fierce Excedrin Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited to renal coon non Iattyllllllierylife iii Bayfleld Street Barrie Ontario ii if Walls Publisher Brian Slalgbt GenoralMmgor SATURDAY AUGUST Poto City Park System Develops Along Commendable Plciris City Council is to he commended in its policy of naming streets afterpromin eat citizens of former years This policy is equally commendable in tile naming of parks Barries two newest parks have been named Morrison Memorial Park and Goodall Memorial Park The late Malcolm Morrison was ed llor and publisher for number of years of The NorthernAdvance first news nanm Simcoe County tintingrback to liich was amalgamated with The Barrie Examiner in 1940 Mr llforrison then became associated with this news paper for number of years He was very active in community affairs and for long time was member of theboard of parks management So also was the late Archie Goodall railway despai cherrat Allandale for tho CNR Betti contributed greatly to the development of the park system Iilorrison Memorial Park is located off Grove StreetWastbounding dilemma munlt Swimming Pool which was donat ed to he oil by the Lions Club of Barrie and opone late last summer Park development has been proceeding this year Goodall Memorial Park is new area being developed as playground and picnic spot between the residential streets Queen and Wellington East At this time we could well include note of praise for the entire Barrie Park System and in particular the arks board composed of communitymin ed citizens thalrzéuyfllend linkSavag graduate of the Niagara Parks School Under their foresl ht and with the sup port of City Councl the older parks Queens Si Vincent and Shear have been undergoing continual improvement while the many new areas arsing from the large expansion of rcsldencesrare be ing developed one betterpark such as Orillias Coucblching and Midlands Little Lake but feiv withas many good and improv gparks Barr Hereditary Peerage Polioy The Vancouver Sun asks somepointed queries about hereditary peerage in recent editorial Asks the Sun Who said Canada is no place for here ditary peerage Whoever it was has not consulted our lameduck prime minister Recently he named Campbell Haigof Winnipeg to the Senate seat vacated by JohnT liaig his father Haig Sr is still with its cosy arrangement this bit of Senatereform Mr Diefenhaker forgot to mention when he was inveighing gainst the Liberalï¬dominated Senate re cently Mr Dicfenbaker has gone his Tory predecessor in the prime ministershlp the late it Bennett one better restored the orders of knighthood to Can ada after the Liberals had put them on the banned list But though he later re tired to the House of bards with Ul title as Lord Bennett II never got around to giving Canada the beginnings of peerage ilfr Diefenbaker we seem to recall wants to make Senators retire at 75 We know of some venerable Liberal Senators who have sons Will the PM while he still has time make the hereditary prin ciple apply to the Liberals too or is it only for workers in the Tory cause There may be some communities with llT riiii iiaaiiar Ilow0nllew Diet microns Momentum Dear Dr iiloiiicii would like to tell you of my experi lanceIt may be belpful to some of your readers have been sfslly all my life but recently went to the doctor be cause lielt plain tired and do proued Ho gave me balanced diet to follow 0nl700 calories day have lost as pounds was over 200 and It feels as though am eating more than ever have In my life Belt of all like eating tiivl without all the clutches on before Mrs We usually believe that thing less than 1700 coarimf necessary for marked weight reductith but Mrs probably is rather activeand the proof is In what the scales say She had in the post he sold xiiiin cal hoping to lose weight She failed All she did was stop gaining For herinnd for good many others switching to balanced diet can make world of dif ference Meat vegetables fruit ccrenls dairy products give what you need for strength and vigor The starchy foods which are so our and so down 10 Book Tells Dalaihqmas Story Of His Childhood MY LAND AND MY PEOPLE By His Holiness Tho Dnlnl Lama of Thief This book is the Dnlal Lamas own story of his childhood his selection as the reincarnation of the 13th Dalni Lorna his ed ucation and the succession of crises which he had to face fol lowing Communist Clilnasirnove to clalni Tibetan territory as her own The Dalal Lama was born In 1935 in Toksier taming com DOWN MEMORY LANE 35 YEARS AGO IN COUNTY Barrie Examiner July 28 1927 One of the biggest stories in years broke in Simcoc County near Becton Fighting to save his life Alex Hodge 47 Scottish bachelor farms of small build killed bandit in grim midnight battle which lasted almost an hour Objective ofrob her was $600 in cash paid to Hodge by two Tecuinseth Township cattle drovers earlier in the evening Identity of the bandit about 40 years of age was never established lle carried revolver which he was never able to use as Hedge kept clinching until his assailant was dead Ilis Honor George Montgomery Vance senior judge of Simcoe County for 14 years falledto rally after operation and died in Toronto General Hospital Clifford West received facial lacerations when thrown through windshield of his car when vacuum tank exploded Peter West 10 of Toronto drowned in bay at Tollendai Judge Wismer dismissed action in county court of Orillla woman claiming alimony on grounds of cruelty Board of Trade committee chairmen for Civic Holiday swimming and diving meet Frank Doyle Joe Milne Dr Holly Dyer Abliloffatt Cliffef DierDr Leonard STUDY TOURIST INDUSTRY Pembreke Observer positive step in the development of the tourist industry in the province has been taken by the Ontario Economic Council fiveman committee to assess the present and futurerole of the tour ist industry in Ontario economy has beenappointed The committee has representation from the tourist industry itself and of marketing merchandising and consumer interests The committee will have con tourist industry andwill work closely with the department of traveland pub licity Tourism is one of the largest em The Barrie Examiner Authorlredlu srconn clus mini Post Office Deplrtmenl Ottawa and for payment of postage to cash Sundays ind statutory Holiday excepted KENNETH WALLS Publisher BilIAN sLniour Gsosraiitnager fl llldPllEltSON planning Editor AflEFFWï¬EGEFBi HAITI WILSON Adultflllnl ntusur JOHN HOLDER circulation Iiinegot Dilly suasuipnmnta dull arealnu loowsekly asltlo year Single copy to By man in onto your 00 six months1no three men s1 mootlLOv 02000 year Offices 445 linivcrsl Btmnt alumni 112s Vet Member or the Canadian natlyhcmplpu pun fisher Assouatlon The Canadian Presllond tbs Audlt fluroau of circulations The Canadian Press is exclusively entitledto thn use for republication of III now dispatches In thll Eporcrroltcd to it or Thu Associated Prosl or ut and also the local as hushed Clthclrt OTHER honors VIEWS WmWhï¬ï¬hpsrwwolativmffectlvenes corglo st VIncon Simpson It Kendall Oliver Cameron Albert Bryson Alonzo MacLellan Ed Sutciiffe White Fred Douglas Malcomson McCague of Alliston South Simcoes first agricul tural representative goes to Carleton County Wheat Pool formed by farm ers to have $25000 elevator at Stayner Mr Justice Haughton Lennox of the SupremeCourt Bench died in Toronto after brief illness Judge Lennox was native of lnnisfil and former lawyer in Barrie Sam Strausmans Barrie Bar gain Househad full page advt to open Huge Clearance of Tremendous Summer Stock Worth $40000f Flight Lieut enant Dave Harding RCAF instructor at Camp Borden and famous Queens foot ball star had narrow escape when his aircraft crashed near Woodstock when spar snapped on wing Player of Elmvale pup Miss Sadie Bremner got honors in Toronto Causew aiory piano exams New Dreamland Theatre featured movies were It star ring Clara Bow and Rolled Stockings The advt stated 0h lady this has got it the love scenes as only Elinor Glyn can write them That was in 1927 remembe loyers in Ontario It is also one of the argest export industries Anyimproves merit in its function or expansion of its scope can be of great value to the econ omy and in righting the current imbalv am of trade with dollar areas The tourist industry committee has been given the task of assessing all as gpects of tourism in0ntario and of form ulating recommendations which are thoughtto be of lasting benefit to the people of the province Under initial study by the mmittee Cï¬ren governmentassistance to the tourist in dustrynand the strengths andweaknesses of the industry ltself Since neither the government nor the industry separately can deal effectively with all the pro blems there is need of full cooperation This perhaps will be the committees greatest contribution gt PIGGYBACK ISSUE Woodstock SentinelReview There is not much doubt about where the longrange interest of the taxpayer ggvhaclsingeissuexstee rails are better suited than paved hig ways to the highspeed hauling of 40 ton loads when therails need replace ment the railways do it but whenhig hiindedriiitoniotholesr pacement comes from gaso line tax or other Sources of provincial ytfilf revenue Moreoverpr the Canadian National Railways can recapture some freight business the gtaxpayer gains again in the lessening of the drain mri the Dominion treasury muoliy in the northeastern part of Tibet which was under Chin ese control The whole llfcoi the village was based on rclig ion and there were monastries and many temples nearby as there was hardly anyone in the whole of Tibet who was not faithful Buddhist As result of thedeath of the 13th Dnlai Lama there was search for his reincarnation for each Daloi Lama is re incarnation of his predecessor In accordance with the customs and traditions Buddhist holy men disguised as travcuers ul timately arrived in Takster and by means of tests ascertained that this twoyearold child was indeed the Dalai Lama When he was four the child was taken to Lhasa by his lames and at six hlseducatlonhegan He Was taught entirely by the truth iooal system oETibet The Dalai Lama had happy child hood spent withhia teachers who gave him the religious knowledge which has always beenandwill alwaya be his greatest comfort and inspira tion but theydid not satisfy his curiosity to other matters The Dalai Lama grew up with little knowledge of world affairs and It was in that state at 16 that this young boy was called upon iolead Tibet against the vasionrofrCommunlshChln The main part of this book is devoted to the Chinese at tempttiiusurpeontrol and un dermine the Dalai Lamas anth ority He relates hasvmeetings with Map Tsetung CIIOIIEIlIal and Nehru as well as his suc cessful attempt to escapte from Lhasa in exile In India He tells nfhis efforts to secure United Nations action on behalf of his peoplc and his efforts to care for the Tibetans who followed him to exileulhe International Commission of Jurists made detailed study of the situation In Tibet and the der 1e what the Comnii on discover ed The Dalai Lama believes in the ultimate triumph of good MLAVIIJWSMMML or 55 of nonvro ent tance This beliefds looked by many people as hopeles The Dalai Lama has been for ed to make great personal ad justments and this he has done in spite of his intensive relig ious training My Land and My Pcpplef is an engrossing book which Will he of interest tomany people and ilssloryrof the defeat of Tibet stands as warning all the world THE CHINESE GINGER JARS If re Icoyel T119 LHIHESEUIITEETJETS the story of the adventures on trials of lllyra Scavel wife of medlcalmlssipnary in China Mrs Scovel her husband toetrldn 1930 Scovels one ambition in lfe was to be medical missionary in China and lie was very pleasedwhen his appoint merit camethrougli Mrs Scovel rehensive about this lit persuaded her the worries oi germinfested country and look ed forward to starting out on great adventure On arrival in China the Scov elsimmcdlaiely entered long uoge school During their first winter Mrs Scovel changed many of her opinions of China First of all she had always thought of China as warm sunny cuntry but she soon found in in winter it was hit terly cold She also felt she could never ride in rickshaw pulled by another human but found that offal modes of tray rich by rickshaw was for the best llrs Scovel also had hei first experience in bnr gnininiwith the shopkeepers and this she enjoyed As soon as the Scovcls learn ed little about the language the country and the people they were sent to their mission at Tslnlng Here they were pleasantly surprised with their spacious home but found the hospital consisted of row of mud huts with boards on trest les for beds Dr Scovol was busy night and day and Mrs Scovel trained nurse did whatever she couldlo help During her yours in China MrsSeove1 came to admire the Chinese people but she saw China change to country of fearterror and hatred toward the foreigner In the waviiyears Ihe Scovels oidcd theyrelugeea who lied to the mission compound befri red people of many nationalities and faiths and endured the many hardships of Japanese prison camp Finally the Seovels were among group to be repatriated who ultimately sail edto America Mrs Scovels book is most interesting and tells of ilie end urance couragejand falth of her hush diabdhers RIPPLES FROM ICELAND By Arsrnllri ldndnl While at Boston University the author met Baldur Lindal chemical engineer from lpeland studying at MIT Ten months laterlhey we married and when Baldur finis all his stud ines lhey went Io Iceland ver In this book the author on deavors to tell us some of her first experiences in Iceland and the life and customs of the Ice landic people Onher arrival the autho first noticed the wind andthe vastness of the country vost oesa increased by the lack of trees With everyone talking aliiliDFPiI IlfiqulrEiFiï¬iLIilcf Iaste of being foreign She had adapt herself to different way OIIIIE One of the main differences was the food Bacon often tast ï¬rTODllt 10 Hisroai ed fishy because of the pigs diet Horsemcnt was used and the nulhor found it more tcnd or than lcclandlc beef lcclandic lamb was the staple meat They also rate many kinds of fish Fresh fruits and vegetables were scarce and very expensive The Icelandic houscwives spend great deal of time shopping and preparing food as they do not have the convenient packages and quick cooking foods that we know All violins different foods and methods of food preparation llfrs Lindnllhnd to learn the difficult language of Iceland She found that the women were primarily interested in their children and their housekeep ing The author had to adjust to Icelandic attitudes about br inging up children education re creation and conducting busi ness She also realized that the Americans lack knowledge and understanding of the Icelandic way of life and this wns dis tinct disadvantage to Americans in Iceland particularly those attached to the embassy Ripples From Iceland is an entertaining hook and will give the reader better idea of the Icelandicvpeople and their way of life BIBLE THOUGHT For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord Romans 020 Sin always pays wages death but we dont earn salva tion it is gift ono cournovnnsx Dear Sir it In with deep concern and sincerity that am writing you in reference toan article that appeared In your paper issued on Tuesday July it re The ore Telephone Co You stated ire Township Telephone Co shnre holilers refuse to take action to insure improvement of lclephonn service in the township will br ing the Ontario Telephone Ser vlco Commission into tho picture The following is resume of whatpur that directors did to Insure Improvement of our tele phone scrvlce This was with the cooperation and sanction of The Ontario Tcleplinne service cornmlssion They purchased over 00000 feet of 100 line cable at about 512000 and in the fall of list theytslning the messenger line to carry thi5 cable After six months this cable is still rolled up In farmers field Why have not the present directors hung this cable to give them the service they have complained about You stated this was the third of our plnnt to the Bell This negative vole taken on the sale is very true Why do not intel ligent people understand what no means COMIIIEND DIRECTOR wish to commend our 1001 directors who have proven themselves to be an honest sincere and acute business ex ecutive To give us service they purchased over 30000 feet of 100 line cable The Oro Telep hone annual flnunclol statement for 1001 this was audited by one of the most capable firms available showed net profit of $660122 To you Investors who do not live in Oro town ship tIiis net profit of $000422 could give you over 60 per cent on your original investment over if per cent on bur plant Vvalualioiivof 000or over old per cent on of $100000 This its per cent could have been one of the highest paid by any telephone company in Canada To you formers it takes iomo futvdicnyoouibomiwhlto flourproductmruhdit pastry aluminumw lo etiï¬mmithdd an not as of undo Dont soliotbe plain old bli Iriced dict Ilmri until you have will trlod ftl Dear Doctori Do you eon older the liquid diets for weight control ufef Ii Io how many mall day should they replacel Yea motto their liquid diet are set They have enough pro lain vitamins have been added and lurch Ind Ilil are low quantity AI matter of fact the orig inal purpose of thou liquids was to five invsilds some extra nour shnient that could be eaten costly oven if the appetite was poor or dinning and swallowing difficult hleirf1evanbexheensdddx and packaging Is in convenient form so by reading the label you know how much to eat Dont make the mistake thew lore of eating these liquid diets in addition ICii regular reduc ing dict Toke lilnstesdll You can of all three meals ll day in this liquid Iorin but that gets pretty tiresome LETTERS TO EDITOR about $45000 to purchase stock and equip good form and It the end of one year you have whom net profit to put in the bank or purchase stock with do not think that any tamer wouldwant to sell his farm forv045000 to kill the genre that is laying him the golden egg PROFIT This profit Is cigal Io til per year to every rmer with five shares 0ro Telephone Co chnrgesahoul sip per year This net cost to you could be only 15 The Dell rates with free service to Barrie and Oil lfo is $39 per year This could cost you til more per year thou the Oro telephone How many farmers make 240 calls to Barrie In one year With 00 calls rear to Barrie at io cents you could still save $15 per year One man wrsknown to have tried to cellOro from Vari couver for four days before he gave up and sent telegram is be trying to impress the people that It took four days to telephone from Barrio to Ore would suggest the call may have drowned in lake Superior wonder this linpr that nearly all telegrams com ing to Oro are phoned from Barrie and 0rlilla through our 0ro telephone system You also stated there were poor service complaints from V150 shareholders and subscrib ers wish to point out that at the annual general share holders meotlng there were about 15 people present who with proxies voted all of our five experienced business exec utive out ofofflce and put in new inexperiencerrboard of whom three have alreadyre signed state in all sincerity it 150 people were dissatisfied willi their service there would have been 150 people at that ririeelfng nutahout 151 think this is definite proof the people at that time were apparenter satisfied Percy Crawford shareholder By and cananmii PRESS iurnblas Kootenay region destroyed tiiree towns claimed 70 lives and caused $0000000 damage 54 years 1000 Toleniv Fe lmost completely Wiped out by the blazes iolf Britaindeclared wet on Germany 1980 Prime iinister Dieienbakors sliii Rights was unanimously ap ovcdv Conuponl regain Musfl TheBritish and Orient Lines ship Canberra moves post New Yorks lower Man hattan skyline as it arrived carrying what the line called the largest group of European WITH renaisrs tourists to vlsllth US at one time Many oliha has tourists aboard paid as little as $20160 for the today round trip from England which In full days in New York whats the ship will serve as floating hotel for the pass angers The lowcost tour is part of program to increase the flaw of foreign tourists and currency APercph it into the country