Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Aug 1962, p. 2

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acreaginaaiurs roe Tit Actor EarmSuilivan and gas it hours allerJhev ho gyptiun actress Desiree Suv4eailod their wedding oil more pose alter they were married Sunday in La Vie was the ilrst morragc lor ltiiss Samara 2a and the 1RD TIME loutbtastern Ontario Another tario Southern Georgian Bay third tor Sullivan tilmy piantnr honeymoon in Spain in the lall when he finishes May Not Be llble To iiiiord Proposed Satellite System WASHINGTON AP Ed ward it ltlnrruw US propa ganda director says his agency may not be able to use the pre posed new communications are elllie system unless it receives special rates We may not be able to al lord it he told the Senate lor eiign relations committee Mon Iy Murrow who heads the U5 lniormation agency testllied that the national interest do msnds that the agency use the new system because of its im pact around the globe But ll his agency is to use space communications ire said itmust seek one at three things Special reduced rates inveStigatiad Fatal Crash MiNGAN Que tCi board of ellieers lrnm the US boring Air Force Base in Lima ltone Me will join with Cana dlan inspectors today in inves tigating thecrash or light plane in the St Lawrence River thattonk tour lives The single engined Navlon aircraft which crashed Monday only minutes after taking all ironi tiny airstrip in Mingan 45 miles northeast ol Quebec City was piloted by SgtxAdricn Lapolnte 29 olScptIlcs Que The base said Sgt Lapointe stationed at Loring was one of the Victims Names at the others were not disclosed but they were be lieved to be aii relatives at La palate ClaudeCantin federal transport department inspector said tour others two women child and man were board the plane Ari oliiclal at Loring Air Force Base said Sgt anninte throne Mafiawit his parents in Scpolilcs 90 miles west of here WlFEiKILLED VANCOUVER tCPi Hay Ballash26 was charged Mon day with capital murder in the shooting death ol his attractive Ndheadcd wile outside their home here Police said Mrs Shirley Ballash 22 was killed by blast lrom altcalibre bunting ritie iiredl om only six More money from Congress or separate system to ban die government business He acknowledged that tiie third choice separate govern ment satellite operation would be very expensive The committee is holding hearings on Kennedy admin istration bill that would au thorize the lorrnntion ol apriv ateiy owned governmenteon trolled corporation to launch and operate the protectedncw system oi speeding words and pictures around the globe Murrow said he lovers the hilt even though it contains no guarantee ol special rates lor government users He said the protected new space relay system dramatized by the satellite telstnr will usher in new era oi international co operation on on unprece dented communications scale 0n the posts at present com merelal csoie rates hiurrow ligured it would cast his agency more than $919000000 year or eight times its annual bud get to beam Wminute daily TV program around the world He said he based this estim ate nn using seven television cie cults one each to Latin Amer ict the Middle East the Far East Southeast Asia South Asia West Europe and Atrica Plane Cracks Up But 70 Escape KNOXVILLE tAllA tour cngine American Airlines turbo prop plane with 70 persons aboard ran oil runway cracked up and ripped alt wing as it landed at McGhee Tyson Airport Monday on one was injured The engines in the tornoil wing caught lire Alan Atkins airport manager said CHEATEBS GET PRISON TERMS WARSAW tlleutcrs lventygtllve persons were sentenced today by the High Court to prison terms rang ing lrom luwmonthsto six years for cheating cusia more in the citys biggest seilservice restaurant The accused including the entire stall at the rec taurnnt lrom the general manager down to women dishwashers were said to have diluted sauces re duccd the size at dishes served uadetwhight steaks and in one year to have ichented customers of about 1000000 zlotys about 641 000 worth otlcod Seek Suspect In Murder Case WATERLOO Ont CPIWm terloo Police are seeking tor questioning tormer empioyect ol the Marsiaad Precision in struments Limited Plant hero alter the murder of night watchman at the plant last Tuesday Waterloo Police Chiel Lloyd Otto said Monday that he sus pected anyone who had worked there because the murderer knew his way around the plant Chiel Otto added he knew what to take and where to tlnd it The victim 45yearoid John Dowbush was buried Saturday alter short service Which was strangled with nylon cord used in the plant ior tying up shipments Chtelrotto said no signs oi struggle were evident in the toolroom where the body was lound He added that some $1700 worth at precision measuring struments were taken from would have burned with the pa571MATEmmiET is sengera aboard Several oi the 65 passengers aboard said they felt heavy gust oi wind strike the piano moments before it came down other passengers said it liap poned so last it didnt seem real The livemember crew had brought the Electra flight 414 ram Dallas Tox en route to New YorkgHallnck said the components was extensively during an invento orderedb plant olliciais The theli was the that con erete indication of motive for the slaying CLAYS FAMILY BHODKINGS SD tAi ltyeanoid larm boy who has admitted killing all live mam bars of neighboring larm am ily was charged with murder Monday and ordered held with day today Fair weather is ex gami Cloudy with intermittent WEATHER Molar Skies will he today in southwestern Dam and will clear this alteraoon in disturnbnce in northern Ontario spread cloud and rain over most of this part at Ontario Partial clearingth crew in the north comitry this utterance Parts at central Onlnno lying between the disturbed areas had clear night and can expect sunny peeled over the entire province Wednesday Latte St Clair Lake Erie Lake Huron Windsor lamina Sunny and warm today and Wednesday Chance or loWthurid nllernonn Winds light Niagara Western Lake 0n Hamilton and etc this Toronto Rain ending ad and log clearing early morning Sunny and warm the remainder at today Sunny and continuing womi Wainsc day Winds light Eastern Lake Ontario Hali burtonr Cloudy With showers this morning becoming mostly sunny this alternoon Sunny with little change in temperalt ture Wednesday Winds light Northern Georgian Day Air goma North Bay Sault Ste Marie Sunny and continuingwarm today and Wlednesday Winds light north ery White River Cochrene Time Sudbnry light rain or driszie ending this mornin oudy rind itemo lhochonce oiaiiirnoon thunder lsliipilverl Wednesday Winds Forecast Temperatures Low tonight High Wednesday Windsor St Thomas London Kitchener Winghnm Hamilton St Catharines Toronto Peterhorough Trenton Kiiloioa Muskeka Northzlia Sudbury Earilon Kopuskarl White River Moosonee Tlmmine Sauit Ste liinrie Mount Forcst amasssasgsgza Reconciled Viewpoints LONDON tCPlLord Taylor who helped settle the Saskatch owan doctors dispute says the main obstacle had been the complete taiiure by both pidel to understand the olheis point at view No one could put the doctors point oi view to the politicians in language they could under stand and the politicians couldnt put their case hclora the doctors in acceptable inn guagc said Taylor on his re turn home by plane was able to put thetwo cases down on paper said the doctorpeer who once was Labor member of the British Parliament The major issues had become contusedvand tempers had got out or control The doctors he said were fighting lor prin ciples and those principlesnow are protected in the EKIBC moat HAD DISAPPOlNTMENT One big disappointment he said was the fact the doctors turned down the clause provid ing for compulsory arbitration This id provided 1th =fothna doctors in ease of an economic slump Taylor said lint the doctors tor some reason changed their minds and finally the government agreed to with drawit SCENIC BOAT TOURS 0F HEMPENFELT BAY nouns parsrar 250 330 730 and 330 Adults taro ushowers Wednesday crasss Paula Jean Dulce month old daughter at Mr Jand Mrs Ernest Dulce ol Gadsden Aln wears glosses as cor rective measure for color gt DEli HS By run consciousness tlslilox William Wick wlre is president oi thc Nova Scoila Light and Power Com pany loilowing heart attack Cox in retired generalman nger ol Excelsior Lite insur ance Company Washington Morehead Pet iersnn at chairman ol the board ot American Machine and Foundry Company lirm that was recently charged with anti truat violations at hcort all meet Kirkland Lake Dr Ralph domes Ncclandsfiw prominent northern ontarlo physician and educatlnnist Montreal Wlliiam Ii Higge as president of the DArcy Mc Gee Publishing Company ol Montreal notion Television producer William Jaclr Hope 62 brother at movie and television actor Bob Hope HestonHarry Fosner til pa per manulacturer and philan thropist New York Mrs Josephine me assure antiques maaosraueusr 1in Chinese Alter violent start to the holiday weekend with two road traillc settled down in Simona county and only minor acclduals were reported ay Chinese doctor when the car be war ridiogtn skidded out ol control on line wet road ten miles west at Dr ilila and slammed into lunch lie was Dr Yun Fan to Brunswick Avenue Toronto passenger lna ear driven by Bhageshwer Swaroop Li ol till Baldwin Street Toronto The smash occurred on High way is Just west oi the l3th concealed nl Medonte low ship Police said the dead mans next at his were thought to be in Communist China and they cvere having dilliculty notilyiag hem Shortly helm midday ant Im deaths on Saturday mornintt bay Paul is presidential the heart attack ham Helm as lormer social secretary is it do presidents Woodrow Wilson Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman Toronto Thomas Osmaby Chicago manager of Ottawas new Ridaau Carleton Raceway Ayala or Spanish novelist and tnrrner Spanish ambassador in London lred 99 oldcst resident at the irom the sky sheltered large gallium Indian mm oak tree beneath which is the Douglas national New Demo cratie Party leader Saturday MD the remaining boys hnd was nominated to contest by eiection in the Vancouversub xurbanrlding of Huronbyquult have been tragic had any boy lam Mr Douglas delcated in been under the tree when the Regina in the June is general ii election will get another chance to seek election ioilowing the group at three oakswhich have resignation ol Elllltii Rogier iee acted in the Burnaby riding in the June vote Mr Regiora resignation isexpecied to take eilect Aug 17 gt damage YET act condition Baby under went surgery lor removal ol cataracts when she was months old AP Wirephotot brnkose laser can WashingtonMrs Edith Bcn Ottawatirwln Dygeri s7 oi Madrid Ramon Perez do MontrealMrs Georgina Iii GETS NOMINATION The body louad in the burned out wreckage at trsctnrvtrail crcar smash on Highway too earlier Saturday morning has been portdreiy identitied as John Ludwig DeWnly at 11 Lyndhurst Court Toronto Both vehicles had caught lire alter the smash police aresatislled that was thesotreccupant ol the vehicle lhouyi he Wls lound iii the passenger seat oi the vehicle Caddies Had Gone its Lightning Hit Tree lit Colt Club Lightning came at an oppor tune tinio Saturday evening at arrie Country Club tioit bench normally occupied by caddies waiting for gallers to vaucouvaa car sin an tea It few minutes eirlier about moved into the nearby pro shop hen it started toralnit would ghtnlag hit The tree is the centre at been more lor many years It had two trunks growing out ol the roots One trunk will have to be removed because ol the Dodtdr Dies Inerash no wilelrs ante acidity said he left lnr the trip north lone Policesaid he is survived by his wile and parents who are in Austria The drive oi the tractortrail er ll McCer from three to escaped with minor bruise Indshock The llamas were extinguished by the Vespra fire brigade and the Barrie tin detachment teammate it Has Retired George Grant longtime property owner in the Shanty Bay am who was tumour in the Second World War has retired as vi dent the tdiell Telephone Comps Canada alter years wit th company In charge oi ubiie relations since m7 Mr rant citrusqu his career when he was named ebalrman oi the public relations committee oi the Duke oi Ed lnhurghs Common wealth study Contrreare held in Canada duringM and Jun rot thisycarr During the Second World War Mr Grant was given ilcove ot absence lrom the com 3pc to serve as director at elgionioui maintenance at No ional Delcneo Headquarters in item in the ltion he was aslrurnentai In emotion litre Royal Canadian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers iln rate he was inted do salty director at in patent eo gtneorlng and senior itCEitiE floor with the First Canadian Army overseas Promoted to the rank at brigadier he serv ed with First Army headquar ters in France Belgium Hair land and Germany During this time he was mentioned in dis Humanistic beacon CPIThe Army is testing llying bicycle built our Wing Cmdr Ken Wallis in hi backyard The propeller is driven by smallengine and wiisd pressure turns rotor on toys it can ily at 100 miles an hortir at 7000 ieet and the Army msut use it in place oi motor lor dispatch riders tt MlI Herr la the second at in Summer Soloty Contests Its only lots at ion to Ill Thn picture is bnsnri on my rutos KEEE OUT FROM asrwsEN rAhitso cars ond PLAY YOUR GAMES iN SAFE PLACIAWAY right now to find whats wionlin the piston You may wino new Raleigh iti sytio or Sono ElmeritSummcr SactyCantsst Can you find IROM THE STREET Start dotted lines and hi thl ostu draw picture and color it list onhlsenaypla wswt tahgyall no mean it at conteiit End is to nrrrswnmounoi Cut this contest outetpo staining Alicntriesbeoomothoptc ettvol or Elmer this Stately Elephant town units like this be moms ch ran otemnisvresutthianm noniv tklls ddirss at side natured elevates one boys and em olrls souoaairas one in Sale Leoch nod fileigh cyu trieuririeiiemee Ltd teat away alter leaving taxi damaged TODAYS STOCK PRICES Compiled by Flynn lil Donlop St El Barrio Children under 14 500 oerANEYa BOAT LlNES iI Govt Dock Boylleid St Phone BA antic Tour Boat Available For Charter tantsr tt It °Zu52m5°a°snil ludou ct ltleflttflt vlii be Leno no oalfluntmlllwiet up may cam derision is tidal Contest No NAME out bond The murder charge aleuissdawhachnnirogd oson appeared in court after that going through juvenile court where he told the judge in closed hearing at shooting Mr and Mrs llngh Paulsonand their three daughters in their home Frida lI roan hetero mtg tour to ONTARIO sateiiy erases cos KING sr wt Main re use 1714 20 roaoNro enorsaio sols Pacino em 14 airs We ruaLicho IN THE INTEREST or cnieoatNssasafrv VI ay The BARRIEAREA EliA tilt NOWFORWNG urine and District Insurance Agents Assoc Nowydu can train to be predioa agree Sifgle raid WHOSE MEMBERSARELASfOLLOWS gt it 77 M3351qu pre urgently ceded on Nurses int pr education helplul not necessary Books and equipment Nixon sirsratcr AGENTS ti Sunnidalp ltd supplied Spare time home study course with special period oi metical LECTURES anddemonstratiom inner llenry Elrick and hilehle anrtennt Insurance Agency Ltd is Owon St to Duniop St to soon or evening classes Get lull inlormation for tree booideton the Course Maii coupon below We obligation Malcomaona Insurance Agency Slcssor Insurance Agency Danton St 19 Collier St lllnuary Insurance Agency Stevenson and Co 11 Crcswicke Court 113A Duniop St Moore TomTnltersali 57Popetang St st Parksldernrlve INDUITBML Dis Sets AW Dom Found at flit Aabertos Slim 1stui om Alumlntum Athena Gas Alis Nat tins AtlasSteel Bk cl Mdnh hank ol NS Slit Tel Nor our No we Moore Co it as rrLsraoNe annuals Horne Pit Home Oil It lillti lily Mill lni Tobaccer lm Oil in Accent inland MG Héfll rlickle nerprov Jockey Club Lenoir Laireisnd Mac Pow Rlv Manny Fort Noranda Boyai Bank Enlldl Bhirflfl Simptool Shawlnisan steel or Can seecuu crass cdn imp Bk Com Eda prewar CPR Cdl Cement Can Chemical can Oil Cain Power Con lndtfimm Con Trad Fin Tm Unlon an Walker CkW BARRIE acerirs Bruce Dcmltmll tea Bradiord st Walter Adair Insurance Ageney 141 Heresy St it Bentley and Co Formerly Flynn insurance ll Collier St Rose Bldweiiv insurance Agency lii Sophin Street East Contta Insuranci Agency Owen Can Devonlln Camp Chlb Can Daillllo 505 Copper Hand 120 Lo CDH Hail t7 Denlsoa Hines 10s Sullivan Foieonbrldgr to Arnold Coohstowo Duhns1nsuraneei Allistoii lallciielr lhsurancc Agency hlldirurst ti Simpkinl Strdtld rHEsa at consult our lNDEPENDENT insultsuccessors

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