Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Aug 1962, p. 3

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Barrie Collegiate Band leaves soday on the Pacllic Tour wlildl is to be lectured by two appear ancee at the Worlds Fair in Seattle Washington The party numbering7t stu dent musicians and adults will travel to the West Coast on Canadian National Railways Su per Continental which leaves Barrio Allandaiel station this evening at 010 oclock Four special sleeping coa ches will carry the Barrie parv ty They are being made up earlier on aidinth Allendan andwiii be hooked on to the Super Continental when it or Collegiate Band Leaves Tonight For Worlds Fair rancclat the Worlds Fair as are on WMBEMBYpAUIL 12 at the main band shell in the Seattle exposition at one and tour oclock in the alien noon This is the only Canadian music group at amateur status appearing during the lair which has many United States prolea aiansl ensembles playing during the six months The band party arrives in Vancouver Thursday evening itio very next day they will lay at Butehart Gardens on summer island near Victor ia Saturday night they play Sunset Concert at British Em pire Stadium in Vancouver On it find 600m Cairnsiirti rim mm Toronto Tile train Sunday um pmomam trumpet The concert was in stops here only for tow mills tormpted near the end at its tiles The trip to Vancouver tfiflm Elma program by tbminilit rain via WinnipcK5imi°°nl 54 oclock in Central Presbyterian squall Examiner Photo monton and Jasper takes three Church his days and three no MY HOME surnnvrsonv cnour The adults with the band are an bend Alli grim Alien Fisher director back eastward with concerts in music Vernon Stcwnrh to the Okanagon Valleyol British mass musicians oi the view Park From the left Barrie City Concert hand are Norm Blochhall third trum ahown as they pcriorm in My pct Bob Hunter aocond trum AnnOunce Barrie Swim Test Results RainIntenupts Band Concert The Barrie Recreation Com mittee has released the results oi swimming tests at Kinsmens Pond and Johnson St Beach or Minnow Fish and Water Soicty Beginners This marks the end at lhc six wcck course and summer pro gram tor the Barrie Recreation Committee Following are the results KINSJIENS POND Minnows pnsscd Christina Batter Greg Smith Joanne Romph Edward Dobson Colleen Arnott John Ribnikin Patti Mn rion Pamcin Woods Jill Calder Nancy Conlier Cothy Gough Allison Porter Bonnie Ferry Valcrio Smith Drcni Jenllcil Roddic Tyson Tcddy Campbell Patti CarusoWendy liarris Cov thy Caldwell Linda Cuidwcli Harman llotman Brent Bowen Larry Sounders Frank Bnuiton John Prince Brenda McCauloy Debbie Lyn Watson Tomm King Rnndali Young Richard Little Jim Dell Gary Smith Francis Young Sandra Revcllc iiinmcs Clugh and George ltp ng Fish passed Christine Rot tcr Judy Woods Sundrri Mc Cnhe George lllpliug Roddy Tyson Jim Bell Francis Young Cohn Scott Dorothy Lungusv hnusen Wliitcr llotmon Cnlliy Fiizsimmnns chhio iluntcr Carolyn ilalmnn John lrincc Doug Clayton Jailc Coliltcr Nancy Couiicr Mnig Clitirch John Know Doug Forbes Rich ard Nixon Colleen Arnoti Rob bio Fail Ralph Curbcti Curl Corbett James Ough chhla htchbo Nancy Woods Paul Leighton David Young Dennis King ilolly Rue Allison McKens ale chhieWatson Maureen Clark Janice Clark Cathy Gough Water Safety Beginners Paul Inigllton Waiter llotmnn Brian Spcarn Janiio Vnusc Bert Holman Murray Leighton Cuiiccn Jennett John Caruso Mark Willinnis Dchblo McCahc Roddle Tyson Bruno Nixon Richard Nixon Dough Gloyion Ralph Corhclt Bill Hny Bon nln Gough Bov iiiclilo Colin Scott Pam Woods Ronald ilub hert David Young Trudle Cold or Carolyn Holman and Janice Clark JOHNSON STREET DEACII Minnows swimming tcsls pass cd Martin lililnk Robert hic Colognng Cheryl Murray llcnc chor Judy Atkins Lisa cane Archie Coslcr Ann Siev cnson Mary Fetch Don Robert son Dong Small Ann Brent nleeColdyrMury arly John Anderson Karon Cownn Grog Cowan David White Mary Bruit Ricky Har dy Julio Smith Mikc Muloncy Ronnie Williams chnlo Zubn Roxanne White Susananne Wil liams Diane Long Donna Lco Charles Vcs Pat Pearson Ricky Park Joyce Harris Bonnie Proven Martin Rubinolt Stoven McGrath Chris Hunter Gayle to Caisson Michacl licokc Jano Jinnah Debbie Lccfllighhlycrs LR pc Sharon Light Jnn Rob eon Rosemary Larmaur Brian Aiderson Keith White Brian Edwards Lynn Fareleigh Pat sy Smith Ricky Hancock Gary Bell Bobby Latter Beverly Lat ier Steve Ward Sandra Coul son George Centon Peter lilo Aiistcr Bobby Lynch Ricky McFadden Randy Campbell Peter Williams Joe Shelly Shaun Turner Brion Trendweil Charles Emmcs Paul Miller Jimmie White Heather Lar mour John Whittaker Lynn McKee Alison Hottoot Kim Godfrey Judy Davis Cheryl Park Wendy lognnd Mary Short John Ferguson Steven Coulter Tim Hardcore Charles Cato Jottrcy Weutiiler Brian Blown Gary Ackerman Heidi Giasslord Stephen Morrison Sharon Bowman Sandra Bracni cntc Pot Hunter Ioroinno Brown John White Jimmy Broti Kathy Woods Kntlly Mu loney Richard Johnston Mich cile Lachoncc Fish swimming tests Kim Hunter Dannie Martin Mary Brent Doug Lamb Cathy Hinds Juno Knowles Rosemary Ban nermiin Terry Leigh chdy Goodhcnd GregGoripy Stoven Garipy Cathy Ann Provan Doug lllorvey Linda Jockson Lyn Coleman Terry Horne Raf hurt McColgnn Mary Lynn White Bruce iurnbuii Marjorie Know es Raymond iokorck ltco Miilor Martin liulok Ron nio Williams lieathor Coulson Barbara Bcolty Edward Burro David White Norman Maynard Bobby Lamb Peter Beer Shar on Yoshcn ilarry Norton Dnt vld hlitchinson Mary Doll Mor inrty Anno Brant Karon Cow an Joyce liopwood Gary Bell Carol Anna Conlgnl Phi Pear son Ricky iirlRly Kntiiy Liv ingston Jim Mulciiiilack Lisa Dccarlc Arclllc Castor Ricky McFadden Doug Small Randy Campbell Linda Choppel Sle ven Ward ieicrWiillams Sto vcn Brocalcnto Andrew Walsh Ricky Fork Jon Robinson Shnr on Light Bebbio Lynch Brian Treadwcil Charles Coley Gail Caisson Shanon Bowman Lyn McKee Patsy Lnng Lyn Fair leigh Nancy McEachein Alico son Hopwood Joey Skelly Kim Gotltrcy Jolie Durtll Mary Lynn Brett Rosemary Larmour iicn illcr Laxmour Ron iicppicslon Andy Farnuliarson John Parry Zinnia Zlebn Roxanne White Susan Whittaker Jimmy Yosh cn Greg Cowan Wntcr solely beginners Susan Master Kenny Master James Gosncy Scott Snclgiove Brian hiurdoch Marilyn Bisllop Nancy Rooke Llluin Spring Terry llarducrc Charles Fcr mun Vnyhc Cougitiln Chcrrl nnne iiessos Greg llcssns Pc lcr Sllrubsoie Terry Leigh Cn thy Ann Provan Torry llornc Ronnie Marlin Ron White Jnnc Eurist Marsha Reed Linda Thompson hiury Brent Jim Skelly Carol Ann Hogg chblo Motiott Juno Knowles Rosc RUNNERUP TENN Sixteenyonrold Bobby Moi iot of Vancouver BC was presented with the runnerup trophy by Mrs Ralph Snel grovo ol Barrio at the sec and annual Nniionnl Shanty Bay Junior Tennis Champio The band led by Conductor other bolero crowd oi almost 200 per sons gathered at Bayviow Park last night to hear it con cart by tho Barrie City Concert Band in spite oi rain which inlerruptod Ute pcrlormnnce Ken iioliier lcaturcd snxophon lst Bob Powell graduate ol Mr Fisher and hlr Mitchell are slait members oi Barrio District Central Collegiate Mr Stewart is local businessman is directional thepnrents ad visory committee James Simpson committee chairman the Barrie Collegiate Band In is unobio to make the trio blues rhythm number Sugar and Spice arrnngedby Robert Mrs Frnlclgh Crows will be he tollrs registered nurse Lorna Reverend Waiter Dyer rector The opening number was or St Pacilic Grnndcur This was toi Dcspito the rain which be non tailing ntter lilo Bolero Bah Powell gave warm re diiion oi Sugar and Spice and held his audience troll The band changed tompo Georges Anglican Church will be one oi the tour lowed by waltz Waves oi chapelom the Danube and uboloro Eapnnol which includes Fisher Mrs Stewart Jamcs Simpson htra Frances Rodgers Mrs William Stevenson Mrs Mitchell Mrs Fleuroito Kramer and Mrs Joan Gerard Mrs Gerard is Mr Fishers daughter tormerimembcr of and played 111 the band who will be assistant Second Piano Concerto at Ruchmanlnoll ioliowed by an maiy Spring CathyHinds Su sun Whittaker Ronnie Williams illikc Wilson Lee Miller Ray mond Takarek Barbara Bently ilcnthcr Couison Ruth Ferris Patsy Snrtonni Hurry No Linda Jackson Jnne Maoiniifl Robert hicCoigun Ann Sloven son Archie Caster Roxanne mush director Barrio Collegiate Band will in to concerts on tho Pacitic iouyr highlighted by two sp Yachl Makes Tho yntch Andinmo made thlto Ricky McFadden Doug Dorrie its northernmost port Small Deb lo Young David at call Saturday as it docked Vhllc Bruce nirnhuli Jack at Government Whnrl at the Lynch Lamb Don Wilkins Jtiilo Smith Sylvia Nash Pat Pearson Ricky Hardy Marjorie Knowles Mary Lynne White Doug Lamb Bobby tool at Bnyllcid Street The Andinmo ltollan tor Lots Go is skippered by her owner it Aimcs ol New York The vessel had come lroln Palm Beach Floridn tlvo days earlier dnd arrived at Barrio bywnyol iiiDJTCRLWRiClWfly system illr Aimcs travelled with his wits and their dcckhand Louis ilarts lrorn Nassau lihis your said Mr Aimcs we have trnvellcd almost 5000 miles and we hope to travel another 5000 miles belorc the end of the year They were 2000 miles north ol their farthest port George town Mr Aimcs was in Barrie to receive American gtlcsts Ho lettior New York late Satur day nitcrnoon The vessel so tootcr is powered by toohorsepower diesel engine and draws only tour feet oi water making it possible to navigalo Ontario waterways manager Robert Mitchell munth mnmm mm business manager at Pcntictons onsorcd by the Lions Club Fri by Aug 24 and Vernonsponsored by the Shrine Club on Saturday Aug 25 On Sunday Aug 16 the band will stop over at Jasper lathe Cnn adlan Rockies tor concert at the CNRs Park Lodge Final plogriim will be at Ed monton on Monday Aug 27 in the city hand site under aus frlcca ot the Director ol Music or Alberta Schools Then its homcward bound arriving here Thursday at 110 pm with school reopening the following Tuesday and lond memories or the trip liedBarnum Opens Tuesday Tennessee Williams play Tile Glass Menagerie wiiiopcn Tuesday at the Oriiiin Opera Housc The play vnich rel valves around familys illu sions will be staged by the Red Barn Theatre Company Starring in this study at tour people tram St Louis will be Denise Ferguson playing the role at the mother Amanda Amanda lives in world lash ioned irom hcr ambitions for her two children and memories at her own gentecl youth Her son is played by Timothy Find ley who has already been seen this your in For Love or Money and in Papa is All Her douflltor played by newcomer to the Born Nancy Shatter wears him on her leg and is palnitliiy shy The mothers ambition is to obtain gcntlcmnn calicr tor her daughter When the caller played by Hebert Foster ar rives the daughter is unable to face reality and remains lonely Thc son Tom in the play is figure based on Williams himselt ho is the embittered narrator at tile play as well as characlcr in it The play will be directed by Marigold Charicsworth copro duccr oi the Red Barn Theatre and John Scott recently ol the Stratiord Shakespearean Festi val will design the settings The play will run through until Saturday scene lifvrerEiir iN AMOUNTS or owe to slooooo rnssu Point ATOUR SERVICE MEAT COUNTER FRESH SllCED ships The twodnyovont at the summer estate at Mr and Mrs Rechnitzcr lectured 17 players irom oc rnss the country See picture and story on pogo sevcn Examiner Pholot DEDENTURES AND TRUST CERTIFICATES voila HOUSE HEATINGr ensuesoven can as anusiu it out across CANADA TRUST st Dunlap at East Barrie Ont onisir rasrv Liltow lo ouuior EAST

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