Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Aug 1962, p. 5

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lfAn Old WHERES THE GRUB Lillie Hang Bel fii grasps retropsticlrs and wonders whats holding up her supper Sbc INNISFIL NOTES Grass Fire Defeated Beiore Much Damag Dy RGS What could have become serious lire took place on Lot to of tho nth concession on Thursday atternoan when the firefighters answered on annui mous collie tied large tract of grass field burning last ten ncd by brisk wind Only tour men answered the call and with two trucks nnd hose lines to use it gave crew reel battle to stop the fire tram getting lntoia field of ripe outs on the adjoining farm No one seems to know how the firo started it was close to the west side oi the railwayTlre iirellghters relurn ed exhausted but victors and the culprits who started the tire were not known Tire tire account for July to talled $751 most of which was for other than accidental fires One was roast at most burnt In an oven while the cook went for visit QUESTION LEGALITY Iwo ratepayers who make use at street lending to the like came to Councilta voice their complaint On request at adjacent ratepayers theroad has been closed all so that little room for using it as bath ing beach The complainants claimed that although they did not live on the immediate sub division they did make use of this road which led to sandy beach and legend place to swim They tell that as this was dedicated road belonging to the township it should not be barred tram the general public Council asked that the procedure be given trial and see how itworked out as the purpose was to slap transients rom making public picnic grounds of the road allowance Councillor Torrens objected to closing all any public allow ancos ROADS ACCOUNT The Roads Department ac Trying Too Hard rCan HurtKidsv AdmitfiDoctors NEW YORK AP Dizzy vDean who said recently that some youngsters in little league baseball are doing too much too soon can find support among doctors some medical men say that white proud papers frustrated big ieeguer himself cheers him on many boy is pitching his heart out and may be ruin ing his elbow at the same time These doctors have uncovered In condition they call little league elbow Scientific papers have bcen presented on it One youngster even suffered complete fracture of the arm while pltchlngsaid Dr Byron Brandon radiologist oi the University at Florida whipping the bell in sidearm The boys father informs me that the arm healedpropeily and the boy is pitching again but hes throwing overhand this year JrzflroMeoelhetz rmacros the condition when he was an air force major stationed at Lackland Air Force Base Tex that of 137 cases bries at the base nvolverlyoungstrtrs nineto it years old Nearly all were little 912 or pony lsdth leaguers Council be had tried to explain rmakfieany changes Mr Shakell He was Don Drysdole tan and he was was one of group of Chinese igeee token to mohair after five families arrived in count Ior July was read and conltrmcd to the total of $23 011 plus an additional $9800 expended on the development road on west side of the town ship PLANS ACCEPTED The plans covering the rear ranging oi the township offices were presented to Council by George Burton and accepted as satisfactory They include the moving of the Police depart ment to the new Council build ing and adding new aliiccs to the old building providing halls ondnarlitions to ensure privacy for the users an place where more etficient work can be carried on Mr Burton was instructed to have specifications and copies of the plans made available so that prices might be obtained It is anticipated that the work will be under taken during September when there is lull in the tax work and assessing is about complet ed The decision was unanim 0115 The plans include closing in the space between the two buildings so that entrance can be made from both sides of and offices and the Council chambers without going oulsrde There will be an office for the Chief of Police one for the con stables and an interrogation room with hall from the trance door Tire suggestion is that the basement now used by the police departm out would make lunch room tor the employees ASSESSED TWICE Alex Shekel claimed that tor some years the house on his property had been doubly as sessed once as farm house and again as business pro perty He also claimed that this year this assessment had been reduced to allow for the commercial nssessm eat only However when Assessment Com missioner Robert Sproulc was called to Council thisclnim was disputed Mr Sprauie told Vtoer Shakellihatbe wasnet doubly assessed but is paying on two houses and it any change is to be made it will have to bedone by lheCourtbiRe vision Mr Shakell claimed that the Assessor had admitted the mistake and this year had made adjustments but not for past years Reeve Joe Cochrane told the ing to endeavour to have an outside Board do the work at the Court of Revision this year and agreed that this matter would be best discussed there as Council have no power to will be notified when the as sessment appeals court is to meet am prepared to go before the Court of Revision when it convenes and will have the necessary docu on hand to show how my figures arenrrived Com srone old Count SCENIC BOAT TOURS 0F KEMPENFELT RAY TOURS DAILY AT 30 330 730 and 830 seeker Children nude 50c DELANEY BOAT lINES GovtDgek mane with Tour boat Avollubld For Chnrtcr complainant that they were no the Assessment Toronto The Oanmhan gourm mrnt has agreed to admit 100 Chinese rvIugce families into the country CI Virephoto Says Pickets In Contempt TORONTO tCllllfr Justice Richardson said in On torlo Supreme Court that pick etlngoi homes interlering with the personal lttcot citi zens lie was commenting Thursday on action by striking It Clarke and Company workers members of the Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Vorkmcn at North America CLCl who have picketcd homes of employees reluslng to jointho strike Ilfr Justice Richardson said he believed the practicewad in contempt oi an earlier initmc tion against mass pickeilng at the tannery He postponed enappliodtlon to extend the injunction to em ployees homes until alter nim inoi charges are heard against 50 strikers charged with watch ing and besetting Jolllle representing the union said the pickelingthad been disoonlinued but added he could give no assurance it wouldnt be renewed It had better not be re newed as tar as aml co carried Mr JustieeiRl rar son replied Linda Lee Sturiiess to of Barrie is the only liemale among the French horn play ers with the National Youth onlvslias it ATI WHIRBHuNii Located on 4th Line at Oro Township elf fIlighway 11 Phone Ora AIR NOW SHIDWING Just use raids ennui glilliililtllutiltltl DEN MST on the JOB Illtrout at Camp Bordon member of tire 351tr Simcoe For TheDave armsvans mover bucksrock ta onimpiefierenroay lho flieyueed loraeco Vibis tn the lecithin series of articles Iboltlter ric from rm to the present Intermatted for the int tlo lllllllmfltll was obtained from printed material not covered briefly the period to me The third and sec vceedtnl article are based mainly on interviews with people now living in Barrie lilator George Rodgers of it Drury Lane in on myurlold veteranof two world wars His record in the armed service legendary and lsrcviewed here only brletly Following are excerpts from an ticio in the Camp Borden paper The Bordenalru Sept 22 1953 in an account of the on coins of the Rodgers Building some nnnrv IN 1900 lie Joined the Army as esters in April 1900 mmissiooed in in 1914 he left Barrie tor overseas as captain in the ith Battalion Canadian Expedition ary Force in Frame ho was wounded on Verch its I915 and again in the second battle of Ypres in April 1915 This time Capt Rodgers was put out 01 ac tion and when he was invallded back to Canada to 1915 he was the first Canadian cmualty to arrive back in Canada from the battlefields of France iliromdularmtfl 1919 he was works endbuildings officer for the whole of Camp Borden In 1529 he was trarsferrcd to RCAF Station Trenton in works and buildings officer He returned to Camp Harden in 1531 In me he assumed the tab of works and buildings olticer on oriulHime basisior the ROAR He was again member at the RCAF with the honorary rank oi Squa dfon leader While at Camp Borden as works buildings officer Rodgers fell into newly og basement and broke his back He broke his back again when the Norseman to which be was flyig in the cotnso of his Aux dwn name plaque was unveiled by SL Rodgers fret in whose better the building was named Mr Rodger has clear re collection of the part oi Barrie that used to be lump on Koolr by Hill South of Wellington St start ing in the west end there was Archie Thoauon lumber man who lived on the hill back at the present Royal Victoria Hos pital lie gave Queens Park to lhe town of Barrie ilr Rodgers laid the park wu enclosed in picket lesion with torrune cobmice at Toronto St oml Parkslde Drive There were two entrance facing High 51 0a the southeast corner oi Wellington and Toronto Ste was housethat is still standing it is occupied by Maurice lifts Loren Mr Ross owned oil the pro perry bounded by Toronto Wel lington Mary and Sophia Streets Coming east on Wellington become big house built by SirDornrlius Cartwright He owned all the propert from John St to Butield and way down to Sopbid RECALLS PROGRESS Dalton McCarthy QC MP owned all property betwcm Ray iieid St to the next street cast None of it was cold until attcr he died Dory Lane was put through when they started to sell the property iii1m tieotogzeosthovaowellowns an apartment house built by 33911 McCoilikfi florid Me oy owne property in the back tom Wellington to Sophia St Still going east old Cocoa Morgan built house where Charlie Wilson lives now On the other comer Peel St and Wol ion Mr Plummer president at the Dank of Commerce built big brick house it was burnt down in the early 20s Going farther east there is big boureon Peel St when first threw it Jim Sanford corm ty treasurer owned it and half the block All this territory was koovm on Knobby Hill pnsturod my cow right here ward ilory duties flipped on its back mm at London Ontario wa saw St Rodgers re leased from the Air Force and hospitalized under DVA His re lease closed unique military career during the corpse of which Rodgers held fain commi one and served under five sovereigns He was tho ald esi person by good many or to hold to commission in the RCAF Besides his wile the former Etta Campbell at Barrie be has tour living daughtersand one son His son Capt Ted Rodgers is now serving as DC RCEME Workshops et Chllliwock RC OFFICIAL OPENING His daughter Janet was married to an army oiiicer in what is now the Station Theater in the first Wedding to be hold at Camp Borden An ir Force Day marked heotircraioooninumt ournaw lCldsection tho Rodgers build no PLAY LACROSSE Mr Rodgers recalls that They played lacrosse in Queens Park St Vincent Pork and the Agricultural Gmuntls The main building of the Ag ricuitiml grounds stood where the Central Collegiate is now and they had rote tracks there It was fenced in Kids now play where the race track used to be These were all the parks that were in town until the turn at the century Allandllle wanted park got some property and tumcditloboaparkandrromed it after Ed Shear principal of Atlandaia Public School The town owns at the head of the Ray south of Clarke and Clarkes tnnncry some benutiiul Eoperfiyltbnt could makes loves par Mr Rodgers recalls the horse racing on ice He said Bobby Dutloo and Tunm would have their little Bulkys out him out of it 331er tllvlbld potiolFot oclock couple of tune through the whiter Dill when can get popular around in they last lateral hi to racing Mr Rodgers raid FROM IRELAND llr Rodgers lather came trons trained In 1871 ilr Rod gers says flie landed in Harris in tho fail and got in job piling lumber tor old George Bell My father got on too on couple of terms but od George talked He remembers the cooper at the east end on Collier St and used to wotdr him making licor barrels when he was boy Then was tunnel onlhe other side of Boyvicw Dairy in the east end Where the Bayviaw Apartments are now was brewery Simpsons Brewery won at the loot of Mary St 1n the advertisements they were all recommended by the medical profession hlr Rod gers recalls Mr Rodgers remembers Grohoms Hotel stand where the parking lot is now in Alton dele All the halelthnd large stable behind them and it cost 15 cents it stable horse You got good meal tar Er cents ntaytd lit the Simeon Hotel in the 1890s for $3 week lie believes that proportion oter things havent gone up any It takes so many hours work to buy suit pair of shoes or whatever you want Iworkcd for 60 hours week Saturday but didnt get Paid as you were paid by the hour DROVE WAGON At 12 drove grocery wu rzon for old Jim Vnir an Sutur daye started at am and was lucky it put the horse in the burn at midnight get 15 cents day Vc changed horses as they worked men and boys longer Eran horses From his boyhood lltr Rod gers remembers When the or morlcs burned down they would nt let me go to the tire but they let me look ot it tout the win dow remember them putting the first commit sidewalk on Don him lop St then the hall on the streets The osphat was very rough remember falling and skinning my knees on it One kid came to school all dolled up and We took his clothes oil and locked him in the out house We lot him out at recess alter he promised not to come to school all dolled up again WEATHER COLD Going to school in those days you took all Your shoes on May and put themlonwhen the weather get cold again About the museum Mr Rod gers said went up there once but didnt go back be cause Iwee afraid theyd stand meupnndputotagonmc There was nothing there older than am Mr Rodgers greatgrandfa ther wa in the Battle of Water loo and his original discharge papersarc in Colitngvmod hfr Rodgers said When Dr Edward Gall and warns Ina Orchestra shown rehearsing in Toronto The 91 members involved in the orchestras current twoweek session were chosen from across Canada typos tit IEtlittltiitiiil BOYS ARE WithLinda the wirtd sec tion are from left Brian Freerer 18 of New West minster BC Jim MacDon MATtNEE DAILY PM my auroral assholestire Soldier fighting prone Type wart EOX FEATURE TIMES aid 17 at Ottawa Bruce Dunn re at Victoria 30 and David Burstyn is at Toronto tCP Wirephotol eves AT 5454945 fibrillation Milli uBSRSEXjiupe medic vhrha connotes taea intuit eriilhltlillitlv slur Loo 235 3t oryPeeknndDavidNiven and town got my hands on him in held at the town hall and went CIRCUS Today and Saturday at our rie Stopping Plus Circus Land Elihnnt trainoi three lollil pinata no animal train at leopards and other animals in cages well an slashes Various rides for chil en pear courses Onehour boat crulm on Do lnncy Boat linen leaving Ban rio deck at 2M and sea pm Saturday and hourly begin nine or pm Sundoy LIDRARY llsrrle Public Liumy on Col lier pod Mrrlcostor streets is open Saturday from 950 am to one pm The adult deport menl is also open from to pm Saturday MODEL AIRPLANE FLYING Model airplane flying at liar rlo Airport Sunday beginning at pm It there are high wiride or rain it will be post ported arossuru display showing the devel opment of man from 2000 BC to the present including the tools he used through the ages on display at Simeon County Museum week days 11 am to lull pm Tho museum is five miles north of Barrie on High way to ndiacent to Spring wator Park DRIVEIN THEATRE At the Remote today and Sammy GUNS OF NAVAR ONE in technicolor with Greg tcrlturetto CIRCLE 1N THE SUN also in techaimlor Starting Sunday IT STARTED WITH KISS with Debbie Reynolds and Glenn Ford in technicolor Also Secret Part ner cartoon with Stewart Granger Adult entertainment Al Shanty Boy Driveln to day and Saturday BLUES to paper carried the story with pictures Ho was lemon for the operation known as the Gellio operation Speaking of Ken Walls emioer publisher if could 1912 or 1513 Id have strangled SIIOOTS CAT Kenand Rose Gownn who is lawyer now were laying on streectmrtkoat lilodmkeo steal Em and shot the eat The man who ousted the cat came to the door when he heard the shut and Ken and Ron both started shouting llir Rodgers shot yarn call Mr Rodgers shot your call when lllr Rodgers got mar ried alley liad gas liithin on the and man with short ladder used to light them remember best the one on lol lieryaod Daytleld St Mr Rod gers said He said some businms men started an electric company and sold electricity from lllidhurst They raised the rates once and thenthey started steam plant and raised the price again Cauncil altered to buy them out and thus meetings were on for nearly year tiihcpeopie=voted to start eir meeotrlc system Andy ltfnlcarnson an insur ance agent would not have elec tricity in his olirce Wilson Mr Rodgers lit his pipe lit cigarette Helook couple at putts leaned back in his chair and said see you havent yet loomed to enjoy real smoke END OF PART IV uosnrcss MACHINES soprano St on can will Elvis Presley and Juliet Prosre in technicolor sod DENHST ON THE Job with Bob Moohborue iodsotrley Eaton plus TOP CAT THEATRES At the Roxy today and Esters do HORIZONTAL LIEUTEN ANT with Jim llulloo Jack Carter and Paula Prentifl tn technimlor Jack CarterAil now playing in Revue at OKecfo Centre in Toronto Sunday IT HAPPENED IN ATHENS starring Jone Muno iicld The story centres around the OlympicGomee Also AIR PATROL with Willard Parker All shows in technicolor At the Imperial today and Saturday GIDGET and GlD GET goes Hawaiian starring Sandra Dee Clitt Robertson and James Darren Roth lo technicolor Sunday Tilll lNiERNES hospital story starring Michael Called Susie Parker Nick Adams and Ann Helm Kitilis Kitten Rams Carlson Gels $75 Fine WINDSOR Ont CPIRoll doting police otttcer cost farmer Howard ifrrrket $15 and costs in court Market 37 was convicted of driving his tractor while im paired by altolrols Jaek Miller Ontario Provlnx clot Police constable teslitled he was called to Markets farm July 12 after Markets wile lcio phoned and reported her hue band was drunk and needed quiettag down Constable Miller said he no rived to find Market sitting in truck in the term driveway Market got out at the truck when the oificer nppmeched and walked to his front porch The constable said Market then kicked kitten sitting on the porch and yelled Tirol to what do when you guys are amend Constable Miller said Market then flew into rage and pushed him several times As Constable Miller went for help Market kicked and iinolly pushedthe police cruiser with bin tractor ltIarkel told the court he hadnt liked lho way his pen crop was being harvested had become upset and had gone to nearby Leemlogton to have few drinks tits trouble with the law started when he returned to his term CONFISCATE CAMERAS KINGSTON Jamaica AP Three photographers who tried to take pictures at Princess Margaret and her husband the Earl of Soowdoo picnicking near Mantcgo Bay had their cameras confiscated by secur tty police IWo at the photog raphere were Paul Slade at Paris Match and Bill Lovelace of the London Daily Telegraph Name of the third was not re vealed They wera using cum eras with telephoto lens HURONIA DRIVEIN TONIGHT Br SAT Giltii 0F NAVARONG noose Fenruasrrs MINGOLORr fCIRCtE IN rue sun in lePERlAt NDW snowme cartoonist it sweetheart of the beach dine or to see THEZGIDGETS Comealong Mththe gogoset gt and 1025 DGET HAWAIIAN 885

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