnn threatened ac an he too wants to attlon alloslnathatimanutac and are to he rcpayahle In Instalmcnts oi principal on September Priiaiell Wflid CKCH Hli than ea ormI ulns trims ruo at the programs available to it Pmdumr ltndtli lhl Yea from the CEC French network when pm but varnmgnt patent owned by Bf Wf mom Im 000m rm CBC ms um 1m enough sequent technical developments 3th unwound BMW have lilicd that rcstri it 100000 1071 noonoo ind WM Him his gtohm 11 for we W522 EUOENn Ore IIpi 100033 Ilng 3mg 9° lain to thc cat ho connotation to IIINCAIWERIw III IIIIIIIIIII III WIIIIII IIIIII MI IIIIIIIIr IIItotaIinIrrw tssonoo wm 1000 to in ilSttbut it would hsocoau gt 00 cdnnnda hrs 100000 1917 100000 Eggdblilr ggtdfflsung icomI changeI an mum Britisthoiumbia Research on to finish oil pilinga In Medium Answerfl conningan ro couple who 100000 1975 200000 lhrm mnI He added the Council has manIlzcd two matter of months VI mum We blinded 100000 I973 fiho°dhnpi5fih°f wouldybo no economic problem 55 we and Pink 919 Faced by the possible lnsa oi Legal Questions drug by 1001100 98 on mm Sum want In mun new English and about to help battle on undnr coastal shipping wharvcaihc 200000 1001 3000110 iohgtoo no own Ercuncyh notion Frcnch doctrinestation In water menace along the no research council has iicvoiofed IllllLADELPHiAtAPi n11 mm out are to doctors who own the 200000 1932 300000 in ounwa which 11 charmed Ottawa at tho sometlma n5 anolcctronlc measuring duo on Gershenwnplnan Eu one The Debentures maturing in the year 1963 to More to haul mumhe usher and hrhghm Mr Thomson said dayonty WW WWW nicknamed the pink elephant Hills CnIII Cum 15 illWYtlI mnt 30 uWInthrn Laborat thltrtsl it In fate W70 it mum Mid the dtbeflitIFBS than thcCBC Irequcncicsoi 15l0 1520 and PM rmnuy rouse ille percentage of years hulldinsamadiuna which porotcdpand Sterliggehmlumlarlwv maturing in the years 11171 to 1082 are to bear Interest at the rate third nppiicrml for the 1530 hilocycios still are avail by WHY solid wood remaining In under says answers legal questions cor oi mm per annum such inturcst being payable annually on Seth Froncii licorice liale Prcstiga IIJIL sit Ottawa anIIi SnggIeslIawd ILIIIEItIlortrIpunc from CalitornIa VIIDIIIIIIIIgsIIlIII usIIIcIsIIgsnnnIIIi In Imhuuhthmndl chomfifiiemgrmyimfugag be Limited rhi hzinciudc asiation owrtw or no gt5 wnvas um an cm CAlllLL CKVL Vdrddn nskcdsior the sought day only opogration miu HuhH mm and diltilcnua mm nighctirfmohmlw Wigwam Soilthe Ems 11mm Secretary Treasurer 1150 wnvolangth it would nnywny use one at them put wharf pliintst Tits torcdo hnd WM boiaro tier dhhioddtodivth $400030 tiaimin °hmi flhd Icavo i150 or the CBC whcn Mr Stewart said they would he been more or icss oiiuctivciy mvm Amie Wm and mm mm III II IE druv Ir SIDIII TREASURERS SALE OF i3AUCTION SALES it notthc moneyand mean too costly mmne by Small and Lodinpham III the councils blo Thuflydhy on commute 139 131 unll LAND FOR ARREARS 0F thlo said Corey Thomson oi In the Sudluiry submission °5°l°t minim logical division have been sur la that chhdman me TAXES CKVLI he proposed Iauon company hem EII hum stronger constitution Euvon questions wrticnout card 0ch cm MW It cuts right through creosote WI Hm Whnrv undevdrnlullpsoipapcrwcroI liar husband Maurice Township of lnnisiil measure torado damage with COUNTY or SIMCOE it it mil WW the rink elwhaflt 111132051Zsirevmlcfdhflchifliidh gtfdhinhithio PM Wit muhiilziiwuihhniéd Paper Afiected They havaIIound llinI Wit wasput buttons wercqpuahed By virtue nl Warrant mood cvcry whorl shows Home dum IonIclcctricIcamputcrs and by the item at the Township ammo mm audience 5150 ago One was shaking so badly English Iansuase stations in me We Within mit Fact of lnnisiii undcr h1s hand and merit Wt Iona p1 ompe Ion durng He admmcd It him Ilml of In sum 50mm Department HIghwaygI AB thcI CFMEHM ngyfindihetfip they wore tempted to got out Inht come up with Runnels our 427 so 101 300 to MINNEAPOLIS 1an The balm thelr Inspection was MM lomam mum KCn 43134 mam CBQ strike liorr1MinncnpoIIs Daily lilmllilh Eiglgmswfigdfl or hm In the Township 91 AUCTION SALE OF Itollins him 478 73149 312 AUDIENCES SMALLER Rcrald haaIahnwniheeu¢¢to Thetrtpunchaamadaoniy Vibe Mm IIIIOImIIfiIIII IIII the mm Wm he mm BUILDINGS Robinson ChiAttnioalas 301 AiHeattirlutthFrcncli tan the rcturn oi the Minneapolis limited appearance In DC wa mom brain and II uVALDEsE Nc thin was Whitm sum FOR REMOVAL 0R Hinton Wash an 02 11a 0111 suacu stations In Ontario have Star and Tribune but Publisher tern so tar but Mr Ledlnshnm when ho ff $3 it scene Out of science Ick In memo hnnfipeapson L05 was much smaller potential audi Maurice Mchiiroy remains ops VIEWS it 5911M WW just aboutW If cull Shim Iflglfiay ember I9 DEMOLITION EIIIILEyncFflfi Sgrghéilry with ii0 timIIsttc I6 IIII IIIIlfcdleiIiIIIIIntI thod IWnldesIan persons imm as Star and Tribune mean ers enaon an mac no my soppc or mo unlcss iiIthdlaeriIIIlldIctlSIIS age IROPERTY SALE T°ltl° £33m mmw with 10025 and CFML Cornwall while has run abovshoeom can come up swituyhhn pro merit thon hogan running back mmthmtth Ilsoiwiisndmiy FrtmtServltnStntlonsituated llltaliichordson Now vorh 557 dmiifillgafid it denimFmmh WMld°k leenforameam umzuswgg oniart Lot 16 Concussion 14 150 Emu m0 411 501W notched record references whorIaI it would Intro MChS bII infusth on the of Township of VeslGwilitmbury DoublesRobinson ill tam wer21bllylhgunl Ind The Midi lindlywm My ham or dm landfall21 ficganlnhanillu 1501 WI 1962 and um mm at County oi Simcoc situated on TriplcsCirnoli Kansas City =3 ngficihafigflggfls 3mde filly Ewart VIE Rituang his hurllnicp goods totedullg idsI ory1r1 thfisaidIIlfimfyIIochad ntIImlni III sIoItIIthoIaIstIIIchrnIiIre OIIIIIIIIIlgIlII 10mm Wham WWII IntIsI had sluttcuIty attracting mike that shut down The Star IIlIotJNDONItRcuthrfIiA SIIcnié meme on he mum 1m nggnsiigofigrsprgductieinInner Octohanrntnzznuhdjgdrngd Gillnrdabout 10 miles north at Ms Wu and Tribune from April unto mmm yonr With tho Sudbury company cs drew attention two years ago in and smoko as iorccd dralts wle held on 0mm mm of mth known as mu5 Istolon Daneswood Dotrorl hushed muwaI they could Algfirmglmedgtfike The Herald what he thought were toxic ct went backwards and blew air at the cams hour and piacc Corners combine their markcts In sales facts at thalidomide the British through iurnnccn lnstcnd at out Trnnsurars Office this the Sale Io haheld on the property ChmCRIME L05 AH Pmmmimv ogrmmrfiofoiggi Edict Journal Wats Red space Tnps want nor do or any 1902 at it6105 114v Mr Ricaird said Ottawa would The Journal uIIIcIaI wcckly It lasted law unbelievable GROHIIrcasuror 1010 AM LOCAL TIME 5°° Pam mmi be much butter served by II II magazine of he grhigh MN Tanned Insults moments Thon thaI olcctric MONDAYAIIGUST20II11WZ unison Frenchlanguage stnIian upcr Week MW °i looped tor law sec The Star and Tribune Th dill Association identlilcd tho DDWEI ii NOTICE TO TERMS Cash or cartitied NhIlonhI me 515 by 0mm Widen 13 aid had shrunk to in gang WSW Dr 1mm AMSTERDAM The lithe ms andrelurnedlo normal CREDITORS AND chcouc plus $10000 Pcrlormanca AB it Put by MIMI Smitty with Its pagcsolclsssitiod ads Dr Fioronce reported two lands tAPlThe intornutianai mike PW Comitttflt spokesman said it was caused Bond to guarantee that work Robinson Cin 4514104154 and und display advertising down In years ago In the Journal that Council of Ibhrisitnn Churcth OTHERS will be completed In accordance 11 Aaron hit Inn 05150 has proportion Thursclaya Herald the tranquilhzmu drug canard calls Premier Khrushchuvr by mm thh other MEX mob roIcrsaiIIn iitu taooovolttlna haw LA rBRLLSTARS raincoat iidilitoi Insists In nun an iHOltiASWlLSON BLAIN ucs made payable to the Treas Slit 211 337 III II III III in II III II II wemm NM Carolina ownI dI urn or ohtamII Clemente Pgh 40 771343131 V0 sIns ZISI Millar all mm In Ell constant insuts wh ch Th am By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ently reached low point and night Mr Khrushchev and his nstro umy mm Pam mg Claims For mm woman plum Runbflomnson is on the way back up Ha This appears to hit the use hauls make to God and His mm equipment against the Estate oi the said contactzI Ru Billed lnT Davis Batting Daug Camilli th The Herald isretaining report which caught mention people will my judged by tranamlttlns tilttl distribution Thomas Wilson main who chad The Auctioneer 113 Dodgers drove in tour runs nround tooooocirculailon com tion at Dr Frances Kelsey til the Almighty said state HMO Tum Whefl at Hume on the 10m day of harm pmmah and cnlwmI HitsT Dales165 with tworun singlein sixth in Pmd whhmm claim the UISI pm and Drug Ad mm mmmously adopted reversal took place The spokes March 1962 are required to VIEW Harbin Ontario munmmbmoPH tintslturfidtteuhamer lier ministration in Washington and Thursday by the councils litth id equipment fault tile proof oi the same withItha Telephone EnidR22 TriplesW Davrs L05 and mm 55 1403 Publisher Joyce Swan at The led to the withholding of resis congress cmmme reimai undersisned Personal Repres Inr £01951 10 gel ruled Mime 105mg star and Tribune said inst Sun tration of the drug In tho The lCCC groups no small The disturbance apoarcd to entativos on or beiors August Toronto Regional Oliicc lime Runs3N 53 Flan gleak With my days nibunc the first since USA the Journal said Protestant denominations and filled only thormmDhasc eieIc 3tst 1962 Altcr that date the Department oi Highways 5°01 37 MUTE Pliaies II the strike contained the largest The medical magazine urged associationsoi churches Whoaa tric motors not singlephase personal Representatives will Dawnsview 011th Staten EarnsWills Losr Ari Pitching Dan Cardinal number of want ads in the pan the establishment or govorn key point at agreement ts abe typcsIusually used In household proceed to distribute the aid Telephone zasaaaa Keies 62 Cubs checked secondnplace San pers history ile said it would mcnt agency to raglstar all new list In the iniailihiiity oi the nppiiancEs estate having regard only to DEPARTMENT 0F HIGHWAYS PIiCMnE Purltey Clucm Francisco Giants on six this or In several weeks beiore citscts drugs and said manufacturers Scriptures It nppoScs the big The power company spokes tha claims of which they shall ONTARIQ all 184 813 iCEEIDMD triumph striklnc ol the strike on Star and Tri should have to convince the gcr World Council of Churches manIsald the chances of such than hm had Mum SlrlkcouisIKouiax Lns An out eight while walking only bune circulation could be uc agency that registration of the which contains the larger Pro powerrcvorsal are about one DATED at Toronto this 10th AUCTION SALE we 209 two curater measured Inew drug was Justiilad lcstant bodies In 1900000 day at August 1962 Saturday September 15 CHAICTDEIIPiRHZEUST din SHARP LEONARD CLARKSON roodiosniedidiii Lot no on the and our By Messrs Smith and McLean 11195 Wit 301m mile their solicitors herein st HWY 50 on NO on slde road Reg and grade Holstein Tl ETO CREDITORS m9 tractorh Itnwk full NA pgrsons having claims Wild admitti it againgl mainstays or strait cram householdoliects AGNES TODD McKINNON ANDERSON PLOWMAN AND Iata oi iaha Clisy of BsrIrie Icokmirgaegu the County oi imcoe rlarrie Woman who died on the 2th Plum Victoria Harbour 506m day oi January 1962 mustior WHSHSE 3959i 459 ward same to the undersigned on or before the 5th day of September 1952 alter which date the asseis will be disItrlb uted amongst the parties entit lccl therein and the executor By my CANADIAN as will not bellable to any por Son 0i whnss claim he shall Candi Fflatbaihltlflt not than have notice Eastern CnnIerEnco DATED at Barrie Ontario Hamilton 14th Jay at August AD IIIIIBIWI on roa EOYslAgmMSthgfgwEv Tm 528 Barrie Ontario VTlrursdoyaRasult Ottawa 29 Montreal lit Saturdays Gama AUCTION SALE Toronto at Hamilton Saturday September Wm CJTwiAIPHI Commencing at 1030 am 23 sharpgt ROSS LANG COOKSTOWN On corner oi liwys as and 27 Complete stock of hardware Thursdays Rm groceries and property consist Camry 35 Vancouver 20 mg oi trams building warehouse and I5 room bungalow in ConlIs Mondays Games town Edmonton at Rogina ANDERSON PLOWMAN nun Vancouver at Calgary tI vI COLWILL LTD phonon Victoria Harbour 506m unow UP TUNNEL Wasagacflcachnifib BERLINIIAPIEasfiGer an police blew up an ascapo cop tunnel under the Communist It wall in Berlin during the night Want Au Suction Informantaan the Woslcrn sida accepted unlii ff tho horlric1 at least 50 pm 60 pence cen expcclcd pay More publication to coma out on

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