hglrlmm courts WED IN ST MARYS CHURCH At the rcccption following their wcddlnu in St Marys Roman Catholic Church July 11 Mrs Grrald Lungsou as sists ltcr husband In sampllng the wedding cake The bride was Miss lilsie Walt daugh ter of Mr and Mrs Vern Walt at RR Barrie The brldrgroain is the son of Mrs Longson of Barrie The newlywedsnrcrcstdlng in Barrie Photo by Eric of Camera Craftt MR AND MRS ALLAN JONES Afternoon Rites InDcdslbn United Dalston United Church was adorncd witli standards of var iegated delphiniuni for tho wcd ding of Miss Jean Marie Emms to Edward Allan Jones Rev ll Norman ofï¬ciated at the afternoon ceremony The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Delbert Emms of Dalston The bride grooms parcnts are edric Jones BRIDAL GOIVN Entering the church on the arm other lather tho bride was attired in street length dress at white nylon shoot and lace ovcr taliola Tho moulded bodice of the gown was en hanccd ivith ti sahrinn neckline and short sleeves Tito the gown was full itching nylon sheer ioshloncu the cum merbund coronct of simul ated pearls and rhinestone nunM iii of embroidered to carricd cascade bouquet of orchids and white culnaiions ATTENDANTS The bride was attended by Misslshirley McDonald of Al liston as maid iii honor Miss Woody Jones the bridegrooms sister and Miss Pallltl Moore of Barrie were the bridesmaids Thc mold of honor was gowned in street length dress of pain green nylon ovcr taficta matching iloiver petal hat and white accessories completed her stumc She carried bouquet of white roses Tho bridesmaids dresses were fashioned oi Illnc silk or ganza and toilets They wore flower petal hats in matching tones and carried honouets of red roses Carl Banting of Ivy was the host man The bridegrooms brother Don Jones and Geno Gives not mwvluvrwrnuv llandy of Dalston were the ushers RECEPTION The reception was held at the home of the brides par ents Receiving the guests the brides mother wore mint green embroidered linen slienth gown with white accessories and corsage oi red roses Assisting the hrtdegrooms mother was attired in gown of pink brocade whitc access ories and corsage of white gnrdenias For travclling the bride chosp three piece ensemble in melon shade with while ac cessories and corsagn of Sweet heart roses On return from the wedding trip to points south the couple will reside at RR Barrie The brides great grandmoth Mrs Ida Tugwell of msmmdvdahetwedd Ollicr guests were cnt from Owen Sound ivy Allislon lor onto and Barrie During the reception the wedding cake was cut with Jones family heirloom an ivory and silver engraved knife originally irom Wales Secluded Location For Secret Session TORONTO CF Wonieni delegates from East and West who will attend peace confer cnce aLMontrcal in September will hide themselves away ior secret womantowomap talks Mrs Helen Tucker president of Voice oi Women the group organizing the conference said about 500 women will take time oil iiom open talks in the city to go into secret session in tho Laurentlans ï¬lggSTFaImIlés Hold Reunion Springwater Park Midliurst was the meeting plncc on July 15 for the annual reunion of descendants of the late Joseph Iilggs of lies Township Guests attended from Toronto Barrio Vycvalc and Phelpston Earl Ciunming oi Wyevolc nominated Mrs llinrllyn Morley of Barrio for president Mrs Morley was unable to accept the office and Fred Welsh of Darrin movcd the executive at this year continue in ofiice Joseph Iiiggs of Barrie was the oldest gncsl present iuLMrs was the youngest guest attending the picnic The ounger 1members attend Ias participated in ball game The rcunion will be field in thnsame locationth ycnrT Telstar Fashions By House Oi Dior PARIS illdutorslTho House oiChristion Dior today rent firmed the usual month long ban on publication of sketches and photographs at its new fash ionstour days uitcr American iclcvicwcrs saw them via the Tclstar satellite big roiv blciv up in Paris fashion circles Tuesday when shots oi llio nciv Dior iashions wcrc transmitlcd to American viewers through Tclstar This was two days before the actual Dior sliuwing horn and broke the longstanding rule ob served by the loading cuuturiers that sketches or photographs lithe fashions mustnot hepub lishcd anywhere until month has elapsed after the showing Because Dior broke its own embargo detailed shctchos oi the new silhouette have been ap pearing in leading newspapers through the weck In statement today Dior di rector Jacques Rouot said the house would continue to observe the usual ban on the release of both sketches and photographs until the oiiictol Paris puhbcu dot Au July session 0i Edgar WI The Edgar Womens Instltiite hold the July meeting at the home of Mrs Dldwell with seven members attending trip to Becton was planned to the Quilt nnrl Rug Fair fol lowed by picnic lunch at Simnoopltionory The topic for the meeting was agriculture on which Mrs Hay es gave very interesting paper contest was won by Mrs Eidwcll Mrs Howell von the draw prize Mrs Shenrdown gave read ing on the motto Honest work disgraces no man The meeting closed and lunch MONTREAL CPI Senator Marian Jodoin got involrcd in politics 36 year ago over ocup oi tea Now at 50 she thrives ona busy life on Parliament tilt and her iavorite setting is schntc debate The lady senators own words give away the secret of her youthful itolity love life Linte working for my country and lovedir ing things for people Senator lod otn girlhood dream was to become low ycr But at the time women were not trained for the law so she attached herself in the pro lesion to other ways She worked for her distinguished lawyer father Jenn Joseph Beaucbnmp for several years then married Montreal lawyer Toncrcdc Jodoin had no actual interest in politics at that time she says was mother ilrst and never neglected my home She believes all women should toll low this rule preach that and have practiced it too FORMED LIBERAL CLUB She recalls that one day when her four children wcrc old enough to he in school lady friend invltcd her to political discussioniovcr tcn At first sold air but ended up going There her political career began The talk she sold7hrounht me back my old love for the law She became so lntcrcstcd that she iormcd bilingual Lib ernl club for men in line Noiv she is viceprcsldcnt of the National Federation oi le crnl Women in the same year sho formed the Vilirid Lourier Club for Frenchspeaking Ca nadians and is still honorary president havent missed meeting in 25 years Also active in social and wel fare niork she has served ior 20 years as president of thc iomcns charity league for the yoursd ngtho last wnrworking on the War time Prices Board and in tilts receivcdan MBE In May 1953 Mrs Jodoiii was on STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW This willbe day in whicl downtoonrth in all approaches will rate thohighest dlvidcnds In job and household matters stick to the routine and dont launch out on new ventures Be careful in dealing with supe riors It would take little to antagonize then now FOR THE BIRTHDAY it tomorrow Is your birthday your horoscope indicates that while you can accomplish great deal in the year ahead it would be advisable to avoid extravagance and speculation during the uppitfivc month especially in August and Octo her it will also be important not to antagonize those in position to aid you lobwise This will be especially true in early November when anxiety may make many persons born under other Signs irritable and difficult to get along with Avoid these tendencies yourself Personal relaitlooshlps will be under influences throughout hmost of this yearly IOIIIISIII III III SOCIEI Pï¬ï¬cm Psentimental fairs In the latter connection however be alert to slave of rlits in October Look for chance to profit through origi nal ideas in late Decethr and throughout the ï¬rst six months of 19632An opportunity to tiovel is in catedpinfllnts September also in January andor betwoan June and August oi next year eon was served by the hostess The next meeting will be hold at the home oi Mrs Hayes Aug ti at pm The roll call will be one of Canadas health rules The topic will be Home econ cmics directed by Mrs Ilowell Th motto How does home making rank as vacation will be by Mrs Dailey discussion an interesting topics williollow those who are realistic andi 1M6 ssnnron Jonom called to the Senate by Prime Minister Louis St Laurent and the sumo year was the first woman to propose the nddrcss in reply to the speech from the Ociogenciricin Keeps Active In Politics AndWelfc1re Canadian among Canadas six women senators OPPOSES REFORM Despite her many duties and otflcel Senator Jodoln in still iamliy woman in tho Irtocb Conodlan tradition She admits that ii her husband had not died in 1951 she probably would not have accepted the Senate op polnimcnt Shr commute to Montreal each weekend when Parliament to in session to be with her fam fly at three daughters one son and seven grandchildren Although she believes worn nnr first place is In the heme Senator Jodolii is champion of womens rights and in happy to see young womenof today pursuing careers happy woman who take life as it comes she says she will continue with her duties in the Senoto unless Prime filin fster Diclcnbakci gets his Son olc rciorm bill through Tho hill calling for retirement of senators at age 75 would ro move an Liberals and six Con servatives with 11 seats at tendy vacant this would mean that ill vacant scat might be filled with Conservatives What kind of reform is throne She is the only French Youre Home Dear Ann Loaders burn rival who hangs nround my home day and night monopol izes my husbands time and attention takes overour nei conversation and even vndcs the bedroom tier name in Baseball Myfihusliondiswldom at home for dinner during the week but whenever be Is we have to watch game would not dare to Open up my month during play When we go to bed heolwoysrhos is game on the radio lie falls asleep around the seventh inning The radio bntbcrs mo so lslccp on calls this unfriendly Ann like baseball and have learned great deal about it butIthlnk theres time and co He knows how tecl but it doesnt seismic mot ier Shall just continue to fer vlthlt as have fr the last 14 yoarsl it all oi Dosnball Dear F0Il Rejoice in the knowledge that your rival is an inanimate seasonal thing Also on the plus sldecant you see that its boyish infatuation and not trim level or he wouldnt fall asleep in the seventh inning ARCIIAIC LAWS Dcar Ann Loaders It did my heart good to read that letter fromMapln lcaiwbohelieres it is perfectly all right for woman who isseparated from her husband though not di vorced to go out with men Usually agree with you but this time was on the other side Maple Lcais colorful descrip tion of Canadas divorcolaws was not an exaggeration Until this archaic legislation is changed there will be no place in society for the woman whose first mo incnitetilhtivrfor woman who are legally chained but livingalone They are sunk unless they accept dotesMor rird women never include us because they are fearful their husbands may iind us attrac tive Single girls are trying to snag men for themselves so they arent going to includo us either My advice toMaple Leaf is to use discretion HEI reputation will not be sullied True iriends will understand there is no mouths dont count you are fair Ann Landers you will Land Door NevcrNevcr Thank you for your letter It reflectediflie Dont Strike if lumpy cot downstairs dieT otherway The rest of the loud print this letter yerNever that qulpped the Senator Free Canadians who wrote in support at Maple Leaf My position that married women should not be dating still stands However lets hope this furor may help to achieve sound legislation for Canadians ill road the letter in your column about blind dates You seem to ho ullln favor of them in fact you make it sound llko an en citing adventures Whot doyou thinkfabouto girl being picked up if the fellow looks respectable This is even more adventurous and whole at more sensible than blind date After all when girl ac ccptsio blind date she has to take someone clses word that thcguy is all right Dont you think girl is safer if she sizes up the fellow and decides for herself If he gets smart she can always tell him to get lost Several oi us girls have talked this over during lunch and we want your opinion Itlodern Misses Dear Misses blind date is an arrangement made by mutual friend who knows some thing about both parties This is iniinttcly safer than deciding at glance whether men is mar ried dope pusher psycho path or heaven knows what The girl who gets pickedup admits in sense that no one she knows will invite her out so shes willing to take chance on stronger Such girl puts cheap pricetag on her coins TIIE MRRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY AUGUST Ila Toronto Wedding Of Local Interest Basket oi white mums dec orntcd the altar oi St Mai thewn Anglican Church Elohi cokc for the wedding of Miss Monica Kathlyn Lumsden of Toronto to John Myles Dewar of Etohlcolic Rev Cath cart performed the nlicriioon ceremony The soloist Mir Flora hiss sncnr was accompanied by or ganist Mrs Sndlcr The bride is the daughter at Dr and Mrs Matthew Lum sden oi Mnracos Valley Trini dad West indies Thehrlde groom is the son of Mr and Mrs Myles Dewar of Etohicoke formerly of Crcsmore SILK ORGANZA GOWN The bride was given In mor ringo by Norman McDowell She was attired in floor length zennclnilkaumn was fashloriedwlth ï¬tted bod lcc enhanced with softly scoop ed neckline and tiny sleeves ihc bouffonl skirt of the gown was adorned with applique crown of organza nnd sequins hold the finger tip veil of tulle illusion The bride carried bouquet ot rtephnnotis and ivy The bridesmaids worcthe brldegrooms iileces Miss Nancy Nixon oi Stayner and Miss Geerglno Jarvis at Hamilton Miss Cheryl Ann Pepin of Ten out was flower girl The hrldesmolds dresses were fashioned of yellow organza on lines similar to the brides gown Their headdresses were clrclets of flowers bouquets at The Winner of Homo ECONOMICS soon and rnnoznn urn yawn canmvsnv DRAW was Mn Geo Livingston IJS Puget St Barrie yellow and lilac mumo wen carried by the bridesmaids The flower girl wore bout font frock oi lilac organza with headdress of matching lowers She carried basket of lilac and yellow mums George Shepherd Jr Ornngevlllc was momma Stanley Nixon of Stayner and of Georgo Jarvis of Hamilton act ed as ushers 111s reception was held in the Church Hall On return from the wedding trip the newlyweds wlll reside at Ihorncllffo Park Drive Toronto TREASURED STAMPS LONDON CPIIi strip of iivo iivopcnny British stomps without perforations sold here orgflnri LPrinteJélnwls wore the property of the late Brig William Murphy of voncouvcr Make this your Marionrim on for tho but mains to town coma and brown WEAYMOUTHS BOOK STORE New Transitional Dork Cotton For tote Summer Arriving Dolly MINICARE ARNEL PRINTED TERYLENE BATISTE TERRY CLOTH Always The best Selections jaded orl aAnRis lo PA com THREE Stati WT MUNF01 BEAUTY CAN RESTORE thinking of hand you More Sparkle WEDDINGS BIRTHDAYS ANNIVERSARIES Tablecloths Matching ior Panties CHILDRENS PARTIES Napkins Plates Cups and Picnics Ilats Horns Balloons Confetti Invitations Streamers Dollies etc vararea MOUTll warsnius PINEAPPLE CAKE FRESH TASTY BLUEBERRY MUFFINS dozen 54c Dunlap St Fresh Sliced Cooked Ham Maslcrs In The Art Of Baklnp M=MMDEIICIQUS LEN sueossrs wiriiiiiosrrcuiis each 57 suriHisunu WOMANSKNEW WHAT TO o0 She hurried over for chat with thoiolks at Hall Modern izing Services We arranged complete financing for the room addition that we helped her plan to meet her needs We can do the some for you deuMnngmdg log or remEming jolt no matter how large or how smhll from componyyou KNOW you can trust FAMILY SIZE 30 oz some six csNsnous senviuos on 35¢ ComplotoSubool Texts and Supplies Just arrived iblpment of ririg binder and llppcrgd binders so Duniop St Comér WOOLWORTHS DAYFIELD ST no IIEPOSIT Sgt£1050 no 4S DUNLOP ST Theo surmount co SOUTII IBARRIE ONTARIO