Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Aug 1962, p. 4

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none Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers limitch to Bayfield Street Barrie Obtario won months Brian Sleight General Mans or WEBDAY AUGUST IDS Polod Need More Thcin To Reduce Higthiy Toll There has been succession of hor rible road accidents in Oniairo in recent weeks In some of these accidents whole families have been wl ed out in others one or two have been lied and the rest sobadly injured they may be maimed for life Civic Holiday weekend in this district was no exception Many of thevictims are young chil dren teenagers and young people in their twenties and thirties This tragic ivaste of human lives goes on week at ter week month after month What can be done about it Educa tion is suggested by highway safety groups But it is proving much more difficult to educate motorists in this re gard than it should indeed when one considers the continuing high toll in deaths and damage thero may be rea son to ask whether education in safety is making any real progress at all Thereis large segment of theme toring public that remains openly resist ant to all efforts to persuade them to adopt safety measures The methods emplloyed up to the present do not seem to ave penetrated the hard shell that requirevmore than warnin encrusts their minds And yet this problem is not one that applies only to motoring safety The disregard for pro per driving habits is but symptom of moreggeneral social disease Perhaps the symptoniitselt cannot be cured Unless society applies itself and works to adjust the basic malady highway safety will remain burning problem There is of course no defence for highway carelessness There is no de fence for motorists who reject social responsibility Butsurely the disease is not incurable Surely the most stub born and careless can be made to con form more consistently with the rules necessary for the perservation of life and limb But of an may gs and ad vice More stern action is indicated against offenders The public needs to he reminded constantly that traffic rul es must be obeyed Since ordinary suaslon appears futile it may take stiff penaltiesto make motorists realize that the law has Eurpose and that privileges cannot be used with impunity Womens institutes seldoiiifailto re spond to an appeal of human need and perhaps their sympathies are especially warm towards the needs of children So when the sponsorschild project was introduced year ago requestsfor child to adopt came in to the Fed erated Womens Institutes of Ontario office in Toronto at an amazing rate In cooperation with the Canadian Save the Children Fund close to 800 institutes have asked for child to adopt number of Simeoe county institutes along with other branches in all parts of Ontario provide 560 year towards the maintenance of child in its native country Their sponsorship of the children is much more than facts and figures with theWi members They speak affection ately of their ado ted children and wait anxiously for eitersand pictures from faroff lands The women ex ressed desire to do more than send sponsoring sum and manyarenowbusy makingclothingfor the chlidre Birthdays Christmas and etherespecial events are not forgotten as the women take pleasure in sending gifts of clothing and other treats to the youngsters living in the for corners of the world DOWN MEMORY LANE 30 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner Aug 1932 On tario Motor League threatens action over local police guesstimates re speed of Toronto motorists through town and court summons Barrie Examiner wins Mason Trophy for third time as best ellround weekly news paper in Canada Prevlous wins were in 1926 and 1027 Thomas Olsen former plant superintendent at Copaco establishes his own firm here Simeoe Sausage Co Kennedy Innisfil farmer has finger tips bitten off by angry bull Herbert Hot Dog Jen nings pitching for Barrie fanned 16 as locals beat Midland 51 in county base ball but could do nothing with Stanley Fish Sturgeon star Midland catcher whonhad four for four Elton Park wb ysmmfnrecordtl ms 42 seconds defeating 1931 winner George Penny by 25 seconds Maurice Park was close third Margaret Gribble was fourth and winner of ghlsrace Wardens John Carlton presented new colors to Simeoe Foresters Regiment in Taxes par EVERYTHING PeterborougbsExamirrer recent news story based on figures produced by Dominionbureau offsta tistics survey reported that Canadians spend 03 per cent of their personal in come on their automobiles 01 per cent on their clothing andtonl 071pm cent on education The average weekly wage according to he Dominion Bureau of Statistics was 960 Sevententhsof 525 cents for year $2730 Which property owner average or not got away with this pitlaiice on his muni cipal taxes for education Perhaps The Barrie Exdminer Authorized as second eim ma Post Office Deolrtmenf Olllw and for pnymgnl of uoltlgv in is Dally Sundays Ind Statutory iIolldny excepted KENNETH WALLS Pnbillher BRIAN BLMGIITGIMIII Manager nmernnnaon Ill CHARLES D5 BARRY WILSON Advertising Manager JOHN HOLDER ctronlatlnn Mills THEBVEDITORSfrVIEWS er cent ceremonial arad 0mm Former colors with battle honors were placed in Anglican Church at Collingwood The new colors given in1932 are now in St Thomas Church at Shanty Bay burglars make off with more than one thousand pounds of butter from Cooks town Creamery Bad storm does heavyldamago to property in Simeoe County Gilbert Patterson Ryerson Press editor outlined the good points of Red Russia iii address to Barrie Ki wanis Club Last spike driven at Mon sonee James Bay for new Ontario Northland Railway Those presentfor ceremony included Premier George Henry errPremier Ernest Diary of Crown Hill and William Wright Bar rie mining man prospector and sports man who declared the area had great ntial ypig9viriai cycle are Ha afiie idb co whoesae gave 300 passengers thr about mi night when he dived off top of Detroit Windsor ferry into river declaring Mine morning for dip He ca swrmming and was taken out of the iva ter by the harbormasters boat we have tackled the arithmeticfroni the =vrongdirectionFThefirosfamonnFof personal income according to the DBS was $27442000000 in the same year Seventenths of oneper cent of this amount is $192094000 in other words this according toDBSrreckoningpis the total amount of money from personal in comes spent on education How can in beiiin 1960 the Hon James Allan manded taxation to the tune of $230000 000just to pay for Ontarios provinciaL JmIiiiiieh ii share This takes no account of the share of theother nine provinces the muiiicipal levy the amounts provided by the Domin ionjgovernment for adult educationpre trainingy universities research film hoards recreation broadcasting and goodness knows whattg All the money for education comes out of the personal income of taxpayers one wayor anotherThere is no other source of moneyno mint liithe sky for the use of airytgoliiticians What destruc is ViiWomenDrivers no new com Bamylheatre By KEN WALLS YOU HAVE ALL heard tblt nervous cry look out its woman driver Well it seems these distal drivers have into unjustly accuses British in cursnce firm came right out to declare in per cent dlsommt on premiums when the family car is driven by the lady of the household Women are bet ter drivers and so they are better insurance risksbecause they wontwchnnce if MUST iii admitted women are more careful behind the wheel of carmost of them that is They are so careful they think nothing of stopping sud denly in the middle of the road right in front of you with out signalling iiicy are prone to dowdic along in jerky man ner while looking for park fng spotwithout looking out the mirror to see who might be behind hicn do this too of course but that fact wouldnt make our point cicar here ONLY WOMAN could do this The other day 175 tourist was picked up by police walking along highway in northern Saskatchewan lie was clothed only in Sundersiior THE MAN WHO Cliff HIT ii FLY IN SPliCi To Your coon HEALTH Damage By Iumes Probes Break 0i Work Laws QUEBEC CF Attorney Gcncral Georges Lapaime says he is awaiting the report ofli Can Be Measured By JOSEPH MOLNEII It Dear Dr Molncr Some time agofrend that inhaling certain fumescon damage the body When can obtain physical examination to determine the extent to which fumes to which cine who recognized it But the cause remains unknown its generally disease of middle or later llfe Thennrmol iled blood cell count is about 5000 000 but with this ailment it rises to from to l3000000 thus thickening the blood iheverbeenexposedhaveeetwmflrehas nnrbeaflng on it fected my health nu Your own physician You can speed up his work of course Dear Dr Molnar have had cold sores ever since can by reporting to him the types remember What causes them of fumes that are involved Canf avoid ihemiMrs JN Generaiiy examination of the virus causes them Some eyes and tests of the liver and times for reasons not exactly kidneys as well as blood and known on ordinary smallpox gt ublicsbodyéoaialc urine examinations for such things as lead poisoning will give good indication of whether exposure has been harmful in some cases may studies may be advisable to see whether other chemicals or dusts have affected the lungs Dangerous exposure to fumes is not too likely among house hold products if they are used properly in industrial plants where fumes of solvents or other irritating or toxic mater iaia may be present every day added precautions are neneslt sary and are enforced in most such places Health abominations power ful ventilating systems pioieo live clothing compulsory use of gloves goggles masks etc are examples of how industry hclps workers Myron Snell of Hart ford insurance firm and chair man of special committee which prepares technical bul letins on wide variety of such pics sent me some very resbngmfiifiafifinbftlienrdesomeiebiiniéonubiItmtidli lengths to which we should But now as we read of the tri sometimes go torprevent any harm paragrapr which rclblypin one report wa All employees should stand that anyone can develop struck me this dé dermatitis to skin ailment thnt is and that everyone ahiiuld fol low these precautionsuse of protective clothing de etc Each should understand lhat oncebedeveiops skin rashhe is more likely to get it again Eachopcraior should titisj because of plant equip ment hand rails door knobs valves and switches that be has been too careless to keep more up to us to keep pace by knowing that some of them demand precautions If es about showe is en es clean usingrnasks and so on an employee should realize that there are valid reasons It isnt just for the sake of making rules in some of the smallerishops where powerful solvents or on tentiolly dangerous chemicals are in use its an excellent idea for an employee to have hlm self checked from time fortune by his own doctor tube on the side of safety efullchemical mean it is up to ill to treat them with respect Tomorrow is mu 1L renen rs from developing derma vaccinotion stops them orriiwn orponr Teistar Magic police investigation before do cidlng whether the Aluminum Company of Canada plant at Showrnigan Que violated Suni day work laws llir Lapalme was replying at press conference Friday to charges that his department was slow inlnvestlgatlog the matter Adrien Piourde president of the National Metal Trades Fedy eration CNTUi said in let ter to Premier Loshgethat Mr Lapaime was less alert than his predecessorstwhen it came to investigating companies GOLF SIIRINE The Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews Scotland was founded in 1774 lioiider it Science By rarities mcnonsort OTTAWAThe coming thrills of the space age have often been mentionedein this column Three months ago speaking of the new scientific discoveries which will revolutionize light ing heating and cooking liffidtir homes nti ed use magic words maser and laser That was possibly the first time those words had been ted in Canada at leastout umph of the Telstar satellite in pioneering longrange communi cation we learn that th use Of Teistars many achieve mentsits most remarkable and most widely known is to relay television programs back from outer space to points on earth 3000 miles from their rigi POWERFUL MIDGEI quent adaptation of initial letters from the phrase micro wave amplification by stimu lated emission of radleiion ATOMIC ENERGY AGAIN The mnser is another example of the strides made by science in learning how to harness the power of the atom But in this case the power is not of Epiit or fused atom as in nu clear explosions but is the power of an excited or stu fated atom msser typically ruby Falran inehlfiig and one filth of an inch in diameter with highly polished flat ends Atoms excited witliln this red red are known to have im mensely valuable application in the fields of communication heating illumination medicine and photography Manyexotted atoms vibrating together or powerful come of high frequency on ergy Just how powerful is seen by the almost unbelievable yet The tiny satellite is only half valid assertion that ruby omis equipment mans weight Some of that equipment on ables it to pick up television coming from record long distance fromjearib then to amplifyit and to rebroad cestit back to earth But so great is Telstars distance from the transmitting station on earth that the signal originating at 2000 Watts has Weakened to fraction of onebilliollih part of wait when Telstar receives it it is amplified billion times before being retransmitted back to earth at power ofzie wattst but again the signal fades to less than onebillionth of wait before it reaches earl To pick up and separate this tiny wavering voice from outer space has been described as an awe glmuldnt like trying to hear whisper in roilway tunnel while train roars through But this miracle of light of an intensity which could only be produced from source 10000000 times as hot as the sun Anyone who has been rubbing soothing ointment onto human flesh grilled by the sun can readily appreciate the useful ness for brollliig steak or heat inga home of source so much better than the su Much of the rese in this fieldhes been carried by the laboratories of the Bell Telephone Companys corporation in us have not been able to trace any such work being undertaken in Ca nadian industry Telstar thus becomes the first widely known application of the moser As this column has pre dictcd earlier we can expect the coming years to bring many efits from this new achieved They were touring with trailer wife was driving bubble was having sleep in behind Driv errsiopped car briefly sleeper awake and got out to see why the stop Car drove on suddenly leaving husband behind in shorts in broad daylight Police ncccpb ed embarrassed explanation of tourist caught the wife driving along unconcernedly 50 miles further on in this case the lady driver never bothered to look behind THE RED BARN theatre is located at Jacksons Point about 25 miles from Barrie as seagull would fly but twice that distance by road via liol land Landing The Red Dam is exactly what its name implies summer theatre in an old rcdvbarnr complete twithv silo This has been popular rend ezvous for Barrie theatregoers in post summers This year the Red Barn has expanded to include the old Orlilia Opera House HAYS ARE presented each week starting Tuesday by two groups of actors at the Red Barn and the Orlilia Opera House One group is playing at Jacksons Pointwhile the other is at Grillla The following week the plays scenery and actors switch sites If you miss play at Jackson Point one week you can see the same produc tion the following week at Orli lia while at the same time brand new production is open ing at Jacksons Point Get the ideal Not Oh well it might be Queens rank Province Does Islnlpler but to drive in sun ford MANY MERE people It been steady patron of the Red lisrn since its inception Ioni cummers back because about without exception the offering to flight but entertaining sad in ifeulonal cast many of whom are seen on television during variably wcli staged wlih pro the winter But the long lsto drive home was not so cnioy able aiier the show at Jack sons This has been eliminated by the opening of the Red barn branch operation in Orlilia we nncoimnivn trip to yscb show in Ooiiilii The opera house wont have the some at mospliero as the old red barn but the easy halfhour drive from Barrie has considerable merit fiheres good parking right beside the opera honu Come to think of it theres not too many places like this left in the country Barrio used to have an opera house until the big fire some is years ago Prices are scaled from $150 to $200 but all seats are good Women are easily accommoda dbeforefiiicfrtlififif5ini mission but the poor maleheo to climb two flights of stairs rliiht to the top gallery to wash his hands If youre hungry after the show we hate to ad mlt it but Orlilia has some real coodaoling pieces Chinese and otherwise This week at Orlilia the fled Born people have comedy playing All For Mory Theres new show each week until the end of August THE ALLISTON HERALD in extending congratulations to local school magazine gave an example of its meritby pub lishing the following poem There was lady from Bar rie basket of fniit she did carry Shn stirred Alumna And landed in Montana that silly young lady from Burris WHICH JUST GOES to show that iiterory talent will always come out and they should clear the bananas off ihesidewnlkh in Allistonor their trade will slide south of the border BIBLE THOUGHT Wow it we be dead with Christ we believe that we shall also live with him Romans 88 Christianity is more than dying to sin it is living good iifei Havel Control Over Drugs By DON QEEARN TORONTOA wrong impreo sion may have been left here yesterday The province does have SOME control over the sale of drugs consisLofarodoLsynthatiokaughmePliarmacLAci 1an vemmemmmmmfim sets out schemes of drugs which must be sold by pre scription and further conditions of sale This however could have had application in the thalidOav mide case It had been approved by Ct tawa and was prescription drug The approval was the nub of the matter Ontarios efforts to get stronger control therefore may centre on pressure on Ottawa Undoubtedly there will be at saelhassehevereehmuéy mkmascmhesmreducedaasbesm=icast=s=cemend=l4n heJegisln it is so iammed wrth electronic that it matches that lure next session that the fed eral government should do its own testing of new drugs it must have been startling to many to discover first there is no such testing nowthat ap proval is given on the basis of the manufacturers sub missions Though here some in ternational agency rather than national body would seem to be called for in practicalrterm cult to see wherevery much can be done by the provrnce slouc rionrniv jun There will be housecleaning here of course Much more ettentioniwlll be paid to the controllegislati we do have in the future There has notbceu aggressrve administration of this The schedules in or it many not havent been changed in four years for example But the basic job will remain Ottawas undiviur racri Just what could Ottawa do This is the reaction here on uranium agreement The opposition of coursefwili be more critical Nobody can say theyaro really happy about the agree much lower than the or gtnai terms But it will keep Elliott Lake and the other uranium commu nities at least breathing for while And in the meantime there carrbe hope no matter how small that other developments Whom the uranium towns Much as industry is criticizing the nevaact there is the basic fact that the federal govern ment wason thespot then the original conditions were laid down there was scarcityoi uranium in the world Now it is available if the UK didnt want to buy what could we do but stress gt that there was moral obliga tion In these days when morals arent too high among nations as elsewhere perhaps we wore mucky to get any agreement at STOUT FOOTWEAR The skimomukluk has sole of bearded seal hidE llplt pérs of ordinary scaliiids with anollcoatlnc to keep feet dry SOUND iNVESTMENi swank discuss household ciiemi bythospggiplre LOAFER DETECTED Cbls Cornwall England at Plume Wall Street Journal near or Main twin is After concert the conductor received P°iY°¥ih°mi° V9 Vila 1e Eom In Brmmy mm and at Andover in Maine thefiollo ingnotejromamemberottbgfbaifidngigiflm Jhwmniificntian nLv iI ici had an and dlmculty the quigeicst or purest but thr think it is only fair to tell you that 90°R11 the ma YQiIr orchestrawiio hits the mime the no Willi boogie de cymbalssomy playedduflng hebrie bar of red od cells often vised called Osier disco after The word maserls anac Nels Wile i°u were 10 king him one of the area ved ng stations Subscription rate daily by cnmcrlooiwuk hum Gwnhmy Down Ln 11510 your single copy to fly out in Onto 700 you on six moo hi 9330 titre ti on month fouldo Ontario til you Ouuldl csnndn ozone in Oillces as liniver effigy IN AMOUNTS or two 70 smooch WINS WAGEB MAIDENHEAD England erra boohmoker eating or heavy meal at aberkshire hotelrraa e=occasio fellow diner bet £50 he could not swim across the Thames The bookmaker ived invand returned dripping to collect the cheque ch be promptly Member of tileCInadisrr Daily Newspaper Poi fishers Association The Canadian dires Audubon Audit Bureau of diminution The CIIIBGIIIIPTESI il exclusively entitled to the im for republication of all newsdis stcbes lnthis If ltcd to it or The Assoc Itcd 1er or in Us pm published ttimin memo iniisr fFRTIFlCAiES

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