women mu Tax mama morocco macaw sooner on minim DIM on gasolinemeat For LinteStone on ItaIrIIcuv Ont Ante Representative Stmeoe North There are two main kinds ol llmestdae dotcmitte and cat elite Dolomltic llmcstones are mixture ot calcium snd mag nesium carbonated Magnesium carbonate malty makes up sum 25 to forty per mm ot dot omitic timestoncs Calcitis Iostones contain very little magnesia usually only tow 3r cert Ontario sources at this type are usually itlo setter than dolr Ic timestoncs tending to dksolre little faster In the spit when soils are acid but have an adequate magnesi supply caleitia type may be used How ever research has indicated that on such sotls both dolo mitic or calcittc limestone giro comparable results LIMESTONE GRADES Some companies have avails able line grades at limestone with up to 95 particles pass screen Such tInc limestone may correct acidity in the iirst year at application whereas ordinary Elt1tLLalttt show maximum eliceti there is no advantage at being lice grades The latter are re commended only in cases where there is nécd tor rapid con rection oi nctdtty The lino grades sell at price at up to $400 per ton hulk compared to ordinarily recommended madcs at 5150 per Ion WHEN TO APPLY Limestone should he applied iuit before plowing or disciruu soil pretorabty the summer or tall previous to spring and lag Remember that the lull elv act ordinary grades at time stone on soil pH Is not seen until years alter application Legumc crops should be that ed at pit values at no and be low Non legumes smnll grolns corn etc have shown little re sponse to timing in Ontario it recommended that limestone applications he made on these crops only when pit ialis be low 55 0n potato soils where legumes appear in rotation not more bclarc seeding the legumes to help establishment Larger amounts airile favorable to item enhancer activity of the potato scab mic 0ver long term viewpoint roorganlsms US Wants Steps Agatnst WASHINGTON AP The United States is reported ready to support strong political and economic measures against se cessionist Kataoga province in an cttort to unity The Congo under modifiedvlcdcral gov arnmcnt ï¬cstdent Kennedy stood to have made the basic decision Precise measures stilt arebeing worked out by oili cials hero in consultation with Alli governments and UN on horitics USi Ambassador Edmund Gullion came here for consulta tion about 10 days ago and is expected to returnto Leapold ville in day or so The pur pose oi Gullians return to Washington was to consult on pressures which might be used to bring Itioisc Tshombe presi dent oi Katonga province into line with the central govern ment Two things are at stake US Katangq import Is that the Kennedy administration sees the prob lem is to make revenues lrom Katangas rich mineral exports available to the central govern estnblish firmly the overriding authority at the Leopotdvitle re girnootiiremievlcyrlt ad FUTURE IN IEUIAIIDX US olllctals say privately that it Adoula continues much gime inccs critIcal financial troubles 0n the political side otiieials said his inability to as sert authority over Katanga is making him increasingly vul lnerablo iotciiorts to undermine his administration US informants said today that number of legal steps may be taken to assert the can trnl governments authority over Katanga province but that real pressure will have to bo olltcials said First and most applied th II gh economic th soothsollimcstonegshoutd applied in the iullursprirxg meat The second objective to to SAVES YOUTMONEY SPECIAL VALUES an THIS WEEK SALOTYN DRISTAN GRIASIAI roa RKLIEF or nous CONGESTION TAaLm PASTE AND nsvrsvrn Ton cote amour TEETH METnEcAL In Water Form HEADACHE NEURITIS NEURALGIA AND RHEUMATIC PAIN 50 no2 are 31 CONTAINS mun soLIn roonsATIsrAcTIon GIANT mm 25993 61129 WONOMV live 77c NASAL MIST PKG 0F 36 GILLETTE 500 REG ENVELOPES Lemmy Princess Alexandra is on hand last night at London Airport to bid farewell to available to isbombc one pos siblc device being to organize voluntary boycott among an tions which buy Katangaacop per and other mineral products Adoulaclnunchedm am Sunday to bring ishombe into line He propoSed new consti tution for The Congo that would allow Katanga high degree at sellrule it it would agree to join the modified tcderal sys tom Under this proposal each province would handle its local administration economy and law entorcement while the can that governmenttvonld be rc sponsibla tor Iorcign aliairs na tional dcicnce customs cur roncy foreign trade and the like sHoP Now DURING EATONsi SEMIANNUAL SALE AND NBTE THE LOW PRIDE TEGO 22 SAVE Princess Chlchihu of Japan Vnaunccd OLD FRIENDS PRT sisterInlaw oi the Japanese Emperor as she departs for Paris after nlnedny visit to Britain The Princesses nro LONDON Reuters The British government has on dlscu dlutety WIth Britains two broad casting organizations the oucs tion of violence and trivialities on British television screens PostmasterGeneral Reginald Bevlns told the Commons llIcs day that talks will be held with the publiclyowned BBC and the comment Independent Tolevi sion Authority to work out bet ter program standa Bevins also said Britain will spend £700000 in the coming year on development oi satel lite communications 4H2EPJLUE BLADE on hair lettly mambo without atoning hat lam od r0 lustshis rented cap to Iit all rim Flexible hora datnrhor Ior easy storage Lightwnight only pounds Special not tar drying aallxr Guaranteed aal tall your are 1595 LIMITED TIME SPECIAL FOR HOME dr one use so IN HANDY cox KEENER EDGE FOR SMDOTIIEII SHAVES Reg Inc LENTHERIC TWEEII DDLDEHE SCENT SPECIAL 39 GOODY CURLERS ElE SAVE or To 50 NAIRUBINSTEIN ANNUAL Bronson BUY MAECAIIAMATlC Ilnt EXOTIC CHARM Iouacu It 179 No ENn parses NEEDth are too FREE IOVERFLUID motto makeup In tube tlowless coverage no thine 370 VALUE Now 250 0F 19 EXCITING COMBINATIONS warmsz Helena RubiEsta JUST ONE VALIANT ROAMER noon POLISHERS RECORD PLAYER SPEED TWO NEEDLE TURN OVER lEasy Impulse Starter Look at these Best mROTARY MOWERS Enron spoon any taco tasturesllm Convenient handle bar throttle control powerful 4eyelo hp Clinton engine lcat molehcr rugged steel wheels with it Diamond tread tir es Adjustable cutting height TEco IWItOTARY Eaton Special Priiefeach Similar to theabove mode bu with wheels lDrder NOWiot Your Local EATONfs STOIIE Mbutï¬liflflliï¬liï¬ togmakuynnrm TRyDGEfxexemgqgngrï¬ EATOtIS Blosaleirenuretr man To work easier and give your floors that extra shine Balancecounter rotat ing brushes for smooth operation Attractive Rust Finish with Ivory Trim Complete with felt butting pads 2395 och nag I3550I Save IsooI TECO Master Reversible Reton Tillers LUGGAGE SIZE CABINET Eatons Sale each hp toyed Briggs and Stra engine easyspin rewind starter Tone mutftcr Combination latch and reverse lever on handle Depth stake adjustment from It to forged steel tines Up to 26t ng width FPIECE Invon gflSeois Sleeps comfortably Tables BadDivan Arm Chair with Plastic Covcrlnr sale tpleos group 16950 riasnc Covered Divan Sale Each 5495 cotter Tablet WilmerT 898 ot0xIi divans havd doubtccono dturn spring can hlrtlfltloll on oiahios with hardwood irnrncn rborltc tops Walnut rmlshcd Cflltoe Table soonest in 15 niche Corner table about It x2t x13 high Two and tables about 16 24 20 also Sup flrtcdï¬lhrllltc PLASTIC COVERING in Tutv duo oc Tnmflna Winte Browaior Botoo cmgon COVERING in Brown Brine niimooise nee or man won Cotton Covering SIIL Helene group 14950 Cottnn cotton Covered covurd Covered Chair on chairs one each Sale click one each 4593 41 so 2450 corner rain and can 1498 729 Marita DROP IN AND SEE THE mammals dnEAnv REDUCED an EAST TCIEARANCE rcal mattress comforti and apositlon Ellieconstruction Heavy BRANCH STOR ES