rue Milli WDNHDAY AUGUST 13 VBegulidr Schedule For Small TQSks Hy ELEANOR ROSS Even in home run by the nearest must meticulous oi homemakers certain larlrs an olten neglected it only ior the sirnpic reason that they dont ttr into regular housekeeping steps good cleaning lately Or How about cleaning behind the radiators And rcinovlng accumulated layers of floor was irom comers Have you given the cellar washed and polished the brass lulr Meeting or try WMS The dub muting oi ivy Pi Woman Soddywasbeldnttbo hoorootHrs George Donut mamasm Dovotioaalpeflndluo direct edbyhlflGmlmOndirm missionary letter received lrern Mr Shields British Guiana was read ibo otforlog was received and dedicated by Mrs Jock Goeb Nurser LONDON icri Fund recommends oursory sdrooia iorcbildrcn alter the lions but it there were he wouldn SChildi PsychologiSt School Attendance OMileasformediniBtlby bin Aivs Hyrdal oi Sveden goot two but cautions parents and teachers not to overpro tedichlldrco against irustra Fortuoately there is no such lth as an unirurtrated child and an Englishman Lady Allen at Hurtwood The nhlecy tire was to promote nursery sdzool education lire launder believe the paint irons two to six is the most important one informing persons personal lion in OMEP Other Canadian delegates to tho assenihly were Prof Maryv Wright at on Iron verdty oi eaten Ontario hmy Gretta Brown executive direc urai the Day Nursery Centre plates and boobs on doors in Winnipeg lady Allen on Britain around the house schedule moo develop at all to 1m Some oi these chores such as cleaning closets and kitchen cahincts do require most oi tbs working day schedule others such as washing the rcirigera tor gasket and doing the stove thoroughlyshould be no cornplislred whilc the room in which thy are located is get tinglls proper goingover SMALL JOBS llowcver there are many rel atively small lohs which really dont belong in either category Washing the telephone or scrubbing down the outdoor garbage patl are oiten leit out of is regular cleaning schedule yet each takes only iewmin utcs at time Thats why its good idea to set aside tow hours every week or two to handle those little tasks that might otherwise not get done Witrtl iur last time you washed the icic vi you WHAT ABOUT LAMPS you are praying ior Mario Liar So wiry not sit down and make list oi and jobs then see how many you can polish oil in three or tour hours on coloringtyourho Career Womanliad No Choice Truck Business Was Inherited MONTREAL tCPl The new president oi the Montreal Womens Chamber at Com mcrce holds mans tab and cnioys it even though she didnt choose it tor career itlrs Laurette Gravel owncrr rlircctor at large lilontreeal do livery iirm says its no buil ncss tor womanbut some times circumstances dictate those things Shc inhorttedit six years ago when her husband dicd The at trnctlve 46yearold hlondc who tools that most men still dont hollcvo women are capable oi running business is the sort oi examploflthnt will soon go their in ds With no previous experience and not having worked during the 12 years she was married lllrs Gravel tackled the busi ness with all her energy She studied commercial and civil law and at one point was the only woman among men tak ing business administration course As soon as she took over the company she joined thclllomans Chamber oi Com lilEl ucted prusldcnt tor the 196163 term USVEVD T0 TEACH Since had no children when my husband died had to is with pharmaceutical ilrms years ago siness Play them wcll time And oi course there are at ways the lampsincluding the newer hanging type which must be dismantled audsed and rinsed occasionally Only then will the lamps shed all the light ihcse are just law oi the little bitch overlooked chores which might be accomplished in morning set aside for miscel laneous cleaningand you can probably think up many others Youll be pleasantly surprised how sparkling sour home Wlll look once the nooks and cran crarmm lemmeriot things which iirst come to the attention of inmily nod callers has us customers serviced by or trucks Most oi her business Directing 85 employees most oi them men lrnd its dliiicult mnmcnlstno There are times when you must forget you are woman However she had an excellent slnii some at whom had been with the com pany since its beginning 20 Aproblom was that one couldnt supcrvlso rolling hu You must have conildencc in your men and She has been fortunate fchvcvncvcnhnd thciil and our books have balanced every Tire language purist and cook who goo by the book might not consider todays unusual re cipe salad in the truest sense for among stories relating to tho derivation oi the word is the belief that salads get their name irom the ancient Roman habit oi dipping chicory and other greens in salt in tlicm tastier Since sat Mimwrï¬mim bination came to be known as salad All this mayltwell Salmon Salad Crunch Cups as amongst the tastiest and most attractive of all the salads un dor the sun dcsplto the tact that they are greenless The unique use at crunchy toast cups subtly scasoncdwith celery sccds sets the salad apartnlt wins particularly high approval with males who like tllci salads on thesubstzrntinl side The inct that popular can nedsalmon Is the icature in creases its appeal particularly when swect mustard pickle and chopped row cauliilowcr provide detectable and slightly oilhoot accents of flavor and texture Once tried this sriad will doubtless become favorite with the inmlly and iriendpwbo share in its taste aeoaatlohp athln slices white bread crust removed sirir butter itbsp celery seed cups canned salmon ponndmaul 13 cup finely chopped celery savor SALMON Subtle Seasoning llnd Toast From Basis For Unique Salad CBUNCH ilcup crisp raw cauliflower eis broken up tbsp dropped pimlento to cup mayonnaise 13 cup chopped sweet mixed mustard pickle Salt and pepper to taste Pimento Strips spian both sides at sides with cclery seeds Toast in reb until cnsp about hour tool to room temperature belore titling For snlnd rnlx lure mix together thoroughly the salmon celery cnullilowcr chopped plmlcnto mayonnaise and pickle Season to taste with salt and pepper Chill thorough ly Just betora serving iill cookod Crunch Cups with sat mon mixture garnish with pim lento stripa Allow two per serv ing Makes salad cups or servings v8 DEATHS lNCHEASE CHICAGO iAP lho 115 National Saiety Council says US traiiic dcaths in tho iirst halt 061962 rose to arrow high and at rate greater than the increase in travcl The toll rose to 18120 up 1210 or seven per cent from the total oi 16910 tor the corresponding 1961 period The program was in charge at Mrs George Carruthcrs Readings were given by llirs Hoggarth Mrs Hammond Mrs Nelson and hirs Hoggartir hira Carruthors con ducted Bible canted it was decided to hold church cleaning bee Aug 29 in preparation for the Harvest Scr vloe to be celebrated Sept helrcahmenta were served by the hostess assisted by lira Cleve Patton and Mrs dcnnctt The next meeting will tak place in September lind PW Club Elect Executive OSLO Reuters iberuint electedmeter min United States as presidcn nunrm both Feller at Switzerland he German youth centres Seven vicepresidents electc Gracii West Germany Angloi Dcnii di Plrsjiio Italy Lad ton in 1965 cnmo nnowws lilotoi bavoltroreforrly liveper cent ï¬nd in Junewas cl plunge into something nbsnrb lug she explained She was accustomed to hard work how ever having taught seven grades in onerroam school for eight years bciore her marri ago One at the diliiculties rho en countered whensha took over was competing with firms run by men litany companies dont have confidence in women ox ecutlves she said hutit isvohvlous by the busy atmosphere and number of shiny red trucks at her eastend head quarters tbat she didnt lose out on that count Now Mrs Gravel ml THE STARS SAY ny nsrnnnnrrn non Tonioriuow The ability to size up situa tions quicklyespecially where business matters are concemed could prove most profitable now In personal relationships however it would be well to be especially tactful since some persons will be on the edgyside FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that regardless of any financial gains you have been able to not since the beginning of the year it would be well to con solidate now and start trunking ot the future since planetary aspectsexcept ior briei pc rrod in midSeptember it not again stimulate monetary inter =éests until late December gnod trend beginning then how ever will last until out June at least Personal matters will occupy the celestial spotlight during most oirthrfd monthsaliea so it will be up to you to capi talizo on influence whichcan strengthen ties with family and friends and win tbéiavorfdf superiors Uncuntrolled emo tions and Leos tendency to dominate others could aiiset these good influences however so be alertespecially during October and next March Best periods for romance late Sep niiiits unman High styled shoesln white bone and this Springs smartest colours lat illusion or high heels Polnted and tapered loss Better made all leather shoes Most have lifetime heels Most were regulor$5y9 to $799 Sizer 59 medium width 69 norroylwldlli CHILDRENS SHtl Casuals sandals and shops in white bone or red Solid leather uppers with long wearing composition or rubber rdertd withstand QSlzeSSS in fullslies SHOP EARL EENS SNEAKERS SUMMER SHOE SAlE These are summer and Spring styles from regularstock that must be clear ed to make room for Rewords New Fall Shoes Youll find bigond genuine savings in wide widernnge of footwear So hurry downwithlhe whole family and buy now for this Summer and next year PENZFRlï¬kYleGHFUNHWWEM units SUMMER son Regular 529 and $399 lines grouped together forfasfcleoranee at one low price last REWARD an unmarked boat channel Flat heeled pumps and sport shoesln while REWARD SUMMER SHOE SALE bone and other exciting colours Well mode willie or bone leathei sandals ln big variety of styles and heel heights Complefaysizaselechon fronts to in medium widths but not every size in each style iiiiitisinusitisj Three popular styles nt hugp sovingrl Genuine ltollan Innde susdedvteuttter ieyelet REWAR casual with thick loom rubhcr solar Tie casuals water resistant vinyl uppemZVWearL like iron need no polishing tumbo foam rubber Childrenis Golours are Black Brown Send Beige in sizes 61 but not all sizes in eyery style Regularly priced £rom$ 97576991 course Rewannsuor SALE OEING hadler Better 1buttcr Press in no citing contch mm mm oi the interna protmdcsligbtlyï¬Spnnkter tfonalTederationotbusrnu and Proicsslnnnl Women has prestdom ls Elisa lttias lrwin librarian in Des Molnca Iowahas been social worker among refugees in West Gormany and started many ltlonday included Ruth Mo Gill Regina lawyer Gisela Bnrbara Little iv Britain Jonah Woods Rhodesia lilary McLean Hancock Australia and Maértha Liljegren Sweden Delegates agreed to hold their next world congress in Washing KESWICK Ont tCPlBonnle Helen Lemky oi Toronto was drowned in Latin Slmcoe at Par adiso llcnch Monday when she stepped from shallow waterinto at which chlldissupposedztov newauo SUMMER SHOE psychologist told punteronce oi ion child psychologists and so clal service workers He would tall asleep Dr Freud daughter oi the late Dr Sigmund Freud foun der oi modernlllchology urged delegates to try to under stand up She wnrocd that it is easy to produce intelligent children who remain immature She said childrcn betWeen two and six should be encouraged to develop their personalities among other children at inur sery schools Loam to get along with other lldren is education sho said This ahould not be coniuscd with things as looming to read mcntnl development DrFreud ld parents and chers must realize cat concepts oi their parents in on illogical manner and the is must be prepared tor VIEWS ACCEPTED Dr Freud was addressing session of the assembly oi the World Organization ior Early Childhood Education known or OMEP tram the mans French name Organisation lliondialo pour lEducntlon Prescolatrc Conadi delegates said Dr Freuds views rccclvod almost unanimous acceptance among dclcgetes Prol Grace Bredln oi the University oi British Co lumbia said she was particu larly impressed by Dr Freuds analysis of how children differ in the speedof their emotional development Sho mode it clear that child should neither be rushed noriheld back litany teachers are too impressed with gen eralized ldca oi the average age perform certain tents suhmeh suor siire HANDBAGS the process oi growing looming including such which does not assist childs corps AND canvas oncssANn scour STRAWWtCKER Hair Stylists SPECIAI OFFER ALL THE LATEST sms com wave PERMANENTS TEENAGE SPECIAL parturition Just to Time For their to School 115 BLAKE hcxtflofilomiulouétorr mrflï¬nlflED TIME ONLY SHOPEASY rian Variety names are right attire ion of the label to speed selection save precious shopping time QUICKTWIST GAP quick turn and the arts oponAnother urn recaps the or to refrigeiaio it any unused portion wincioi uri Makes it extraeasy to spoon out babys tnod right down to its last hit SiRAlNED BNANAS cOnvenieï¬cef P1118 appetzte won keeps snappetite bright Plentiful variety and flavour par excellence and 74Gerheroiuewourbahcbotbflver10Ostrained and junior foodsall specially processed to pro serve naturally good flavouis and the utmost in preciousliood valuesWonderiul example of variety and unusuallygood flavour Gerber QMeat DinnersBeet Veal orLamb featuring heaps of savoury meat subtly blended with gselectedvegetables Prepared with scrupulous care by baby food specialists of course FLATS AND sconr rsvrors REWAKD SUMMER SHOE SAlE SHOES PLASTIC nuo MAnsuMAttow variety of seasonal colours tembcr and late December also next May and June child born on this day will ï¬Wgrenï¬iEï¬T and enthusiasmand could suc cncd in any iicdavhlch titres dealing with the public Awrdo range of Stmy 8mm and howl 9w wealre my rs colours Sizes in Tle Shots io sonnet sins Bonn are our bitstnéssl annuity 4W Ger errsen wmwpmwna canyon arty convictiqu rivoouansaunvrvn lllllrwtldShol lRF tors Adoyen ga blrtb Srindny to quadmp boys but two oitho babies were born dead spokesman at the gov ernment maternity hospital said it nrlay nouns STEAST Phone nit 60691