Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Aug 1962, p. 11

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automotive sAufonortve sAuroMorM MOTOR can sort sate SEE VIAU IOlt RAMBLER you Motors Limited 17 Galvan Street PA 66433 BLAKE 51 PA 6432 BUY NOW Save Tax ON aRIINo Now is VOLKSWAGEN WHILE PRESENT STOCK LASTSAT PIERCE MOTORSLTD cusvnour Sedan entr Cr in good condition Low mile sgs Tellphone PA asset or apply ll Peel 5i III piss MOTOR CARS FOR SEE JENNINGS USED CAR SALES Ii CITIES SERVICE STATION Angus Ont Phone 4496181 rsss Mutulcn Hardtop ler sale In mental ardenillfl llsdlo Telephou PA HMI TINIII Herald ndlo wbliswsllr nu unaluoaulsms Iii mu st I71 Duckworth DDDOI Sod good eede license has tub and mu son of mon tblv musk Phone PA DUII Km CAIHACtI lubosrd lIIv once Ynnr Lsnong this in no monthly street Harris Tolspho WIT ll ulnlonru In fslr coth to rssh Onions radio power steering and brakes Tale hops Plt M711 haters pm or bull ester pro CA Arcade 15000 Mil lnsl gs valve lob last week Idrsl Inexpensive transport tion men for selllns truck Telephone PA H0 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Munth or Your Telephone PA He APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE AND rv SERVICE sohdur service I41VDUNLOP ST PA on I42 DRIVING SCHOOL ORILLIA SCHOOL OF SAFE DRIVING IsaavINO SINCE IossI FOR APPOINTMENT AN¥TIIIEPAEI155I EXCAVATING PILL GRAVE TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Grading Water Dellvely Crushed stone Hall yard llackhoo tor hire DENNIS MORAN Anne Street PA senor rtooacovemnes BARRIE FLOOR dc WALL TILE SALES AND SERVICE 24 MAPLE AVE Oppgbus terminal lLtnolcurn nnd Vinyl lilo 5heel nods COHIIII llla Hsrdwood flooring Csrpetr Complote lan at samples lree stlmates day or evenings Workmanship guaranteed Free Parking PHONE PA 85862 EVENINGSWPA sues Charles Lawson Propr HAIRDRESSERS CLIFFORD HAIR FASHIONS Individual styling Moderate rates FRED GRANT SQUARE PA 6049I INVISIBLE MENDING INVISIBLE vleENDING We Invisibly Incnd your suits and dresses We alsoinvisibly mend your upholstery at your home PA 64296 Barrie BULLDOZING Grubber Brush Blade Top GravelRlll ART GORDON CONSTRUCTION PHONE PA error PLUMBING ROY SALISBURY PLUMBING unsung PUMPIREPAIRS RA 8946l PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Hanging Spray Painting Service Since mo RR Barrie PA 66de Painting rind Decorating Rates Reasonable Free Estimates EXPERIENCED PAINIERS GARRY VAN GENNIVP Phone PA 84681 anytime SAVING ASPH ALT PAVING VARCOE BROTHEle LTD Barries oldest manufacturers and suppliers cl asphalt have opened new paving depart merit to take care of expanding business and will be pleased to quote on any paving job large or small In town or on the Arm Plant and silica at VNORIH BAYEIELD ST BARRIE PA 63332 PA 84830 EVENINGS PA M3375 PAVING by local firm McFadden Paving Phone PA 82712 ALL WORK GUARANTEED FOR TWO YEARS PLASTERING PLASTERING AN REPAIRS STUCCO AND STONE VENEER Free Estimates ISAM CRYER REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE 33 Clapperfoa St PHONE PA 84562 wsLLpIeet WELLS DRILLED PUMPS avsrALI an or LICENSED DRILIERS roan ESTIMATES Coupland Drilling PA 87646 an aAaars rsunrarno and Health in slullatlon service 15 above Instr erlsl cfl Telephone an carat Engagement Announcement Place theNewsxof Your Engagement Now Fill In tthtOmi ahdleillln to wish to announce theengdgement otthelr daughter to MT Marriage to MOTOR CARS FOR SALE IN Ilium eelten orroddsuor mooring rm cub Moons Mommas use to sum Dslnn Falcon one owner our White and no eastern reels windshield Icahn Can be for ll down sou st so per month We ghode PA Mill NmAC our dWl Id custom rsdla all new Hill In rib rer blur mulue with mulching Interior ll min and Ilia filler pence non pbanelA areasw ms FORD our door sedan de luxe model ivo tone blns sod walls vrlib matching Interior Aug tend lim cursors radio widow washer an den IA per month Telephons PA DDDOI Regent with deep tread tires artcard slat Job This on csn be bonsh lar Ihl low low rice at MS llthlO down to on who qualify Tole Dhonr PA arses CHOICE YOUR LO Pslrlsnc cspltsllud crrs Custer radio tinted glass ltndow washers lad electric Winn Islet bladed duh safety Mill will will tins full when covers back up lights All cm are our door sed slls Ther can can he been for rears with 107 down 1am yssrs to psyTslsphons PA cross PERSONALS WING DDMILIdIsr cotton drures blouses ski slr drens nme Rs phone PA um sitesIleana BEAUTY Illor Coldwrvu Sets etc by cerllneoshslrdmur In its ITmiifrhsRil€l ng 507 womens COLUMN AUGUST SPECIALS TUES THURS AND FRIDAY NIGHTS pm to pm QUICKIE SHAMPOO ANo snr wmr ROLLERS tloo CHILDRENS PERMS tsoo ADULTS PERMS $550 so slow RUBYS BEAUTY SALONS Dunlop St PA sum 17 Essa Road PA Hell No Appointment Necessary LEARN FHAIRDRESSIN Government Chartered School Thorough training in all bran char of beauty culture DERWIN HAIRDRESSINGV SCHOOL II WORSLEY ST PA 34962 10 HELP WANTED rsMALsanrf HOUSEKEERER For young family with little girls experience prelerred for summers at Parry Sound Tor onto during winter PLEASE CALL runs WISE MCKELLAR 51123 VICOLLECTlr 0R WRITE McKELLAR 170 Need School Funds HOUSEWIVES Like yourself are earning good Income by representing Avon Cosmetics Openings now avail able lordualilied women Tele phone PA 63551 IIMII STYLIST lwn Dressers required Excsllsul III as no signers no dllioned salon AppIy rlclt Pills Stylists Mulls AVE rascnaa wishes housekeeperto care The two children from arson tn rpm Monday to Friday he glnntng September Telephone PA com or lurthcr particulars MALE HELP TRAINEE Required by large Canadian manufacturer for its newly loca led West and Toronto office secure arid interesting position JOmemethchomm atelo train into accounting personnel sales marketing etc The company offers good starting salary with gdod em pioyee beneiilsand the oppor tunity to advance according to ability and performance Write giving lull inlormation regarding age experience sal sox oa BARRIE EXAMINER WELDERS AND SHOP SETUP MEN Requiréd for pipe fabricating shop in Midland Pleasephone or apply in person KERR PIPING LTD MIDLAND 5262226 SECURITY IIN ELECTRONICS unsunshncnmuwfllHiLIIL RCC trusted name In Electrnn Ics Training since 1925 Automr tlon TV nndnr stc nssldsne courses In Toronto Montrarl 0r study at home Easy terms Free booklet nnorouoLLmn OF CANADA King St Tora onto Ont Enroll now Classes start In Septemlsar IoJoenThr in the summer Now we have MONDAY AUGUST IS III to HELP wsnrso MALE HELP man MM hunted tumourIris hustler rats or per hour TitanMus PA EMPLOYMENT WANTED YOUNG MAN as your old ush Ias permanent other position Available immediately Presently snap ed with large well known has or an mrmllsr lust sous us but your ol recounting course sna has experience In sc mills wast Write Bar 10 BID mariner II LEGAL NOTICES at SALE or LAND IN run counrr or SIMCOE son ARRaAns or TAXES Notice is hereby given that the list OI lands liable to be sold for arrears of taxes In the Coun ty olSlmcoe has been prepared and was published In an adver llsemcnt August 1962 in the Ontario Gazette Copies ol sold list 01 lands or advertisement can be seen In my office or wlll be mailed upon making applica tion for same In deleuit at payment of taxes as shown on said list on or before Dresday Nov lstiz at the hour of two oclock ST in thevalternoon shall at that time in the Council Member new County Building Barrie Ont proceed to sell by public auctlon the said lands to pay such arrears to gether with charges thereon If land not all sold on Tuesday November 1962 an adjourned sale will be held on Tuesday November 20 1962 at two oclock slt =COLEMAN menswear County of Simcoe Treasurers Oflicc County Building Barrie Out 18th day or July 1982 BALL LEADERS =By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS American league AB II Pct 412 58 136 330 407 43 132 37A 432 63 MADRID Runnels Ros Jimenez KC Robinson Chi Hinton Wash 35949 III 309 Rollins Minn 464 70143 3118 RunsPearson Isis Angcles Runs baitcdlnCulaVIlo Dc trait and Siebern Kansas City Ill IllsRichardson New York 145 Doilbleslltobinson 32 TrlplesCimoli 13 Home runsCash Detroit Stolen borerWood Detroit 91 II Pltchlng Donovan Cleve land 155 was Sirlkenuts Pascual Minne sola 150 National League All HPci Davis Les It 47s or lot 345 Mus St Li 30142103 342 Robinson 440 95 150 341 Runs butted lnT Davis till llllsT Davis 164 DoublesRobinson ll TriplesW Davis Les An gcles 10 Home runsMays San FranV eiseo 35 Stolen basesWills Los Anlt gates 60 Pitching Purkey natl 174 alo 3ASLTIKBtllli59K01iflxfiLt05 Arl geles zoo Cincine Movie Starts Pool Room Play NEW YORK APlBreathes there male who has never spent portion of his youth in pool hall Apparently Some Americans appear to AR anemone Mas HIEAIT Mr and Mn Bill Stewart Kathy and John Orangevllle spent Iew dsys lutwcck with Mrs Walker and Mn Ids Smith Mrs Horst Echrlcht and sons Tomato srdholldeyfng with Mrs Echrlchts re Mr and Mrs Jack Vsnhlsvern Sgt and Mrs Joe Bernhardt rnd Michael left the vllisgl that week for Petawsws where Sgt Bernhardt Ir stationed with the Canadian Army TEXAS VISITORS Mr and Mrs Wayne Barber sari daughter Lisa at Del Rio Texas will be visiting friends and relatives la Creme and Collingwood for thenext lcw weeks lllr Barber was fan mer employee al lho local branch of Toronto Dominion Bunk Mr and Mrs John McKee Bobby and Donnie at Toronto are visiting with the lormers parents Ifr and Mrs Dev McKee lllr and Mrs George Nixon accompanied by Mrs Walker Mrs Smith and Miss Currie spent Saturday evening with Mr and Mrs Harold Nis on Collingwood Miss Joyce Cnrruthers Tor onto spent the weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs Don Cnrrouthcrs Misses Dawn Lynn and Kar en Corkan rclumed to their home In Barrie alter spending the past month holidaying with relatives in theVillage hlr and Mrs Robert Corkan have announced the arrival oi their daughter Theresa Jacque lyn at Royal Victoria Hospital Harrie on Aug sister for Carolyn Dawn Karen Patricia Katherine and James ROGERS FAMILY The RUKCTOJRIIIUYJIEIFLR union on July at the home of Mrs Loughecd Glen Huron Honored guests wro Mrs Loughecds brother Rob ert Rogers who is 93 and hls sister ltlrs Elisabeth Rogers Zoelner so both from Vancou ver Other guests present In In number came from Florida and New York WINCHESTER REUNION The Winchester family held their annual reunion at the home of Mr and Mrs George Winchester at Rusk on Sunday July 79 with as mem bers present During the after noon sports were enlnycd by all bountiful supper was ser ved at 530 on the lawn short business meeting was cal led by the president Bill Win chester and secreta Ill Effie Rowbothnm new slate of of ficers were installed wrlh Joe Girzurd of Guelph as president May Johnston as secretary and Marion Winchcster as head of sports it was decided to have the reunion next year on the last Sunday In July at Stay nor RETURN FROM TORONTO The Lawrence family Mrs Anne MacKenzle Miss Eliss beth Lawrence and George Lawrence arrived in Creemare last week alter spending the past month Toronto They denceat Mrs Street Allare In fairly good health MERE FROM ALBERTA Bill Orr arrived in the vill age last week from Calgary where he has spent the past few months alter holding an auction sale hi all household elIecIs he will be returning to Calgary where he is taking up Tauuuweresim Seth ltlillsap has purchased fromIBilLOrr and Mrs Ed Steed the former Mei Ross home on King Street THE LATE THOMAS BERRY Mr and Mrs Donald Dalton attended the funeral ol Thomas Eerry at Mansfield on Satur day Mr Berry passed away suddenly at his work at the RCAF Station on Aug WOMENS INSTITUTE Cmmmmuhfifimun Tne on Ellfibéth music of Mel Lavina sod his W1 sucrnr DRAW Winners oLlha drsvr conducted by the be club rrsre Ann McKemIc ofMom irel Ron Morby Crsemore lllrvsy Pettigrew more Results of the ledies bail guns Croemore ladies won over the midfield oi Camp Borden Congrsurlatloas to Mr and Mrs Clifford Fleck nee Inns thrhlsl who were married on July 19 at Mount Zion Church JOINS RCMP Mr and Mrs James Cluley and Mr and Mrs Eric Cluley at Port Etgin and Durhhm cel led on Mrsrltale this week on their return trip from Regine where they attended the gradu ation of Gary Cluley as full IiOdKEdmembel oi the RCMP Gary la the son of Mr and hire Eric Cluley and received his early education at Creemore Public School He expects to be posted to Newfoundland alt er short vacation Rev and Mrs Douglas Gill will be At Home to the parish and friends of the com munity on Saturday Aug II at the pectory CURLING CLUB Keep in mind Wednesday Aug 22 when the Crcemore Curling Club will stage their annual Iamborce at Crecrnora Arena Your correspondent will be on holidays or the next two weeks anonrwooo Prize winners at the Aug cuchrewore Ladies Mrs Lu Nichols Mrs Irene Coleman Mrs May Patterson Mrs Man ion Weller Men Frend Bride Dawn Howard Han son Bob Legele ANGUS By MRS DUCKWDRIII MILITARY FUNERAL Sympathy ls extendedto Mrs Robert Kyle and family and re lntlves In the passing of loving husband and father Cpl Robert Kyle who died in sun nybrook Hospital Toronto on funeral was held on Aug from Angus Unlted church to Angus cemetery The military funeral was largely attended Rev ALE Willis was assisted by Maior Dobson Camp Bor denpadre Relatives and Irfends th attended the tuna eral tram distance were Mr and Mrs Fletcher Smith ML and Itlrs Elmer Wallace and daughter Bonnie Mrs Molnor Hoyt and son Frank and dau ghter Ddris and Miss Joan Burrows Nova Sculls Sgt and Mrs Robert Adam Petawawa and Sgt and Mrs Harry 01d ham Oakvllle Rev and itlrs AE Willis returned home on ltiesday July 31 from months holiday accompanied by theirtdaughtcl Mrs Carrie Mae Slenning and grandsons Wayne and Drrell of London Mr and Mrs ClilIord Duckworth and Miss Erma and Mrs Tho asDuckworth spent Monday ronto accompan MikesKAIBIIIIRIyriib McKeIer They toured the Pion eer Village which wnsvcry in teresting Mr and Mrs Ernest Ham mond spent the weekend in Tor onto with NiaiiVESn Judith and Peggy Bush Bar rie are visiting their grand parents Mr and Mrs Gordon Bush Mr and Mrs Elden Latimer lSS iargareilEspent its day in Toronto MOVE TO LONDON Cpl and Mrs Robert Wood and IamIly Margaret Street moved to London on Friday August all the best is wished for them in their new home Mrs Andrew Miscampbell Barrie spent Wednesday with Mrs Thomas Vilklnson BOAT WINNER Congratulations to Mervyn Saturdaeruly 23 =Opl ritylea dune SIMCOE cou coorsrdwn ll DAURZlN ANDERSON brace Campbell of Ottsz spent the put week with his parents Mr and Mrs Norma Campbell Stardsy visitors with Mr sad Mrs Montgomery were his and Albert MIliloa llors onto sod Mr and Mn Cecil Baker Nelson Terry and Blan che Scbomberg Congratulations to William Baker who celebrated his 39th birthday Saturday ugurt Mr baker Is still quite scde and enjoying good health Miss Wilma Sloddsrt Torch lo visited during the weekend with Mr and Mrs Arthur Glass hlr and Mrs McCulsh and Frances visited Sunday at Orr Lake with their sonInIsw and daughter Mr and Mrs lvor Stevens Mrs Norman Baker Dswn Pegl and Dwayne Anderson vis Iled Friday in Wasags Beach with the iormers brotherrln law and sister Mr and Mrs Orlen Wood Congratulations to Montgo mery who celebrated his dirt birthday Sunday August Mr Montgomery is still enjoying very good health ltllss Patricia Lowe Barrie nurselnlrolning at Royal Vlc torla Hospital ls spending her three weeks vacation withher parents Mr and Mrs lIltl Lowe Mlss Marlorlc Lowe oi Toronto spent the weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs Bill Lowe Rob Melons son of Mr and Mrs Bruce McLssn Is patient in Stevenson Memorial Hospital Alliston wherarho underwent an Operation lor appendicitis Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs ll Montgomery were Mrs Esther Wales and Hobby Wo odbrldge and Mr and Mrs Norval Holliogsheed Schomberg Mrs Anderson Dawn and Peglspenl Wedneidsy Lon don Dawn and Peg enjoyed the afternoon going through Storybook Gardens Mr and Mrs Vern Abramsr Toronto spent the weekend with the latters parents Mr and Mrs Mel Brayman Jim Fildey Is spending threo weeks vacation in Fort Will iam visiting relative Mlss Roslyn Billa spent the weekend with Mari oriIaand Olive Graham Mrs Emma James Toronto spent the past week with her ulster Mrs Russell Draper Mr and Mrs Tom Walt at Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Russell Draper Mrs Alvin Rutledge Graven hurst visited ftresday with Mr and Mrs Russell Draper and Mrs Harry Cross Beeton was their guest at the weekend AT HOME The United Church Women held anAt Home for Rev and Mrs Davies at the parson age Thursday evenlng July 26 Mrs Ira Wilson and Mrs Wil lis Corrigan assisted Mrs Davies receiving the guests Pouring ten during the evening were Mrs Lewis Mrs John Farts Mrs Broley and Mrs Thomas Graham The table andrliving room were de fcloseted with beautiful vases oi ow Ry ALLEN INGRAM Joseph LaPoEnle at Detroit is visiting his cousin Mrs Les lie Whitty at the latters home here Another granddaughter has ar Astounding towns are order for Mr and Mrs Ron ald Mooney on the birth daughter Aug James Kirk Oourlay of West on whose homcls located in Vastway Villageyls enjoying further portion of his summer holidays with Mr and Mrs Al len Ingram CHICAGO VISIT Mr and Mrs Leo Christen sen and daughter Astrid re gentl Lflumdwafl treoprsctl MINETS POINT NTYT nowbecosnedelscbeo from what is tell oi this landmark The re portion of the dsltl Is rantin lscent of the skeletons lining reads in Isrswept areas over seas mantra vary so eons llm units ev on or ghintlon It took place at the are at the president Mr Christensen with ll residents present Miss Margaret Fraser acting as recording secrelsry read the minutes at envious meeting All dross In sltend Inca Joined in the various die missions and as result at the gathering it Is tell that the spirit at oodwlll and tellers ship will greatly fostered lniormstion will he lransmltled to owners ol lots clarifying de tails as to their rights oi ac cess to the parts other pestle plan will also be included rt gerding welfare and betterment oi the association the name of which it was decided to change to Mlnels Point Residents As sociation Sick convenerr report was given by Mrs Barbara McLeod Matter of payment accounts and membership com mittee was also dealt with in addition to care at the park The next meeting will be held at 500 pm Thursday Aug is in the Pine Room at Enystnlrs Lodge CABINS SOLD It isunderstood that Hoppys Cabins on No 11 Highway lust south oi Minets Point Road have been sold Partlcul on will be included In next column of the news APTO by MRS ravine cAnsoN CAR ACCIDENTS car was badly damaged truck near the intersection at the towniine Tho cai went over the ditch broke down the fence of Kspteyn went on and broke down another Iencs across corner on the same term went over the ditch struck and moved large rook sod crsshed Into tree at the rctorostryrpark driver stone and from Michigan was unhurt car driven by Mrs Alircd Ksnis oi Richmond Hill went out of control below ONeills Hill sideswiped another broke two hydro poles and crashed through the lance The errwas slmostdemolished the driver bruised and shaken up Alfred Ksnls suffered stiff neck and shock The babywsl unburt Hydro was off for couple of hours rs result of this secl dent Miss Susan Richardson has been on holidays with relatives at Orlllla surrealism1s Ilka French dress apeciellyoF the base CADETS END FAST EUZZARDS BAY Mass AP Fasting cadets oi the Masses chusetts Maritime Academy sat down to steak dinner Sunday ending hunger strike launched toprctest what thcy calledmili tarily unfair discipline The strike started after upperclass mcnwere restricted to quarters uhLllJJhnLDnuui EVEBIO Is the characterstrengthening ex parlance of swim pool hall complete with hangerson hust lers and unneeded warnings oI harassed mothers predicting dire ends In three cushion billiards where the lateWillie Happe held sway so long there hasnot been recognized tournament sirice lass AceWillie Mosconi hasnat defended his pocket bil liards pool title since 1955 Thingsstarled to change alter the recent appearance of movieabout pool hustler called The Hustler Joolhaflsstalt Eclicking throqu the UhTIEdSlates again dont know whats hap pened but Ilikelt says Bon nie Julian operator at one of New Yorks venerable pool par ors My dad who started this place and never hava seen anything like it Before we were lucky to havetwo tables going 20 or more Some owners tell meIthey aaLLJanLand now chhhghigbach Onolrlo Lauri 66who has played in 17 pocketbillinrd championships but never won the title says Things ware dead for while but they are Meeting was dance on changed from pool to bowling were enterthned by the presl dent Mrs John Knappelt and her mother Mrs William Som ervilie at their country home The roll call man of the hour and what he is doingvlor his country brought various answers from the 16 members present Mrs Penelton gave splendid reply to the motto Teach children to respect their own community and the older citizens who have made it After approval of reading of the June minutes treasurerfs report and correspondence de cussions allowedre the exhibit iorCoIlingwood Fa trip to MMRIJEJAIL=EDIL Simcoe Manor short course dateand other items Fos ter gave an exccllent paper on Citizenshipand Mlss Pansy Benella conducted two contests sidenl and lovely potluck sup ed bytiheprer per followed GALA CARNIVAL Creemore Baseball Club stag ed gala carnival and outdoor Tuesday evenlngt which proved to be quite suchesslul event lar such malL Sl ltidlaa softballseme stage show by Mel Lovlgoe and his troupea host of gamesat skill and chance refreshments coming back now handled by group of ladles IVnvll missus err WEIr motor and carrier on the lucky draw by the Hunters and Anglers Conservation Club of Barrie Pte and Mrs Gordon Bishop and son lelt Wednesday Aug 71 tor Saint John New BTIIIIS wick tor months Holiday Gordons brother Jimmie retur ned humewiththem alter vacation here Mrs Albed HHTIISIRIIO fami ily Toronto visited on July 31 with Mr and Mrs Lorne Plan on Mr and his George Soule and family London visited Mr 1y IILEIIIXIOLIACEIILL Chlcagoh motoring In each direction HOLIDAY VISITORS While there were number at motorists as well as local residents at the beach over hecivic holiday weekend there did not appear to be quite the former years on this occasion Three teenage boys enjoyed themselves immensely uring this period and slept or the share In two pup tents These ladswere very courteous In their conversation with us It was also noticedvthat curtdriv ers abstainederJahiL same activity here as in some privileges because oi allegedly drastic hazing procedures against newcomers Try Au ExaminerWnnt Ad eaona es soar Mr and MrsPat Johnson spent the Weekend lh London and visited Mrs sons father Harry Smith who is patient in St Josephs hosp MlssMarlene son Is hands from Toronto for the menthol August started by low car owners oldriving hnla that portion of the Beach used by butlicrs The very large part at the palm tree on lhe shore ment For PLUMBING lIIlT INsrAtLAIIst ioned In the last writeup has HEATING Beneficials Minute Money Plan glvos you cash tastfor Vacsllon cash last to clean Up leftover bills cash fast whereveryotitre ith Ben lntarnaticnal credit Phond tor your loan this my minute VLoens up loysooo and In BENEFICIAL nnIs remorse nounsI 32 anddnnclng in the open to the Emmett4 Id

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