CANADIAN GOALREEPEB Seth Itlartin oI mu bee Iorne unexpected company In hie goal more In the perron of American forward Len Lily holm wearing helmet The puck delicate eefely away off ltlartlna pade where Bill lilac Iilillan th Ie walilna Carl Brewer 17 lancer over hie ehoulder at the American Ac tion came durinl that period of Iburedeye tournament rem at Vienna Auetrie AP th hoto via cable Irorn VI enne iï¬ncy Greene Chases dWorld Skiing Crown JACKSON HOLE Wyn CP APlNancy Greene of Canada making leetditch play for the womene World Cup of airline fighte holdln battle today or the recon giant alaiom event of the Wild Welt claeeie takes place Mire Greene traIIlnI Marielle Coltechel and Annie Samore of France In the World Cup race won the int giant elelom Irl day but picked up no pointa In the Worl Cup race The 23 year old Reerlend BC akier already had 75 llant elalom pointsthe maximum al lowed for one event In World Cup competition Thue ehe can pick up no ointe today either Her main ope lice In deleating the French aim and lImItInK the number of point my can win In the event Only the best three IInIahere In the ovenie earn polnte Mlee Goltchel Ieade the World Cup competition with lot polnta Miee Femoso Ir eccond with no Miss Greene third with lot However by winning the ela lom event here Sunday hlire Greene can earn 75 pointe Mire Goltechcl and lillsa Samoan both have 70 elalom polnte and could earn maximum of Iive polnia NO DOWNHILL There will be no downhill event here because of eprln enow conditione Coached eal they did not want to riek in jury to top ekiere with the Wine tcr Olympiea coming up next year Miee Greene eaid after Frii deya victory ehe loet the World Cup at Franconla NH meet the weekend at March 12 lost there aha laid and that war the only way could have won think Mire Greene took an early lead In the World Cup race dur ing competltlon in Europe The French rirlr gained on her when eha rdiurncd to Canada for Ccntcnniel Year rklino event which did not count to ward the cup Ihcn meno dent elbiom FH day war won by IconClaude Kiliy of France who her clinched the World Cup for men He Ie eleo favored to re peat In todaye giant alom He clipped down the mile couree Friday In one minute to eeconde SCORES UPSET ltiiee Greene roared an upeot victory of aorta when Mire Goitechel took will near the top of the dZgate lit mile womene couree Miae Greener winning time woe one minute 74 eeeonde She raid the anow war no dif Ilcult at any the her econ thIr ycar Second behind Mire Greene was Erika denegoer of Austria In Traudl Hechar of Ausiri no third In most Miss Fomose was fourth In MGM Mile Goitochcl wound up eeventh In 11509 de apltc her fall Werner Gloincr oI Auetrla placed Iccond In the mena race In 14 91 Jim Hucza war third In 14514 No other Canadiana finirhed In the top to In the womenr race MONTREALER ISTH Gerrle Matheeon of Montreal wee lath with 113231 Anne Bowley of Ottawa 22nd with 139 and Stephanie Townrend of Banff Alta 23rd In 13697 Wills Running Beats Orioles By IIAL DOCK Aeroclatcd Prerr Sportr Writer Maury Willa ie off and run nine again Baeeballa moat famoua loge went into high gear for the fIret time this mine Friday night ae Willa atole three baeee In Pitteburgh Piratce lS exhibi tion beeebellvlctory over the wlorld champion Baltimore Orl ea The Piratee got their only run In the IIrrt Inning when Willa eingled atole eecond and rode home on Many Iiiotae alngie The three eteele gave Willa five In the lnet three gamer ell Plttehurph victorlee Tom mie Siek Steve Blaee and Billy Short made the run rtand up on twohitter or the Oriolee eut Meis ilstros Swap Players ST PETERSEURG Fla AP New York Meta and Houaton Astra traded playere Friday the Meta anointing In fielder Sandy Alomar and giv ving up Inflelder outfielder Derrcll Griffith Mametbatted for Riflez mond oi tile International AB gue laet eeaeon The Aetroa obtained him from Atlanta Braver laet winter In lrana action that alao eent third beec men Ed Mathcwa to Houaton and pitcher Bob Bruce to th Braves Grifï¬th we emitted by the Meta alone with oirtfletdcr Tommy Davie from Lee Annalee Dodgere for aocond baremnn Eton Hunt and outtlelder Jim lilokmonlaet December tered theireccond rtrainht mat gut and their little In the loot li aye The Piratcr pra eeaaon pen nant Iovoritee lead the Na tional It ee Grapefruit League etandlngr and have won tour etralsht MAKES THREE ERRORS Ruben Amero known for hie usually reliable glove made three errore on two playe In the eeventh inning allowing Minne rota Twine to acore the winning run in to victory over New York Yankcee The Twine went into the rev enth trailing 54 but Sandy Valderpino doubled to the tying run Then Amaro fumbled ground ball and throw wildly allowing the better to reach aecond or Valdeapino moved to third When Amara erred on another grounder Valduplna ecored Bookie Steve Whitaker hem mered threemo homer for New York In the third Innln and Bill Bryan added re ahot In the eeventh Ceear Tovar had three hlte two of them doubler for the Twine BASEBALL By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Pittabouh reooooooo 11 Baltimore ooomoooo 20 Shir Elma Short and Paellaronl Iconhard Gilllford it SMllier and Etcho barren Haney New York lWMMOS 95 Mlnneam 001 110 011 610 Petereon Renlii Olive re and Howard Boewell Slob ler ti Kline 7i CIIom and Zimmerman litter NY Whitaker Bryan Karen Deidre of Burnaby BC and Judy Lelnweber of Kimber ley BC were dleoualltled In the mene race Scott Hendereon oi Benif flnlehed eiehth in moor and lied He bron oi Vernon 30 ninth In 15027 Currie Itletheeon of Cheleea Que war Mih In 15569 and Bert Irwin oi Itamloope BC 23th In 16070 Gerry ninetdi oi lthnherley 30 and We na Hendereon of Benlf were lequelified Peter Duncan oi Mont Tremblant Qu did not Ilnllh FINNS ADVISE IAN EXAMINER SATURDAY mm fl Ilol Canadians Must Hit To Overcome Czechs VIENNA CPIClnld tionai boclr team brinl Cane It hockey chempionehlp liner ml area bio tut today when It meeta keyed up Crechorlo DIP Vllll team The Creche are emartin after upret lose to Pinion Tburedey when Canada waa ehetren Thureday by toullt US team while winninl Tl Canada nd delendlne cbarn pIon three the only no defeated tonma In the tourna ment Rueeia pleya Sweden to da do the eva oi the bio club Canada received come from Guetav Bubnl Preluo born naduate of rose Czech national team who eoecber the Finer You have to hit the Creche enidi hit them herd Bubnllr re We decided to hit them with heavy forecheckine In the Iiret period Not only did we atop them but It produced the op portunitiee for three goale that lave no the lame BE ROUGH NOI DIRTY lne Cenodlane muet play rou hl raid much not dirty at the Creche and flue Ilene Bubnlk eald They aleo have to avoid penaltier know that will be hard around here Subnik raid eoundine eurprielnriy like North American embittered by European officiating Referees for the demo eoainet Ceechoeiovakio will be Ted Daily ol the United Stator and Ole Dahlbep oi Sweden Their appointment nae greeted or good new by the Cenadiane who ooneider them twe oi the moat consider oftichle hm Centre Vaclav Nodmnaneky Crechorlovekill bin can at the eentennlat tournament at Wire aim In January haa had trotting getting uniMcItd HAS YET TO SCORE The Creche have ecored at aorta in four owner but Nedo menelry has none lie her two pm from nostril hie win ere loeef Cenynend lvazn Scotlands Hay Finally Wins PERTHScotland tCPi and Keith Reilly lead raid Quick Buy Panthehlro farther Tinaeday peeved hat patience In no muoh part oi the makeup of Scot ea aannl note when he won the world lchompionrhip on hie fourth TY Hay who early In the compo tItIon laid he didnt care where hie rink placed In the quoliiylnu roundorobln competition on on re It made the pie offe came adoratitnfmot otodefoat Sweden as In the iinal after defeating All Phlliipr lr and hie Toronto Parkway rlnlt no In the echiinal Sweden rkIppedby Bob Wooda formerly of Carmen Man defeated Bruce Robert Seattle Warh rink In the eemiIlnal after the Americana had ewept the qualifyinr event with aeven etrelaht victorlcr Hey loet the title in the final match laet year In Vancouver to Ron Northcott of Calury after earlier playing In the rose and ions championehlpr It le only the mom time in nine yeare the Scotch Ono veentcdbytheScotc Aeeoclation hae gone to rink not from Canada In m5 Budd Somervllle of the US won It from Terry Brauneteln of Win nicer COMPETE LAST YEAR Hay with eecond Alan Glen third John Dryden and lead Davie Howie had the only rink with prior championehip ex perience They were all to gether tart year In Vanemrver Phillipe who had Ron Man ning at eeeond John flora third Hookey Writers Honor Beecher NEW YORK AP Frank Bouclier member of the Hockey Hall of Fame will be honored for Ion and meritori our service to ort thurrv day attire annual nor of the New York Hockey ertcre Ae eooiatian Boueher one at the orlzlnnl playere when New York Bang ere fIrat entered the National Hockey Leanna it years ago war longtime coach and mark leer He now to eomrnleeloner or the Canadian Maior Junior ldaaue The writer aleo will honor five playere and Render coach Emile mantle Srancle who guided the Hangere to their flrrt playoff berth in live yearn baa been looted NHL Coach of the ear Piayere honoredinclude goalie Ed Giacomin defence man Wayne Hillman and forwards Bod Bil lion Phil Toyota and Bernie Guifrion there war no queetlon the Hay rink wee the but in the chem plonehip Chuck ehould have won the roundrobin ae well Phillipe ea He rhould have beaten Bob erte and our rink Hee mat curler Roberta and Phillipa beet Hay 97 and 76 In the roundrobin HOCKEY American Leeann Beaten Divielon Herahey Baltimore Quebec Springfield Providence Rocherter Cleveland Buffalo Thurrdryrrtceaifi Quebec Baltimore Pridaye Reeulie Quebec Bulfan Providence Rocheeter to Cleveland Sprlnpfleldi Saturdaya Genrea Providence at Cleveland Bocheeter et Hmh Buffalo at Plttaburp Baltimore at Springï¬eld Sondaye Cameo Pitteburgh at Buffalo Berehey at Cleveland Baltimore at Providence Quebec at Rochester Western Lcleue Portland Vancouver Lo Angela California Ontario Senior Gait Klngeton Klnuton wine bertcleeven remltlnal 47 OntarIoSi Lanenee Sr Morrieburg Shawvllle leads beet oi eevenflnn 10 Weatern Canada Senior Seekatoon Edmonton it Grendtner with oel api Crechoeiove ee rcor punch bu been provl ed our line revered by veteran on national lent Golonka ea 00 thr Ionian baa pale and eta aeriete Jan Havel hie lehi poeie and pair acetate winur Jarv lirlk her three eerie and Marlies Oust Ir Canadians MONTREAL CPI Toronto ltfarlboror defeated Montreal Junior Candim 14 Pride night to advance Into the re final round of the Ontario Hoo kle Aerocletion Junior plat The victory wee Torontoe third to the eixume min The Canadian won one me and two othere In the beetoi eeven mice were tied Doua Acomb picked up two cello and two will to lead the Marilee to their win Other Toronto ï¬nalrotten Bred Pr Bran Glennie Itich Prank Hemlliend Terry Cattery Chrletian Bordelrau ecored two markere for the Junior Cenaoionr with Iteiph Stewart andh Paul Lernrd adding one GIC Cam Newton faced re ehotr In the Marlboroe note Ied Ouirnct and Clifford ltore who replaced Dulmet at the 15min ute mark of the that period etoppod at Toronto ebote Amateur Heads Pensacola Open PENSACOLA Fla APllta been It your aim the alt pror have been whipped by an amateur In one of theirdour evenie but they are looking hit uncomioriably In the direc tion of thicknecked Iton Car rudo 22 of San Rafael Calif Cay Brewer Jr 10year veteran and detendlnr chem Eton war out In iront after 36 nice It under par at no but only two atrokee back to the brth Cerrudo member of the US Walker Cup and World Cup team Cerrudo her put touther pair oi hot one and Ir tied for recond piece with Hemero Blen one at going Into the third round over the Peneecoia Country Club eourea Brewer who won here iaet year when leader Dona Sendm did not einn hie ecorecard nailed in blrdler iii In row for eecondround 64 Friday The laet time an amateur won tour event war In rose when Douo Sanderr then an amateur captured the Canadian Open RECORD Ontario Junior Toronto Montreal Toronto wine but of uven quarterfinal Northern Ontario Junior North Be Sault Ste Marie Beebe veeven reriu tied Central Junior Cornwall Snitthe Belle Cornwall Icede hereofraven final 34 Provincial Junior Irolaltlvleree Thotford Mince Thetiorri Miner wine beatni revenemIIinaIï¬ï¬ Thunder Bay Junior Ceraldton Port Arthur in Port Action laooe bod of five dietrlct final 14 Allmta lualor Edmonton Lethbrldge Edmonton leede but oi raven Ilnal 30 THINGS so BETTER WITH CASH we win meteormm mm linearer imam norm be bit tor Ema 2mm dlï¬nnneaomz 51 Ihie émldten contra wt vtde toeetlone and MI you in thtl neopuonatly wontable hurt when of warm any or lath Pleaae on In aru bo rm maritime uewgteat othor of canned It Sebatoon wine but of five Minifinal 32 Mailer Junior Edmonton Moore law IEdrnonton leade bermnine not one tied CANADAS FINEST SHOES FOR MEN FROM $2495 er lor permai Interview write Mr PJIM Cenliar Bonipmeet ere Wiieon glen Dmevim Tho ltotdr brothers Jeroth and dirt are teamed up Will Stan Pryl on third front line that produced eight aoelr in eo emu Contra Jeroeiev Hollk mined the lame eralnet Finland with an Injury and hie teem mleeod him ltI win or Paul Conlin of title eacr at to expected to be back or Canada attrr lit Iinl out lame becluee of bruleod baclr Canada bunt beaten Creche elovekle In world tournament eroe eince It The Creche Ire the fluorine have the edee on Canada to world tournament amcr havinr won four to three or Canada with two line In the roar tournament Crcchoeio valrla beat Canada the want beating Canada her ever taken but year the Creche won FACE RUSSIA MONDAY on Io Idle Sunde ltuerla Monde ada rote pet Crcchorlova and iluule beate Sweden today the chlmpionehip will be de cided In Monday Canada ue rIa contort The Ituerlanr aieo idle Sunday former ll or ldllil eaml ry on one contut wouldnt be on the lame We towup Wetrel Detroit native who layed with Hamilton Red Inn iunior team and with Ed monlon In the Weeicrn Marne and Sudbur lo the old Bartern Profeeelono Loam raid the outcome idepend on break nt Ihlnlr there will be MORRIS MW lwe Goal more than on or tworori damned at the Ilnieh The Canadians are pleylne better hockey each lemo he laid The uerlena are tourn thoy our more and have bet ter teem worir STYLES DIFFERENT The two eiyler of play are really different The ltunlenr dont warte ehot The Cane dla on the other hand If they act rioppcd at the blueline wII take lonl pellet the note or cornere and hope to ecrenv bio for pool eeh Murray William wouldnt bet on It either But think the Canadian etyie of checklnmitl break up all the fancy rien per trip and who know maybe to Rue nr wlll panic The Canadiene rhown me they can the ee SPORTS CALENDAR Public Service Contributed by there Thoughtful Buelneee Firme llOYO GOHEEN name BILLIAItDS II PM BILLLARDS oore Sunder Afternoon IllWu III Dual St manor rare exorors entrain flartllteiaa Cebllar overtly lrneovlap Plaarlap rarqu lane CStvmp Removing RR Same more COOKING SERVICE gï¬iflvfiflï¬m OWN LL RESTAURANT Shaon Bey mom SMITHS Farm Dairy IAIN LTD Quality our Pride Service on Motto van our Dairy Bar or Peoetenfl for Mm delivery 7mm rorruw roan revenue scorn Tlllititlttlt nu enema exertion Quebec Aces Pass Indians By rna CANADIAN canoe Quebec Acee made heavy holiday echedula pay olf Thur dey and Pride ae they crept part rlortl Indiana Into third para la the Barton Di vlrlon oi the American Hockey Memo The Ace tied Baltimore City pore Thunday and ham neredittulfalo Bleone Feb ey In other Friday encountera Dick Gamble ecored hie lb and thin note of the tenor and tied team record ea Roebu ter Americana bombed Provi dence licdr lot while Cleve land Srooe wre beiterln the Indiana with Iiowia Cover and Keith llcCrcary each aeor In iwlce Elli Hicka scored both Baill mare oelr Thundera We no liiciu and Cord bouere retired for Quebec Friday It wee llicke with two eoele Laboulcro and Guy Gendron with Pet liennlun ecorlnr for the Dianne Gamble who cored 4e toale two yeare are nd 47 Inrt yea now hee Ito oe In three re tone to lie record act by Carl Llecombe of Providence between 1946 and IND In there yearr Liecombe ecored as re and it loale reepectively SPRING IS HEREI Buy now and rave on Summer 11m Rtolaee that tenant Erbaaet Syrtem Tuncuvi for Summer Trina lArbrIceiion Wuhlnl Free Pickup and De livery Free coIIce while your car Ir belnr rervlced scorn rears minem SIMCOESIDE crewman comacaoae Ina llllllltu claim or meat rearBAKED Deereices nli Ill flatten vood CALL 1151 Vol TAMIl1 IEIVICI PIZZERIA ITALIA at Main3m lien IZMIZI In hockey moo on yin emu ulonay our roe Be In no me me yanbue meat out mm to men uu oueeu mien onseau Barrio mill SANDY cove MARINA Bombardier eat boo lllu and Janice cow plate out all Mercury on be Ple Don Auto Body KARENS BEAUTY SALON Plfll Illa hum mu poleuaree TSWIZI Pl Bayfleld DRIVE LITTLE FURTHER am for none AT COMET SERVICE STATION on Donlop St below Pcrndale SNOJET SKIDIJD Toronto only SNOWMOBILE Honda Suzuki Yiiflhi Triumph MMORCYCLES Pioneer Chain Save Sales Service 69 Dunlap 7mm DALES SALES It SERVICE Your Praacbiu ADMIRAL Dealer OColour Tclcvlrlon Biack and White Ostcreo Need Friendly Reliable Band with Your Tolerance mom memory INSURANCE 12 DONALD wow 03m lladerj New Management