WEATHER ammdnuideroo rddsy Wsrmsrtsrwentmeserpeeted MIME Hid Miamian Uh Elam Examiner lOIrdY rNo69 Harrie Ontario Candc Thursday March 23 1961 Not More Then We Per Copy 16 Pages NEW PRUDENIIAI PROBE PROMISED or GOODBYE LliMB CHOP Kathleen Duokie 10 oi Pine Ridge Calif just ooulrht keep back the toarslast night ROME iAPiAn ltalian para chuiist is reported to have told authorities that too employcea oi the North Atlantic Treaty Or ganizaiion were involved In Soviet spy ring being estab Ilshed at every NATO base in Europe Those involved were said to bs civilians and military per sonnel from number ol coun tries Tho civilian parachutist Gior gio Rinaldl and his wife An gela Maris were questioned for rvng Egan litres hours in Turin ay 130de State At torney Guido Netti Modana They were larmally charged earlier in the day with spying lor the Soviet Union Asourcs present at therques tioning said authorities were believed to have arrested sus pects in Greece Cyprus Swit serland and Spain Nettiillodona and an ltalian dcience ministry spokesman de cilned comment PROVIDES NAMES The informant said the espi onage organization focused on NATO bases mostly in southern Europe and the Mediterranean VFW after her Reserve Grand hamlets Wild lamb was sold at the Junior Grand Ns tlonal livestock Auction in Report Involved In SPY Ring He said it was not believed to have been far along in develop ment The source said Rinaldi listed cover names ior several NAN oiiicers and number at real names at persons involved radio receiver and commu nications codes were found in thisd Rinaldls possession police sa Yuri Pavlcnko Soviet em bassy attache said to have beens member of the spy net work ieit forMoscow Wednes UN Command Oieridnappingf Journalist PANMUNJOM Korea AP NorthKarea accused the UN command today of licidnapplng prominent Communist Jour nalist said to have defeated at this truce village and de mnnded his immediate return US Col George Charlton secretory oi the UN command rejected the demand and said LATE NEWS Good Skiing Reportlor Weekend renown ca Ontario appe 1m in for good enigma end All resorts in the province today reportedigood titexcellent snow conditions TeaChers Show Canadian Interest whoon tCPl More than rooofsiulsh more no inan interestin Ontario school vacancies and Woman being held at the rate oi one everyhaiihour anthttorio immigration official sald today San Francisw It was rear fol larcweil that the Sierra With girl bestowed on her prize AP Wirephotol day ntth ids wile end sixyear old son There were uncon firmed reports Pavlenko had him expelledhy Italian author investigators said they caught Pavlenko with papers and mi uotiilrns at rural letter drop near home Monday Police said another Russian not listed as Soviet embassy atoll member was also impii cated lie was ldentliiedas Yuri Goudar and his whereabouts were not known Is licensed that Lee Sookeun 44yearold vice president of the olilciai North Korean centrai news ageocy had deiected to South Korea oi his own initiative The choice at an individual to deeldewhera to live is basic right of the peoples in all iree natlona Charlton told North Korean Col llan Chuky OHK Lee tied from the armistice commission hut Wednesday in Thomson as Communist guards tired at least 40 ballets at them Charlton protested the guards action and accused thernhot recidess shooting car North Korean broadcast earlier today accused US mi iitary police of forcing Lea into the car Lee had come to Panmunlom with other reporters to cover an armistice commission meet ing Korean source said he beiore the meeting ended and toidthem he wanted to defect fotha South After the session broke up tioo tabled in the Ontario leg scpmmission and its stall as to car with US LtCol Donald Apparently no ballets hit the vent to UN ofllciala an hour WRONTO CPl delib crato plan to deceive the public appears to ham been involved in the operations oi the now bonkrupt Prudential Fl nance Corp Ltd says report of the Ontario Securities Com mission An interim report on tho tangled oiiairs ol the corpora lslaturo Wednesday byLcsila Rowntrea commercial alfairs minister calls for more invcsu gallon The same line was taken in report prepared by Clarkson Gordon and Co chartered ac countants The commission report says provinces other than Ontario may be able to uncover illegal trading it they take look There is strong presump tion that there was deliberate plan to deceive the public tha the iruo financial picture oi the company says the securities commission report Concentrating on the activi ties oi Joseph Benoit Brien who acquired control oi Prudential Finance in 1961 and now faces There Is Strong Presumption To DeceiveVRowntree Says six charges as result oi its collapse the reports say he adopted consistent program oi deliberately inflating the value oi assets ASSETS MANIPUMTED Oiher findings indicated that assets were manipulated to the detriment of all but an inside group Total net losses lrom Jun 1961 to NOV l9 196d amounted to $17355024 The reports any further crlm innl charges may be necessary and the possibility ot civil legal action exists liiony elderly eople who re ported losing the savings were among about 3500 investors in valved in Prudential Finance About 5500 investors in Ontario and 5000 outside the province may get back about is can on the dollar The Clarkson Gordon report says that in iorther hwestiga tions priority should be given to circumstances surrounding ap parent false financial state ntents and prospectus filed with the Ontario Securities Com mission in 1963 to get approval ior sale of securities in the province OTTAWA CHThe govern ments controversial Bank Act revision rccelved royal assent early today alter troubled eight month passage through the Commons and Senate and the finance department immedla aioly began innit consultations with the banks about putting it into eliect The now not designed to pro mote more competition among the chartered banks themselves and between them and trust and loan companies will come into force by viceregal proclama tion iinance department source said today the proclamation may be issued for April or tiny depending on how quickly the banks and the of lice of inspector general of banks in the finance depart ment can get ready Some of the banks are under stoodto be ready to switch their computers to the require ments oi the new not immedi atdy while others have asked for more than the few days re maining beiore April The point is technical one gearing the banks accounting systems to the acts new re quirements for reporting their ROYCI Assent Given Act it cash reserves and their term and demand deposit liabilities The banks howeverconid not begin to make final arrange ments until the Bank Act bill emerged lram the parliament ary process it passed through the Senate Wednesday un changed from the form in which it ieit the Commons Tuesday To Face Charges In Boat Theit SHELEURNE NS CP Two unidentified men are sched uled to appear in court today on charges resulting from the thpit of Iiiloot scallop dragger llan sea The dragger was stolen from whari here early Wednesday andcapiured 12 hours later by police The two men were taken into custody eboard the limit cutter Blue Heron and both ves sels arrived here Wednesday night An RCMPspokesman said the mens names and the charges against them would not be re leased until they appear in court thaprovince will be able to oi sary legal advice which will be Mr Wishart iaid hire Judith Ann Reed splash es milk at Mrs Devon God OTIAWA tCPt The federal government day an nounced new dairy policy to increase the farmers return but butter prices will go up two Icents pound to help pay ior Under the program the farm ers atiactory return for manu facturing milk will rise to $475 hundrcdwelght from 5410 at April the start at the new dairyyeer the same time the govemlt ments buying prics lor butter will go up to 63 lrom til cents pound The buysell arrange ment controls the price of retail butter now sellingat from 65 to 70 cents pound for the top grade The dairy program covers about 65000 farmers who ship milk to processors for the man ufacture of butter cheese and other products Also covered are 95000 who ahlp cream for the same purpose it was also disclosed that the lederal government hopes to produce soon liveyear plan or the dairy industry to make it more efficient and produce higher price structure No de tails were available The increase in the butter price will raise returns to but Legal Aid Plan TORONTO CPt Ontarios legalaid plan designed to en sure that no one will be denied legal counsel due to inability to omey General Arthur Wishsrt told the legislature Wednesday every person in taln all appropriate and neces orovided upon basis designed tomeet his particular financial situation ln proclaiming the act passed by the legislature last year All of the citizens oi this province will haveavailabie to them counsel of their own choice without being subject to any arbitrary means test Claim Savior Ship Violates Effective March 29 payhgaes into eliect March 29 DBAMATIZE us MILK HOLDlNG scnoa gallons oi milk Yesterday Purpose of the bath was to higher retunr lor thslarrnors mliko DIRECT SUBSIDY UP Under theiprognm the 05 cent hundredwslzht direct ter manulscturers allowing II N0 EXAMINER GOOD FRIDAY The Ensrte Examiner will notpnbilsh tomorrow Good Friday Publication will re some on Saturday March aia Republican Leader Everett Dirksen today predicted in tensified v5 bombing of North Vietnam as the Washington atti tude toward peace talks took pessimistic tum Congressional leaders said after White liouss meeting Wednesday that President John son has little hope for future eace feelers soon And allied military chieis were reported agreed at this weeks Guam coolerence that the war could last indefinitely unless military pressure breaks the lwlil oi the North Vietnamese Dirksen key supporter of Johnsons war policies said air iields near Hanoi probably will be marked for air attack in the QUEBEC CPl Provincial Secretary Yves Gahiaa Wednen day announced list of govern ment approved room rates to apply in the Montreal area dur ing Expo 67 illr Gables told press can le an he understands all hotels andmotels in the Montlg real area are booked for the JUNEAU Alaska as Sovietifiahiog vesseltho sec end to be accused this month fishing Rights oi violating US rights in Alasv worido lair which opens April as and continues to 0ct27 The Examiner TODAY The milk was later tAP action fed to yomg cattle win as the pair bathedin 400 dramatize the NFO holding Wirephoto Butter Prices Go Up Under Dairy Policy subsidy to dairy farmers will be raised onothlrd to tilt The total amount allotied tor the subsidy will go up to £110000 000 trom $90000000 The subsidy will be paid by the Canadian dairy commie Alan The new Iaeocv takes over operation oi dairy supmrt from the agricultural stsbi tion board which oversees variety ol ism products The subsidy willbs based on milk testing per cent buitcr fat content Agriculture Minister Greene announced the program in the Commons He said total returns to the ds inrrnerwiil depend also on 12 cu paidby provin clal marketing boards and agencies Dirksen Predicts Intensitied US Bombing Oi North Vietnam WASliiNGTON AP Seal wake of North Vietnams relecv tionol the presidents bid for peace talks When you are at war and the enemy refuses to talk except on tersns that would mean your surrender you turn the screws on him Dirksea said in an in terview PRESIDENT ORIM Johnson gave noladication of his future military plans at Wed nesdays meeting with congrca sional leaders at both parties But participant said the presi dent was soiemn and grim about lie Chi Minhs rebuff of his offer to halt the bombings as soon as he had assurances North Vietnamese infiltration of the South hsdatopped Hotels Motels Booked For Expo However there should be enough room for all visitors even at peak points in July and August because there is still plenty oi space in private homes tourist lodgings institu tions such as college residences and camping grounds Mr Gablas said the prom cial government lodging service had inspectgd 72375 rooms in thevMontreal area and estab lished prises based ona points system that determined the duality of the accommodation oilered ALLOWED PRICE RISE Prices for hotel and motel rooms were allowed to rise to Thomson brought his car to the kan waters fwas beinatowsd rd on US la is per cent over those To Release Resplts TeSts inhhrni FLeeem reign 33255 1821 Guhihi calcite by charged Ilea June 1960 under the from th bulldl CapL Robert Emerson com Cty Ne new on MONWL CF Wwflmkmmgm view 031ch Jami21 mander ol the coast guard ulnmeddfll Prices for other lOdBtliK will Prime Whilst Donald 5mm of 5m 03 guardsand reportersjumped sullen atKodiak said the Rue range between 50 cents or mm of rm Memm late the waiting car aian stripper faded to ioilim Comm10 place toaet sleeping bag tor mm Wm Mal the cutter Storls toportso the mum the night in coma room are use an to uasancanges is Vietnam War Mounhng and proceeds under his own man apartment ower the vessels could arrive in privaie homes an owner SAIGON AP The evermounting cost ot the Vietnam War may charge to for each person was underscored today by the announcement ot record American and communist oaraaitieaiast week while both sides increased in total strength Communist mortar bananas accounted for much of the rising US casualties end more of these were repo Wednesday and today in two sensitive war spots Ann feel are arts that show ersaid the May street buai you shower instead of lying in tub oi dirty water dont wait until im dirty bev Viors taking bath the spouse replied tartly nesmrvanto his wife Why dont Has Han Barrv OHM8 young lug man of lkmerIind ot into this hair arntduir oh Elwood Beads at Melbourne tar relaxation as he slumps BIG DAY tAustraila lï¬s need lorrest comes otter some strenuous ddung inthe water AP would take nearly two days 5457 was boarded south pa Wirephoto by cable iromlnn don vessel tor 10 miles The i7ofoot trawler Slim at the Slasmagln islands Wednesday tiller coast guard aircraft had late alternoon The tow SrpflHJ engaged in hot pursuit otthe ThestrH Winnings11 Wfllhlul Warneris in the lowest quality lodging and lor each additional per son in the mat Topquality rooms in private homes will go at 10 for one person and for each additional person sleeping unmarva FRIIla rented space