norm Examiner momma by CInIdtsn Newspapers limited to chfteid Street Buns Ontario Walla Pubhsbcr Brian SiIightGonerIl Manager TUESDAY AUGUST ti Ilfl PII Plenty of Opportunity ThoseWiih Ambition Drive While the economy may leave public image of uncertainty this should not be extended cartc blanche to the whole Cane adian scene it anyone doubts the ability of young Canadiansto get ahead The Sudhury Star advises them to study the remarks of Europeiin student Asgor Christensen is commerce gra duatesof the University of Copenhapen who ts in Canada this summer work rig with Toronto firms under student ex change plan Under the plan students in North America persuade firms in their home towns to ire European students for the summer to let them work tn var ious departments and familiarize them selves with Canadian methods of operate ion European students persuade firms ov erseas to participate in the scheme Asgar Christensen says it is his inion that young Canadians have ettcr chance of becoming the president or man ager of firm than young Europeans He said Canadian might reach this goal at 35 years of age but in Europe it was thought that 45 years of age ivas young Industry And Barrie is very interested in securing new industries Most communities are But there is great variety in the up roaches to the problem There has to be because there is great variety in com munities Such places as Barrie have their own distinct advantages They lie largely in the advantages of good livingfreedom from the traffic and other crowd prob lems which concentration creates Better housing fewer problems in such very costly mattersas water supiies and sew age disposal proximity to pleasant sum mer resort areas and the friendhncss which smaller community offers Recently the Wall Street Journal car ried an article on how friendliness paid off for smal rural community Cozad Nebraska instead of tax concessrons and other lures the community uses back yard barbecuesfamilypicnrs and mas sive doses of friendliness to mpress com panies seeking locations for new plants ew months ago feed manufacturer op oned new plant there More recently new $4 million shock absorber plant was OTHER EDITORS VIEWS STIMULUS 0F LIBRARIES Regina LeaderPost Too often peopielthink ofeeducatlon in terms of public and high schools col leges and universities technical schools or even adult education proggams These are only face widest fields of human endeavor As important in education as the classroom of childhood student days or evenman hood is the peoples abilityto read assimilate the ideas read and commun icate them to others And the facilities for such stimulation can only come from library service which is not only good andiefficient but beyond that forwardlooking to degree which will meet theneeds for decades to come RAILWAY RETIREMENT Cleveland Plain Dealer For those mistyeyed dreamers who be lieve that money and happiness forever can be produced automatically by pass ing iaiv and creating fund there is lesson in reality in the Railroad Retire ment Act enough to hold such res onsihleposlt ion lso European execu ves are inclin ed to look on suggestions as criticisms of their own work factor that is not so noticeable In Canada We wonder if young Canadians really appreciate the op ortunttles they have to make the gra in their own coun try Canada is young country and can be described as young mans country where the future opens up exciting prose pects in careers We are passing through an era says the Star ye will never see again as we reach for maturity Every young Canad ian can be some hing of pioneer to exercise his talent and initiative in help ing to mold Canada as one of the worlds greatest nations Thaopportuniltes are all around him The best thing we can hope for Canada is that young Canadians never have their ambition and drive dulled by the cradle tograve security large doses Neit er the state not the world owes anyone living Friendliness opened the two businesses providing 401 new jabs and an added payroll of $33000 wee The biggest selling poiiitis to convince the companles they are really wanted town leaders state Enthusiasm and hes pitality are substituted for money When one of the above mentioned com paniesfirst considered Cozad the com munity hired bus and brought 30 em loyees of the company some 250 miles 0bs entertainedhyl nessmensndtheir en on tour and picnic The president of the company which chose Cozad for its plant recalls when he firstvlsited the thtown to examine the prospects store windows had signsand banners saying We Want Cooper The company name is Cooper Theres more to ltthan mere friend liness Good labor conditions are stressed Longtime busmessmen give newcomers help in selecting employees New retail businesses new homes and other devel opments are all part of the development already diminished dangerously This means an additional drain on the Rail road Retirement and Unemployment Fund as the rolls are swelled by those who are laid off or retire gt0nrthe=other handpayments into fund will shrink because of fewer rail road peopie on the job As itstands the income and outgo for 1061 reportedly was relatively equal one billion dollars But small item appeared in the agate type of the 1061 Social Securit annual report Under the government lending now of thetwofunds Railroad and Social Security the latter allocatededzzr 200000 to Railroad Retirement What happened is this The railroad retirement umbreiia steadily has ex panded until there are as many people being supported as are paying into the fund about 800000 in round figures Its total assets are estimated at $39 bil lion and current extended liability at $5 billion To illustrate how these things get out of hand the original tax on em ployees and railroads was 254 per cent on base salary of $3600 Today the so Continual They were talc Jnoringand the duct Nitrite era poser OUR WW pap that is fed outin T0 your coon iiiiiirii TIMBER Wile Cant Sleep llusbdndSnores sonnets nicotine inn Dear Dr itioincr llfy hue band was operated on fora de viated septum of the nose iio had it done mainly to stop his would but it diiiiilf am very light sleeper and havent had good nights rest for so long cant remember When do sleep its because 17 take pill and dont want to do that all the time is there anything you on sugi gcstfMRS If im never very happy about answers on snoring because frankly there nreoniy limited things that or any doctor can do about it Snoring is fluttering of the soft tissues oi the throat as they relax and the breath gives them noisy movement Since these soft tissues change position slightly as we relax into sleep there is no way for doctor to sue them as they are under snoring conditions And even then it might or might not be helpful You know how at times the weather stripping around door or window will whistle when ard wind is blowing its the amesortoivthiiigqt you can luckily find the exact bit of metal which flutters you can tighten it up and stop the noise But there isnt any very good way of finding the exact spot You can of course just re place al the weather stripping But you cant just replace your husbands breathing apparatus Most doctors know are much too emanate prprnireaihat any operation or other procedure will cure snoring Removal of obstructions deviated septum polyps sometimes tonsils or any other factor will indeed often reduce or stop snoring but promising absolutely that it will work is unwarranted We no ticed that most doctors cakes fully qualily what they say It maypijobably help Beyond that the sharing problem depends on two fac tors not just one the loudness 5pm WM amalgamaunn9gyagrataileLpencenuuhasufjfnulliï¬eannrecanuliucnsitiylty road pension systems thrown together in haste in the 1930s type of privatere tirement insurance for railroad emv pioyees under governmental supervision it is hot item now because of the recent wage settlement hike of 102 cents per hour to more than450000 nonoperating rail employees This was blackjacked through by presidential emergency board But as result railroads haveibeen forced to trim employment because the estimated additional wage cost of $105 million cannot be absorbed by revenues Authorized Il Iacdnd clan mail Post 01tch Departmcnh Otter and for payniiint of postage lncssb Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays excapllrl KENNETH WALLI Publisher BRIAN BLAIGIIT Oencrnl Mlnhldl iiiueumueou pimpingenitor CHARLES VADGE Ilnllnlll Milli nanny wusou Advertising blInIgér totrw noanen clrc Manner rIto def rrtar do not ufldcyrslggwstngla cophlty By mall in Ontsrlto 700 year till six months 150 three months 0100 month duuiaaosurtsseo year OqudIC 02000 year YA cflh le Univors var dron ntgdlï¬lontruh 1de West Georgia street Vpnccu II of the Canadian Dally lelpnpu Pub timid Ilissorriaiton The Canadian Pm and th Audit nureau of countless Press In exclusively shifted to tho thlochIIIlllrnuan of Ill now an Itchol in this rpsr credited to It or The AIaoc sted Press or trim Ind also tbs IMIIIIWI publIIbId charLn andit is estimatreTiIhiu by 1960 the rate will be 10 per cent inpension funds as in everythihg else you cant get something for nothing un less you want to fool yourself and pass along incurred liabilitiesto future gen orations MOTOR CAR REPAIRS Financial Post Reputable Canadian auto repair men might be wise to take leaf from the book of their British counterparts if their plans go through Britains llfotorLAgentsaAssoeiationkwith2000 members will set up asystemxof inde pendent arbitration on owneis claims of auity repairs or overcharging an association member Limit on calms would be about$l400 If the owner loses he forfeits s9 deposit The average Canadian motorist who knows littleor nothing about the mechan ical monster he drives is at the mercy of the garage orator when it comes to repairs And reputable dealers suf ter from the work of too many holein peratorirwhpdonltreailrkii whattheyre doin Longand costly appeals to are not the answer More selfpolicing bythe industry wouid give the public more confidence courts ofthe listeners reception TIE army has proved that lot of weary men can sleep through lot of snoring Therefore once throat and nose passages have been cleared of obvious obstructions my suggestions are these Some people find that sleep ing on the back seems to em courage snoring so learning in sleep on the sldoor even such Spartunprocedures as fastening rubber ball to the back to prevent lyltig on the book may elem Changing pillowr height or ten siee snore Some swear by chinatrap simple harness to keep the mouth from dropping open Ear plugs for the listener or cvcnsimpie wads of cation of tsn mute the rocket enough to permit slec And thats the whole abject isnt lil Dear Dr Molnar like hot baths Theyreiiove riches and pains But friend after taking whirlpool baths at clinic tells aonsi ldneverb th in warrneTihnn tepidvcatar WAGNER HOME Richard ti opera house built in 1072 at Be reuth annually draws thouaan for his musical drgmal cause then the skin acts as sponge and swelling results Could you clarify this for roof its another old fnbic Youve never swelled up have you JuntpiinniLhurnyoiiraalf DenrDr Molnar had child six years ago but have not been able to get pregnant since The doctor soysi have too much acid to conceive and that it kills the sperm before it reaches the egg Can anything be donetMRS Occasionally douche with weak solution of baking soda may temporarily overcome acidity mommo on backyard ciri oirawa assent West Now who like its Elephant more monouou garden province in the cut to mt other nacIIovIId pretty lclInd off our PIcific coast Canadian honiu Iii chm one thing but combination utilitymmopisy room Ind mmpuuoom thI outder which we all our By 000 every Monday morn in our backylnts moire 1000 mile line of fresh vi ed clothes On these hot midsum mer afternoons Iwingl Ind sandboer and plastic pool convert them into childrcnI playgrounds Here in OttawI taken row of tomato plants Ind maybe bed of gander nurtured with also tor oiiscbiood give lip co co to the customs of our pioneer days before vegetables come from groceierios But perhaps more signifi cantly In Ottawa than to all those other backyards the group of garden choirs converts the secluded terrca into pri vate evening parliament There the affairs of the nation are on thusiastically and imaginatively baited to and fro by politicians diplomats civil servants and the great miscellany of rcsi dents and visitors whose inter eats centre around Parliament repair or HISTORY ay ran CANADIAN rnnss Audv cl Washington announced 21 years ago to dayin 1941 thnt Presi dent Roosevelt rind Prime ltiinister Churchill had met and agreed on an Atlantic Charter The document In cluded an eightpoint plan for world peace guarantee inc all men freedom of can pressicn oleworship nude freedom from want and fenr tttif Grigorl Shelckov founded the first Russian colony in Alaska 1034 London Onto brewer John Lirhiilt was kidnapped and held for three days by Michael llic Cardeli of ltnmmond lnd later sentenced to 12 years REPORT FROM llK Teachers Spending Holidays In lilrica By MolNtYRE HOOD London England Correspondent For The Barrio LONDON teachers are undubaklng volun tariiy to make great contra bulion to the educational deve lopment of the new Common wealth ooiuitry of Nigeria of 70 of them fro var cus parts of the United Kingdom will be spending the greater part of their summer vacation lnWest Africa There they will be staffing internive feshcr coinsea for nge oh This royeot forms part of Brit ains contribution to massive plan for educational improve ments being developed in Ni geria The 70 teachers who come from as far apart as Perthshire and Cornwall Belfast and Susy sex will be flying out to Nigeri ta at the end of July There they will be divided into four groups to undertake training courses in Lagos the federal capital suoisec carp any uy pun mar TRAIN 1000 TEACHERS Th aimofthooourseslnwhfoli 1000 teachers from Nigeria pri mary and secondary schools will tuite part is to assist the Ni gerian teachers to improve their techniques of teaching parti cularly in relation to such sub ieeu as English science and mathematics Accompanying the British teachers will be fourcourse directors No of these are close ly associated with training of Nigerian teachers in Britain and the other two dreinspec RE The cost of transporting the teachers to and mm Nigeria be met by the British govern saints teachers in Afrida was stagger mgr nraangapi educational needs Sir Andrew said it was estimated in money that the educational needs of various African states would in total exceed their own ca pacity to meet the bill by some nice million in tact Trenslale these money fig ures into ms of men and mat erials he said and you may begin toseoihe sis ofthe edu national problems in Africa in this country are rightly con cert about classes of 40 pupils in our schools But this ooimtry has seven times as maiw teach ers per head of population as Tangxytka to take one exam ple it all Tangnoikas ciuidren went to school today With the Hill NEW FRONTIER HEADACHE dn in this meteorologicnliy dlslt turbed summer other disturb onccs have given such discua atom new intensity Even normally aitentfvp hosts allow glasses to remain unreplenished for long periods while guests similarly preoccupied by the conversation cults disregard this oversight laise which is already Iweepr most of the free countries which are our Western Allies in Britain Prime Minister Macmillan has had to hack his cabinet to pieces in purge of which he will assuredly become the first victim in the USAi President Kennedy white as yet maintaining his in niinum popu larity above the depths poled by Macmillan seen his massacred by is nominally friendly Congress in West Ger many discontented voters are clamoring for tho rctlremcntof thclr aged onetime idol And in France the president whose very name symbolises his prelt dcstlncd eminence has long seen his glory shadowed by the throat of miiltani overthrow Britain slumped into an eco nomic crisis last year with emergency tench pay pause to halt increases and foreign exchange curbs The policiesAHd cant Iced itbc or nIIrkodky mmmrlaomm or II sum as strongly as 0°17 Canada offers parabola these pictum wncr wasps canons Yet while our autumn in the stream nicer Inca Ind our urgent need for inurdogodcneo tth are on pelted domutio litthi sea to sin eh In throats ll coon the IppiIun died down To wit on air Ken nady called for treat Wutcrn tarothornet with expanded trade the following week bit high resolve wu iiaurcd by the pressures at luth men protesting Ignlnrt the ex Insion of Canadas lumber Teens mun only this Is all welcome in the faraway Krem lin Nikita Khnishehov sees the gradual fulfilment of his wild and unlikely prediction that the powerful Western countries would contrive their own coi lapse Despite our great Western ad vantages our iuiig start our immense resources of material and brains our huge lead in motor economic Indtces we of the llcat are now wallowing like an elephant which has aud 1y come upon an uphill glo cier while our foe streekl ahead like young gazelle on wellprepared cinder track The people of Canada ottI war private averting parlia ments concede are aware of our troubles aware of our sins of commission Ind ommiuioa ever to postwar years By their votes in June the mutant Canada told Conservatives and Liberals to go back to the draw1 in board to create new plat form They arr hungry for bold creative leadership web as the Iickly for new demand Any political party which awakento thII need will sweep the country in the next election BIBLE THOUGHT For therebr II the rich ness of God revuiod Item faith to faith II it to writtcnl The Just shall live by faith lionianllifl We are notonly saved by faith we should forever otter liveby faith ONCE SEPARATE Brooklyn Nlf was sopho ate city until it was free or rated as one of the live on oughs of New York City in rats Are you sitting on the fence regarding the market numberot teachers they now have their classes would have to number 200 to 300 Answer was thath Tanganyiiras cluidu real did not go to school and would not be able to do so on tornado them HURTl 1N BLAST NEW GLASGOW NS CF Bill Sutherland secretoryIrena urer and advertising manager of The Evening News received face arm and hand burns Sun day In an explosion aboard his cabin cruiser at nearby Plclou Landing He was reported to be fairly comfortable in hospital daughter was burned on the feet and logs treated in hospital and re leased ent through the department of technical coopertion Their ec commodatlonond transport with in ngeiio will be paid for by the goverrnt of that country The recruit of the 70 British teachers was carried out by the British ouncll The scheme was inaugurated last year when as teachers went to Nigeria The teacheie kbig up the briefludmcsw prop this mporbant project ALthe opening session they were ad dressed by Sir Andrew Cohen DirectorCeneiai of the depart ment of technical cooperation rytointdorialu lie toldliiiann that till If dont we whnumr the stark brought you or not you do not know whether to boy to did 6n itieritodnyï¬onsult not We have had wealth of successful experience in counselling investors Iigo and small Among tliesccuritlea which we recom mend in many instances is SALLIESQhurin mo soilinp Bulbs too so one CANADIAN INVESTMENT FUND Canadas original mutual fund ClF recently paid its 118th copsocurivs quarterly cash dividend CiF provtdesfrcndymode diversiï¬cation SyItemetio snvtng by regular purchases non be made through it and in Ihoros oher menus for some pliantl to own on income taxes through Registered Retirm merit Savings Plans We suggest you look into the IdvontIgcs of Canadian investment Fund now For your copy of III intent uarteriy perilshowingwhichstocks CiFw sisbean lately iuat contact any of our or mni he coupon below NESBITT THOMSON AND COMPANY LIMITED MnnIperiFRWpct Pinon sand ms tli taint nuanuly port of onodtcn Investrant Fund lop St BARRIE Phonli PA mm not