Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Mar 1967, p. 6

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187 mum mm THURSDAY ll II certour quirk problbly Iill T0 GOOD HEALTH Trouble Taking Pills Is it Nervous Quirlr ly JOSEPH MOLNEI MD DeIr htotIerI lPluto Ir iIin tome my no 12111 Ind prIuleI oi Ill elm yet otherI cant uh Iimple Ilpltlll it mutt be purely pryeholori cIt bIcIuII hm been IxIm teed Ind there it nothlnl mu mm on do to conquer thlI prohilmiD it in may cue it II It you purely chololicel Such to lot can rumor iood Ill rllht Ind the no trouble with more rout coneidmhly lIrxer then 9in other inItInm penon may have In ovmctlve ll re in may mom or tight ltinl titmt mud ltiIIpillinrteIdolioodtobI outlawed Simply knowiru thIt thlI her bappIned to other people nd TELEVISION Pnoonnns re nurnw hunt rononro IUHALO IWALO ll HAMILTON THURSDAY MARCH I1 EVENING t3 fit 4471 Dl Len Dru llGUM Contra JO Zur¢ no new ItIu ttIn mun Icnuuun Tnuue Iuoun Tum tlne Kunmrl iilidh tlTamlly mm 5e Lone It The rIltl aor IIna Ind IIII IItunte rm gty thm lone oNm Iparu YHovto wererun 010 INIu wman Intu lTtrll 730 SDInlll Ivoune 7K IBIlmll 0th it Ivutm OH The 1leywitch Mo rimI WIItIu ltwtol umm Hobo rr Ia Ittty Three loa mm Hem wtnm Tn imhy VLove On Iltl Happen Ihrunet IIIoIInI Irma vnn otrI eDun rum to HI uI drum uscu 74W 11 Hlm Hull mo om on loo Mai Iuan mu uncu 14h Mr noun loan Id ITIW 6le miDAY MARCH 14 MORNING AND AFTERNOON ICuudten Ichwll Hull Hurtful NEW 1ertdow an the II tut tut tlouu AD 1DIM DMlfl le lhorr lDd Allut oBennte Prudent 11mm Im Dalton IVrtclo lobby Ilel llthtlt Plopll 7le l4 IImu Inueemmuue aI em 6th Lilo llOrttlno lottle 1000 litelcll or tit It wuther Igooronu my lllll moon irfu In 31 AM ttuiih In HoopIrd known In Mun me SMm HUM lNontldly HIINn of mo jler Yntlr In IBea one Ittevia tltIr of My Nllhl IMovh Guam Hmedllttrlgflnu 57ml Wen Hflbrh ttttlbtttiu nee Home Till lugreliant Irma Had ontllta II It in mid no no taunt 1M Slfll Mlle but +an the world nIenI 1ny oe our Line Imeerd gfiynlywod am em DoetIrI IThl WON ll rimrh IPIaplI In conflict AAltbfltfl World lTIKI Thirty IIro lott the Truth 7Glrt Norptul IWe Ind Ittlll ilMIMI Confidan Ivoo Dont IMu Ntrnt Iun the Ntnt 1supIrmm yIna Pele wmhn Ml 11137 Or HIteh tern mm MAY MARCH EVENING ttHm 700 Mnlnnl nun womanm um me llyor 1J0 lTnna fit Itnmtty lhIIllI Immm millen Itn IPlll Hmfi iMovtn MI 50 LIM II 000 INIII emu 3pm YMovta mummy may wtuéorimm llHII IMovte AWlld Wild WM 7m llTLIII lunelt 55 IHennI Home from uncut IdIrry Ana DIM AHovt urn wulh em wow IoptI In many Imuu of loutnempten imnvortto Willa unrm noun 1000 HAtIdo 1Amum OMLIIlMI Ill Oil uHlfl not 47 an Wu Ir Doom and 1114 Hohnrty cum tam ends at run in new that Emma tthot than IIIIm mu Um SATURDAY MAME MORNING AND AFTERNOON rm tlh Inna 7J0 lFeltx TM Cal Huttth 7Tlntt Itll Not lbMmlh Pull Sctutdt Gee OCI tIln In 1110me than Hi li ohby 110 030 it 5M Hummn Fla an ow on Io em raImI iOAlgi IeuooII llBrealmt wnn loath 1200 km 4M 1210 Hutthloniu enruntm moon to EVENING do 1m Hac em lItllr Your yam 1147mm no iNfl HlfllMtl IWldI World some ELI SBufllio limbo fimnkenlutn If IBIII the hump 7Wlfle World at spam llDlnrtll thl Stem Ho zGe to the rum lBu Bunny 11 601 zDeItn ILon In Report It mm Hm Hillel OMMI rfllldm Achlnnll 11anli 1111th HobI FM All hint drloortr first OTIII Loni 93 73 if mend our Garden when 3141 Ininm INmrbmue Cm Hm ateuoa um IM nun Iiuekey 0mm Him Kidethl ltd IeI anon nun anon IDfi me reflux1 nut itWhtto mm zGII Mn IIet MW ttatr Lancelot 200 iweth TI Icw unuy Itiel ml HM ABom Inuit IMm 120de Unllub MO IOlLIltd Ind IPro Howler Tour 0th OMll Ind Pottl flatworm PIlIeo to Ham For VWYW liltl llfll but to Elma Han overt lhMflm imam Mull mum Gunlt ttoo ManiNI gt mm loom mm it Im hie 44mm it 1111 final one The noo runrte hm elude hot you conquer it on night Iveo prIcttu with home IrnIli rent the and mu Some iolhI llll late the him at Incline thI or tIhlet into cornr mouthend keeptu It then one whil IrIlleIinx nter Sounde odd hut it boomer All they reeli need tIto rein Ind let the Illde down with the mm For them We like lllntln to ride hike or roller Into Once they belt thehhuu ol it thIrII not it Iuoheny nIIIhodI dont work It tint rememher thIt meet mediation Ire IvellIhlI in It uld iorm ll needed it could he Inewer tor you Itnd II or IIpirtn diuolve or muh it mint ot milk or we tIr or other liquid Ind luet drink it Our Dr MolIerI In on liberal blInd diet because In ulcer it hIrnItul tor rm to have III Ocarina due beer with my reenterMn It at Ich and duodenum II well II lumulInt for more acid production In anyone with In ulcer oertetnly Itould be eluttoul in nu oi alcohol However IincI Imotlonel len Ilen tr Ilmoet elwaI ItIctor in uicerr mIny phyliclane be lieve that modente me It alco hot in rome pItlentI help Nllbltlldytlhll 1ng thelrn Iod healone éea be or eme they Iuthorttiu iIIt thwar more It ItrIlaed On at alcohol lionever than renwh are not to be summed In In invitl tioa torulcer pattern to drink IlcoholInd you itnd IhIt In occulenIl luI or beer to lol loued by then in it Dear Dr MIIIIrI When puma lI Illerrio to eiilla Ind upirto cln Ion or elII be taken or nomethiu taken to satin thI allergyqu There In excellent drop which can be taken lnIteId oi either at thou medication but the chole tI but ten to phy MI the extent at thI can the moot Iitectlve Iubeutute There in no way to counteract the Ilierry except to flu some other medicine inrteId Note to Mn An Yet there iI whet you mllht call dolt yourreli Pep Imeer within mile in It lIIIt two or three rtIteI pIrhIpI more by now kite the been ditrlhuted In women on tIkI the men IImpie lhemrelver ihI InuIt then be not to pe teed lIborItory to he examine tContIct your local health dolt pertment or cancer ciety to In whether thlI IIrvice it IvallIblI in your community CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY BECKER South data Both rider vulnerable norm AA mall 10 IA 3n AKQ 9191 madame Wm NM ii PIu 3N1 PI Flu PW Openlnl load kinx oi IpIdu it to not neceeelryto memo menu the tebler oi probabili ttee there are in bridge in order to be good card player in thI overwhelming majority oi deals the percenten piayislobvlouI Ind all that II required II common Ienre Ipproach to the problem Here in to where docllror tailed to ioiiow probabilities and ion name he remit lie won the 19th lend in dummy viny erl tnrmp Ind lost the queen to the king Went returned rpedo which declnrer rutied Ar there were no more entries to dummy tor Inothercluh lend South led trump and then went down one when East took the Alo DeclIrer would have mm the contract had he played the nine en the tint club load In that cue he would have lost only two trump tricltI inltead at three in Ittemptlng to decide rhoth er the him it the right play OFFICE HOURS fit believe little mouse explain how those cookie crumbI got on your tie the Itmplest my to bum in to diIcIrd irom conIidetItion Ill divisionl the edmre club where it matter no ditierence in the remit whether the queen or nine to plIyed Time it vutr holding in the AKto it does not matter which card dcclIrer pleyliie is down Ind nothing can help him in the name way it the olubI Ire divided 12 Southe ploy it again immaterial The de enderl who only two trump rich to zardioer oi which card in layed Iinee the next time clugr IrI led the remIinlnl honan tail to gather trump divirion in like wise irrelevant heraure declar er her no control over the out come The only care thlt counll it where the clubs Ire and Want hae the Iinrieton Thin can be ontyvthe Ice the king or the ton Since titere in greater chance to to be exact that We or kln rather thou the ten South to the ment exos Ind tincere the nine in the actual dent the percentage play wine CITY 10 APPEAL KINGSTON CF Clty Io licitor Douglnr Hardtmnn wee instrucled Wednesday by the cltyI tinance committee to up penl recent court deciaion that instruction on city pork ing motelI are not worded in keeping with the Couch Cur rency Act hiagletrate Baker dierniuod routine pnrlt to ticket March to againt Matthew ttuIiIon Queene tin ivertity low Itudent who erlued the wordin was not that at leyai CIna inn currency etc In oookiooityou can onILr cnosSWonn AMI EMSI Iyw norm itll If IIIquiiE em 1814th IrreIInI Jim mm 18 Fore runner HI Mouton a2Notlood Imlo lint 825m 10m load Magnum all Ibbr Ginger 7Untto£ work 55m crownI IPee11erl Inspector 1Bpund around 1101tricltu likeblld 20DomIto otthe Toutonla Knith Un opened lower Ankh HutIll pioIk Atomic Mu Vern HMlid that £5233 lemma ulna1 your weren Inn Mot own 4210mm Manda on town 41 Roma VAEHHIH ill IVAHIII HIIIW all ranunll ulnwu II Special Offer To Help You Get Acquainted With The WONDERFUL WORLD OF Place Your Want Ad3 Days at regular rates and get AN ADDITIONAL Days FREE Title offer Ipplior to noncommercial edvortieers onlyl Heres an excellent opportunity for every family to turn unwanted items into cash or spring shopping Round up those articles of furniture clothing sporting goods applian ces and whathaveyou now then make list and call an Examiner Advlsor All want ads ordered on this special offer are subject to the usualcancellntion privileges it you sell alter the first insertion of the adand many people do Remember this offer it good during International Want Ad Week only Mereht26 to April Al 50 ACT NOW Special threeday rate it per Word par insertion minimum 24 words Total cost for three clays only $288 and you get another threaineertiom free MEET YOUR EXAMINER ADVISORS TlieyWill helpleaeed to help you word your Id muston mam 830Im io530 pn1 Mondey to Eridny Saturttley 830 am to i2OO noorl IBunr EXAMINERtwin nos lThfle GambithityMarketui€¢é

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