Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Aug 1962, p. 2

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DON NEAR Is shown with model aircraft at his home The craft In the left fore ground II Skylancer crashed Sunday morning In demon Barrie Man Advocates stratlon flight but was re paired by evening The mo del In the right In NI Mus long scale model of the in Inner WW II fighter plane as WWWr Scattered around him are var led remnants of onceflylng planes which he keeps astou vcnlrs and also uses for In vestlgntlon purposes Ifstm Iner Pholol Hobby For Everyone Don Near Sunnidale road ode vocntes hobby for everyone no matter what It Is or who he or she Is Mr Near has been model airplane enthusi ut for the Innis voters and I7 It relations man for tlIcBerrIa hfodel Air craft Club NEW MODEL He Is presently working on scale model of the For Illus tang famous WW II fighter plane He has been at this plane since the beginning of VJIIlyandaxpocls to he at It for another three months In the last six years Mr Near has had total of eight different model planes Five of them were controllno models and three were freeflfght units lils present project Is controle ine model but it also has motorcoutrol he added The controline models are directed by twlnvline hand control unit Ivllh 53foot feel wires running to plane con rats and Its up and down elevator unite hre Influenced by down ward or upward motions of the hand Some control units have third steel wire which can Irels lheenglae The freeflight models are pretrimmed for circular flight The engine In this type of flight in competition must operate for only to seconds and the plane must glide Its pattern down Anyone can build model airplane with kit and Instruc tions llIr Near said But some principles of aerodyan Ics could prove to be valuable in difficult situations he said He Indicated that persons hav Ing small knowledge of acr odynamlcs could be able to spot troublesource NEORGANIZED Tha BMAC was reorganized last winter It has It members Viceprcsldcnt Inn Itfelson Is superirlsing junior club of 20 members Drowning Victim Found At Wasaga The body of Vasaga Beach visitor was spotted by ibyesr old Douglas Davidson of and Queen Street south Kitchener about offyards off shore near the mouth of the Nottswassga Rotary Gives $2000 To The Barrie Rotary Club has started the ball rolli in the ho fund campaignof the Barrie trillYWCA by autho This service organization is the first to officially come out with financial assistance to the which is lobe built at the Grove Street Park now known as Morrison Park In making the announcement Dr James Veitch president of the Rotary Club said the action was actually decided upon by last years executive One of the conditions of the grant was that the ndb should had an ill Ing program ready to proceed Russ Davey director of the YMCA has indicatcdthat exe cutive is well on its way with the program and building program will be announcedin the near future Man is Fined On Two Counts Anatole Horvafh Barrie was fined total of $40 and costs ratechttyhostorwasr terdayon charges of careless driving and driving without drivers permit Constable Pickard testified in magistrates court that chase Julyafl started near City Hall on Illulcaster Street ended in the northeast section IIS Eric Welchar it of 19 Rush oIm lined Toronto was reporte ed missing Sunday afternoon when he failed to return after leaving shore on rubber raft Provincial Polfco air and watersearchchailednto show sign of the man or the raft until the drowned body Was scenby the youth mum around Georgian Bay body of uyeaaold Ambrose Copegog of the Christian Island Reserve who was lost when boat belonging to his brother capsized in thechannel between early Saturday morning WEATHER Synopsis Pine weather north and west of Lake Superior will push eastward tonightand Wed nesday into theglower Great Lakes The warming trend will edge slowly eastward to cover most of the province by late Wednesday Lake Clair western ase=0ut regions Hamilton IodayClcar tonight and Wednesday Cool with worming trendWednesday Winds north westerly 15 to 25 today light to night and Wednesday Lake Huron southern Geor gian Bay regions tendon Mainly cloudy with Intermittent drizzle today clearing tonight Sunny Wednesday Cnnlwitli warming Wednesday Vinds northwesterly 15 to 25 becoming light tonight Eastern Lake Ontario Hali burton regions Mainly cloudy wlt ewrsshowe od Sunny with cloudy periods nesdoy cool Winds northwestl erly 15 to 25 becoming light tonight Forecast Temperatures Low tonight IIIgh Wednesday Windsor or To St Thomas 5H 78 the search continues for the the island and the mainland to Cloudy with sunny pe One of thebiggest problems of the club was to obtain placcto fly We have been fortunate In having Barrie Air ways who donated two Iorfaot flyingclrclcs at their nirstripf Air Near said gave demonstration Sunday morning at the Barrie Airport After his plane Skylnncer had taken off and gone threequarters of turn the guide line snapped and the piano suffered an almost im mediate deccllcrationi Inok of disappointment could be seen on his face as he examined the belly of the plane which was scattered along the ground for few feet The pro peller was smashed beyond sol vage his balloon tank ruptured and the pilots canopy was torn However he looked up smil ed and saidrBark to the draft Icgboard and shell be ready to fly tonight She did Sauce For Goose Sauce For Gander The woman drove up to Bar rle police station with bottle of Imported sauce halfway through thewlndshledl She told the lawman there had been domestic dispute but this time It was the hus band that sta rted throwing thingsL She reached the car few seconds before the flying sauce bottlebut the windshield field ed it neatly and she drove to the station Constitutional In Just Pyjamas Isnt Cricket It seemed strange time to take an evening constitutional 330 ambut the old fellow wasnt too concerned Nor did the place or tha attire seem quite right but then who wantstoconform all the time Polloe dldfeel it was time to lake htrn home after finding ontandr ghwsy But he was wearing his hat TODIIYS STOCK PRICES Compiled byA Flynn Ill DIIrrlop St En Barrio INDUITBIAI arenas Dom Stores Donn Tar at Lake 0st Pow ifudee Portal Home Pit Home oil ans Blvslllln Imp Tobacco Asbestos mil em to Aluminium Alberta Ger AItI NIL All Stall Bk of bloat zero re so bits 86 Ban of Bull lel Itrsnllln BA DII 01 lost and Cdn Imp Isk Corn gov Cdn brewer lll CF 2sz Clip Cement ow Crrn cnamles 7th glii onp Igg sssry owes Cast IlilndrSrn 7W statt Lskolnnd m4 blurry At last alghtt regular meet 0i Swimmer Accept lnllnd NG Infer Nlclrel Interprav Pipe Jockey Club hlac Pow IIIv ms BAKItll exhumation aueurrn no Barrieis Drawing Support Eorilniversily EstabliShInent Barrie ts sterlingto draw support from throughout Slmcee Caron for the establishment of university in this City or vie fully for of city council Clerk Ben Strengthen Iced letters of can lion for the proposal from four townships one village and town who favor the proposal Industrial Commission Pays Commissioners An Item of accounts payable that went before Barrie City Council last night drew raised eyebrows from several council members notably those who take an Interest In the game of golf The Item concerned senior membership to the hassle Country Club Ltd for Ilfoy Industrial commissioner for the city Aid Gerald Roberts who noticed the expenditure or long with Aid hf hllllsI was to favor of holding up the ac count until council had re ceived satisfactory explana tion Is It the policy of the city to buy golf memberships for Its employeesi oskcdvAld Ito lie was In favor of holding up the account until It was point ed out that the membership was paid by the Industrinl commis sion and council has no control over how it spends its money after the overall budget has been passed Ald Bred Smith suggested Sass canv NotSoIibiiing In The City William Clark chairman of the Barrie Committee of the Canadian National Institute for the Blind said today that per sons now soliciting for the blind In Barrie are not connect ed with or authorised by the TIIB Mr Clark emphasized that the CNIB is United Appeal agency and therefore makes no solicitations of citizens or bust nesses In Barrio for contribu tions The Chamber ol Commerce said women had told them about It and said she had re ported Ihoporganlzation to the pollca Barrie City Police said they had received report but that the organization is perfectly legal and solicitors do not rep resent themselvcs as being from the CNIB Mr Clark said he realized the organization was legal and he was interested only In male Ing It public that it was not connected with or authorized by the CNIB llrgués Case TORONTO CPlalacir Keoy recreation director for suburban Scarborough says somebody Is playing politics in leaving 17yearold Iudy Stewart off the British Empire Games team Illiss Stewart won the one metre threemetre and Inme tre diving titles at the recent Canadian swimming nd diving championships at Vancouver Kcay said the statement day This Is real hrlustica The Scarborough Young Adults Association had offered to raise $1200 to send my to the games In Perth Australia Ken Murraypresfdent of the Canadian Amateur Swlmmlng Association and member of the British Empire Games commit Ice said In Montreal that she was rejected not for financial reasons but because experts said he COMETWt required palition Nor mind It Monro Corp In Bore third Sllirrlff Simpson Shnwlpinn Steel of Can Torl7emEk TMIIJCCIH Trans lift Trad Fill Texaco Union Gila Councils action has so far been to sound out how much on rt It will have for arch preset ilIt was pushed to the extentofreeldng meeting with Premier John lichens minister of education ibe munlcl ties who supp ort Barrio nelude Aliiotoh Wesege Beach and the town ohlpo of Modesto Ens Vcrpre and West Gwllttmbury Golf Dues that Aid Roberts should ire member Ids complaint until the end of the year when he could review the commissions ox penditures to see If it was our spent ILK Cracks Down On Illegal Goods LONDON CPIBritish cus toms ofIchnls have stepped up efforts to curb illegal Imports of foreign goods being shipped to Britain endcr thegulre of Canadian manufacture One recent shipment of dresses alleged to have been made In Canada ciunliy come from FormosnBut Inoit of the gt suspected entries prove to have been made In the United States Manufacturers try to evade heavy duties placed on foreign Imports while taking advantage of Commonwealth preference agreements Brltlnh customs agents any American companies subsidiary companies In Cen ada channel American modo items through Canada to Brit nln Exp Canadian officials about how to cut down the Illegal Imports uni dor false manufacturing certifi cates One consignment of goods Ifrom Conadawas held up be cause customs Inspector noticed few words had been clipped from the bottom of the Ipstnrctlon slips he had every bolt examined until hu found one slip with the few extra words proving the goods were made In the United States The articles which were not Identified were seized and sold The profits went to the British KDVOianlll reconnaissance 40Ton Ferr Lifeline To liy OWYNNE POWER Examiner Staff Reporter The meat Irnportant lifeline to the people of million land In their ferry boat the It IIoeyt totemme you not that plies between the Islad settlement and Cedar Point on the mslaturd for to months of the year With very few exceptions all the atom materials foods and livestock to men the island to say nothing of residents and visitors goingbeclc and forth go on the ripe NEW BOAT She is new boat registered In Ottawa and first put Into service at Christian Island last October to place retiring wooden hull vessel At the end of last year fee In the fourmile channel put her out of action but within two months at the first sign of the breakup she was out again acting ssIIer own Icebreaker Shipper Sam Jamtcson re members the flrstround trlp made this spring The first crossing was alright but going backlt hsd Iced right over Took his five and half hours to get back he said That Is exceptional Normal ly the ferry sticks pretty close to Its scheduled or minutes for the fourmile crossing For heavy loads and moving construction equipment and ma lcrials there Is barge that cola be hauled behind the ves sc Sam Iamleson is the senior skipper and Ab Iilng relieves him on days off and other or Hlons There are twouolher men we crossings that tho liocy makes tptre each day with extra trips weekends The chptafns are also the mall carriersand that applies to winter as well as summer What happens to the mail In winter We drive for It when the ice Is thick enough other wise we walk raid Ab King Then we know Its four attics he added with grin VETERAN SAILOR Captain Sam has lived on the island for some years working first In the sawmill but on the ferry Ilnce IIISd lie was born Iorilhe no mo ATTHE warm on the Shawanagn Reserve near Parry Sound Though only six yenrlon the ferry be Is veteran seller was pretty nearly born In boat guess he sold pre fer It on the water to most places Its cooler than any where else In summer he added Ab King was born on the Is land nnd still spends great deal of his spare time working path the junior softball sound llII has the melded advantage that visiting ball teams have some Insurance thal they are not going to mls the last ferry across since on hfsworktng days the ferry doesnt Ieava wllhoul Ab This Is the last of series of six articles on the residents and operation of the Christian Island Indian Reseryerpopug lated by theChIppewasof Bcnusoleil Band Tire use of the term Chippewa has been queried but according to the Encyclopaedla Britan nIcn It has been accepted by the Bureau of American Eth nology The authority con so ndians times the nppelatlon actually is corruption of Ojibwa Both names in fact refer to tiresome People Sound Trumpets For Warriors Day Fiftyseven members of Kam penlelt Trumpet Band will na rndc In Toronto Saturday at the Varriors Day Parade The bandtvlll mn Fort York Armory east of the Princes Gates around the track and Join the main bands for drumhead service PHONE NUMBER FORMEMERGEIICYv on Police rs essaav Provincial Police PA Midi Fire Department PA NISI Royal Victoria flospffll PA 951 ElmerSummer Safer Contest Nay3 richness lien is my third Safety Contact lots of fun to picture II based on my ruin RIDE YOUR BIKE SAFELY AND OBEY ALI SIGNS AND SIGNALS Stove right now to find whell wrong In the picture You may win new Isletph bicycle or Sono Can You FrndTh IIrIIIIs WHAT You on vol All entries become the pro arty at Ii°r3in°di Elmer the Safety whim looks ilk this be fulfilled Children of employers of this news man and Industries Canada lds dolled llnl and drew to picture cplg It and col II III on unarolo sheet of Ivan things wrong In the picture lug LEI htftc cadre infidlieriiliiimoniiemnrrrfiltmEy ur name and address W5 EOE till Ontolio Safe cannot ansarcu nrcvcrcs one boys end one gills 25 soupurns Any child of elsmsntoryschcol ago traffic solely on may enter Contest No NAME aooItrss recessions dselslcn In front Roy coral Cnmbinot on eye am andlight orer was racu ween Mail before Aug 2an to oursan sarsrvl rescue me KING 51 ToaoNio curian rusLIsHEh IN TIIEINTEassr or CHILDRENS sarsrr Barrie and District Insurance Agents Assoc= WHOSEMEMBERS ARE AS FOLLOWS can Paper of the city Constable Pickard Comm an up said Iforvaths car was clack ed at speeds between so and 35 miles per hour Pickard testified Horvath was borderline drunk and could not produce drivers licence heiIT Ircd Magistrate Foster fined the accused too and costs for the careless driving go and $10 and costs on the charge of driving wilhout licence The magistrate suggested that Harvth attend two ought sess ions of the Trafro Clinic to be held In September Norands BARRIE AGENTS Bruce Demitroif Bradford St London 55 75 Kitchener 55 75 Wingham 55 10 Kitchener 55 75 Vingham 55 III Hamilton 55 75 StCatharInes 55 7b Toront Peterhorougb Trenton KIIlnloc Muskoka North II Sudbury Earllon Kapusknsng White River warn now oIsTnIcT AGENTS Walter Adnlr Insurance Agency I17 llcrczy Sly It Bentley and Ca Formerly lilynré Insurance If Caller Still Mmele Wlltlu 01 Io Bophln Street East Coulis Insurance Agency Owen SI MINING Goco fillan Gunner III Holllnsor IfoerdIsen Lnrneque Lorsdo hlliltlm IlIurrIy Min Normot Nnrthaste arvs mosh ncnrvc arocns Korr New Athens Traders FillrA Ian Northgstn Mumgjtfffimlffl gigflfmgftjm when run NEED Insurance CONSULT ONE or THESE INDEPENDENT INSURANCE occurs revenge erocn sxenshao masx Industrinl up one down one Aletlls up as on up or Nixon tftSunnldnle ltd Benry Elrlclr and ItIfchIe Sarieant Insurance Agency Ltd 15 Owen St ill Dunlop St Mnlcomsonl Insurance Agency It Slcssor Insurance Agency 4iDuulop15IrEIH 95Colller345iv Mallory Insurance Agency Stevenson and Co Ii Creawlcka Court 113A Dnnlop St Moore TomTnttersnll b7 Pcnetnng St 24 Parkstde Drive onemlakn fiuemnnt Illo At our Sher ordon Steep flock Carr Dyna Can Husky Can Duvnniln Camp Chib Can not life Copper nno Con IInll Denlson Mines Sullivan Baiconbrldge Iorne Arnold Cookstonri Inn to Dlfn encock Insurance Agency Mldhnret Simplilli Strand Is

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