ion Retormcdjhurr The bride is the Wendy DcJong daughter iphoto by Lee 10ri Studio PEOPLE AND PLACES Phone Eileen Dixon Audrey CoulsonPi 66537 RETURNS r0 ALBERTA Mrs Kerr has return ed to her home in Camrose Alberta via TCA jet airliner tram Malton Mrs Kerr has been guest at the home at her brother and sistervinIuw MrendMr9 Fred Webb oi Sophia Street East tor the past three weeks arrows nrvnn rrorronr Mr and Mrs Jack Nappie stun and sons lilako Street Mrs 12 Iiorn Saniord Street and Mrs ii iiepple Ing clan of Blake Street have re turn krisgues nt the summer residence oi Mrs it It Hcpplestons daughter Mrs ï¬liennant on the Ottawa River iV unraararunrnrvrs Miss Jenn Sturgeon and Rob ert Doubt have been guests at several entertainments prior to to the city ailerspenda their marriage on Saturday At the annual stall picnicot Sim me County iiealth Unit the couple were presented with pair oi table lamps Later the lieaith Unit stalls oi Alliston Barrie and Orillia were enter tained by the brides mother Mrs William Sturgeon oi Gil iord am that occasion many shower giils were received by the brideelect Residents ot the community th red at the home at the bride tor miss eelinneou shower Mrs Wilson Armstrong oi Nobleton enter tained at miscellaneous show guests were relatives of St Johns Presbyterian Church Vesl Gwillimbury met at the home at the bride or presentation party The bride groomelect was guest at presentation party arranged by the Sanitary inspectors oi the Health Unit and held at the home at Elmer Wood Oriilia Sapphire Mini collar on wooiv mohair coat Sizes iii20 now think made amistakeï¬ zreiuaethe ireasier vea ell it marry and know personal up do tell him without oiiendingi brideThe eongregation arrrams ThivaoiherissLove is rather Love Deal All kadaror was widowed at the age oi it My daughter and were Just like sisterr We want every place to gather and always had it won drriul time She had acood ion and never would accept may riage proposal because she was content at home with me Ivo years ago she was trans icrred to another city was very ioncly at first Then met man and started to go out My daughter was thi for me When told her he wanted me to marry she was all tor It he been married tor in months and My daughter to being trans icrrad back here and want has to live with us My husband is violently opposed to the idea Do you think his right tor man to be jealous at his wites daugh ter icei that since my daudha ter passed on marriage to he with me that should divorce this man and make home tor her Whatdo you thinki DARDANELLA Dear Dnrdaneilu Forget the sister net and beta wile it your daughter has any brai shell aiiic or erseliï¬d shell never do it it sh moves hatho th hichgyau rte PERSONAL APPEAL DInrArrn Landera lve been datingir tine young man or sev eral months He hopes to be eertiiied public accountant next year Perhaps this romance will never blossom into anything per manent but even so like him and want to help him Norman inot his real name is so careless about his personal grooming that sometimes lm embarrassed to be seen in thA lie with him He never cleans his ï¬ngernails his hair Is al ways in need at atrimming and dont believe he ever has his suits pressed or his shoes shined want him to succeed ra his proiessioa even it we dont pearanoe is important But how Should joke about It Im afraid to iry airserlnusudiscus slon Or would it be best to ac cepthim for his good qualities which are manylnnd forgot the rest mama 0N cues GROUCHO IS RUST Groucho Marx is the host at NBGTVs Tonight show for the week of Aug 20 Dear walking ihis in no job too matter Have straight taik with the young man it hes too thidtskullad to are predate the iavor then be is the loser not you Dont make lha total error at rentalaing silent in the hope that Mean change him alter mar rings man who wont clean Irimsell up ior his sweetheart certainly wont do It lor his wile RSFIJSE TILE MOVE near Ann im happily mor rled woman with threeehildren Last week my mother wrote thoishe is coming to make her ho with us Dad passed ay six months ago Illslite writemy mother was plnin heli lier rotten temper and impossible demands drove him to drink She blamed him or wrecking her lite when it we the other way around When was growing up spent most oi my spare hours with my aunt who lived nearby was never close to my mother and avoided her whenever possible My husband cant stand my mother and he doesnt dont think could hold job spoke with my minister and he says should accept her into our home im airaid it will mean the end at my marriage What shall dotTROUBLE Dear troubled Your iirst ob ligation Is to the man you mar ried No wile should be Iorced against her will to accept her husbands mother into her home The same goes for man when it Is his motherinelaw Do what you can to help her linaneially even it It means genuine sacrilioe But dont let her move Into your home unin vited and make shambles at your marrin she ATTENTION HOME FREEZER OWNERS FOR SALE nwwaxedmilkeartons idoal tor home treezar Containers In lots 3c EACH iaKEviéw DAIRY BARRIE TaughtA Vancouvna tori my British Cohrrnhia Children l0 in this Minter to learn how cthat with dictator The gimp is portion oi the mpeetcd 50m who have the disease mm um the provideti Cantos one this year for Winï¬eld pidmtho ve tweak at Cannd aIiris is BCa To spend two weeks away from home and enter into camp activity will be radical step tor roostin the stirrup raan rem nine told Cloistcrcd most of their lives in the iarnily circle the diabetic child ottcn grow within himself Parents have regarded camps with tear knowing that without insulin the child could quickly die West Vanmuvers Dr John Hunt assisted by two nurses dietitian and six orseven uni versity students will run the camp he has planned pro gram ot vigorous exercise diet and insulin seiistldministration always ratproblem with young diabeticslire drug Canadian diseoVery is administeredeby hypodermic syringe Dr liunt generalpracti tioner has special interest in ties as result at our training in the Iieid in Loglan Mint through the Canadian Diabetic Dont Bother Me im Watching for the GRAND OPENING OF McFADDEN FURNITURE and APPLIANCE PARK HWY 27 NORTH Just Minutes jFrom 400Q Hwy according to physicist activity patient harm aday serving loads and adding extras as one canary Camps like that planned answer While the drildrur are givsn subtle instructions on what toads contarn how much protein earn boltydratc and int they will also be getting fresh air oxen FIRM Bristaws at Barrie irs Decor Sban Ernies Bargain Centre Evangeline Shops Firestone stores Fleming oi Barrie Giovanni and Perri Iiarris Flowers llama Appliance Mrl Pied Piper Shops Shophers Paradise Simmons are as and itirs Walker Siores Warawer Shoe Woolworthl Youngs Draperies scrim Liinlted HEM hpphirc Mirth tape root of wool militia Slur iiiId artwoeiï¬wofl block Mink collar Sizes II luxurious portionstyled Braver coiinr ilnlshosn woolmohair plush cool Sixes I0I6 vi elnsslc region wigTheir mm wt umpeon us For coil Sizes IZIE load the amounts at which vary doctorcant be withhis his masts removing iorhidrieu tor Wintth are part attire ANNOUNCE WALUE CARNIVAL PRIZE WINNERS Armstroaa liarrilm Mrs Cole Feel St Mira Ferry Sorter avenue uWSamMILSthBII1nud Can Acadciny at Music David Nelson Salk llvd CI Eplelta Electric Miss Duckworth Raglan SL Angus Godlrey Castle on Mira Latimcr in Cumberland st Mrs Frost 13 Wnraley Street liirs Watson at Napier Street Mra Cole itt Psci Street ONeill It Sampson Street rrr Novelty Mrs Grace Fry mar st hroaarch heirlgarsttoa Mira Pinter RR sum ilalilweil in Codrin James McBride re Eugene so Mrs Burton 12 Parkane Crescent abetic sundauuroaunruse parodies aisoincharge gtiracanirpaddsthtssta tistieasapushlorhiapmieet it takes the processed pan mas 10000 beet cattle to make one insulin= rq Waul as sauna on sun WINNERS AND ADDRESS it Reynolds Strond Wilkinson IS Saniord St It Reynolds Strand in Smith WI Queen Street Peternice 86 Victoria St1 Jolie Krricker rm aunts Huiaoï¬tyationmarrn dialingarmameth triestoumagemot atbuwnmrmiutionatmnof tn thirdpartis1hecnemal aiiairsdcpartmentaaid Mann pay crymo WM m5 SAME It took an old drew to show are what difference Sanirnrrs dry can make in my whole wardrobe Ihcï¬nrrimemydrcasnmrtiaci imm the Sanitoncvdelau rhe iahrre was iresher an dress tir Buttons and ornaments were securer In place tool You roe will be delighted wirir our mlly bettll kind of dry cleaning Ir com no more Try us with just one garment SANITONE DRY CLEANING Spots Gone lie Odor Iioidr Prue tong Mora Dirt Removed NOW LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU NEW LOCATION 48 humor west WRIGHT CLEANERS LTD 88 DUNLOP EAST PA 85531 LLALKERIS SPECIAI new ays good taste in fashth need andtruer words penumbra waiters no eseoutstan