Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Aug 1962, p. 2

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rlruw MARION rrccrce crowned hllss Flddlo Queen of the Ca nadian Old Time Flddiing championships at shelburne 0nt hands winnerstrophy to Ned Landry as of St Tied Space Feat Said Fantastic rLONDON AP Russias latest pioneering space font was hailed abroad today as fun site and vivid new proof of viet scientific powess British scientists said the launching of trvo manned space ship iniociose orbits may gwc the Russians an important mil itary edge as well as large lead in the race with the United States to land it man on the moon Popedohn said he hopes the new space experiment would assume the significance of an homogerto God Theschisinrical events as they are inscribed in the an nals of scientific knowledge of space could then become eit prcssions at the true and peace fut progress with solid foun dntlon oi the human fratcr nifv the Bilyearold head of the Roman Catholic Church said Sir Bernard lovell director of Britains Jodrcll Bank radio astronomy observatory which tracked the Soviet space vehi cles called the Soviet feat the most remarkable dcvuiopment man has ever seen strik ing demonstration at the depth of Russian resources quite SIANS LEAD Brrtrsh scientists generally vierved the trvia Russian spaca vehicles in close orbit as giv ing the Soviet Union an impres sive lead over the United States space res rch Some said land man oh the moon years ahead of the first American as tronaut They added it could lead to an early development of anti saiellite satellites that could destroy spying space vehicles 1such as the US Midas and Samoa satellites It is fantastic shootingto get second paceman into or remit er ater 24 hours said Leonard Carter secretary of the British interplanetary So ciety This practice of orbital rend ezvo using means that LYork come iromPalrn Beach F1 might whereas we thought of man on the moon in about eight years we must now think of it much closer say under four years Lovell said it is generally considered that the best method at staging lunar flight is from space platform launched in segments and joined in or bit rather than by lifting the rvholo load on one giant multi stage rocket Professor Taken Hatanaka at Tokyo University said it would worsen the international tension if the Soviet Union used these successful launchings as cold war tool Kuo Maoiao president of the Communist Chinese Academy of Sciences congratulated the Russians and said their accom plishment testifies anew to the advanced outstanding achieve ments of Soviet science and technology in Peking all Chinesa new papers today headlined the news of the two Soviet broth era in the sky devoting much space to the flights of the two sonar shins Urges Canada iIead Peace Plan VANCOUVER tCPiA Van couver woman who attended one peace congress in Moscow nndwalkcd out on another in Tokyo says Canada should spon sor world peace congress Mrs olive Johnson said on return from Tokyo Sunday Canada Would be an ideal set ting because it is flanked geo graphically by the United States and Russia and has no nuclear weapons Mrs Johnson 33 year old mother of thrcesaid she left the Tokyo session because it was Communist led and re fused to protest Soviet nuclear She said the earlier meeting at Moscow was free exchange of opinion and ltussian dale gates were flexible and concil iatory cck era id and Farri wash John NB Saturday night Landry won the trophy $l0ft0and the Shelburna Cup when lid fiddlers competed In the event Wirephoioi Wins Fiddling Championship For Third Time SHELDURNE Ont CPI Ned Landry 39 of Saint John NB has regained the Canadian oldtime fiddling championship be won in 19641 and 1957 He won 51000 first prize Sat urday night and two trophies the Shelburne Cup for the open championship and the Globe and Matt Trophy as Canadian champion Eightysix professional and amateur fiddlcrs from all over Canada competed for tho $2000 prise money Al Chemy 29 of Wiagham Ont won the 5400 second price in the championship class Ho was champion to 1960411 Third out of sun went to Gyurkl 24 of Woodstock who won in 1958 and 1959 The five other ilddlera who reachedthe finals include La verne Hununeli it of Thout Creek0nt Mrs Dorothy Houston 41 of Earlton Ont was judged best woman fiddler The contest was sponsored by the Shelbrrrne RotaryClub and the Canadian Broadcastingfior paration Rotary Club officials estimate proceeds from the contestWill boost to 550000 total funds realizedrfor charities EditorsMoiher Dies lit Winnipeg Gerald it McPherson man aging cditor at The Examiner leit today by car for Winnipeg accompanied by his son Allan McPherson to attend the funeral of his mother Mr McPherson had received er hits TllcPhersorr iii who had been in good health had suffered heart attack She died this morning The funeral will be held Wednesday the committee president Rodi Danlson ldlau Molasses Is insect Hy GIVYNNE POWER Examiner Staff Reporter DRILLlAeBahiad drlviol baaio beat and the harmony of fire Travellers thousands of folk song fans clapping stamp lag and sloghtg asserted Satur day that this land belongs to you and ma And throughout Orlllial Mar pm festival weekend the den tags of visitors demonstrated that that particular corner of the land belonged to themoi least temporarily As Orillianr stood and gaped but sometimes Joined in tho Invadersvariously descrlb ed as thousands to tho whale hunting population of North America strummcd plucked picked and pounded melodies oi the people in round of nonstop activity They arrived in droves spar log hotel motel guest house They swarmed in with sleeping bags under their arms ready to stretch out in the parkhut no one seemed to sleep There were beards and blue trans crowcut college students shorts and hiplongth tresses for the girlsand everywhere were guitars banjos mandolin es1utcs and multitude of other string instruments When the professionals were nt at it the centre of charm ming activity was the broom Champlain statue InCouelilch lng Park its steps were also commandeered as platform for baaihebomh speakers whose words were punctuated by thehnrmonlzing voices of songoiprotest singersand good deal of heckling too The folknlks left the town breathlessbut relatively unbnilt tered number of smashed bottles were found in the viels ally of the statue but the only other major complaint was the noise uhercvar three huddled and one picked affectionately on the strings of guitar there was the makings of an impromptu concertand there were thousands of such groups When they congregated on the Oval to hear the professionals they took their strings with themth they remained still throughout fireconcort as they stopped to hear how it should be done But when invited to Join in more than seven thousand Keep Our Doctors Committee Urges Use Of Private Insurance REGINA CWThe provin cial Keep Our Doctors Commit tee has urged residents of Sas katchewan to subscribe to pri Vale medical insurance ug encles which will guaran tee freedom of choice of doctors and insure adequate medical care in prepared statement re leased Sunday tollorving re organlzation meeting in Regina ney Thomson of Prince Albert accused the provincial govern ment of breaking several cov enants of the Saskatoon agree ment The tuapoInt agreement July it by theprovinclaigo ernment and the Saskatchewan College of Physicians and Sur geons ended 13day boycott by the doctors of the prov inces compulsory comprehen sive prepaid medical insur ance scheme Legislative amendments out lined in the agreement were made law at special one day session of the Saskatch ewan legislature Aug ThFiieeWmDoctorsCom mittee was formed during the dispute between the doctors and government RECRUITING DOCTORS It has been established that permanent British doctors are now being recruited through the Saskatchewan agent general and Dr Hugh Gainsborough of London the committee state ment said This the statement said was contravention of section of nragreernenrwraensnrataenorjonmcvflnr roonvs srocK Prices Compiled by Flynn Abltibl Algoma steel Aluminium Alta No GI Mill Steel Bit of Mont Bank of Bell Tel Brazilian an on act Power CdnlmkaCom Cdn Brcwar CPR Cdn Content Can Chomical Oil Dorn Found Dom Star or Lakes Gut Pow llama Pit lionrs Oil Hud Ila Im 01 In Afloat inland NJ inter Nickel Interprov Fl Jocko hahlt Lakoland Cal ry For Con Minn ConPapor Consumers Gal liluscy the Norman aeeo Mines Guanlr uonroaor KomAddioan errouo Lorndo Maritime Murray ltlia Norrnstal North Can llavalrlla 175 damp Chlb noo Con Del Rio 61 Copper Iland ran Con Hnii it It one Sullivan ieonbrldga rivsrrrcsrlacnrvssroc atin American Mclfenzlo it 3voieesIliaugtlt to be the bigg est evcr folk concert audience holiered for more sinca the boar Tart Harden Farms Ilia tarp To scco Club Mae Paw Riv and all forms of accommodation THESE AMATEUR troubad ors sitting on the steps of monument In Oriliia Satur day night were among thou sand attending the second annual hi aripos Festival Many of the folknlks stay in North Americabroke loose with will As the lost performers The Travellers fresh from their suc cessful Soviet Union tour left the stage the crowd rose and performers wouldnt provide it thoy sung themselves for most of the night Oscar lirnnd ton and Silvia Tom Kines Mariy arts and Winston Young invola Reddnn and Claude Gauthier all provid ed material for the threehour coacert RARE SHOW For Mr Gauthier it was rare appearance before what wris primarily an Englishaspcak ing audience The Quebec re cording stor brought new touch to the fesival He even did one songia English to round out his program Residents might hava spenta litcdical Care insurance Com mission wouldwsiop recruiting doetors upon the signing of the agreement Another section promising no discrimination agnins doctors also was broken tlreislotement said it has been brou to our attention that copper tivc clinic organizers are usin pressure to coerce certain doe practise undcrtheplan At the same time the com mission has refused to recog nize the private agencies as promised The Medical Care Insurance Act amendments passed Aug permitted theoperation oftco operative non profit medical clinics and the continued oper ation ofprivaie medical care insurance agencies Two lire Killed In Car Crash PETERBOROUGH CF lliogrii GreenfieldL It and mother told 70 both of Scarborough Toronto suburb were killed Sunday when the small car in which they were riding collided with an automobile at Fowlers Cor ners tho intersectionol High ways andi7h seven miles east of here Morlcydarnes 55 of Omemeo in miles east afhere and his donghtarMuriel 35 who were in the other car lwere under ob servation in hospital with im asDualop St Barrio Nor Mnflll Corp Rothmanl royal huak Salado Shirrttf Simmons Shawtalsnn Steelot Can Tomaso Bis Union GI Walker 081W no out era Shar nrdan 400 stoop nook United cu wilrolf Wither fob Hép fIliidir ed to tents and revellcd into the night annoying some old His residents lrnprompiu ho oienanniea with guitars ban tor and nasal voices broke out among the audience CP Wirephotoi low sleepless nights but the festival was hooilng financial success with an estimated $40 000 going into the till Restau rants and grocery store dici vea were almost cuien out and cold drink ice cream and snack stands were swarmed wherever they appeared BIGGEST EVER All in all though little haggard after the meeting the town was almost unanimous on one pointwe want them back again next year And the folknlks want to go totha Marlposo Folk Festival is there to stay FaceLifting For Boat House The Sea Cadet boat house at tho foot of lliapie Avenue has received facelifting from the officers and ratings of the Flora ria Sea Cadet Corps and the Navy League of Barrie Members or theunit are are deuvoring to make their boat house thing of beauty on the waterfront They have painted the exterior white with blue trim and graded the grounds New windows will be install ed and the interior is being par titioned for stores and offices The Commandinggofflccr Lt Robert Graham today express ed his thanks to George Davies Construction and Beaver Lum ber Company for donating lum ATLANTIC CRUISE Cadet William Caksu John street was with 15 other Ontario cadets for wcckseruise with US destroyer on the Atiaa tic He is expected to return to Barrie today Two officers Irom the Corps Lt Joe Crompten and SIM Bruce Law returned to Barrie over the weekend from Corn waitls NS where they attend Wiih them were 12 cadets who left two weeks ago to attend summer camp in Acadia NS ed divisional otfieeis course Tr ran some suntan manor August 1a The separate crashes in Star coo County claimed the lives of two men over the weekend and third cruh near Brad ford Ieai in Tomato woman to hospital in serious condition On Sunday morning single cor crash near Stayucr claimed thetifa of toyearoid Mimfco man when his small car plung ed feet into ditch and accord against stone cuts ve Dead iI Hugh Kcnnetthcho all no of an Melroro Avon htinrlco On Friday evening so other steal car accident claim ed the life of Robert McLaugh lla ill of Penetsng who died anmuio to Toronto hospital accident occurred midway be tween lilldland and Pensions in the accident near Stayiier Nicholi apparently alone in his car wasveastbound on Highway 26 onehalf mile east of the ditch before ending up against cement culvert The mid cat occurred at 510 am Death ws caused by matt iplo head and chest laiurier Police have already statedthat an iaouestwill be held to dei onnine circumstances surround ing tho incldcni oarlvSaturday moraine flbts Mr Nicholi is survived by No men are missing and presumed drowned in Georgian Bay after beating and awlmm wrarrrrn Synopsis disturbance north of Georgian Bay this morning ismovlng eastward and will lie in western Quebec Tuesday morning Rain will end this morning north of LakoSuporior but willporsiston Tuesday in the Timagami and Cochrano re gions It will be mainly cloudy with scattered showers today and Tuesday across southern 0n taria with chance of few isolated thundershowers in cast ern Ontario this morning Lake Huron Lake Erie west ern Lake Ontario Niagara re gions London Hamilton Tor onto Cloudy with sunny periods today and Tuesday few show or this afternoon cooler Winds west to northwest 15 to 25 today becoming light tonight Eastern Lake Ontario Geor gian Bay Haiibnrton regionsp Cloudy with occasional showers today and Tuesday Chance of brief thrrndershower this morning cooler Winds south erly15 becomingwest to north west 15 to 25 this afternoon Forecast temperatures Low tonight Hithtrcsday Vindsor o2 St Thomas 62 London 60 Kitchener Windham Mount Forest Hamilton St Catharinos Toronto Peterborough enion Killnloe Muskoira North Day erol Persons Die In Areg Over Weekend Mishdps his wife Eloisa Ana I3 ml two children Brian and Kelly in the accidentaear Brod ford Wyoanold lbroatowo man racaivcd serious abdominal laiurlos when the car in which Ibo was ridin was driven off the road on ighway it late Saturday night Authorities at Royal Victoria iloapitai in Barrio said today that Mrs Joan Procher was to satisfactory condition She and her two ornati children were triggers tna car driven by or husband Provincial Police at Bradford said the Prochcr car went off the highway Into the ditch tors up five guard roll at tho roadsideand hit tree Mrs och rlgwas thrown from the ear The Prochorr two Iomlt sons Peter and Sis plied were heldovernight in hospital for observation John Forces of Scarboro the driver of second car has been charged with drunkdriv lag and careless driving in con acction with the incident Meanwhile in tho immediate Barrie area Provincial Police reported relativelyquiet weekend with no scriousaecid eats accounted for by the Bar Hria Detachment innit nino incidents of xi minor naturo were reported Missing Persons Feared Drowned ingd accidents during the week en Early Saturday boat driven by Ambrose Copcgog oi the Christian island Chippewa reserve capsitcd in thoohannal between the island and the mainland Tire boat wasiound floating In the channel but there was no sign of its occupant The area was dragged by Elmvalo OPP and skin divers went down in the area without success ye terday At Wasaga Beach visitor from Toronto was reported mlsw sing after swimming and fioat log on arubbcr raft yesterday afternoon lie in Erie Walehor so of 10 Rusholmo Road Toronto who is missing presumed drowned Vasaga Beach OPP are us ing aircraft initially in the search to try and locate the raft or its passenger No drag gingoperatlon hasvbecncarricd out to date Mr Watcher travelled to Wasngo Eeoehwlth friendsbut was reported in the water ar ionc Sunday afternoon when the accident is thought to have happened INSURANCE AGENCY 11 querr Ir canal rsrrnn ravens grvsot SUAVEtlodiestiquid TAMPAX 10s OLGATF DENTAI CREAM FNO FRUIT SALT Lusrrrcatnrlqnn Shampoo TONIHOMVELPERIIIANENT aoss DRUG sierra Angus SirElliLs PRICES EFFECTIVE AUGUST 13 TO AUGUST l8 ON NATIONAL cranes nor $125 Rel 930 nee 98c are an Red titr Reg p29 Reg ode Reg 88c Reg 51c 74c 79c 98c $109 $lli3i 74c 79c 44c not mo Artnwoatsbrtues trans Rood patron cAiowrtt ortuesrrd 66 Dunlop so PA moor JFSLOANI28i Peineiahg Street PA 85401 449593r

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