£iold=medal=lnvs to Hayï¬eld Street Borne Ontario Walls Publisher Saran 51mm General slugger WEDNESDAY AUGUST in 4ng Tinmarked Cars Deterrent TofSpeed Craze inorder to cope with the increasing death rate on our highways the Ontario Police Commission is now considering the highway patrols operating with no marked cars to apprehend the speedom For some reason or other motorists seemto have distaste for the police cruising in unmarked cars We agree with thesemotoristsj when the ollce hide behind bushes or other obstac order tospotand chase some speeding motorist But seeking out the reckless and speeding drivers while they travel along the highway unmarked cars is perfectl thelingthc pollce are out of sight and then the speedinutarls again With unmarked cars the motorists would be more inclined to observe the speed regulations applying to any high rwayrasit would be ifficult to tell ther in the cars ahead of them or be hind them wasfa police constable ready to tag them if they broke the speed laws if the siau hier on our highways is to be reduced police should use every means available to eliminate the spenders and reckless drivers But their position es in Tis difficult one when the average mo torist can spot police car considerable distance away and immediately abide by aw happily on Prov itlilnaike carsT feel that the majority of those who ob serve the Ewswilljp murmurs the abltunl speeding and reckless motorists are pun ished Although lnanyrmotorists will notl ok Should Ban HitchHiking Motorists who take tolerant view of hitchhikers would do well to onder recent incident in Louisville entucky Two boys age 17 and 14 were out for pleasure spin when they stopped to give two young hitchhikers lift Short ly after they entered the car the hitch hikers whipped out gun took the driv wallet containing 33 and told him to drive to lonely road After ordering the driver from the car one hitchhiker killed him with one bullet The drivers younger companion also was ordered from the car He was shot by the other hitchhiker andrhis bodywasthrown to nearby ravine Despite stories like this notes The StandardFreeholder of Cornwall many car drivers still stop to pick up highway freeloadersfi Hitchhiking is an offence on the New York State Thruway and both motorists and hitchhikers them selves are liable to stiff fines if they violate the law it was found necessary to make the practice illegal because of therdangermfrcar no Ysnasaoo annals Barrie Examiner July 27 1922 loor Lodge buys Christ Church Reformed Episcopal onCollier Street will replace pulpit and font with shrine of th links It was built in 1807 for $6 on lot costing $1200 The property was sold for $2500havoing been unoccupied for some time Hard coal shortage reported by dealers Three from Barrie were on honor roll of 33 in North Sirncoe in Entrance exams out of 319 who passed Top five in Barrie were Jessie Clark Harold Sprott Victoria Quinlan Marion Ross and Vernon Hook Camp Borden won by Harold Gill of Barrle Stewart formerly of Minesing elected MP for Humboldt Saskatchewiln with majority of over 6000 over twoopponents Thornton WI heldsewing course in Temperance Hall Pickers busy gathering plentiful wild raspberries Essa Council passed bylaw to enable Cookstown to put $4000 improvements on town hall House of Mrs Ross River Road Angus destroyed portswlayï¬tliï¬ï¬‚waysrfav eh Blake Slreetiï¬ ing when automobiles stopped suddenly on this heavilytravelled traffic artery to pick up people who use the thumb to obtain free transportation Such could be the case in sudden stopping on High ways 400 and 401 in Ontario not to men tion the numerous two and threelane roads Eventually hitchhiking may be outé lawed in Ontario and other parts of Cana da the writer predicts As matters stand drivers who cater to hitchhikers run unnecessary risks The hitchhiker may be ho up man objectionablevln other way heavy and fast stopping suddenly and subsequently joining the traffic flow again could create serious hazards Modern highways such as Highway 401 with their highspeed travel are tending to make hitchhiking sort of lost art Fastmoving automobiles in most cases are bypassing hitchhikers who nevertheless still are seen on our highways althoug th endocollisionSresulti tobedilnillishing fire Mrs Ross was outside doing chores when she noticed fire and rushed in to rescue two small children third was found in the nearby shed unharmed Mrs Ross got severe burns ivy won the South Simcoe baseball pennant down lng Cookstown and Thornton in playoffs Albert Mabey bit by truck near home and died in hospital of skull fract ure Rev Canon Cody summer resid ent Barrie honored by being asked topreach before the King in Bucking ham Palace Young girl found purse in Queens Park containing $100 ln cash The owner rewarded her with 25 cents on new Highway 11 through Barrie George Stryker leaves Barrie Examin er to become assistant news editor of Montreal Star Innisfilbylaw vote to spend $18000 for township park on Lake Suncoe carried by 207to 82 Lefroy andChurchill were only places mostly opposed Mrs George Alpin of Vine knocked unconscious 1n explosion of hand grenade which got mixed in wrth some rivets OTHER EDITORS VIEWS MR DRURYS CAREER Brantford Expositor On farm at Crown Hill in Simcoe County now stands plaque erected by the Ontario Department of Travel and Publicity acting as agent for the Archaeological and Historical Sites Board It commemorates the career of Hon Drury as former Prime Minister of Ontario and afarmer of note Whats more ltlr Drury was pres ent when themarkerwas unveiled so it was pleasant sort of flowersforthc living occasion Drury now in his 85th year was The Barrie Examiner Authorized econd clan mall Post Office apartment Ottawa andrfor payment of postage to clshl Daily Smileys and Statutory Build excepted KENNETH vanns Pnb nerl smart anions Gsnem Manager flflflhmxflmiï¬u limiter HARRY WILSON Advertising Iilnllli JOHN HOLDER Cinnlllinn Mariam Subscription rate datly bycurrler 55o weekly time your single copy in By mail to chinlo $700 year on six monttu Shiotnree months no month du Ontarios melanoma Inldav iftces as University Ave Toronto cmmy it Montreal 1126 West Georaia re Vancou ver Member of the Cnnndinn Daily Newspaper Pub lirbora Association The Canadian Press and the Audit liurcau nlCiicuiatinhs Tho ouuuoluu Press to exclusively eullrlucitu the use or republication of all new dirpaicbns in this Sitter credited to it or The Associated Press or titers also thI local news puhmizimoram cursion in politics iiiaPflEIiSON Managing Eating Sutr the firstpresident of the United Farm ers of Ontario 1913 and formed predonnnantly UFO government in 1919 It remained in office until 1923 oneandonly for thistprovince but an interesting andprobably helpful ex We often invoke the advice of Eccles iastlcus Let us now praise famous men with emphasis on the new We have followed it in Brantford more than once We honored Alexander Graham sell durlng his lifetime he unveil flue memorial to his inventlon of the telephone here Similarly Dr Thomas Costain the author returned as he oftendoes to his native city to attend the ceremonies openin publicschool bearing his name it is gratifying to find other commun ltles luding Crown Hill allowing BRITiSH PLUMBING London Daily Mail telephone subscriber complained that bisphone rang constantly but there was nobody on the line finally he discovered that the ringing began every time he to on theWater Specialists dishovcred the vibration of the plumbing was sufficientto et off thetelephon ell Mlnlster LHlgiltLuuï¬ï¬mmmflrule witllfltherhinute in theright eye and the hours BE Lacrurnrmnrlrr mmn5mmwww ï¬sslmso was KitIn Oil REPORT Ilth uk IPalace Is Opened fTo LoversOi lirt By MnlNIVRE HOOD loud Corresponde ov ibeBarrleExnmiaer LONDON From now on Londoners and visitors from other countries including Cahv adinns will be permitted treat which has long been denied to all but avorcd few For an admission fee of 35 cents they will be allowed to enter small part of Buck ingham Palace now transform ed into an art gallery of rare charm and beauty perbT the treasures from the art collection Visitors to this new store of at troosureswiiln enter by the mngni entrance of the Le by way of small side door on Buckingham Palace Road But through this smalldoor after passing through turn stile the public can enter and enjoy the pleasure of viewing art treasures of fabulous value They lorrn only small part of the treasures acquired by successive sh sovereigns down through the centuries ATTENDED PREVIEW was privileged to attend preview of the Queens Gallery prior to its opening to the public Somewhat cut oil fromj the main building of Bucking PB ihsaollsrLactlL private chapel of the Palace The former chapel was des troyed by an enemy bomb in 1940 The ruins stood there un ill year ago when the Queen and Prince Philip colle eived the idea of rebuilding it as an artgaliery to which the public could be admitted and see and enjoy the fine works or art belonging to the Royal Family The cost of the re pair work was $135000 of which the Queen herself that part The Queen also financedg from her ownfunds the fix tures fittings and structural alterations enteredthe gallery through long corridor finishedin cool white and foundmyself in the midst of collection that is absolutely dazzling Straight ahead my eyes fell on huge ornate gleaming silvel table dating from 1700 All around the large main room were priceless ntings bythe old masters ictures by Rembrandt Van Dyck Gainsborough and other famous artists provided diversityoi artistic that was breathtaking PRICELESS FURNITURE quallytasrdmpresslve no paintings was the collection of pieces of priceless antique fur niture shown to great advoni age arouhd the walls and in the cornersoi the room One piece was clock mounted on golden base on the shape of negresss head ng shown in watchedlt as the minutes ticked off with regularityevery on seconds Ornateeabincts jewel cases rolltop desks tables and antu ique clocks oi the 17th and iiilb centuries collected from many countries were included in this rnredlsplny oi beautiv ful and valuable gems of fur nilurc nihod shot at and found my to face with row Queens splendor gina City Erhart Regier 19th NDP yictor in the general elec iflliiiiiis sixteenthmecnthry perV Near them was studics byhlichh angclo including sheet of sketches for The last Judg ment in the Sistine Chapel Then came breathtaking or ray of delicate stUdies by Leo nordo da Vinci studies of ilands horses warriors do iuge rock and Water forma iiil lions and grandiose portrait of Neptune riding the waves in large glass case were more than score of delight ful smallpleees including the diedem din worn the Queen on many state occ asions dellcateiyonadc bust oiggueep Victoria some exqui site ttussian Easter egg csses and pieces of ellery Outstandin pressions howeve was the artistic quality of the atmos phere of the whole gallery The decorative scheme of quiet beautyTormed perfect sett ing for the treasures it con tained To all Canadians who are contemplating visit to Lon don let me say with assur ance that the Queens Gallery is place which is worthyof top priority in the list of shrines to be visited For the fee ufas cents one can enjoy all the riches start which for generations have been hidden away in royalpalaces and stles and genealme benefit of the public great service has been rendered to artlovers and indeed to many who are not connoisseurs by the Queen in this splendid gess lure which has hi the Queenscallery into being Aug liiliiz creatingim to can soon Nervousness Factor By JOSEPH MOLNEB iiiD Dear Dr Mother For sev ersl years my shter has been treatedior apostlecolon Severalmonths ago the doctor put her on diet without starch saying the had low blood sugar She followsrthe dietpretty well but will not give up oolfee and cigarettes from morning tiilnlght lt was after my sister had spells of bilndnustthli lasted for boilhour periods that the doctor put her on the starch ireedlotANXIOU Low blood sugar isnt udis eesoln itself Rather its retraction of some other dis orders that cause the drop Nor is it the opposite of diabetes even though it is true that in one the blood sugar becomes too high in the other too low For diabetes is di ti disease There is insuffi iout insulin to makeuse olzthe sugars in the food and either Isuilni0ilvmeilffilr1lnlgl must be used to help keep the sugar level downL or the diet llele Otherwise the excess sugar quickly becomes dangerous With low blood sugar it is matter of the bloodsugor at times being used upond the sugar is needed to provide energy Low blood sugar is often seen in nervous tense individuals which appears to fit with your sister and her spastic oolon and her compulsion for coitee and cigarettes Toihis extent the coffee and tobacco arent helps ing Rather they contribute to her nervoushitiludo as well as to aggravate theapustic colon Thoy do not of thcmselvcscon tribute to the low blood sugar cxcenLindirectiy lherc is anICiO tre ng low hloodsugnr than Just dict The iowstnlchdet with high pro iein substituted is important TODAY IN HISTORY lly THE CANADIAN PRESS The operetlve Com monwenllh Federation was founded to years ago to dayin liarunder lender slltpof the 1ch Siloods locui farmer and labor groups chiefly in Western Canada the CCF lost year was succeeded by the New Democratic Party formed in It coalition with organized labor dillSlaves in all Bril ish colonies were emanci putcd 1914 Germany declared war on Russia and inv ded Luxembourg in the irst World War and turned into blood sugar slowlyltpcstponesillctimeb which the patient sugar level can become low enough to be troublesome There ore also some other technical reasons starches tendto ict ihesugar level rise and full much more rapidly However the individual has to he considered as whole You cant successfullytinker with the blood sugerievel with out also doing something about the psychic or nervous irrita iity One of the metho course is thornwf nppropr medication to modify this high slrung attitude lugree 1h Tire In Tenement Takes stantial reduction in cigorcts is impurialniinn none none iR uter Fortytwopersons weree burnedj this mt mil Shrub to death today when fire gutte be if only cg and fourstorey tenement building mm my an in the Kowloon area of this Brit ish colony ane in Mrs itl Ragnar More than 300 persons were Elintls can in be mode homeless ill the blaze the dangmui if P050 15 W15 worst tenement the here since 1057 when 58 persons were lburnedto deathalso in Kow non Son that he might be the first born among many brethren Romnns 829 God hasa plan and blueprint for each and every individual life and the ultimate goal is to be ke Jesus Members of NDP In House HaverjPoiiticai Experience OTTAWA iCPi The New Democratic Party may be the smallestrgroup in the new For liament but it contends it will presentitaient and experience far beyond its numerical strength Twelve of the ill NDP MPs have previous experiencein the House Commons or provin cial Mai mmediate worry for the party formed last year to re place the CCF whether na tional leader Douglas can win Commons seat before the session begin probably Sept 27 He was beaten June it in Re usubsequentlyrresigneddh BurnabyConuitlam seat to open place forrhis leader N0 DATE BET So far the government hasnt indicated when it may call byelection Action would have to be taken this week to provide vote No NDP group whose average age is about 57 continues the House coming the Commons first per manent speaker was defeated in 1053 after 15 years represent ing WinnipegNorth Centre He then became an executivevice president of the Canadian La bor Congress until this year Two prominent newcomers are David Lewis 52 York South and Andrew Brewin 54Toronto Greenwood ho yers party vicepre dent Sevenot th eight COTNDP members in the last Parliament were reelected They include burly Douglas Fisher 42 Port Arthur school tescherwbo earned high reputation in Commons debate Frank Howi ard 36 loggereminervtrade un mentaiy divorces with Arnold Peters Timlskaming former miner MIXTURE FROM 30 lllCs nine representatives present variety Harold Winch bcrnfthe lit ears was mem gisioture for osition leader Vancouver East in 1953 Colin Cameraman Nanaimo leadership assumed last ycariCthiChéiiTheismfldh iin Bight when Helen Argue defected to theLibirals lie hos bedn MP for KootenayWest for 17 yehrs Two newcomersLabor law yer Tom Berger Vancouver Knowles54 and MalcolmMa IllL ape Breton Southare he partys Juniors at are lit WAS CLC OFFICER halving hls wilesit in the pro years in the legislatureand flva in the Commons before 1053 defeat Arnold Webster63 is school principal from Van couver Kingsway who led the Keme moon SiImbm wear suit pants and buttoned shirt to school They soytbis is to give the school the pro They auspended ale ncnuver Sun the distinction of resents New Westminster here March when in because the protein isabsolbedur al ieusta sub Alberta says students must lowaloquuwi live to the venom It gentleman who ralsu bees recently wrote me most lateresung story lie1 had been stuns many tlm finally become sensitive Dear Dr hloinert Can viii ginity be lost our ay otbe when courselflcosq ical virginityPeose anoww this it is very important but dont use my name or even my initials4 gb well make up some initials but Im glad you signed your name in the lotion us usually throw awnyunl signed ones in medical terminology yin ginity meens that there has been no sexual intercourse Byg anatomical virginity you probably refer to upturn aim the hymenuior membrane from other aura Shem ErskiWr£fï¬tflfl nmlnoton condo and many virginshnvo hadit happen Indian Team Now To Moscow NEW DELHI ilieuterslln formed sources said an Indian defence ministry team flew to Moscow to negotiate tho immediate purchase of some hiiCSupcrsonic jet fighters and their eventual manufacture in lndia The delegation was led by lihagwantam scientific adviser in the defence ministry and also included senior air force officers and test pilots Thcsourccslanid that if lhs talks succeed indie might my about 20 of the MiG21 Super sonic lighters flirt air force is nnrrious 16 set up factory to make the lotus Soviet ldi fighters sources said Such factory is expected to take at least two to three years to go into production MAY PRODUCE MtGXl Since MiG2i fighters could he obsolete by then the pro posed factory might be it signed to produce the lilGdi the latest Soviet Supersonic fighter Theisoulcesï¬aldvilleindie Air Force has been on the look out for suitabinfighters since Pakistan got FlOtG jets lndia has investigated tw Vestern fighters the Frenc Miragc =nnd the British Light sing but favored the Sovle lille because although lest sophisticated than the West ern fighters they met indlon re quiremcnis and were cheaper and more rendiy available against payment in Indian cur rollch ieans and Tshirtio school on six different casinos George houkelos the boys father has brought suit ogoirut the St Albert epnrate school board and Srinclpa oi theschool conlen ng the school boexrd hart mighty