Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Aug 1962, p. 5

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Inillmlmhies orr TO THE ATLANTIC Jerry Schmidt chl at Van Bow River near Calgary In watcrnirys clottheyAiianllc cod and Danny Hamilton at Winnipeg sail down thewlll take them over Inland Winnipeg instwo weeks aruboer ralt which they hope Consl They hope to he in By HAROLD MORRISON Canadian Press Stall Writer An intensliicd testing race multiplying the risks and dan gcrrof hooldifihlniticleal war maybe In the making between Russia and the United States it no progress ls made in current test ban negotiations at Geneva The 05 has indicatedwllt lngncsa to modlly Ils position on international inspection and control as part at renewed nc gotiations with Russia tor permanent ban on all nuclear testing There is ground for suggest ing In the event that all cur rent etiorta to work out com plete test ban tail that there might at least be way open to ending atmospheric tests leaving the nuclear powers tree to underground tests and their lesser Iallout The US might agree to an EastWest morator tlim on air tests issia would join in the pledge In otherxwords the US is prepared to go long way from Its previous ttxed position in or der to work out an agreement that might provide signilicant first step in turning humanitys INNISFII NOTES lnnisiil Council Paper Bow Gives By RGS Obincli is recordc motion that the Township Clerk write the Editor of The Examiner and express to him the appre ciation of council and otticinls oi the Field Day Committee tor the splendid coverage given in their news columns in conacc tion with the lntemational Brick and Rolling Pin Contest and the Township Field Day CIIIEF norours Chief William Brown of the Township Police advised coun cil that lollowlng the propane ih explosions at lllaple he had been advised that all and thorough report from the Fire Marshals department would be forthcoming as to cause and prevention At present the definite cause had aotbeen decided and prevention of an other such occurrence was still under consideration We in lnnlstil are living with pa similar type oi plant though or much smaller size and the possibility of such an explosion happening here is therenson for awaiting the report from the Fire Marshals oitice Chief Brown also advised council that it the parties who were operating tweaking yards scrap materials were given sufficient warning of the re quirements of the bylaw which is in effect and must be observe ed then the police should make general cleanjup not just part Laccumulating unsightly pick on anyone but have all those responsible brought to court for violation of the by law lotterwas read from lnnlstibaltbcsouhr=cnd=ot=theowus us Will Be FlexibleP To Get Disarmament dream oI disarmament into reality RESPONSE COOL lnliiai soviet reacllonitliiil the new American position docs not alter any great hope for cracking the EastWest stole mole Russia wants nuclear test ban to be based solely on na tional inspection systems with noninreign Inspection on her so US authorities argue it may be comparatively easy to police on atmospheric nuclear ban through improved detection systems But while these sys tems may provide way of re ducing the number oI on site inspections they would not eliminan entirely the need Ior such inspections There had to be Iooiproni cvidencc through the human eye that Russia was abiding by its agrement Thus prospects for testban treaty are not bright tor the immediate lulurc indications are that the world is becoming ailittlc less Irlghtcncd by the atmospheric testsat least tho outcry appears to be reduced ship who advised that time was his problem and that as soon as possible he was ready to comply with the require mcnls by building high hoard fence around the yard PROTEST RINK In letter received from the secretary at the Lakelands Hall Committee and latcriollcwcd by visit from that ottiical Law five points were men tioned in connection with their area having been included to area canvassed for the Strand Community rink While not against the project in princ Questioned the legality at setting the increased taxation area limits oi Shroud Commun iplc the Lakelnnds Committee ity Why not include the whole townshipother than those now serviced by rink Many who will participate are left out leaving them free of tax ation and placing the burden on lower people Is the es timated cost suiiicient to erect trustworthy building What assurance is there that the existingdebcntnre against the Strand Community Hall will not be added toqthe enlarged area it the project has merits it should be township wide proposal Speaking to council Mr Law asked that list of the rates payers included in this area who were not in the Hall area Municipal Board be advised thatthey desired to meet them when approval of the proposal was given consideration The the ownerof one of thgseyards WITH EVERY al DIXtES gincourt error can LP nacoun on YOUR ciioicn Dixies Smoke Shop AND RECORP 06 DUNLOP ST Lakeiunds PURCHASED ctua BAR HutjtussliLrgmntns coothtL he an immediate requcst for besenttott1ern and thatthen Ext 11 Irom the near panic that re sulted when Russia iirst broke the thrceyear moratorium last full Andécsctscsoridt7teats=refi duccd pressure on tho US and Russia to come to terms may also be reduced whilo demand at those who advocate increased testing Inr military advantage stlIIen SEED FOR WAR This may be the seed for an intensllIed nuclear testing race While both East and West would think twice aboutengag ing in nuclear duel in which nuclear vulnerability and cone lamination are involved they might be Iastcr on the trigger it vulnerability and contamina tion are reduced Both the US and Russia are reported to be experimenting with methods to develop rel atively clean thermonuclear bomb one with little radioac tive debris Both also liavo been working on anti missile missiles to Iind an elieclive way oi stopping nucleartipped intercontinen tal missllo before it can react its target debttree community hall that has been financed in their own area Another ratepayer in the stroud area came to Council with protest against theap proval oi the rink project Harold Wallace voiced his op inioa that some or those who signed an agreement to hava the costs added to their taxes tamififithlsTvEsthETdse they should not be considered among the ratepayers iavoring the additional charges He was ol the opinion that unless the costs included having an artIA ilclal ice surface ther ewould additional mills to add this to the costs as the short season or natural ice did not warrant the spending of $30000 just to cover in rink We will be saddled with the additional cap ital expenditure as well as hav ing to keep up the property tor years to come he stated The clerk advised that about 58 per cent at those who had been asked to agree to the pro jeet by signing petition gave the majority in favor it was pointed out that not signing the petition wasccunted as no and against the project At present the opened have ap proved of tire proposal subject to the decision at the Municipal Board which will pass on the allowance of the debenture chargeable to therateiyiyersan the described area SUPPORT UNIVERSITY letter was received Irom the City of Barrie asking Innis iii Comil to support them in their endeavor torhave uni vensty established in that city vote unanimouslyagreed to the proposal and wished Barrie every success in their endeavor as realized were estab iished in any municipality it would be taxdree institution It was at first suggestedthat Innistdmight have some ry sex symbol were limited to to determine whethcr Marilyns bovskl was returning visit Emmi1L3Mmrrunrntmrseaérimthis newspapers in between It Thompson national party leader said Monday night Quebec agreed and told an Al berta Social Credit Ieague din nermeeting the way to break through the curtain is television deputy as stupid ignorant backwoods boyas the papers would say But the kind of back woods boy who could rally half million at the people at Que bec behind him wt ia among toprated shows from Canada to Mexico Australia HOLLYWOOD MP blari tya Home the well who won happiness in her own IlIc goes to her Itnal resting place today In plain gmo rims Although invitatioan to Ilnal rites tor the sonaraid blonds about 15 police prepared tor the worsea mob Icene that could involve thousands oi Inns and curiosityrode Police and movie studio guard were assigned to keep Palms at nearby Weawood The shapely actress who slur cialixed In gay movie roles but found honour and disappoint ment in her own lite was Iouod dead in barbed Sunday victim at an overdone oi barbiturates An investigation is under way death was accidental or delib crate Guy Hockclt managing db rector oi the Westwood village mortu gave these details oI theiin rites The light cc dress and no jew ciry nonr denominational aervi expected to last about 35 minutes will be conducted by Rev Soldan Lutheran pastor of the village church in Westwood The body will lie in an open solid bronco coltin lined with champaynp colored velvet Alter the scrvicca the coiiin will bescaled and carried tow yards away to crypt where she will be cntombcd SEEK QUIET The three principals in charge were made private so that she can go to her Ilnal resting place in the quiet she has always nought The statement was issued by Joe Diliiaggio second of Marl lyns three husbands chlce Miracle her baitsister and Inez Mclson her Iormcr busi ness manager They said We could nottn conscienco ask one personality to attend CAPSULE NEWS Gives Grain ALGIERS APlThe Soviet cargo vessel Ugleuralsk docked in Algiers today with Russias tlrst economic aid tor indepen dent Algeria Port authorities said the ship brought 6500 was at grain other Soviet ships are expected soon with canned Iishl milk au gar and cooking oil Crosses Line HEIDELBERG APlThc Son vict Armys commander in clith in East Germany crossed into West Germany today tor cour tesy visit to the us Armys European headquarters in Hei delberg Gen Ivan lgnatievich Yaku 21 by Gen Paul Freeman com mander oi the us Army in Europe Roman Holiday ROME AP Jacqueline Kennedy and Caroline arrived in ltalytoday Ior aprivntc hol iday in an ancient clititop villa on the Amalli coast The US presidents wile and daughter in in Rome Breair Curtain By Television EDM Nronicrgtrhege is random curtain created by Social Credit and the people His deputy Real Caouette of through Mr Thompson introduced his fireman The TV western The Rifle man starring Chuck Connors asodrun Nita Sauterfighling plane lhpcviorl and Japan MATinsoAiiY PM iiiiHupilN eves Ar 735 945 eons PAULA PRENTISS emeryType medic vliiha unapolo type kiss movie stardom but couldnt Iind this order outside the Chapel at the 9mwiltweama oI Iinnl arrangements luesdaL mightuplaiacdfiharihrlltér ikely without perhaps attending many my others hltnd kg Nosed be we aim the number of persons to minimum Please all DI you remem ber the Sal Wect Marilyn and say sprayer oI tarewcli within the continua at your home or church cinded flurry of rtr about the dead aetresoreiTNm cial andperxonal atiairo circu latcdilhrnugh Hollywood and elsewhere There was published report in Mexico City IhatMarllyn killed herself because at time quited love or wycarold Mexican screen writer Jose Belgium This was emphatically denied by Miss Monroes pcrs sonaireprescatatlves who said she dated the Mexican casually tor tow weeks They appeared once at tor elgn rear dinner In Bevcrl Hills In ltiarch CLAIM MONEY PRORLEMS Another report said the ac ¢N5Ldtedwithlcsab irThersavlngrchoiint and only 8700 In tier personal checking account licr attorney Milton Rodin said that the actress kept in her checking account only enough tor current expenses but was to have received $500000 dur ing the next two years alone as port at her percentage Irom the fabulously successful moVic Some Like it Hot She also had Ilrrn oIIers Inr at least tour movies However despite the tact that Marilyns movies had gmssed more than 5200000000 during la ygars she did not tinanewhatrifethtiustrycalls big money until recent years Police have ended their in vestigation Into her death can eluding merely that there was no evidence at out play itvmny bewecks belore tho coroners office makes an oiiicial Iind ing the limit chapter in the legend at soughtutter Cin derella who did not live bap piiy evcraiter aboard Pan American job liner utter nonstop overnight flight Irom New York They travelled aboard regular com mercial light in special bed room converted Iroma Iourseat seetlen continuing DETROIT AP industrial ist George Romney running unopposed piled up an impres sive vote total in winning the Republican nomination Ior gov ernor in the Michigan primary Romney easlly ouldlstanced Democratic Governor John Swalnson native oi Windsor 0nt Tuesday in what was gen erally regarded as popularity contest between the two candi election Meg Precides JQNQSIQN 1343 Prmcessniargnrnnsr on Tuesday at the state opening at Jamaicas Iirst Parliament as an independent country follow ing 307 years oi British rule The solemn ceremony was simplified version of the state opening othritish parliaments The princess in white tull leogthgown studded with dia monds walked between the members at the Senate and House of Representatives hand inhand with her husband th Earl oi Snnwdon Ar arrangements were con MING Causes Suicide for the November stnto Vh as told her dont know ho ney the husband was quoted as saying an os nucxr scanners mwéugyi NAB 11 Inland village mm to not Beth took to heart the un oIttcial lyrics at John Philip Sousa marching time Be kind to your web Iooted Irieada tor duck may be somebodyr mother With that in mind Beth it took pity on the ducks in the oriyn Pork pond who were making daily trips across this road and getting killed or in jured by can The animalloving little girl decided to do something about it She went to her iathera workshcrl and painted sign reading Wach out tor duckrfj CORRECPS SPELLING Her brother Bruce it cor rected the spelling to watch and lacked the sign up on telephone pole in front of their home onhtnln Street Beths latherI Robert Abrams ti was surprised to see the sign when he came pensions day iromhlr loo al the New York Post lie was even more nor prlsed when his daughters wooden ad attracted the attention oi Dr Roger Gary chairman oi the Roslyn plan ning commission who noticed that cars were slowing down near the sign Goryg toidtha Abramstpma ily be thought the sign was good Idea and that he would mention it at the village board meeting The board voted to carry the step bit further and in Thc signa were instrlled last week on each aidc oi the street in root at tho Abrams home With all the praise that Beth has been receiving Irom Icllow Roslynltes shcs rld ing on Cloud Nine said her lather Youre probably wondering why some at those 300 park ducks by Abrnms estimate kcep crossingvthe road The answer is the same as it in tor theehlckens They want toget lathe other side Marilynis Death SAN FRANCISCO AP Gerdi Mario Hovlous aa lor mer circus dancer reported dis turbed over the death of Mari lyn Monroe leaped 50 act to her death Irom ithlrdlloor apartment Tuesday think Marilyn Monroe set her oII her husband Ray mond 51 told police otter ward All day Monday she kept asking Why did she do ItI yr 0F KEMPENFELT BAY TOURS DAILY AT 2J0 330 730 and 830 Adults $150 Children under 509 DELANEY BOAT LINES Govt Dock Rayitcld St Phone PA MAI Tour float Available For Cbartcr int iiiiiii iiiii iiini ounnronn ERNEST 0R NINE inflnlrnlsoopllnllMETIDlUldk Starring shinny Located on 4th Linc oI0r0 Township oII Highway 11 Phone Ora till TONIGHT ONLY wuv Musr INDIE runny iiooan DEBRA PAGET FERNth lmBi RDX iitilii onion GRiiitiRi NAAR Wants Wages To Be Even TORONTO iCPlThe United Neelworkerr at America tcwl riaimed in brlei lo concilia iion board that the lntcrnollona Nickel Company at Canada limited can aliordllo match United States wages The brleI Tuesday said into new has higher margin oi proiit then meet bare metal companies in the Us and would still have higher mor gin it it matched wages paid to workers in the US industry Toe union told the board chaired by Judge Walter tie that idea should match 1s standard Milenahour wage large Iron ore and steel planlr In the US than now pays an average $131 Representing 1850 workers at lncos Port Cplborna Ont plant the Steelworkers asked tor cooperative wage study program reompnrnblc lo provi sions rior 50000 Canadian work or covered by Sieclworkora contracts liarry Weisglnssyresearch workers ntdnostieclllcwaga demands were placed hetero the conciliation board although the brlel pointed out that lnco wagesliave been substandard since l95 linweier he added within reasonable length oi time we will expect lnco wage rates to reach the us standard Try as Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA Milt tiiuaouiA tlltltitittllttltitlmrltnliPKK DAVID NliEN direcieroi IbsAanadtnn8tcci TRAVELINGPi See your CANADIAN PAGIFIG AGENT Scanlcdomaialllravtl Aliinciusiveiaicsinciudingmeals berihand tips Groupdiscounliares TransAtlanticsleanshlpservica Great lakasand Alaska cruises Hotelsandiesoitsacrosstianada AirlineserviceacrossCanadalinkingtiwntinenh WintereiulsestothesunnyWestIndies MediterraneanandGreekisles1963eruisa iNthitltNhiilifllhlliilithtihiPAiGh50ili Cfllfll IIIA Ulmmm TouuirIn thl tremendous autism it its beginning run more cranium WEDNESDAY avatar inss smdorii our heating unease ihownbutuungol hanlpmdr vow nuni oil hummi wanty months Its an mm you who clunrbumml almond annhut ransoml calmrd on saniiiiiii CO LTD PA 82m MARY ST Inlormatlon and reservations Irom CINQMARS MIDHURSTE TEL PA 82l25 an YIAINEITIithKIIWIFIFUNNDIEISEl£€WMttiich1l0ltl WORLDS MOST COMPLETE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM ptus FEATURETTE in cbcoa mm THE SUN TONIGHT ONLY ftrieirilfioobfiln Puffin Adult Entertainment iOlERATlON someones

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