Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Aug 1962, p. 13

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cements MARKET PERSONALS FA LEARN EA RESSING RM MACHINERY an SD mu nioN roman tor eel1 Thorough training to all been um cites oi beauty culture OERWIN HAIRDRESING SCHOOL WORSLEV ST PA use uwmo BONII Lade cotton deems blouses skin exp IIAUTI TOP Coldlfll Sell out by comae hairdresser in Your own home or itcl nor vice Bernice PA or PA 51 ARTICLES For SALE THE RAFTERS ANTIQUES The Showcaufii Sirocco County SIELDORS 0F ANTIQUES FURNITURE BOOIIS SRAVgt ING UUGS COBLETS PEWA TEN FINE CHINA BRASS COPPER IRON OPEN DAILY 10 am to lo row at CRAIGIIURST onr BARRIE PA 8340 BAND IAW iot lele heavy dilll In newcondlttnn used twlre em Telephone lTRll streets ii LEGAL Monces TOWNSHIP OI 0R0 IN THE MATTER oi the closing ol part at the unopen ed road snowmenbetween concessions Sand AND lN actions 459 end 462 oi the plum Actbeing Chapter 249 1180 1060 AKE NOTICE that the Council oi the Corporation ol the Township oi Orowill alter the publication at this Notice at least once wed tor tour tel successive Links in The Barrie harntner and the posting at this Notice tor one ll month in six lei pmrninenl places in the vicinity ol the highwey to be closed consider and ii deemedexpedient pass Bylaw to close end atop up that port at the unopened road allowance between coo cessions Ind in the said Township ot Oro described In the said proposed llylaw as follows All and singular that certain parcel or trad at land situate lying and being In the Township oi 0rd in the County oi Simone and Province oi Ontario and being composed at that part at the Road Allowance between Concession and described In lollowsz FARMERS DEAD STOCK Highest nrleec paid to dead or crippled tile and horses Smsli eotmata removed tree For teat service phone or ask tor ZENtIlt Lino 1N0 CBAIIODI been err1 men BARRIE PA Mist tootlectl NICKS DEAD STOCK RR Fonnoad Ontario tdcence No lIm tiller plenum Prop FEED SEED GRAIN WHEAT STIAW TOT It Itme lmalaly 300 lulu or clean wheat Itrew Apply Fred Nelson RR Ulople Telephone 1th Ivy Iran main cuisines ruzsoav accuser in ll CONTRACTTRIDGE By JAY DECKER North dealer never have made the grade Neither side vulnerable otherwise course Sylvie was also go deficient in many other arcae OAgai ot the game when she began to play and ii is hardly auis prising that her partnersin the expert game In which she in sisted on playing iOIlI her so in no uncertain terms Despite her shortcomings Sylna did succeed ln adding some the to the game with her AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR can FOR SALE son VIAU FOR RAMBLER as wrsre To nest on are more out PAINTING wonvr Iflnled trust 109 SOUTH ens bedrooms aunporcbu boom earners are Very lemalhle rates Excellent aura rm ortluv Mm aevert mce pinion Room 5qu Ior Ieieln good condition Itce unable CILl no noise fAIII CONDITIONING Unit it elle lIon paella used only couple at reasons orth two new cell tor lilo Phone Mr Carson Ill Till ROCK STEAM Delhi on open daily It mince up to pm Look and ilol your vary bell Telephone PA Will HOISONI UARX Spbflinl OMI liarrtee lergeet lelecllon ol rlrr untoeverything tor the lportv man Open every cycrllnl Tele fihona PA Sit lillhwly no this owen Lawn liovran repaired Idletora cleaned repaired an pecared Plow polnll repInd illeirilllnri ltaitlator and Lawn Ilow er service it Frederick St D065 PETS LOCKER PUPPIES for sale Tolls tered months old cars cropped iwarreed Ind shots lethal mill Leon Gllrlcil ed hieple Ave Telephone rt iissi BOATSEMOTORS iIroor SHEPPARD iiinorany Plank lot lap Euchanln Inboard fixatith lully equipped ms PA ARTICLES WANTED LANG QUANTITY ol Cednl Ioail and Peter riccded Plcua write stating the price tic to Mr Don Pluto Hit Guelph Ontario ARTICLES FOR RENT CAhliPRS Trailer eltd ior rent with picnic table lid and shnivad nod cupboard For tull particu lar telephone IA Midi FRUIT VEoETAoLEs FRESH llcltttti Vctietlblcs tor sale all kinds Apply Vllilam ltelly 11th Concession It mile on No It lttchwey east Tole hono ITIIJI Strand Same any cancellations must bophonod in between 330 and 900 nip Miikois Wash Tanks Separators Parts lor any milkcr POULTRY CHICKS DEKALB PUIZLETS More and more poultrymen are choosing DEKALB PULLETS Started readyto lay and day old cblch Order now torenrly order discount For service or help on your poultry problem cell Craig Hunter HUNTERS POULTRY FARMS smouo PHONE Tl EARRED ROCKS Still hard to boat tor eggs and meat Over Iorty years of per aonai selection behind our clor od flock Registered hatchery Baby chicks started chicke capons KENNYS POULTRY FARM RR SHANTY BAY FARM MACHINERY DELAVAL SALES AND SERVICE Vacuum Pumps IIANh onowu an IBARRIE HOLLY PA M338 MINESING Morass Ford Tractor and Equipment SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 108 MINESING CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies in Service Case Now llollnnd David Brown Beatiy Farm Equipment 76 BURTON AVE ri s2373 CASH TRADE TERMS Registered HOP York Oils and Bears at Cont mercial prices Highlins pullets for sale Hay for sale WHITE OUSE FARMS CDDKSTOWN Isa4671 BUSINESS DIRECT SERVICE ORY Ask About Low Rates By Month or Your Telephone PA 82414 APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCES AND TV SERVICE 24hour service I47 DUNLOP ST PA 6II42 DRIVING SCHOOL ORILLIA SCHOOL OF SAFE DRIVING SERVING SINCE 1956 FOR APPOINTMENT ANYTIME PA 66551 EXCAVATING TILL onaan top soil so nevus our ng and Grading Delivery Crushed none Hall yard Eockhoo or hire DENNIS MORAN ll Anne Stroct PA 52907 BULLDOZING Crubber Brush Blade Top Soil Gravel Fill ART GORDON CONSTRUCTION PHONE PA 87587 NVlSlBLE MENDING INVISIBLE MENDING We invisiny mend your suits and dresses We also lnvisibly mend your upholstery at your home PA 61296 Barrio FLOOR COVERINGS FLOOR WALL TILE SALES AND SERVICE 24 MAPLE AVE Opp bus termlnnli eninoioum andVlnyl tllo ompleto line or samples Frce isiimnics day or ovcninge iVorkmanshlp guaranteed Free Parking PHONE PA llSIIGI EVENINGS PA b4952 Charles Lawson Propr HAIRDRESSERS CLIFFORD HAIR FASHIONS Individual styling Moderate rates FRED GRANT SQUARE LI pnuaisruo and iioounr tn Illeiion service lots above inat cost Telephone PA octet RR KM Painting and Decorating PA H332 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Ranging Spray Painting Service Since 1920 arrio PA soon Rates Reasonable Free Estimates EXPERIENCED PAINTERS GARRY VAN GENNIPT Phone PA will anytime PLUMBING ROY SALISBURY PLUMBING 8L HEATING ASPHALT PAVING VARCOE BROTHERS LTD Barrios oldcst moniiiacturcrs rid suppliers asphalt have opened now paving depart ment to take business and care of expanding Will be pleased to uote on any paving job larite rsmnll in town or on the arm NORTH BAYIIELD DARRIE PA vIIIII EVENINGS an oasis PAVING by local lirm McFadden PaVI rig Phone PA 82712 ALL WORK GUARANTEED FOR TWO YEARS ST REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION annular 33 Clnpporton St PHONE PA c4562 UPHOLSTERY MAYFAIR CARPET AND urnozsrbrtv Oi Location gull Pickup Delivery and Storage Vtau Motors Limited l7 Gowan Street PA 66488 or BLAKE ST PA 6132l BUY NOW Save Tax ON BRAND NEW fil VOLKSWAGEN WHILE PRESENT STOCK LASTS Al PIERCE MOTORS LTD til ESSARD on 550 SEE JENNINGS USED CAR SALES at CITIES SERVICE STATION Angus Ont Phonc44961tll MODEL ll FORD Coach Need new steering beartnll mos eeih Telcphone rains Moonstone OIIIISIIOITILI tor sale In good runnlnx oidcr pita Telr phone IA antes sun NAROAIN lost Volkswagen or sale excellent motor Telelt phone an moi less FORD Customilnn curtain radio three new tlree tinny ex cellent motor good Telephone Iatroy MIL liter pun mq lsnz iOttn tlalaxla tor nie stand ard with radio noon miles Reason tar veiltnr color to callers Tale phone IA MESS lose CHEVROLET our door in excellent condition ortelnal nnw Iron and battery This on has exceptional care Telephone Ipi assoc NEED CASHSCI Seaboard Fire in Your Londlll Nellhoor mil in till monthly tel Dunln glarmt Barrie Telephone lull liltlllli Body and engine in hit condition Good tires rellned brakes Court buy for quick lelc Telephone IA MDT alter II pm lllio nisceVNn Chev two door in gleaming while with contrasting lrccn Interior All new tirel full Ivlieol diner cuttnni radio window motion This cel Is now can dllton $115 down take over pay mania or all per month Telephone In Nous last DODGE Ilnlihed in luxurious lcai men with white top very low mlicllo cylinder standard transmission Vlil accept lItcr model as trade with low monthly Faymcnts Catt Cthson Bellamy 60288 days Ill SIIIW evenings 185 METEOR Iildenu two donr hardto white wall ttros VB auto menu We tone with and brown SETS Tnlophorio IA ITIII lilll p1ll 155 OLDSIIIOIJILII llcela Siliion wagon executive driven 000 miles power steering orekea window written entonne and Vondabar radio Itncetiant condi tion Tolephuno PA NAIL 1959 DODGE Regent with deep lrcuri tires new coral point too This car can he hounht iot the low low price ol $1095 with 10R down to tholc who quality Telev pitottn PA 37083 last ratio tour door seden de luxe tuoLIol iwn lone blue and white with matching interior deep lionrl tires custom radio window washers 576 down SIMS per ntonth Tolnphnna iA Ilviblll lnsti rnNrIAc tour deer custom radio hit new tire verbluo metallic vltli metching interior 3125 down and take over is merits ot to per month Tele DITIIIIa PA aeoiis OHDIU urlulllt tlsz lairlene capitalized cars Custom radio tinted glass window washeranti eleclrlo wipnri aately padded Lloih snioty bolls whtta well tlros Tull whch covors back It lights All cars are tour door on ans Thclo cars can be bought tor ILIDI with MT down Three year to pay Telephone PA einss rollers TRAILERS ltIIh DODGE ITON Stake Tntcit with rocks and high xtcnslen racks tor cattle dual wheelr Ap ply lirnwriiltit ChurchtlL Tele phone them Lerroy INT FARGO TN or good tho slnn rear and ete nearly new tires Good tar farmer or con tractor TIES Telephone PA MIST MostLE HoMEs TWO CABIN TRAILERS or sale unlurnislicd Ilnd partlyedulpped Suitable for pcrmaucntresidcnco Reasonable ltrlcc Telephone 835 or III Mary Street 9+a BPER50NALS womens coLUMN AUGUST SPECIALS TUES THURS AND FRIDAY NIGHTS pm to pm QUICKI SHAMPOO AND SET Wl ROLLERS $100 CHILDRENS TERMS $600 ADULTSC PERMS $550 TO $1250 RUBYS BEAUTY SALONS 12 Dunlop St PA 84423 17 Essa Road 1Pn suail No Appointment Necessary HINT non run snromwoundonr am Telephone gtIA WI == LOST FOUND LOSTCI pounds Irons 7th gramme Vespra Telephone PA LOIT lieretordollolsteln Steer black with white Ieoe I60 pounds cell Itarvyn sandman Ore It fia LossLacy small gold watch on laid bend either inside or outside Lohlawa on Reynold Street Touch dey learning lephnna PA Hll newerd ID HELP WANTED EMPLOYMENT WANTED WILL TAKE CARE ni two child rcn In in own home at reasonable Tltcl To lphohe IA MS LADY AVAILABLE 01 housework by the day Retcrcnees It required Telephone TA Math RESPONSIBLE Married Men wishes year round out time work an caretaker etc lies chautleurr licence leoerpilrlencedhotcide IO HELP WANTED MALE HELP WELDERS AND SHOP SETUP MEN Required tad pipe lubricating shop In Midland Please phone or apply In person KERR PIPING LTD MIDLAND 5282226 MARRIED MAN to work on iarm ltlliiad ieroting To llrotn Se ar ete house Apply to air lttcktInl RR Barrie PA arm IST CLASSJODYIIIAN licensed tor modern shop Apply Silver Maples Garage Apia in miles north of Barrie Highway It TRUCK nitIVttlt married men over 35 years or Ike Pcmlncnt position Experience handling iurs altura an asset Do not Ipply it atnld or work Apply to link 61 llerrle Examiner YOUNG MAN to learn Lit pl mllpleco werlc and time work system Recent commercial grad ueta preferred Fireday week Res Ey In writing to Box In Tlanta emitter HAVE AN opening for In accountant prctcrably cA with hnowlednn oi manulaolurtng our employcoinre aware of this Idvortleemcnt Apply to lion Barrie IIxamlnrr IIIIN 35 experienced to toteii sellan Ind clerical work Ottlatlltd log opportunities tor right man to progress with expandingtlro ltora chain Numerous emplnyoo benefits For Ippolntmcnt phone PA 559651 McFadden CAN YOU USE SIN track in addition to your present comings Supply monomer in llalrle wlth largo tieivlelgh line start earning Immediately Write Rnivlrtgh Dept HAZETIT 1005 Richelieu Montreal ELECTRONICS PAYS WELL You can become specialist Triiln AL RCC inllicd name in Electron les Training since 192d Ittliotlll lion TV Radar otc Resident collrec in Toronto dc liontrcni Or study It homo any terms Tree booklet RADIO COLLEGE OF CANADA St King St Toronto Ont Enroll now Classes start in Sep tember LOOK mvoon NITIo on GARAGE Is there anything tlicreyoil can sell tor cosh Hundreds ol pettllinilso Examiner Want Ads to sell articles they no longer oeedt=ent or use FEMALE HELP llZ COMMENCING at point in the Easterly limit at the uld Road Allowance distant 50nd toot measured on evoourse oi North It degrees oemloutes West from the Southwest corner oi Lot Concession THENCF continuing North It degrees to minutes West along the said Easterly limll oi the Road Allow ence 152m feet to amino tier oi Lot Concession THENCE seconds West 202911 tool to an corner at tot planted at the Northwrsi corner North 31 degrees to minutes 50 roll bar planted at the northwest Concession THENCE Southwestern along the Southerly limit oi the RoedAllowaiico between theTownshIps ol Ore and Medontei6e00 test to cast corner at hot Concession Iron bar planted at the North TillINCH South it degrees to mlnutel so seconds But along the Wcstcriy limit at the Road All owance between Concessions and distance at mottled to the Southeast corner at Lot Concession THENCE South at degrees 00 minutes East 4668 foot to an Iron oer planted at the point where the Northerly limit oi travelled road inter schsJIieWemrllJlmlt oi the nlmveinoritlonoilioad Allowance THENCE South 80 degrees to minutes so seconds East along the said northerly limit at the travel to the point olcommencement led read less toot more or less AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any person who claims Ihnt his land will be prejudicla nun who applied to be heard she in person or by his counsel sollc 1962 omit oi the Township oi om RR No Oro NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS roll persons having claims against the Estate oi WILLIAM ARTHUR CARDWELL late at the City at Barrie On tario who died on or about the lllih day oi Moy AD tutti are required to tile proot of some with the undersigned solicitors tor the Executrix by the 20th day otAugust loll alter which date the estate will be distribu ted Dated at Barrie Ontario this 3rd day or August AD 1962 STEWART ESTER ltlcTUllK AND MILLS Drawer 58 Barrie Ontario Solicitors tor the Exocutrlx Esau transits American League AB HICI Runnels Ens 57133538 Jimenez KC sooeoiis tltli Robinson Chi lie 61 130314 Rollins Minn ill 66 137 311 Power llllnn 39953121 303 Runs Pcoraon Los Angelos so Runs Bolted ln Slebcrn Kansas City Hits Rollins Doubles Robinson J2 lriplcs Clmoll Kllusos City 11 Home Runs Cash Detroit Slolcn Bases llood Detroit 24 Pitching Donovan Cleve land 789 Strikeouts Paschal Mlnne snta lit Notional League AB Pot Itiusial St Louie 230 it 100 357 Davis LA lit 159 SSO Robinson Cine 419 87 11337 Aaron hill tit till till 333 Clemente Pills 876 71 125 332 one Willa Los Angeles 97 RunsBatted In Davis Illis Davis tilt Doubles Robinson sit lrlplcs Davis Los Ah golns Iv Home Runs Mays Son Frunciscolt Stolon Bases Wills Les Aii geles 5d Pltching Drysdaie Lol Ari gcles 204 III UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY FOR sibility OWho has it friendly personality Vito is proficient typist and OWho is neat and attractive RESWLQLLSRBLEXQUNGLWQ AN atiooal Company is looking tor ivonlan who enjoys respon ond can talk to people well versed In otilco procedure Otho is willing togreside in Collingwood OnthyScptemberr 1962 In turn we oiior security and diallenglng position 701 to three weehsot extensivetrelhlng in Dorrie DA startlhgzsalery in line with salary Increases PIcasant working conditions IExcelleiIt employee hencllls to stability In anbinlorestlng and her quellllcstlons end regular new nlrcondltloned cities Please reply to giving on outline of tires and phone pox 57 HARRIS EXAMINER your qualifications and eiperiehee homoied ALL REPLIES WILL BE TREATED 1N STRICT CONFIDENCE MALE HELP Apply Jdc WatchCiassiiicd Ads for terrific furniture and lip pllance bargains AKMECHANICSVS BODY AND FENDER MEN Kirk Servicgflgflggfl YERS MTGTONSILTD 145 Bradford Si BARRIE fitmngeJeathsJ ly allcctod by the sold Bylaw ll be heard by the Council either lor or agent This NOTICE la llrst published on the diet day ol July AD nouorc Station Ontario to HELP WANTED MALE on FEMALE peninsularsonnets train real estate ul tor the Anxul camp uorda that he cui toyed oltllldp Enchant clience to nuke 000 H000 yearly Complete training course Vrtle Boil el liarrle The emitter FEMALE HELP EXPERIENCED VAIlrEu tor dining room lipon View Terrace or telephone PA N5 tor tuil particulars CODICGENERAL lor Alliltst also cleanan woman inr Thursday or Fridays or Saturdays Allhndlle Telephone TIL Mil Ior turtlier tniorrnatlou COMPANION for elderly lady No heeiy household duties In cir chenge tor room and nniird In good home Reply to Roll Ilerrta Ex airliner Dressers required Excellent wages and commission todam aircavi dltloneil salon Apply to loan Golv rick llelr Stylists lBItiapln Ave CLERKTYPIST with pleural lien sonitlity tor work in modem oitlce employea hencillsApply ln writ trig station are experience etc to Dorrie Flumhinl Surly Co Ltd tins ttt llnrrle Post illec 800 Riilemen Start Matches CONNAUGHT RANGES Ont CPISome 800 rilleIneiI today begin the first oi seven Donna Ion at Canada Rifle Association moieties that VIII decide the composition at the 1963Cana dlnn Bislcy leapi Scoies oi the seven matches to be tired during the weeklong DCRA meeting willth tabu lated Saturday The top it soon era will be invited to acid years Eisloy matches as Canadas representatives The colorlul Queens Medal mntch Monday concluded serv ice condition events tired with the 762pm in CLI Title now In use by all forces oi the North Atlantic Treaty Organiza lion Winner ol the Queens and thereiorc considered the chem pion shot oi Canadas armed forces is Licul Ken Lidgrcn ol the Royal Canadian School of Inlantry Camp Borden Out The Myearvold notlvc oi Lelh bridge Alta scored oz of ossible 200 points in the match ircd under bottlelield condi tions tinlshing three points ahead of WOs Lucky liowcll at Toronto and Camp Borden also from the tulohtry school Cpl Alircd OBrien ol tattoo thICChLIL special Queens Mcdol awarded to the nlrmnn with the highest score in the Queens with ltlli poi filing Tut Cursef Cause Death SAN rahucrsco iAllThe mystery deepened today at who strangled and robbed Carleton Hollonbcck man in his 60s and reported to hoicnuncctcd with the ancient curse of King This tomb He was found dead Thursday In his Sim Francisco hotel room Coconeczlienyzilurkch nbeck was strangled by neck $600 diamond ring and wallet were missing hotel clerk told police he saw Hollenbeck and an Iinidciil titch man go to Hollenbecha room Thursday and that he didnt see the other mail leave Anna Ostsald llollciilleck whom she called doctor was known tor his work in the late Tutonkhomen King Tut oJsetel some oTTfie arch istsi who unearthed the tombpbut Miss Ost lormerly of San Diego said Hollcnbccks underston Log of ancient wi om spared lro WFWEGIIIYBIimihuted lroriillio iinretasucmtiinrm rkuircd Eh the pressure at an elbow on his discovery oi the tomb ot King ADI QOTNI OQ lOTI The bidding North East South West our pm Pose Sylvia hadnt thee vaguest Idea about proper opening leede when she started to play at the club She had become mem ber shortly heiore the regula tion was llnally poised require trig applicante to meet certain minimum standard oistiill and this was undoubtedly loriunnlo tor Sylutorbccniise she would Ingemar Ranked 2nd Heavyweight PROVIDENCE RI MP lngemar Johansson oi Sweden heavyweight picture by two suc ceslvc knockouts by champion Floyd Patterson is back among the top contenders He Is ranked No in the latest ratings oi the URIICIIVSIBILLNJIIEDELNOX lngo whose most recent out ing was it knockout over Dick Richardson for the European championship was ranked ire hind Sonny Liston who mcois Patterson In Chicago Sept 77 for the title The big Swede ioiirth ranked month ago to places Eddie Mochnn ot Iort nhd 0rc In the Nn spot llluchcn to third and Zora Foley oi Chandler Arlz fourth CKVR CHANN IisInsrrnIsr=nd inolinlr Neil lteai Movie Muveum News Walther Inert Den Cally Telent Scouts Comedy Spot piydaio King at Diamonde TV News Weather Sports New One stop lteyond choncauhv AUGUIT Iti Test Pattern 100 Popeye and Fell his New Weather Sports lJii Movie The Weapon 800 summeremei 400 playground mo Vacation llnie tail nanare the Jungle no Three stooges 525 Naive chtnar sports 70T Totn Ewell Show you bachelor rather 900 Dennis the Menace 930 Farada crro CHANNEL on AUGUST Proinssors Hideaway The Lawmnn Sports Weather New uacholor Tether Chlnnl Nine Theatre tillarty Checkmate Tombelonc Terrlioiy 1100 News tvoethet Sports use MenIla lloillon Stun WEDNESDAY AUGUST lozr Itleltelll lactuon Stun 1030 Domino tun Free and only 209 CIIIITITIIII Theetre Julia Itilebehevel News Lit Protuaora llldeeway our The Lewman nao Sports weather Newl anlo leature tuamheti TUES 00 MD 10 640 545 700 730 930 IMO ACROSS DOWN Limitqu Limeods in atlc up circulation inyltediil opoFall mind 85m tut apart Killed Ever poet it Going got IPhoto graph inventor 8Pleceioe bucket chnlr 11niirln 12Threcrold 130ut 14Upclalnga IthMitlligen 10 one 16Common and Britain 9Pokcr atelte laminae lion 16God oi pleasure Babyli meoauro 181rlahtuol intonation ogelnat poisonous times Vida 220hiuehllla title 258rtlllnney Inclusive extension 313ell sound 32Chlnesc rdonauro who 86Roised platform 88Cloclc buzzer 590 book Jilin 42 Mode 43 Dakinltmz container 231eoplo Rsyuiltoloi exceptionally peculiar ideal about bidding and play Her eevlng Virtue belore the even tually became good player woe that rho would occasional ly score some extraordin ary triumph by reason olhcr peculiar approach to the play ol band and this In turn would cause the membership to but with ndmlrnttnn over her unprecedented cats Look at this head which oc curred early to her career She had lost llnlshod playing the preceding rubber with South one at the clubs lincst players and lie had not yet recovered lrnm the shatteringcxporlcnce when this hand was dealt Sylvia was West and hurt to load against tour hearts Most players would probably have led the ton of diamonds with her hand but Sylvla had not yet been taught the advantage oi the top at sequence lead For some reasonslrnposslh to explain Sylrin lcrl the Jack oi clubs Willi any lead but It club South would tiuvc Torn cd home with thirteen tricks ut against this Iosplrod lead South louud that rho no He cred the lock with the queen and East took the king and returned club Sylvia cashed the 119 and then no parcntly not realizing that the deuce at clubs was the only club lelt lcd It Best roiled with the lock of hearts and poor unfortunate South toiliid that he had to lose heart trick and go down onel Tomorrow Guellworh vernal certainly TELEVISION PROGRAMS EL BARRIE aIIIII it 1010 TA 1100 one TV News lllo Walther sportl News 1150 Highway Patrol TNURIDAY AUOUITI II lllt Iltltlll Popeye and Pete Ltd News Weather Sports Movie See oi Lostlltil Summereme taa Zone Vlcltloll Tim Dick Tracey gherlla owl er Till Illtlietonll The It McCoys Arab 83333853353 euad Country Junction Man and the Challenge use TV News Till Willhefinli now In Sports Community Move The Untouchables iisa TORONTO p00 17 sunset strip 300 Theatre It Nine Steel Bayonet 1030 The Deloctlvu lino Newr sports Weather ltta hiehllie Jackon einla THURSDAY AUGUST mt ltlehatlo Jerkea Stale lillll Domino llto Free and Easy aoo Channel Nine Theatre Queen or Spider News Proicnnra tllduwey The human Sporty weather ani have It To Beaver sports Close Up Football Forecast all ToniToolbell Peter Gunn News WtlIIilol Sports leladlurn hlehllla Jackson Sloga only Crosswono wtsé cun scour was amen N5 Gus ca car PIN was Fens 1Baw4 on iorce ment officers 20Ctlt13q hing fillies urluln sym flaming tool gLrLu cart HAM VAF Anna FRAE El no YE UI N5 it oeturdleia Auiwre 831rnycr atiok AX Ind SiLombs penname 855mm at the Bigot on it in ELEnioys 27Milsle note Simon elude SLEEL greerllly yam so Puppet anwiie ox enerotu beranco

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