Monday night and Years Long Essa Member Feels BAXTER Stall Esra town lhip council which was elected year ago last December tor two years will be lacing elec tion in December again when the vote will again he ior two ear terms Deputy lteevo Eugene Smith was asked what he thought Esra eleeoora would think at three year terms such aa was turned down by voter in the recent Barrie voting No years has merit but three yeara is too long he remarked its aid he heard at no move to aubmlt threeyear term idea to the Ea ae electors in reply to quea tlon pieting hie ascend ear as head at the Essa couoc Councillora include had Roar lienneth Blanchard and Morgan Murphy ON IN WM Reeve el Vespra Wellington Dobeon said the voters in his township preierred the one year term We dont have eiec tiona Ivory year but it is nut ter tor the ratepayers to decide and they like it that way he aaid atatlng there was no move to lengthen Veapra council terror Deputy Reeva Carl Doran and councillors HarryAdama Allan Johnston and George Rule ileeva George Davis la eoni murbm at the Vspru Cotnut Plans Advanced For Celebration annmn istaill Berton vil lag and neighboring Tecum seth township are holding Joint celebrations Friday June to and through the iollowing Saturday Sunday to mark the looth annlvcrlary oi coniederatlon Waples Holds Driving Lead ELlilVALE Stall Keith iVapias iii aon oi John Waplea oi Eimvaie continues to lead all drivers at the current Green wood aulky racing meeting which concludea Saturday lilarch 25 Keith is nearing the 40 mark in wins ior the meeting includ ing three triples and number oi doubler He drove Direct Dave to victory in the ilith race Grand Lady in the aixih event The horses carta and drivera move on to lilohawk track at Campbeilviile on Monday Mar 27 tor meeting which extends to Tueadey April iii Waples owned pacer Wally Spencer has accounted ior live wins in aeven atarta ihla ye DISTRICT BRIEFS MUSIC FESTIVAL COLDWATER iStaiil Plane are proceeding here tor the Cold water and District Music Fea ilval which is to be held in this village on Friday and Saturday April 21 The public school area board will provide trophy and pay entry ieeea ior contest ants item the local school COMPETE AT OTTAWA BASE BORDEN Stall Nir ilce has been received here that the tlrrt national track and iield championships tor the Can adian Armed Forcea will take place at Ottawa August 14 and to Eight tearrn will compete in 14 events at Campbell Stadium with up in 13 compet itors representing each of the law wit awrt zones across MINESING DyMM manor glrla that Saturday altar noon at the home or Mrs Alan Johnston ArtFoyaton oi London viait ed recently with his brother Harry Foyaton Mrs Harry Foy aion leit ior Florida on Wednw day ior three weeks holiday Mrs Parry went to Niagara Falls in attend the lunerai of her brotherinlaw Ben Whistler Mr and Mrs Murray Graham Sault Ste Marie visited during the weekend with their aunt Mrs Fralick ruse Jessie Wat is visiting her bmther and ataterlindaw st the name Mr and Mrs WallaeoLuck having aoid their term have moved in Barrie to take up rel idence on Ron St Mr and Mrs Harry Adams spent last weekend in Sudbury HOLLOWS By MR5 DOWDEN Mr and Mere Ernie Cook Rexdale were recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Roy Smith Mrs Ida Cook and Mrs Fern Gray Kevin and Kim Bowden Mid iinrrt spent Fridayavening turd Marley with their grandpar ale Mr and Mrs More Mr and Mrs Jamel Miller and daughter of Rexdale villted ir and Mrs James South San ay Mr and Mrs Robert Bath gate and family oi East Taro ontovisltod Mr and Mrs Ar chie Eathgate saturday and hire Henry Todd Downavlow was weekend guest EXPO one than and Palaorta ohm or or tours June to October Iraqtflre P0 01 Mn ll Cllll ahraoto to Hana Ill18 bf Illa all Otliclal opening oi new light ing ior the air grounds will ho one ieatura oi numerous inter esting events which include par adeadancoe ball games and other entertainment President of the Beeton Aari cultural Societnylaln Rutledge is chairman oi the entertainment committee ior the celebration Reeve Earl Brownhas been taking leading part in the ar rangements anpported by mem bcra oi the council who include Sheridan hicGinty Peter Ur banaitl Lawrence llawton and Ed Bo nton hiem ra oi Breton Commun ity Centre Board include Conn ciliora McGInty and lioynton Garfield Hall William Dorsey Dale Ernest Let and We just adopted two year terms and that is long enough said Reeva hiatthew Van Loree oi Touorontio Deputy Reeve James wales and Councillors Clarence Arthur Calvin ireland and Stanley Bailey complete tho council TWO AT PENETANG Reeve Alfred Cage said the Penme councils two year term ends in December lie added ha heard no suggestion oi ubmliting the oumtlon at three GI Among Simcoe County man icbnlithsa midi have twoyear council terms in addition to Essa and Penetang are Bradiord Tos aarontio Noltawasaga Orlllia Township Colllngwood Midland hos lnris Vasaga Bench Itd lain Ntenhnm Rayner Me donte Elmvaie Ailiston Cnid waier and West Gwililmbury Snnnldaia and Cookstown will elect their next councils ior two yeara Orillla town and Oro Township have remained with one year Midi lcnms with Vespra IAMBIIS PIIIIIS Illillilly Mrs Bearer Residents also will honor Dav id Alilnson Jonas world renown keeper oi bees who came here in 1367 and ave Beelon its name Belore at the commun ity waa kown ae Ciarkavilie plaque at the BostonTecum aeth ark erected by the arch aolog cal and hiatoric rites board oi Ontario is viewed by them aodr annually ï¬MENERY asraHllMPSHIRE ncvmoomn === PLUS CYBOURG 2037 at 700 and 1030 pm MATINEE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AT PM the canton armed Eiliillild lei the greatest Tattoo over soon in canaan From coast to coast Canadas Armed Forces are performing In more than 40 cities with an exhilarating spectacular you will long remember Hun dreds oi servicemen to thrilling caval uda oi peasantry mualn and variety that spans Canadas Armed Forces past to present more than 300 yarn or ooiourinl Military history in herohour nellonnaoked panoramal SD ï¬re on Fleflth him Elia and drum bands in authorob early Canadian artilorma the Garlanan Sailors Regi mdlfl flm Annad FODBI Music to thrill you the wild akin the pipes the thrill olealiora homnlpaa tha maimlo chants oi moaned bands playing mole you love ltom the South Airioan War the FiratWDrld War Second World mm Broadray lit titties and hing iolk murlci See eomunolng acton exciterna nt that ehllla you as the motorcycle display team perforate prectslnn maneuvers with apllteaeond tirnlng be and superb riding Mob Veteran 0i Princess Pats Praises Alliston Progress AHJSION Stalti Our town naa been making consid erable industrial progress and we ieei it will continue to on ahead said Stanley Black resident ior so years who is now in his 79th year The eieran oi the Vimy Ridge and Passchendala battles oi the First Great World War who is native oi lilulmur also commented on the increased tourist interest in Aliiston When the Earl Rowe park extension is ï¬nished which will open new aoacre ariilicial lake just out side the town in Tassorontio it will give the community anoth er boost it cant hot but mean great deal to It istno said Mr Black in reierenoe to the en larging oi the park from 110 acres to more than five times that size Nice wounded oiuscas when he served with the famed Frin cess Pats in the talkie war hir Black recovered and has been enloying reasonably good health Canadians were killed in the heroic battles at Vlrny and Pass chendale Turning an attention Allla ton again Mr Black spoke at the South Simone Museum at Riveidale Park the line Allis ton community centre and the main 6m library me We mens institute deserve great deal el credit for this library he said pointing out it was started by title womens organ iaatlon ltlr Black and his wile Ethel live on Centre Street in Allis ton daughter Mrs Earl Wil son lives in Barrie and son Robert Black is printer in Toronto SECRETS GO ASTRAY LONDON MPlDelence mine lstry Investigations are studying batch oi restricted docu ments about guided missiles lound flying about the streets oi Meltdown Scotland it was the earth such rind in Britain in recent months WALT DISNEYM nklll Unannedoombat unlisglvaraanslle drills in handviohand lighting and battle action Canadas Armed Forces ilnast gymnaala show amazing tests at co ordination arrd teamworki Live In Fantasydsnd lander momenta oi childhood era reï¬lled in colourlul fantasy oi little boys dream oi the toy aoldlera on parade didnt get pension over them he said with smile when asked about his wounds He lelt iorinnaio he had not been more seriously injured as many TODAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY FEATURE AT 840 PM IMPERIAL Horonnucmivd at Mill liliIIilAll ill Hon Earl Rowe To Visit Allision ALUSION sum Ontario ueutenaniflovernor Earl Rows whose home is at nearby Navr ton Robinson has been invited to important centennial events ere The armormember oi Par liament tor the riding will be guest of honor at th Slrricoe South Orange Lodge dinner in April had Neightan mnty master and other oiiieera are busy with arrangements Don llarriing ts and irwin treasurer hir Rowe also has accepted an invitation from the town at Al llslon to open Canadas centen nlai caravan when it comes to this community on May An nouncement was made at meeting oi Alilston council tire sided over by Mayor John Dar ling and was received with much satisfaction KEEPING FULL The average North American ants 3120 calories day com gasad with aoro In the ast 771 la STARTS SUNDAY eso ooo wanna inrnruizn ut nirmslIEGEIr noun LITVAKmiut or PEIElt 0TO0LE OMAR SHARIFIOM COURIlllAl DONALD PLEASENCEIOAIINAPEIIlziPIIMPPE litliitlzi nmurnogumnaimnmmnnmimmunuowrmaaioe uncommon remnanwsrnmmonnuwlmm imrammmmtaatlarawwu DISTRICT THURSDAY MARCH lm FERIIH JOY HUSKY Maneriauo RENEGADE HOUNDI and the girl who loved them both JACK CHAPUUN HEATHER NORTHSuiillilliï¬gfli SIOUX wumfllls KADISONIaMHUMER Mimi Waucietnniainum murmur FREE COMIC BOOKS Special Matinee Saturday pm FOR FURTHER INFORMATION than 7283440 From coast to coast the greatest spectacular ever Seen in Canada TATTOO67 stars hundreds of Armed Forces personnel in display of skill talent The romance of pageaniry your heart will beat taster bands play music iroin bygonedays to the present soldiers oitha Queen lonn Long Trail Biasa etn All aven the theme maladies from wrtant movies and Broadway ahewal TIllBiDIlla realism iasoinatlnn ra croationsoianenaaoilha Waatam Front 191449 Second WorldWar epi sodes the notion oi the lnianiry and the British Commonwealth Air Train up Plan Never belora such Tattoolr More than two hours or entertainment ior everyone In the iatnllyi Saa Canadas fascinating history unlan baiore your eyes in the Canadian Armed Forces Tattoo the Da pertinent at National Dnianoa principal contributionto the Centennial 01 Fair iederationi entertainment for the entire familyl Get your tickets now utilitarianism AT rue Brim iiiiENIl All SEATS aessnveo TICKETS on esntrsnow AT THE aim AtitIENA arrwsen io AM nuns rat DAILY ADMISSION news 17 nouns $200 RDWSai CHILDREN sins nonmetal gt We wlilnoi beopan onyGood Friday March 24