refusals mnnm mean avensr Believed lo Postpone rs REAL cowaor will NlY tAPkKa Brown asked for horslo ride on daddys back after lag several TV ï¬lm After the ride aha slid oil strode over ij Ponder Abortion Problem Phoenix Arts trauma before the more looting wincedonly that for us at this an abortion Were cone Market Talks Till Autumn pond alshsrrntr to the coffee table and shouted shame whisky bowto pressure from the but glarech gemronal attention snsorur pnva ang uish into the Phoenix abortion case Bob ï¬nkblrte wrote mm for himself and for his time In this case abortion is the right thing Others should go about maloag their decision the same way we did RECEIVED CABLE it was oclock on Friday evening the housekeeper had arrived to stay with the kids and Bob and Sherri were pro raring to spend weekend swimming and dining out at one oi the resort motels The torment he and his wife Just as they were leaving the enduredand will continue to charm rang the doctor said he endure bmusc as he said had received cabled reply ilrcre will always be the won from London where Bob had during whether it would have bougbtthe pills nearly year been healthy baby after all ago Bob sent the housekeeper was deep and searching and home and closed the door poetry seemed the right way to Csnsdtan Presslslali Writer Dtsnppointmenis and for some sense of toilet was ilk British rgjaciion to the da on to ourn European germ tthtilitiliiiilni Six and Britain to receven lb ll WW if it takes two yenrsï¬wouid be sled major problems for Prime Bump male mum Iilplstcr Macmillan and his muophe mm m9 government At the same time there is feeling that it was batter to break off the talks than reach hurried bargain on bad terms There was Incscapabia icn slon la Landon as the Brussels talks droncd into the small hours of Sunday morning Com purtlcularly France will prob ably be used by the govern ment as proof that Commoo wealth interests are being pro foetal Flnkbiao doesnt profess to be poet lie is history teacher But hes sensitive man in tense llarcciy honest with him self outwardly carefree but In wordty profound WASNTGREEDY rortohro lepr holdup man took the to he wanted and nilowed his victim to keep the change The man errned with tScaiihra revolver hold up the uoo Idoatlfloskyonr express it His lines began Life has beginning it grows yetunhom iuggiag deep within the mother Only she can feel ita mystery Wevboth had thought that the possibility the pills enn taincd thalidomide was ridicu lously remote Bob said But just to ease Sherrls mtndl gave our doctor the rescrlption nulmbar and asked That night they played up na to find in matriators spoke as if Britain was nearing an epochal deci sion in her history Some spokesmen compared Britains impending close eco nomic ties with Europe to tho orman conquest Ono de scribed it so important as Cac sars invasion in so AD uncommon sponsors dress of prestige in th business and civic life It your community proprietor of Fifty Plus Club and Curiosity Shop took too nave back tit and was last seen rurmfng down the street to the rain til am seeking solution to the problem from every direc tion they could conceive We thought abonttho queslt tien of Gods will he said litany claim man shouldnt meddle in what God has or dained But wasnt mans mud oiling responsible for this rind if the mistake was mans does not man have the right to root it as best hereuntm Bob and Sherri answered yes Lovn caraartnn Bob and Sherri Finkbinc lovo children Sherri is the star of philosophic questions Bob and kiddie TV show and Bob gives his wile Sherri pondered to swimming lessons to neighbor gother during the long night hood children in the pool in hours after they had learned the limit bucltyam ponents oi union with Europe drug she had taken as tram Probing searching praying will be able to rally forces and outlines was the one the papers for an answer Bob and Sherri consolidate their arguments were telling about the one decided it would be wrong to Thus it appears that most of which might cause their child to give to their four healthy re the debate during the next two he hideously deformed bust youngsters crualiy months will he cifhur critical oi Sh twlslcd brother or sister Britains entry or laced with hitter deï¬nition Hy mamlag all that remained doubts and reusscsements of was to see their doctor to find the advantages She did but Will it be amontl out ifthc abortion they had de Yet the fact that Britain 10 INN mothers clded would be medically rule agreed that the Brussels talks mostly in West Germany whose At his office he showed them Should be ndiourncd rather than babies were born deformed 81 pictures in medical journal of legedly because of the effect of The miraculous presence Cl now being it is her precious secret Fiukblnc or lather of four said he believes there must be precise instant before birth when the life within mothers womb becomes human being He doesnt behave as some do that it is at llte moment oi con ceptionHa aisa swondarcdrho sold about the will oi God in the mystery oi childbirth PONDERED TOGETHER lheso were only two of the ounnoopnooounonooooouocuuousoaoo For intonation all PA 66302 The postponement even among those favoring the Com mon Market It generally welt corned it is felt that the pace was being forced and breath ing space was badly needed PLANS DTSRUPTED lint Macmliinna timetable has been seriously tllrilpltd He had hopcd iohc able to put the general termsof lirltaina entry to the Commonwealth prime ministers in September than before Parliament and fi nally before tho Consurvativa party conference in October in the intarimthora will he no concrete talking points for market advocates and the op fs onanocnlroltrn VISIT cnlinchln Three of Sir Winston Church hiils youngest grandchildren gt leave the ltiiddlescx Hospital altar visiting the elder sister irrandchlidren on their second visit to him They are the children of ltfr and Mrs Christopher Soamos AP man From left to right they are Nicholas is Emma 12 and Jeremy Sonmes 10 Sir Winston got out of bed and dot la chair to meet his gauge WELCOME WAGON coNsrnucrron arr Barrio PAHIM iiraphoto WeekendFotoliriesirp From Multiple Deaths By Tim CANADlAN PRESS Ontarios Civic Holiday wack end fatality statistics sent sky rocketing by mnitipiedcnlb ac cidents Friday night anti Satur day levelled off toward the end of the weekend despite deterior aliag weather Canadian Press survey from pm Friday to midnight Monday showed that in persons died in of them Friday night oarsre onto when his car collided with Christina Mary Bnczynsky scmttruller truck on tholli daughter of Dr and Mrs waytoo extension four mics George Minority of Winnipeg north of Barrie and caught fire when her fathers car crashed Saturday on tho lransCanada Highway Mary Smcrcclluk 23 or lor and rolled over twice near onto when her car crashed into Hawkesbury Sunday the face of to reckon on High Edward peppim 41 or Karatl way 6010 miles north of Perry Township drowned in tho Goul lilitiliii or area an are one Wile 10w Width We Arnold Melville ilamiitbn so mg ken duh mg dï¬lmlmlhe and Saturday another to Sun ï¬nslwger lumped 1° mm of Woodstock NO in Norfolk my bonmd to big bgmagn Flame glib ï¬nk té°fï¬Â¥ 1338chKlgégwéhenoï¬stbggg Willi lel amines ham sponslbla for at least 55 cases You might sayPsbid Bob ncu rarc wor rowne n7 as deaths seven drawings fire ï¬gtuggngg over an em um Dem 0m Sunday oAzzgmidabztbaeglczlei thoi confirmed our decision am dermal lifltk Blair son of Mr and 1mm Gmwm of Am zona unless the moIhErs life alhscalérglmni gm agddflait Mrs wmmm mm of Don pat drowned while swimming is ndnngm The Finkblnasm Saturday the provinces worst M1115 drawn Snitfldfli When wesillï¬rsï¬ï¬ 305m mm ilove snerrls life would indeed in five years he Ml 5mm or be endangered But their effort Ontario is the only rovince William cm All for court ruling guaranteeing in which nearly all mllhicipali 190 Gmrdm ml °l Pe mm mm EB immunity from prosecution ties proclaim the firstltionday hamught declmmw 11 Cmeml Placer When move suggested by the hospital August as elm mum television aerial he was helping thulr car cradled into soioot produced nothing hm mgymng Elsewhere the fatality tail was my touched hydro woes at gully near Arnprlor Sunday spotlight or publicity Wltb la lighter but all told Bi persons RR Pemmmughl 5dal be SChnePp 73 01 gnl sanction unavailable Bob Dr Sn 35 Chinese larva in hospital Monday or acknowledged owe plan to In mu the new pernd exchange student at University burns suffered in store tire some plm when mo law four death plane crash of Toronto when car in which Stlnday it helped push Quabccs toll well he was Passenger skidded on more lenient ahead among the other nine Ontario Economic Council Tourist industry Committee aarersrrlvrreo The Ontario Economic Council has appointed Tourist Industry Committee to sfudytho prasantand future role oltha touristlndustrylntho province The purpose of the Commltfaels to assess all aspects of tourism in Ontario and to formulate recommends Vtionéconcaminp Thoroletiva effectiveness otcurrantgovernmantas distance to and participation inthotourlstlndustryr An valuation of strengths and weaknesses within tholndustrvltoaif Public hearings will take place in midSeptember In various parts of the province individuals and organi zationolnterasted ln submissions to the Committee should submit six to copies of their bribfnns soon as possible before Soptamharlts 1862 to the Secretary at the Committee WH Cranslcn Chairman For PLUMBING and HEATING iNSTALLATiONS CALL c0iarkoSacroisry Room 238 provinces in all 27 died11in traffic mishaps 10 to drown ings one in lira and one in an accidental electrocution besides the four in the plane None of the provinces was fa talityfree British Columbia hnd ix deaths Manitoba and Nova cotia lye Alberta three Prince Edward island two and wet Highway 12 10 miles west in of Oriliio and crashed into clump of trees Saturday Roberivlllslopd son of Mr and Mrs Thomas Hislop oi Eto bicoke when his head wet crushed under large steel server pipe from which he felt when it sinned rolling while he was playing on it near his home Arm Hudon or of Hull Que traffic accident on the Queen Elizabeth Way just south of Niagara Falls Monday Samuel Chabun 31 at lbr onto drowned in lake Muskoka near Bracebridga after canoe upset Sunday GcorgeRaussy son of Mr and Mrs Paul Roussy of Pick erlng drowned in the Lavasse used thalidomide should have We dont sny everybody who Cardinal Enters Lamheth Palace LONDON Reuters Ago Fenclleys Flowers Hittite Si PA 85975 Parliament Buildings Toronto Telephone 3651948 stino Cardinal Bea head of the Vatican secretariat for the Unity of Christian Churches Sunday became the first Ro man Cathoifc cardinal to enter Lambeih Palace the London home of the Archbishop of Can tcrbury since the 16th century The last Roman Catholic car dinol to enter the palace was Cardinal Pole whowas Arch bishop ol Canterbury during the reign of the Catholic Queen Mary Cardinal Ben and his score tary Father Schmidt had lunch with the present Archbishop of Cantth Laï¬melï¬am Dr Falkner Alli ankufchawan New Brunswick Saiurdfll lithi lnd Newfoundland one each Fortyseven oi the 84 deaths were in traffic Another it were drownings while five were in fires land 11 were from miscel laneous causes ONTARIO DEAD Gerald Wolski lb of Brant Global System ford when his car crashed into ditch unllighway 24 tour NEW YORK CPlThls is miles north of Waterford Sotur like Edison and Marconi day This is just start Mrs Debut ire WUOd 55 That is how officials associ of North Greece Rochester ated with the reins satellite ML and Adolfo Mlltclllv 34 program describe the present hilt wife Ni001infl27 their 50 stage of space comm ications government had laun Frank tltfrsltiuccilioaiather Ultimately they tirch JhaLJterzï¬nrza Mid5F Epafcï¬lny stations $3000000 son chairman of the Church of Malta Mbenllt 24 all 0f T01 will tie the world more closely The charge also is made that England council lmnchurch tutti in 1193th 90111510 01 together But first number of and would dominate relation Highway about 16 miles West complex questions will have to the US portion of the net of Kingston Saturday be answered Gary Peters 19 and Donald This is lot of hot air an and spokesman com mented There isnt one thin nickel in that satellite from the govcnrment He added howeiler that the mpany says this would llresystemVHow wililntern declar when their car crossed the cc tra boulevard oi the Queen Eiiz abeth Way Saturday and col lided with truck near Winona eaet of Hamilton Jack Spittle of Hamilton in car accident Friday right near Cbatsworth 10 miles south of Owen Sound Albert Simpson pant=RichvlndiunrReserv near Cutler when struck by freight train at Cutler about 70 miles West at Sudbury Sunday Mrs Villingham Camp ball 47 of Detroit after she was struck by car Sunday willie standing on Highway 16 miles south of St Thomas dis cussing an earlier accident Mrs Frances Ewing and her daughter Maureen of Niag ara Fails 0nl after headou collision on Highway six antics west of St Thomas Sun ny Donald Walker so of St Catharines when his cabin oral acr rammed scawaii Saturday night John Ludwig Dewaty of lor tional problems of assigning frequencies and arranging pra grammlng be worked out How will it tie in with existing means of communications There are no firm ganswers it yet At present the problem of uwgnlersblp of the US section of PRIVATE CORPORATION An administrationbacked bill to establish governmentregu lated private corporation to own and operate the USportlan has been passed by he House of Representatives But in the Senate it has run into determined opposition from group at liberal Democrats who charge that it would mean giveaway of resource made possible largely by gov ernmentsupported technology The American Telephone and elegraph Company which so far has sunk more than $50000 000 into the Tolstar proiec re jects the givaway char CARRIERMISS YOU nrcnrilir has not nrribed by it pm please phone PA 82433 And Copy Will Ila Delivered To Your Home THERE is NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VAliEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF cans Anolraucks under the proposcLaetup the corporation would be tiivlded equally between participating companies and public stockhold ers and thatno company could ave more than two directors on the 15mnn board internationally small can troversy already bloser Eiwchilï¬SUis am over the total wldth of wave length bands to be assigned to communications satellitcs The US has put forward an informal proposal for two bands with total width of about 3000 megacycles The Soviet Union has suggested much nsrv rower band conference or the Interna tional Telecommunications Un ion irr Geneva in October 1963 is scheduled to assign freon cies for satellite communica tions and the US hopes to iron out the difference with Russia before then your handsperhaps even more coast rpccl zing in fast convent scrvrcp to Canadians who nccd to borrow for some worthwhile purpose How ahput you NIAOAHA FINANCE COMPANY ltldllitl Barrio ll Collier St Otlliln 62 Columns St II SubOffice in Collingwood at 85 torsonwnnrlillismrnnn inmondcea put up to $2500 in Finance over 200 branches coast to rss PHOLSIERING pA87433 65 BRADFORD Sr Niagara cnt RollsRoyce hasthem idol DoubleSaler brakes are standard at noextra cost on all 62 Rambler modeithe oniyotbercars which are RollsRoyce Jaguaraad Cadillaci Heres how they Wollita duel hydraulic system allows front and rear brakes to operatoindependéotiy if one set is damaged the other continues to operate You gctadouble margin ofsafeiyl Driva theyareavallabia mmimnmsuramuanvourducoeoo LIiglIIAllCsaldtsrr Chhsumlrlasn Company Phone rattles PhnnatFAMhhlt Hurontarlo Stu Phone im on manure conï¬dence enough or toy roads Ramblers DoubleSateiy brakes are actoradjusting too Well your Rambler