Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Aug 1962, p. 5

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meat public OTTAWA tomrue new res tion of Parliament presents the opportunity to scan the line print of Canadas wheat agree ment with Communist Chins The uhernls triedunsueccs iully last session with the nu port at the CC NDP But Prime Minister Dictenbaker sold that throughout theycars proper tarevcel the particulars of transactions entered into by the Canadian wheat board Now however his minority government is outnumbered by res members to lift with one vacancy in the consent Com ijnons There is possibility of united opposition front on the question of making the agree Soctal Credit the only politi cal party opposed to the deal Itself expressedlts view through National Leader Hot three opposition parties with on th it has never been considemd sumany still wants includes What was the signing date of main agreement and who signed it What other conditions does it contain Why wasnt the whale agreement made nubiici Liberal Pickerrl tinn avisiatwillingnto put it this way last Jun 30 in the Com mOflli will tell honorable menu era the reason the minister thgriculture Minister Hamiltoni and his colleagues are so secretive nboutlt That contract had been signed and the wheat had then sold before the minister ever went to Hang lions The transaction was com pietcd by the wheat board After it was completed the minister went over there to gel thecredit They dont want us to son what the terms are Mr Hamilton returned from Chino Wheat May Be Uncovered of transaction by liazcn Argue then house leader and laltgcr detector to the Libero GOVERNMENT SAID No its said the agreement merer comrrutted Canada to holding wheat for lied China which might or might not take it and later the failure of Red China to accept some wheat flourwas citedor pmoi of this Maurice Allard Progressive Conservative member for Sher brooko said last session that Canada should send no more wheat to Red China until it was assured that repayment would not take the form of textiles Last Feb it after plying the government with various verbal and written questions on the agreement the Liberals forced two iorml votes on this ones tion at tabiing all its details lioth were decisively reiected Canadas costoflivlng index rose to record high of 1300 July an advance of one hait point from month ear lier sharp riSs in food wheat agreement were passed xby vote of the House the government would berequircd ran DARRIE mumsnsaruaoar access it me has ronccosa LEVEL prices was mainly responsible Graph trces index based on two prices equalling loo from January 1901 CF New smnpi HURONiA flying ilong Kong trip lttay last year to announcethe deal with tied China few days later It was de scribed as thetlimsicst kind The same technique can be used In the new Parliament with more indications of sun ccss this time If an opposition motion for production of the ert Thompsaniwhen he called it the most irresponsible act of any government since Coated erattonf PAYMENTJN STERLING The details announced so far Between Juno lbsi and Dec it 1563 Red China is taking 30700000 bushels of wheat and 40700000 bushels oi barley Payment would total 0000000 or more at todays high pripcs Terms are 25 per cent cash and the rest in nine month to table the intorrnatioa defeat for the government on such an issue isnt regarded as one that would force another election Constitutional authori ties soy defeat in the Commons would lend to the resignation of the government only when the DRINK ALONG WITH US on In WERE ON OUR WAY TO NY administration either on non confidence move by the opposi tion or question labelled by PHOENIX Ariz AP Jackie Gleason sour mash version of Diamond Jim the government as requiring vote oi confidence cretlit paid inconvnrtibleslcr Brody Friday told lunch ling on cargobycargo basis con why he drinks so much The wheat hoard obtained Thpre is nothing wrong tioooooooo by cabinet decree to with drinking If you know underwrite any losses through why you drink nonpayment by theChlnn Nos And know why drink tionat Cereals Oils and Food only to get bagged out lmltutt and EXport Cor The audience included Gav poratlnn ernor Paul Fannla who pro series of firm controls at claimed it Jackie Gleason prevailing market prices has Day in the state been signed and the sixth and The question was one of most recent runs into Decem several submitted by guests bcr Gleason didnt comment on So far 100000000 of the total another card from reporter 236300000 bushels of wheat travelling on Glcasons 500 have been allotted Of the 46 000 personal train on 10day 700000 buSlIEl barley 000m crosscauntrytour from Los 26000000 bushels have becaus Angeies to New York via signed roiling cocktail lhungc That some wheat flour covercdin cord readtHI thcmala agreement has gone llclpi Im being hm undelivered because the Chi held captive on train filled stopover he plans to attend at with drunksl least four cocktail parties in Mutt Village is hill scale reproduc gt tion of fndlsn life in this country worked for motion picture Trains ogs more than 300 years ago it is studio in California and trained highly recommended by ache For Movies TORONTO John Buck the St Bernard that ap educalm hmm Darch tiycarotd kennel op pcord in Call of the Wild with only shun EM 01 WE to Midland and the orator in suburban Agincourt has trained animal actors ctr Mr Darch says his favorite iiunori VILLAGE cus performers bodyguards and movie dog was Skipper ter rierin the old Our Gang com edy series He was terrific 0W muy Im ML Sunday p111 pm track stars rtults 50c Children 10c Seven dogs trained by Mr Darch will be seen in motion performer says Skippars picture Teri Girls Ago filmed teacher and great clown The kennel operator also near Toronto and to be released in September trains dogs to protect property The Agincourt man has been DRIVEiN THEARE ldillt Eater in JOY RIDE Airman Gleason frequent winter visitor to Arizona explained why he never entered poli tics Just heard from the gov crnor here they only pay him $10500 year It warn gov ernor that would just about take care of martinis Gleasons private Dixieland band entertained at the lunch eon Tho Newton Brothers local musical act scored such gt hit at the luncheon that Gleason signed them for his first television show this fall Another question asked Gleason to name the three greatest comedians exclud ing himself Rod Skclton Jack ankle and Groucho Marx he re plied without hesitation During Glensons onedny pours HER war T0 3er Monica Ilagby Miss Sweden in the ltflss Universe beauty contest held in Florida last month has little trouble stop ping rrstflc at Torontos cross wlks for pedestrians She just points her way to safety in Katanga Plan Announced Seen lty non cunnia Canadian Press Staff Writer Whenever it appears meas suro of stability is about to be established in The Congo some this eyccntching fashion and traffic instantly grinds to halt Most people point their fingers CP Wircphotot CAPSULE NEWS Issues Warning litle tRcuterslTha United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization has issued wam ing against the use oi additives in baby foods An anhouncemni Friday said group of FAO exports and the World Health Organization havo Come out strongly against the use of additives in the preparation of baby foods The experts base their oppos ition on low resistance of hub to toxic materials in their dict llhortion Painless MOSCOW thPlTiia Soviet government has announced it has started mass production of vacuum device for producing abortions in women The official newspaper litedizlnski Rabatnik Medical Warkert said the instrument is effective in the early stages of pregnancy The entire opcrotlon said lifedizlnskl ltnbolnik about minute and is practi catty painless Abortions are legal in the So viet Union and can be easily ob taincd Pilot Killed COLD LAKE Alta CPIAn th RCAF CIelOs Starfighler over shotea runway and crashed here Friday killing the pilot Flt Lt it litulhsll saw the fuzzy down of baby RCAF officials said the so chick the leathery skin of ycaroid pilot who lived at the hon constrictor the warm it Lake RCAF base with his sweet smell of Shetland pony tvife and three children was and the moist cool touch of native of Glace Bay NS goat kids nose Need Tariffs GAMES The children with an equal TORONTO GP Carl number of sighted companions Pollock of Kitchener president are taking par the Vancou of the Canadian Manufacturers var wk hoards second fight Association it Friday program for the handicapped night thaiCsaadamust becaip paflfyacgggeupm us=i liberallz trade week they can do almost anything P011001 Fiesta other children can do given minion Electrohomc Industries of undmmdlng and gum Ltd told the fourth annual once said Mr Cue marketing seminar at the Uni varsity of Toronto that without we have them playingdndge ball tag swimming wrestling tariffs Canadas secondary ltt dusmes wmdd fan and runmng races With the help of their buddies No Relation atriumImam an ill III ltilHlII ml are oars sUN aroN cum Bring The Whole Family To Midland to see the famous palllsaded Huron Indian Village reconstrucb ed under the careful supervision of Dr Wilfrid Jury nolod Cun Angrtly be imposed ban on all nonUN flights over Kntnngu and on all direct telecommuni cations between Elisabethvillc the Katungn capital and for one it seems comes along to fling ififljgefiégm $503312 fltk the him against commercial and indus Now It appears lint Premier trial firms in The Congo which Cyrille Adoula of the control cat with or support the Kn government woll meaning tango rcgimc thrush he may be is the latest Tire four big powers are person in that roic bound to he displeased by the warm observe me saying moves to isolate Kntauga par that Britain the United States lloulnrly since they follow 391mm and an 11an closer Ishomhcs declaration reached large measure oi that lie is again ready to ne agrvement on new plan for Emm the integration of breakaway This move Katangn province with The 0th Effort by Tshombc to play Congo Republic forltime But there is the pos Tha pm Is mud to be sibiity that he is sincere and announced officially within the at any rate Adoulas announce noxt few days and the feeling is mumes wm mm mm dc that it will be widely applauded ThsNEW SUSFtlisf to SfttSAtlDltt MilM present case balked at the price Payments have been rolling to steadily the government says information the opposition wanted last session and pre Blind Children See Animals VANCOUVER tCPl One little girl said she liked the smell of snake Gee there sure is differ ence between arabbit and chicken said another of the is blind youngsters visiting the Stanley Park zoo The questions came thick and fast for social worker Geoffrey Duo and physiotherapy student erl Enin who organized the vsii lvo got the parade tall but where is his hendi Please tell me what color baby seagull isti skunk that doesnt smelt Through their finger tips and sense of smell the youngsters ill assume tEE may simply be an Tonight on In Color EMBEDWARM pi Circle in The sun cisions on the Congo affair mltis thought it will call for con 59 cession by both Adoula and President lifoise Tshombo of 3005 ANWOSITY copper rich Kainnga in estab Th muons my neVET lit smug greater cawmiiun fact be brought into force But the danger at this juncture is SUGGEST JURISTS that the announcement will Adouin it is believed will be cause further animosity and encouraged to accept political moko negotiations between agreement with Katanga on Tslrombo and Adoula more dlt federal basis with the help of icuit four jurists nominated by the If no rit ih ha United Nations from Canada ms would in effect ho cuttin ff India Nigeria and Switzerland in nose in spite his the pie The agreement alsois cu would be discouraging expan pentad to discourage any new clan and new investors at tho aomic sanctions on Katanga on VED 018 he is unwilling to the grounds that they would create favorable business cli simply frustrate further at mflie tempts to get the Congo on some sort of stable economic basis But Adnula has beaten the gun with his recent measures against Katunga and threats against companies doing business with Katnnga and people He says such dog must be real tough when he hits and must know how to disarm an attacker with it 21 knife revolver or club an on ma minor or years in and the United HOUR TOUR OF KEMPENFELT BAY States He had circus horse GREAT 0590 not until an accident killed the The Him ltfllletlal horse and put the then 2239 mosque at Isfahan in central old Dara out or 1mm iron was built between 1565 and In i133 he won $146003 in 1510 purses racing grey ioun in the United States Later he COMING SOON iiiriusiciioruv AWARD CHAMPION Mmocozhihwmm More important he would be undermining the new four powcr attempts to help the country just at time when they after many disagree meats seem to be ready to tackle the problem so opera lively TOURS START DAILY AT 230 330 730 and 830 pm teeter Mulder14 DElANEY BOAT lINES GOVT DOCK FOOT 0F BAYFIELD ST PA 66413 TOUR BOAT AVAILABLE FOR CHARTER ti sranrs suuaav raccoon TIMES mm Athens roasts705am Air Patrol MS555045 ucuuicewn cAIt itiitiMliiSHitll lliiiiltiflN NliflMiNiliii BiiiMiiHiii lilililllill ti CHtltith With SMUGGLING Vancouver radio personality ly His wife Nora 35 faces Harvey Quong Lowest tutti the same charge which all was released on $5000 hall ages the conspiracy started in yesterday charged with con 1053 and continued until 1050 spirrng to bring Chinese wo She was ieleascd on $3000 man into the country illcgnl ball CPWircphotosl an hlld protccfid cat hbihloazrrgdobgleang MONTREAL or hit niinltin tiiiynbim Bowman president hf Cya octywithvntherchtldrenp STARTS WM WWW mid of Canada Limited said Miss Hain said the nineblind SUNDAY 119 OOMPILPFINM Firidaybirtnpiicatittilriis of arelatipn trays and girls whotoo part in eween racycrne as cars ram ntibiotics and infant abnormal turned this giltonigmer andvehaliee tiles amount to nothingmore shown wonderful results than speculation They are more active have The trade dome of the tetra more courage and adventure cyclines is Adreom some th gt SHOWING WastesE TOMORROW °°°° AND MONDAY erasurth Locafcdon dtli Lin of Ora Township off Highway it Ihpne Ore ilB TH swam as pgtngiiihhunuiiosiiiuvnnnaiiiiiiiiausi Siliiiiliii lHiiiHiHillEliitiillEHiiiiiiiliiiiiEt 313 Wu iii If within main ianlmnflonnoni PHYLLIS DILLER maummmihiliiiwm iiimucuiviiinouastaust CE REVIEW EVENINGS AT zoo 900 ADULT ENTERTAINMENT GAL BLUES TONIGHT oNLv DENTIST 0N run JOB GIDGET gt RAINBOW TONIGIIT ONLY coLon sir oonsnn ffthGET

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