he Grain Threshed as $05 ihohsrveei moon shone ac mstho ilolds in tail story pond on most at them it show odhsrvest wall In prasress Much oi the rain has been amend and what is tell is 311 hot brouth in and usu ally ihres ad during the pro cess The days when barns were titled with sheaves ottolt Ins ihrcshtns machine later in the tall have chanced with combines and iitd threshing in many cases now the shoa vos are brought direct to the machine and the straw blown into tho mows as the grain is separated the balance depends on combine to do tield thro shing at the proper dry period Weather in big tactar in this method and we still see much grain in slnoiu awaiting the proper state to bring to the machine From general reports we here in these parts have had very antlstoetory grain harvest with most ot the min well tilled Western magazines report it stood harvest In most parts at the prairies which with good heel and pork prices should mean agricultural prosperity is ctoss tlrevnotlon We who are the consumers perhaps should not rrdnd whenever any doi iar or more pound ior steak providinnit ishcepinp the tar rners happy LAND RECLAiilllNG Reeve Joe Cochrnne was member at group which mode tour across western Ontario to look over some reclaimed iaim lands which are being put back into cultivation utter be no iett idle ior some years Asked what method was used he sold that the aid welltried summer toilow was one count ed with baunicous application at the right variety oi ierillio er This has been used in Ont nria tor many years but in spite of this there are many inrmsrtpht in our own town ship which do not produce en ough crops to pay the taxes on lhc acreage itiuch oi the unworked iond locally seems to be on terms who Final Week HEMN13 BOYSGIRLSTEENVSV CHILDRENS WEAR OUR ENTIRE STOCK OE CHILDRENSSUMMER WEAR You buy an item at regu make use at the buildings only and trot that the cost oi pro doctor crop is too hiph tor the values returned in recent issue at UNESCO magazine It was pointed out that the margin oi increase in production was less than the percentage at increased popula tion wordwide We are long way irom havinna surplus when it comes to teedlog the people oi the world BOATS BANKERS With the summer season bout ovcr wo tortunataly have not had any serious accidents irom boats and bothers datum mixed in our vicinity However the letters and complaints con tinue in coma in about the op erators oi boats who nettoo closo tor the comiort andysototy oi bothers and swimmers letter irom hirs Beotty on irom tho betray area was typ ical at some oi the complaints shim an tntbs habit oi mbttlll in the bathing areas 11 writer wanted to know it separate areas not bscstsbilahod an that ther wotdd not be the chance oiisa accidsm it seems that tor water sitter to not niouat sdhr roost start irom ths shore and this seems to be where the raininga starts and when they discus rk they are usually towed to point near whers they started and by ist tian no at the low they driit in to rats laudinn it would require lot at poi icing to have otiicors at every place where swimmers are lot hcreo Also part at them at water skllnl is to have some nudtcncs summonses have been handed out to host oporoto who disrc ard any saiot are sum an tromtho rssutsovar the season we must have toirty oaretul collection oi boat llil Settinl aside bathing area would certainly make ior sai etyviha grohiem would be to see that area is respected Roping oiian urea to reward on by provincial oiiictais as thorois always the donor oi the ropevcaustng an accident By the end oi this month and that season will be past and the best we can hope tar is mode to Council at various times it would that Becomes 51 room QUARTERS OF BEEF liiND QUARTERS OF BEEF wrrusas HAMBURG rArnss rtrrra are cneaotrs ti tar value get another at some ariower value for only let JEANS BOYSSIZES GlRLSSiZES TEENS 714x MIN Gs 23x Hr DRESSES SKIRTS stousss PEDAL ruerRs suonrs SWIM suns tors SWIM TRUNKS SLACKS TSHIRTS JERSEYS 46x or sAanir liegdi FOOD MARKET rosv sausaor lb box 175 true PAYMENT FOODrPLAN ron nu HOME FREEZER owners that nothing develops to spoil the records beioro th PA 85339 lb 29 lb 55 lbs for 175 lbr for 192 22 lb poll 495 lGllNTIC upln as narrow arooatsort Canadian Prose Italiaer Russia mey well have her goon two and dttutryhoiars oi space on cm Halted States pros that set an ominous that can ior ostera doieaoe toohaoiasy and resources Some US authorities despite the Ruuian achievement at pat tins two manned lptico to hicies in companion orbit tor days predict thrills will catch your or two But beneath the continence is so concern White the U3 st Vita to overtake the Roa sians thereto no likelihood that Russia will stand still Aside irom the prellllo ln valved in tho roco tor tha moon there is the thought that Rustin minht be able to dominate specs tar military purposes tor Minimum Portia couriers ponder dismissal ity at nuclear force in space with rootso round 31de vthc tilt at some not other an hountor days and weeksand cspob to oi admin bomb lead over some vulnerable area the present on detection imam is designed to provide 30 minutes at warain timoia the event oi enemy their by intercontinental battle tic missile Itnd the us has touadit cannot totoi its nuclsot bombers away in lost it ltninutas But how much warninn could the us hope to fat irons nuclear missile iircd rom orhtttnr tan over the an Detence Secretary Robert bio nomara is known to be wor ried He has statedAmerican ability to operate iaspaco mil itarily an absolute essential Presdsn Kennedy has been HERISIIUW 150 Checks on ensure totolnccuroe the basis for GM engine trio QuaiityControlin Assembly Constant inspections throusrhout assemlt pay all modded rehab ity and long re 1751MB yidnder blocks in all dimensions clongoarelioblo pro aco ships speed at time when the 08 econ OW is not tunciloninr at iuii steam and Baroness is worried about the impact at the mount in national debt on the grenade at the American doi Kennedy has pledged to look tor ovcrornsnt economics and towthhoidatascut until too And when the tax cut cornea it isliireiy to bola lot less than some Americans minht expect As tar icchnoioptcai achle vroents American rocket bomb on capable oi matchtnn the per iorannnee of those Russia now has my not be completely tested out and operatlnnn until in on later By that time Rus sia may havotsomethlnr more advanced iCELANDiC MOVIE REYJKAVIK Icclood It This country is mnklnl its tirst movie The itlm atarriaz ico laarlio actors and directed by Erik Bailing oi Denmark cea tres around the tits at Roy iravlk taxicab driver Precise Piston Inspections include weighing oi every piston to maintain balance for smoother operation an reliable periormonoe it Com meta Killed Plate Rustbrootingi All exposed surfaces are treated with rust inhibitor to give lustrous ï¬nish and corrosion protection to your GMCI run aairarr awoken wannasasr scourr ts inss rsurrlnrvs MELBOURNE lfllliildlll Six Royal Australian Air Force pilots were killed in crash ot aro Vamptro tots ilylno in tor motion herotodoy an air iorce spokesman announced Solar Flights Soon LONDON tRoutmtmre So viet novcrnment sent message to the novernraents and peoples oi the world today declaring that the time is nearing when the real cosmic spacesidpa will undertake lights to the planets oi our solar systems llccept 85 PRINCE Soak OP Doctors hero workiaa outside the governments medi cal care insurance pia trove decided to accept as per cent at their toes as tall payment irom private medical piens whether patients belong to the plans or not Dr Johnstooe pml dentoi the Prince Albert and District Medical Society said at its to members worlr outside the government plan He said they have made an arraane meat with Medical Services iau aorporated to have all accounts submitted to the company it patients approve Ask Injunction CHICAGO It Five rails road rating unions askedtho 15 ircuit Court at Appeals luesday to troop tn torce lower court order restraining US railroads irom puillnï¬nfl jabsloshing work schedule eiicct Thursday GMCs reputation for building tough relrobl talned by rigi This insistence trucks is main quality control on pracision manu facture with constant checking and double chockingpaysotiin trucks that are builtto take it under gruelling conditions GMC cab undergoes Accurate ConRod poting ensures perfect alignment and machining mini mizing engine wear and vibration under all operatingoonditrono lreeisioninCub Dimensional Every many rigid pro dilationline inspections and is double Checked on 30 critical points naauarvrn an 145 Rantfortn