Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Aug 1962, p. 5

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Till herd of cows and belts are seems at loss Their sccustomcd grazing lands White Man On Barrens Traps And PIOSpeCtS LLO KNIFE NVl CPI Only handful of widte imcn have ever had tlte will or the nerve to spend winters roaming the burresloads oi the Northwest Territories 7am Otto Yellowknife trap per hunter and prospector is one of them certainly havent given up hope of making big strike he said Theres still chances At 55 he believes its too late for wages to get me any where now When come north In 1933 they said it was so years too soon but so of them have gone by already have no complaints ivo made goodiiving But had better hindsight thnaJnresIght could have staked the biggest Part of the west shore of Yels lowknifo Bay and didnt think it was worth it iodny this is the richest gold produclng area in the far north Mr Otto was born at Morris Québec Youth Discovers German SpyIn Canada NEW CARLISLE Que CPI Earls Annctt was 20 years old when German spy rowed ashore in collapsible rubber raft from submarine oil the coast of the Gsspo Peninsula The doto was Not fl 1942 The young Quebecer son of New Ceriisie hotelkeeper was given credit for unmeskingrthe stranger who walked into town on misty morning at the height of the Second World War and asked for room The spy who called himself William Brenton but later was Identified as Werner anowskir German naval lieutenant was arrested by the Quebec Provin cial Police and held for thed rs ation of the war it was about hoof Mr Annett now regiar sales manager for Montreirkdtsiii lcry recalls nearly to years later stranger who seemed preoccupied walked up to the desk and asked for arroom with spring BUSPICIDNS anousau Mr Annett said that during brief conversation with the stranger he noted two discrep ancies in his story The man about to said he had come to the town by bus and had walked to the inseam hotel from the bus knew he was lying Earle sold The bus wasnt running that morning Neither had the man walked it the hotel He had been given lift in motorear driyenby JamesE Couli Canadian National Railways conductor Earle noticed other things of course Canada was at war and besides the arrival of any stranger in town was mat ter of interest The men spoke English with Parisian accent his clothes were of European cut and in paying for cigarettes he tend ered one of the old large stzed dollar bills printed by the Bank of Canada in low which had been out of circulation for years Later the stranger dropped box of Belgian matches and sharpeyed ionotedtltctit lacked the fa eral government stamp carried on all Canadian mnde matches in those days But less than three hours LIGH EST WHISKY in the world NS Lihiili DISIIIILRS 0f fltif WIIISKIE3illit IlVEil liiU YEARS theBi sauce or BEFUDDIEDBOVINES have been covered by five ln ches of rain that fell around Winnipeg over the weekend itinn went underground as miner and then out into the bush to learn prospecting In the Red Lake and Sioux Lookout relglon of northwestern 0n taro When he came north he did his prospecting in summer and spent the wintersfrom August to Aprilus hunter and trap per in the trecless barrens of the Muskox Lake area souilt east of Ballturst Arcticeonsl1 His dugout in sandy hill side hos willow frame and lumber and sodroni his or feet long and 14 feet wide at the front Never came close to starv ing it was cold but was never In danger at freezing Never been lost that couldnt find myaway hack My first winter in bar rens get In pelts worth $5 apiece But the air fare to get me out ihcreand back was $5013 Since coming north he has after his arrival and before young Annelt could act on his suspicions the man collected his bags paid his bill and left for the railway station Earle followed and found the stronger drinking coffee in the station restaurant Wanting more proof that really had cornered spy of fered him cigarette Earle said made no move to light it and he pulled oui matches identical to those he dropped at the hotel Earlerccailed bowghuan for help and returned with Con stables Duchesneau and Laur endeau just as the train was pulling out of the station Constable Duchesneau jumped aboard one of the coaches lie singled out the stranger from Eeries description Jonowski told the officer he was Toronto radio salesman He carried an identity card and Quebec drivers licence insdo out in the name of William Brenton ADMiiiED GUILT He kept up the pretence un til the policeman decided to search his baggage That wont be necessary Janowski said am Ger man otiicer serving my coun try iust as you are serving yours The spy surrendered 25 cailbro pistol and was taken from the train at Bonov Eariooutiined thecon ems of the Germans baggage He was carrying heavy leather bag which concealed powerful radio transmitter and receiver The police officcrs also discovered smniiieather port containing Parisian cigarettes Also found were maps of the Gaspc Peninsula coded docu ments dextrose food pills and Canadian baaknotes of different denominations worth total of more than $10000 The enemy agent was taken to RCMP headquarters in itiont real for interrogation and finally to England who assisted Wee during the latter years of the war Now in his ws Werner Jan owski lives in West Germany tVAIKEIIIILII CANADA the British Dozens of hood of cattle llko Winnipeg received over three inches oi rain in twelve hours CI Wirephotal CAPSULE NEWS Border Clash annexes tlteuters mn lanti reinforced police patrols these waded along in fields up to their bellies in water been outsideiour times one oi these trips in 1951 That year had too traps set and didnt catch thing but girl In Edmonton set one trap and walked right into it In 1952 he married Myrtle Rit chie of Edmonton LUItE 0F TRAIL Since his marriage he said lve been working on wages sometimes but im prospecting attainthis summer Theres lots of places want to go dontknow whats there he said with sparkle in his eyes but theres just some places have to go back to He has worked as prospec torfor mining companies on as wages plus lepercent basis and sold options now and then on claims which brought aiitile moaeyoownr few thousanddoliars sometimes His best strike brought $10000 In cosh But it didnt take long to blow Ii You can do It right here in Yellowknife could always blow strike just as fast here as outside Theres everything you need to spend mone on and no place with hgher prices LEARNED cams Out on tho barrens while wolves howled lo the darimess and his dogs strained at their lines Mr Otto become expert witira needle making slippers bags and footstools from carts bou hide He also took up taxidermy mounting wolves ptarmlgan Arctic hare and squirrels hawks and snowy owls My basic diet was meet lots of itlots of good fat cari bou Id take in some sugar lard flour some beans and rice and luxuries iiketbat For visitors there was the Pellet Lake group of Eskimos sevon iantiliesSomu otltthein used to come along once in awhile It was three days for them to my place When they got there they were always short of little bit of every thing New find the winters are getting longer Macilindiiiome Shoot Grouse LONDON Reuters Prime Minister Macmillan went grouseshooting on the York shire moors Monday as one of party of seven guns which begged 196 birds But Foreign Secretary Lord Home did better His party of six guns on the Home estan in Home wereamung huadredsToi shooting enthusiasts out on the moors Monday the first day of season known as The Glorious Twelfth The month was one doyglate because the traditional opening day fell on Sunday when shooting is frowned upon HOUR TOUR OF KEMPENFELT SAY AT sno Lao she soc pm Adults $150 lrlldrea antler It Elie DEtANEY soar GOVT DOCK FOOT OF BAYFIELD ST PA 664 TOUR BOAT AVAILABLE FOR CHARTER from putahgtdzllaitedmstions along the Cambodian frontier to day following two clashes near the disputed border temple at Preah MapGen Krachang Choipern deputy cldef of the border po lice flew to the border area Divorces Grantlures Syndicate and columnist Westbrook Pegier are parting company SANTA MONICA Calif API Actress Betsy Drake divorced actor Cary Grant Monday tes tifytng he appeared bored with mo and preferred watching TV to talking tune oted rae ma stnmo russuar aunusr as Labor Has Plan For Unemployment CHICAGO tAPl US labor has made the Batman work week without reduction in takevhomo pay its big gun in drive agairm unemployment The executive council of the AFLCIO andorscd Monday doubleborrcled attack in Con gross and at the bargairdng tobieto win full employment it tossed aside the pleasant President Kennedy and his busi ness and labor aides who have said that the United States can not stand methods in effort or sharp boost in labor costs in itscompetition with the Com munist world rPrcIident George ltieany re vealed that the principal wedge to spread employment will be drive to incorporate double time pay for hours worked in excess of as week radical shift from the presuni standard at timeandrahalifor more than 40 hours work The heavy penalty for keep ing man on the lab beyond 35 hours Meany told press conference is calculated to make it economically necessa for employers to enlist ad tlonul manpower All other attempts to deal effectively with unemployment have failed he said He said the AFLCIO program has still to be hammered out In detail He predicted that the biggest hurdle will be getting Congress to accept the shorter work week as an amendment to the Fair Labor Standards Act Peeler Leaves Hearst Chain NEW YORK IAPlKing Fea The announcement Monday from the office of thollehrst feature agency said King Fea urcs and Pegler had termine the contract between She told reporters after the them and reached agreement court hearing still love him on compensation for the re very much Close Schools WAn8tvtltettterstf Trill schools and orphanages in Pa load now run by monks and nuns will be taken over by the education ministry within matador of the contract which has to rununtli March 1964 The announcement said too many irreconcilable differences on vital motters have gained beiweenthi pafifisto oonrtouo workable relationship In recent speech at con vention of the Christian Crusade at hdsa Okla chier described Vein tiPittmanMltitntit William Randolph Hearst or office of religious culls said Monday This will be carried out un der low enacted by parlia ment lastyear which stipulated that only lay schools would be allowed thospokcsman said in an interview Strike Quiet CHAPLEAU Ont IICPlTha Lumber and Sawmill Workers Union tCLC starts on organiz ing campaign in this timber dis trict this week as an uneasy quiet continues in aiabor dis pute at the and Plywood Products Limited plant and other sons of the late pub lisher as lacking character ability or loyalty Donkey iiieat Sold Iis Veal LONDON tCP An animal protection society thinks donk eys arriving from Ireland have mysteriously disappeared and fears donkey meat is finding its way into English restaurants Mona Huskie of the Horses and Ponies Protection Associa tion said she knows some Lon don restaurants have been dish The union has announced it ing up donkey meat as veal wdi move nino organizers late But its extremely difficult the area in an effort to win bar to prove she said gaining rights for 3500 workers matoperations Cease iire UNITED NATIONS tAPtIn donesia and The Netherlands agreed Monday night on ceasefire in West New Guinea effective Wednesday when they sign formal agreement that shifts the disputed territory andrthen to Indonesian admin istration Informed sources said they agreed to gradual pulloutot about 8000 Dutch troops in West New Guinea gradual moving in of some 1000 Asian troops as UN security force and incorporation into that force of Indonesian troops in the ter ritory estimated at between 500 and 2000 men STARTS RESEARCH WINNIPEGFICP Gfi eral Hospital here has launched research project to find out what causes thalidomide to de form unborn babies Part of the project calls for the administra tion of the tranquillizer to fruit gin and recording their rese ons nuts initials hsiaskeot entire Tmovemehismfherdsotdonkeys in Britain Miss Muskie said her main complaint is that the donkeys suffer during transport but she added It Is against the lswto sell horse or donkey meat without declaring that you are doing so Manufacturers blame share the LEGION swoo EVERY WEDNESDAY JACKPOT $50 MUST GO EVERY WEEK ts assume nuaMS SHARE THE waasrn DOOR PRIZE VLEGION HALL 7i COLIIER ST INNISPII NOTES Council Evaluates Tourist Business MB The Ontario Economic Council are to hold meetings and hear briefs from persons interested in making proposals for the inn provement oi the tourist busi ness in the province We here in the heart at the tourist busi ness are generally indifferent to theservicu which are being offered to help to better the business as satroie This in If entry will make it possible for persons who have suggestions to make to offer them in manner which when put along withthase of others will help to make our visitors more sat isfied to spend more and to come back again pleased and satisfied If we were asked to name one way in which many people would be influenced we would suggest that the charge made by many restaurants of an ad ditional ten cents for cup of coffee when served with meal be dropped it is this last dime added to an already substantial charge for meal that toms many diners from return visit When one goes nito restaur ant and the first thing that is brought while thoorder is being prepared is cup of coffee and refills are available desired the meal takes on more friendly atmosphere iiianya good customer is lost lot re turnvisit by that added dime and lack of the additional cup of beverage without asking We here in Ontario could serve meals that were not copy of somebody eises manner of cooking We have food that could be purely Canadian speelsltl producodright here at home and served in such manner that the diner would enjoy returning for another moalillera=tnSimcoe County we produce most of the ingred ients for meals that could be our own trademark How rare it is to find chicken and dump flags on menu for instance but southern fried chicken goes on most dining room lists This provinciaiinouiry as to how to make for better tourist not or motel owners or serving in store Farmersand fish ermen ail prosper by the bet terment of the tourist business and we all need to have hand in helping SHOULD TRUCKS STOP At the recent inquest into the death of the driver of the truck which was struck by the from at the ilth line of lnnisfil the Claims agent for tho railway suggested to the Court that tracks especially those whose cabs make hearing difficult fliould he required by their owners to slap at railway cross lags We all know that has comp anies require their vehicles to stop at level crossings The bus stops at auyswrtch line or place where the tracks are visi ble even if the line is not in operation However the jury recommen ded that the crossing be equip SHANIY rat 1112955th Located on 4th Line of Ore Township off Highway 11 Phone Ora IIB TONIGHTEWEU Adult Entertainmént HURONIA New SHOWING WED AND THURS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT diabolooi classic iI sranraowiru Ad Entertainment ped with protectire eternal and this would seem to be the best method at controlling the dancers at thue crossings similar accident took the life of another driver of the some company at crossing that was unprotected This was on highway which in the past had many accidents even though an trains usedthe tracks This latest accident was on main railway line and road which WWidcnetf last year and brought up to high stand ardso that speeds would be Increased The signals should have been installed when it should not have remained an unprotected level crossing for the mengercosts divided three ways before fatal accident gave an inquest fury the chance to make toenmmendstions While we are on the sublect wacaa point outsereral more such crossings in lnalslil many of them more dangerous as to View than the one at the ltth line in fact the 12th line which is on curve is muchmore ob structed for view from the driVers place Ten Siderond is crossed several times by curving rail line and thisroad has been surfaced for some miles from Highway 11 These crossings scores the some rail line as the one where the on thick was hit last year invitations have been mailed to those who participated in helping Io make the Field Day succus Movies taken during the parade by two or more by standers will be run off and volunteer group will pmvido music Lunch will be provided by the ladies bringing sandwi ches supplemented by horse ages and cake The gstheria will he held in lereiands on the tub line which the man artmeat has offered to the committee on Friday at 330 pm russuosusrsr stunt more won an or as SENSATIIINIIL bushes Mission honorees vice station operators restaur Iiiili STARTS IT COMING SOON ALLTIME ACADEMY AWARD CHAMPION unneme WILIIAMWYLEIIS nusmuses savoriauranrsnnraur ave snows As mooan moo MATINEE iliillY 2P Mosr axenae ADVENTURE COMEDY IN DRIVEIN BAIBI ii iii Humanist We Mm Maui BHESIIR lift IIIIIIIII litiiil iMoRROW axons Thellru PLAYERS VIHEAIRE mum and 7J0 AND Witt

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