Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Aug 1962, p. 11

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successors vssroctt mo IW Hell MI authored Also its slam Cores is Dinah HIM and ADI IntTIMIn one to Clarita Johnston Wood REED SEED GRAIN IICOND II for uk Telephone MI at and rooted tears assurance nonsense sate men or lfiill tits Nata1 elude Jesters NW5 ml mane irons clowns it remained for day wins bar aunts or uses antennas Mr and Mrs amour amountedby their da tar it Guthrie lioltsd cam on sy blessing Ana Erma Roger ournru oi ass Army renewing ecouaiot in and radiators its end rs Ami Wflttmuen mama want at WWW ltey urns sicrowu iiIu toot Miu Sondra Duekwortb is ratio For it It daily or for senior boiid tor the out coast itolld lib retire Aerators and Denis gwua and spending eyrw nan arms st mm per unit asesru hire abet Events and Mrs gm pm pm and NMWW Boom at tideu Ilium cotton st Feather Slain Point III isitltsss° or core mucxs room humus not iirlil hii°ll Mm MMI isng Agmgiggglrrusnlg mm wmgdm Wm day to California on Aug 11 also Mrs Smith Sraatlord at Am Lima Mu the weekend with his niecewnd me me nuts for sole ores Mr and Mrs lioneId Co at wharf mm um hmm Valerie Lallmer Barrio spent III Totrhlhsrihsri Fmrhaww Flaw few days with her rsnrlpoo mm mm fairer and Mrs an PERSONAIs hi it mm mm Mr and Mrs llirnsr and litre Alex Moltsy and Hugh mm am poard Selle Mlhtfhttsdiittslm 01 ii ville visited their cousins FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies dr Service il Case New Holland David Brown beetty Farm Equipment 17 BURTON AVE PA surs CASH TRADE TERMS MW Dllt for sale Ileasey Harris Telephonenerrnloy nit means is Super Comblne IP Friday tor one person Tales plbbne PA Mfld oi Dorrie visited hire Pick Mr and Mrs Lorne Plaxlon or this week on Aug George Stdwell Sr returned irom Guelph this week Mr and Mrs William Mo Kolght and children slim Betty Donna and Carol ol Port Wil liam visited their parents Mr and lllrs Jacob hiiller over the weekend lllra iiorold Wright spent day this week with iler sister lnlaw hire Don Wright oi Colllngwood Miss Linda Wright who spent weeks holidays with her cousins returned home Mr and Mrs George Wilson andudaltlhtdi Penny oi Scarb orocelieoon Mr and Mrs Partridge this week iinous By MRS DUCKWORIH Mrs Sarah Simpson Red Rock returned home after visit with Mr and Mrs Chsr les Kennaldv Mr and Mrs Roberlilowald MIAme AND advising on all stiaire Open iron one to In Telephone Orlilll PA Hi or Pros St South Ortllia FORTUNE TELLING Do Oil Went our iortons solo by ea or if so elepbolie PA soars tor appoint rosnt Hartline WING DONIl Mdiss cotton to it Massey to pull type rem tlnsntai motor Care is an combine inc Thresher wan No Thresher ai Nobleton hm son vice one mile west or Nobieton snout AUTOMOTIVE dresses blouses slirtai also ehlb MOTOR CAR FOR drsna apparel Rllronlble This SEE phone PA Iii afternoons VI nsaun SIIDP Colderam Sets by stifled hairdresser in RAMBLER its bliniifhhflih El new Vlau Motors Li lted 1I Gowan Str ot PA 66488 an stairs or PA 61321 BUY NOW Save Tax ON BRAND NEW 61 VOLKSWAGEN WHILE PRESENT srocn mars as PIERCE morons urn CHEVROLET Sedan liiIiilflI is titties GP OTII la Peel st alter mm MONARCII Hardin for in good running order loo Telephone PA ssoei mt TRIUMPH Herald radio and whitewalls new condition Tories May be son at 111 Duckworthl eiter toss DODGE Sedan good condi tion Radio hea licence sari cult and assume lance oi mon thU nutrients Phone PA 33915 lots araicn Arondo ssooo orler tilal mliss value this test were ltlrril es inexpensive transpar on heason tar soiling need truck hisphone llt Moat saso TWD DOOR Deluxe Falcon One owner ear White and so Mr and Mrs James Harris and family and Mr and Mrs Charles Harris Barrio called on their sister and brothertn lew lilr and Mrs Aime Plait tan this week Mr and Mrs Walter hichiac kon spent the weekend with their daughter and sonlnlaw Mr and Mrs Frank Woodrow at their cottage oi Rackcrolt Mr and Mrs Richard lre lend and family Toronto are visiting their parents Dr and Mrs West FAMILY SEREAVED hlr and Mrs Prank Dunn received word that Mrs Dunns father Hogg South Shields England had passed away polity is extended to tho fomll CAMP BORDEN ay iii contrast The sympathy of Camp Ror PRESIDENT so CHART his radio televisionspsach night The President spoke irom ths White House last irom his ollice in discussing President Kennedy points to chart during rehearsal for lOST SFOUND LOSTLes straw Purse outside Allendsle undmmst Please re turn to lnnisftt Township Police TD HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP Naecl School Funds HOUSEWIVES Like yoursell are earning good income by representing Avon Cosmetics Openings now avail able for quallllcd women Tole Wirsphotoi the Royal Canadian Air Force has started months tour of 11 55 OTTAWA SPFTwo young Patton and now is in private clatloa in Its court struggle to rtm°c°nczliumbmcofivz° 12 lawyersone tom Toronto the practice prevent the international gram chosen to act as legal counsel play an important role in shop from wrestlng control lfi for tho Norris industriallnouriy ing the direction of federal in in 1958 ho was counsel for shi ping disruptions and labor bias by Mr Justice Nor allegations that the interns 91 gifinffiflimm sirlle sources said Monday ris to Vancouver member tlanol Brotherhood oi Teamsters and family Morrisburg are visiting their parents Mr and the iamilv of the late George 0mm med 5h oi Anneal ing rights through intimidation Jamlegon who was ctvttnn um foagffilrisénir The massif hlr Dubln was hailed publicly Mr Dubln represented the ham Go TOLAltitADOit the past two yopm tins of Canadas youngest Kings case in which the legality of M551 Sgt and Mrs MelHoggar and The austerity program recon 12th Ignaz dwgillemllfifgflflflfi Counsel at the ago at as The trading stamp schemes rwaa last week alter holiday with has had thraopronsed elfcet years pracllco an honor other PAYROLL CLERK iirslloggsrtsmothar hire on the civil servant in Borden airinflfffiéfimflhfgeflfl lingfglmsgigycggggyfg lawyers generally take 15 years mm oi Canada Limited lilust be mm whtch had been recommended Lolonde has an academic and experienced typlst and calcula gnu Camp Bowl by we Ci Sm Comm WIFE ls LAWYER government background Ha knowledge payroll mud Gm mmhm Mm Bum mm Mn definitely den lawyer in her own right was University at Montreal than MRS SNEDDON babrador whcro SS1 Gysel is mm mm WI 0i in till glileclgqulth Ilsfivin Dglhle III IhndlttgIIMd mum dum PI 85564 °° it TO THE GOLDEN GIITE in cum when at mm and since then he has success administrative law at the Uiils no war an am are Unllorms su puss Apply at Coles charges to 1959 then acted as assistant Otiititi AIIIEJILEEscflgflmfilflga Ml lm llospenIrmucholrhlsreally to Justicalvllnlster Fullonunt mMPITSNTlIouetteegr sequin Mr and hirsultloyd Johnson BREAKS LAWS by and family are spending tow magnum Coy bid had money union cases and built up such verslty at Ottawa law faculty Pleasant eon ltloni Telephone PA so tho eyes apaneso cross for further information edStateaI captain Gervols is going pointed counsel for the Ontario work Mr Laionda has returned Miss Barbara nuckworth to Petowawa and Sergeant Keri glinlihyhlrfIIInglh Itllgrnlildili man And he had no Vlm Mb MIMI Bum In to prime mom cm the nations economy IAP For Shipping Dispute Europe mm mm of muons 1m other irom Montrealhave been The two men areexpccted to orhood of Electrical Workers mugmlmd at he mm commissionrtnlo Great Latter vestigatlon into marine trou royal commission lnqulringlntp den employees is extended to pantpinhrenu France0thor Announcement of their op til the Biitilii Columbia Coiiii will attemptins t0 liiiin liarsfllii Mrs Geor Easter keeper iii the RCAC School for Luxembourg Charm Dubln 40 mm inriSSlrwheo ho was appointed Ontario government in tool in mm mm mm mm Michell 100er sat ol the band and the lan standing labor specialist and Immune me an my leled Wm by Will N0 Bioti Notonivhnsthowmincrem al occasions assistant to Justice Minister mm mm mm hm ma Em law dm Wm In mm mum wage ills wife Anne successful was graduated in law from the New helm mm Gem my ed but 1mm that be appointed do this year studied economics at Oxiord ML and Mrs Arthur manor higher mm Only dozen people from the gallows He taught commercial and Mm Muir Hi tie Emdm WW employees will hamper the SAN FRANCISCO tAPl promising to send thorn the WI my MBP °i Wm it 57 Restaurant or telephone PA M411 MIMI Club of RCASC Selim mm Ham mu The had passport career handling labor and trade 1960 also serving on the Unl leaching cats is tvaosv week My mm mm in um UH reputation he was ofteoap Since leaving government bye totwo their members in Jupnncsc youth when government he Mt Japan i1 in we the wemnd Wm the eyes or the us he successfully represented the sol for the St Lawrence River Dressers required Excellent wages and commission lilodsni elMon custom radio windshield warns dltionad salon Itis to loan Gap can Mlboighltafor ell downm rick Hair Stylists st Maple Ave once man phono PA MOSS SENIOR FEMALE Milli School llistlerli or young lady temporarily isso PDNTlAc four door sodlrs unemployed to relieve during pap custom radio all new tires in all minsnt secretarys holidays in vsr blue metallic with matching nson is posted to Ottawa Carolyn Pilo Barrio The two Junior Ranks olubs voyage mm 0mm Mr and Mrs Dark in Camp Borden have been worth Miss Barbara and Miss 3W9 Bulletin mes Tl orIsligdl dSnell ITiniIclsllnItidlglcelii government ht entered the Ontario Hydro Employees Asso Pilots Association UngtcduStotes illegally 255 CR UTDHCB Denies Charge Thai Govt Is Breaking Medicare Plan Kcnichi likened his solo ad ItEGlNA CPI Premier venture to those who explain thevaant to climb Mount Everest because its there Horshnved nit irom Osaka about Bits pm May is seen olf only by two friends He had not told his parents he Woodrow Lloyd and Health Min was leaving The family later Davies have denied learned of his plans when he charges of the Keep Our Doc was well out to sea and tors Committee presidenthllodl worriedufort ills nsxt threehey Thomsonll1at tbegovcrn months ment is violating several coven ants of llieSitsitSitiOit agreement which ended the medical care dispute In press statements Mr Lloyd and Mr Davies said Moo day the medical care commls Erma attended the centennial Club at 1° mil end camp strul shinning out his tangled wm Hum legal status getting much Optometrlrta office Very light intsrl run down and take over duties Moon was to alto Salary Club and the one at the north to HELP WANTED and at Cnmr wit it called $222 lhliili militia pey enis at soil per month lele eio per week Ann Dunlap st phone PA ssoas person be ween N0 and MALE HELP Algonqum cm the key to the city from so is Maire IGeorges Christopher sxrsnisiucno El ctril on one or ered to return itstiltistattlttitti EMPLOYMENT woman mayan itlréxsgfi Viki WWWBY rouna MAN is years old aeak Br MRS REG DRINKILL ing permanent siilce norltlon home without his boat Mar tread tires custom radio windolv MALE FEMALE Members oi the Gulldot Si mold by his father washers are down per Available immediately Presently ltlhns Anglican Ch oh held Early in the clay liS immi grntion olflciala grantedlicnv em Dvo drill for news yoliiICHII roaml5 TRAVEL th August Mung YoungMon 1721 homo hi Mrs Enri Srown trcrd tires new coral paint ioh let 3041 Slaisfifltl Ralph pletad ilrst you or accounting Young Ladies IiiSS MinnaJill it President This car can be bought for the Hollon districtiilnmigra low low rise st shoot with ion room and has experience in st liondirector said he can countlngworll Wrt Scrimmn Mrs Arlle Whotha mm mm It was decided lonllavgriashlilillgo in outside orderdcparimant 0Tl gale on Friday Aug 17 large Canadian company No Wallace Kells la visitinghis EXPEilEiiCe iiiCDSSBIY ES flimt sister Mrs Armour Miller in plots training given Must be Sarnia neat single and free to travel Mr and Mrs Frank Brown immediately Good slarllngsal of Hamilton spent the weekend ary plus bonus Transportation with Mr and hire Herb Horn supplled sbv APPLY almost month more Miss Linda Crawford of Tor Thilrsda1lama limit is spendins law toys 15 LETRoglm Willa Mme ambit wojod over the holiday weak rs oorgs oss on Queens Hotel and girls of Toronto visited The annufilhijlecoratlilon SBlllilpfi lgazebsgfjg gygygz ii IEGAI NOTICES coarser EMMY finnndaey SETIS Algeria Reutersl It the with iii Staki Aug is at pm Thousands oi Bedouin nomads °° agreement The commission ceased res making recommendations to the SIITP 0F 0R0 Mrrand Mr GeraldAdamg are returning irom the Sahara ray Psintlo crulling ph siclons for tem or overnment Mm mm 539 Elm go 1N THE MATTER of the closing of part at the nnopen and daughter Toronto spent 95° We the 55 an Emmy July 23 if Hm commission ha been ed road allowance bet as the weekend with Mrs William the his plateau area near Setii BXELNZZSTE Mm Em PA 95 THE MATTER of Scallop lgsciessslhnl4lrzaingi4tilaNiIiunrl Am it mm Slhiiliiiflnhillsilisafifl mitti Pitta iiiiiiiitati Mrs Dalton Crawford mi start of the Algerian was nearly of these agencies and am an PAVING map his being Chapter 249 RS0 1959 girls are spending couple Eiflhi Wt 5S9 521in 029213e dwlll sored arrangements for recom rp EXCAVATING FILL GRAVEL TOP 501T TAKE NOTICE that tho Councl Th tli lite Kab ASPHALT PAVING Corporation of the weeks with her husband at PM if neither mm Placed any mandamus Certification SEPTICTANKS PUMPED tot pro that the French Army never opened new paving depart United Church Women 2W5 moot clearly recognizes ths DENNIS MORAN some said proposgd pp as follow evening August The prosl The area was put under aban 51mm in own on the doctored areas Prior to the Road Allowance between devotions skit wes put on The Villa as were than de the lie artmeot of uble health INVISIBLE ENDING ERIE oncession and described as follows ii North 31 de recs oo minute mm so we mm Lunch was served by Mrs aircraft fired oo anyone seen mud remaketh my upholstery at your home by 10°31 firm at Lot Concession runner NorthSirdcgrces is minutes so RETURN ro vancou ing in mm Mr Lloyd said the authority Oro and Medonte tidbit lost to an iron bar planted at the North past month with Mr andMrs ALL WORK to the Southeast corner of Lot Concession THENCE South Orland and Patsy Mr and WELLS DRILLED Couplond Drilling VIEW ml Clerk at the Township of Oro ImJill Mum Township of Oro will alter the ubll els to are at flatu VARCOE BROTHERS LTD ii nation at this Notice at Snug Harbour other dawn or temporary of these are proceeding as rap Excavating and Grading Water couldvsubduetturlng the Mos men to pm we of expanding commissions responsibility to as Anne Street All and singular that certain parceiortract oiland situate ant Mia Cal Ellen presided our gas awar and the tallest am creation of the commission sim COMMENCING point intiio Easterlyglirnltroi thasald iii Whittle Mtl WW 99 in Both the rremieryinier Weliivislbly mend your suits PA 532 Lot 2Concession THENCE continuing North at degrees or agencies in association with tho PA 34295 McEacldenw igrissiszoesaitsetseranirnnhpinplsilicaslnsinsnnweriMsrmiltrrafihid Tiew mm oithe commission is limited to east corner of Lot Concession THENCE South 31 degrees is Hermon irew and other rela GUAEANTEED FOR ill degrees on minutes East 144666 feet to an iron bar planted Mrs Warren French and dau ILLNESSDELAYS REPORTS PUMPS lNSTALI ED PA 87646 Hm yrt ppentasiawd 1iailAuLLa IrlilloItTWalIr1iasthmaiw112No¢mezmmnwtall 1i rum ls repomd asl dawn to hose who quality Tales pans pA may stayrhero six months as tar as were concerned Howcvor Japanese consular oliiclnls in San Francisco re ported that hls father Yoshio SILOSilllE auto parts dealer bad messaged them request ing that his son be shipped home as soon as possible and rte Examiner susmrss srnvlci onscrorv AskAbont Low itatas By Month or Year Telephone PA 82414 APPLIANCE PAINTING AND SERVICES PAPERHANSlNO TONYS APPLIANCE EDWARD sniim own son AND TV SERVICE Piloting and Papas Hanging They overjoyed rows of his arrivallapanese maritime officials who had also is not breaking the Saska toon agreement by recruiting doctors in the United Kingdom given him up for dead wpre astounded Fighting through several storms occasional seasick ness and so days without see ing land Kcnichi saiied into The only recniilmcnt that is to progress is to provide physi cians tor undardoriored areas as specifically allowed for in the agreementthe public may be assured the chairman and the the bay with provisions for Mr and Mrs William Corbett executive director at the com and Mr and Mrs William aoonsr THOMPSON Travel Arrangements AIR tSHIP BUS MIL HOTELS RESORTS CRUISES CAR RENTAL OK Johnson and Co Ltd World Wide Service PA Mess PLUMBING ROY SALISBURY PLUMBING HEATING PUMP REPAIRS rPA 8946 PLASTERING moonwa REPAIRS STUCC AND STONE Free Estimates NEER SAM CRYER PA 167 Goats and sheep graze on the stubble of the grainfields coilr7 hp pm my PHONE will MURDOCK Fa Letumhéciroro car PLUMBING ewboaailniouwour roots the Westerly limit at the above mentioned Road Allowance soundings couple week parts ofthe at commission THENCE South to degrees as minutes seconds East along the cottage near Vitiiiiiia Hflibviir on govsrnmsntlbyrganlzatlon will said northerly limit of the travelled road seas feat more or less to the point at commencement AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any person who claims that his land will be proiudlelally filteeted by the aciditylaw and who applicd to be board shall be heard by the Council either in person or by his counsel solicitor or agent THIS NOTlCE is iirst published on the 31st day of July AD wanna SALANC no spoon aosoaa ssovrcn COMPLETE raonr nivp suspension ovnitiiaun 27 roaonro iiii iiiid MiI JDliii Millet bedelayed by the illness of ons Mr aners William Collins of tha threa commissioners Mr and Mrs Elmer Frendi Chairman GraotGlasrco asid and Mr and Mrs Oliver tings Monday Horsaid Eugena Thar spcnt siliidaywlth Mr and st Mrs Earl Grlggtat heir cott age near SovernSridgc heart attack at commission Mr and Mrs Ernest Dielan meeting hora last week Mr Heroine lNSTAL arlons euros to Montreal lawyorfand asuranco uxosutivosnltarcd Examiner and the posting of this Notice for one it month in six iiititiiitiiiiil iii mtém Algeria and suppliers at asphalt have The August meeting or the Mrs Davies said the agree Hali yard Snelthoa for bird the saidjnwnshtp of Royce French on Wednesda March quote on any paving iob largo maneot placement in under INVISIBLE MENDING and Province of Ontario and being composed of that part or the ma Drinklll took part in the were evacuated by the French liar assistance was altered by NORTH SAYFIELD ST mum on come at and Mrs RobortJsmiason Bands were closed and French mm that the commute 15 We also invisibly mend your gt PAVING once 15mm feet to an iron bar planted at the Northwest corner WHEN by the 039W Today normal life is resum hudertbe5skntoooagresment Southerly limit of thoRoad Allowance between the Townships of inVaneouver after spending the Phone PA 82112 owanco between Concessions and distance at 201941 feet Mr and Mrs Elmer French 5m WELL DIGGING FREE ESTIMATES roar Ii TUDllOPE baker and family oi Haaneler Ilierrlon was adnlLitted to ho least once week for Tour were lands and almost im enetrable Satrioa oldest manuiacturers V9 mm UNITED council Woman services Wm he Delivery Crushed stone hold at the home of Mrs Iem insurrection that ended last business and will bo pleased to help recruit dociors for par PA 82907 ivlns mro being in the Township of Oro in the County of Simeon John Miller and Miri Zei tan including entire villages Plant and allies at 77m sissso itoadAllowanca distant 50490 Ellnmhr KPHm all by tilt lullWWI WV Davies denied Mr Thomson an nvamuos an oasis minutes West along the said Easterly limit of the Road Allow om Emwn Ms Jam WW medical care plan as promised corner of Lot Concession THENCE Southwestarly along the and how pen or their home dumnl Smiling Whit Pavmg minutes 50 seconds East along the Westerly limit of the Read All tlvea and friends dréni Elem mm or ea TWO YEARS at the point whora the Northorly limit of travelled road intor Hitler and Gerald French 816 OTTAWA tCPiThédinalrre BY LICENSED DRILLERS RR SARRIE

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