Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Mar 1967, p. 9

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ll nu MMIE mumu mum ml STATE ANNOUNCEMENTS PROUD PARENTS THE NEWS oi the aimed Event can be announced to your Hulda and relatilu tor only $100 luet telephone 7mm BIRTHS Alumnaw and low lau an noun1n at Antn ulu Onwlc tum lo noulwu nu lama ol annal ur mum on momm llmn la m1 ll Haul none Rowl ul name Mr mum Apeetal mm In Or runnmn ENGAGEMENTS slaloLlncnur and ran William Nldtol of RR mull an plum in humane LN no mill their mum olmna min in llri 1m old 3m Inch no of Mr mn old 111 and ill ral llrx lilclla llarm TM mull to he at an Wm WM WI on Aorll II 1037 DEATH roLLNll rut nuM4 mu ltoyal wan no In on wmmly llma lo wum Coillm lama hue band of sum mum and our num ol nlcmm or 5mm hull and Jimmy lulanm WIIMI mun Gordon Humor and on an all at llornl nurimku on mum ruml Home limo ford almt lor Mural min on Ilium Mann ll ll Tempo mwmbflllnl II II plur mauny lmuuu mm in non slum Union carmm IN MEMORIAMS llvllnnvln lorllll mm our lulltnnd and dlfl JoNn Illo paaud away until 15on miuld by ulla mm In Ind David Ind N011 Ilo In commoEVEle The RARRIE BRANCH 01 the CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY are rponloring our trip to Toronto on Sunday March 19th lor the purpole oi attending OPEN HOUSE at PRINCIES MARGARET HOSPITAL and IDDGE Bua to leave 15 Clapperion 31 al lam pm Return tore 0200 Anyone wllhlnl in no pleale phone lira Iwbol iiieDonnKll Val morass RUMIIIAGE SALE Friday March 17 100 to 930 pm CANADIAN LEGION Collier St Allnpicu lIURONIAMwHOOL RUIIIIIIAGE SALE Friday Ilnrtil 17 130 to 530 IRINITY PARIS HALL 1t Collier Si Ausplpel lirinily WA Ioyal True Blue Assoc 2nd Annual StPatrleke LUNCHEON LTB Hail King St Anzur MARCH 17 12 noon to 130 pm Adults 15 Gllldren under 12 7d PHOTO REPRINTS avaiinble at The Barrie Examiner llyou would like to have re print at any new picturea lake by our atoll photographerl please call at our Busineu Oti icel We are sorry we cannot aceept phone ordera Glossy Prints 5x 25 BARBIE DISTRICT FOLK USED 65447 CLASSIFIED ADS IN 1966 They made big dull little data and acid name of the darndo or article they didnt think onyont would want Try want ad 72844 REAL ESTATE PRORIRTY FOR IALI RCholka TRANSFER 111331313 our guaran pure au Iaeiiltioa plua Illa uniltanoa 01 la trnined perlollnel to help you locale BAILRIES IIIST IRW IIENI BUY For mono own or comparable trade you an own Harold apartment houu lo 3bedroom awn menu Net close to non Or your oller In lirIL Call Elk Ol QUEENSI mam AREA Monrold brick aplli level bedrooms no room work 33 broadloom ill 11 room hall Large lot price 116800 Carrlea tor lilo month ly prlnelpal interest and men EVENINGS Gibby Gibson mm Baker Branch llanuer be away Park Square Barril 7154401 Photo IILS Realiol ROSE APPRAISALS MORTGAGES RENTALS ll ownN sr mm NEW NHA HOMES We have group now house under construction Illcludlllfl bungalow ride will iwell back will levelsall have at tndled zaram and are con atnleted under National lIotla lnz iiortgaxea ore Hill For lllll detail call our otlloe now early spring poaoelalonl EAST END Attractive bedroom bungalow ugmpozttficvllled 1511531th n2 an room Iarnlly kitchen full partitioned basement double windowa and acmnl lot 56 101 Call now In arrange for lprlnl occupana Cy All Read me Will Bill Maeknelo Rea mom illluoll Smith Rea 7mm Mary Vair Ree mm It IDkk Hartley 778M PETER and WILES LTD ihla lover brick bungalow has bedroom kitchen with dining area and large IIVInKNOm gleee haill oil healing lull AF anemrnt aurora large lot 100 190 A150 VLA propertiel With brick homu Tyndale HIM Twill MARSHALL MLS Reaiior lnaurance Orehlrd Drive 1111592 Rm Puppin 1mm 9150 liiLs Realtor White 1011 Bayfield 5t fill1071 I0 $150 I7 GRAND OPENING Friday March 17 Saturday 18 Sunday 19 01mm NEW CENTENNIAL ROOM Collectnra lleme Specializing In TREASURE CHEST GIFT SHOP 911 MARKET SQUARE Halide Barrie Cit CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE 728241 WDBII MINIMUM mm ADVERTISINGChm Dinounl INT PM with In 4171 per word Mr lnkr tloll or one or lwodnyl lllm mucullvn Inufllnnl pe word lnurtlou Mil 51M 51 con Jfllltl Intel110m 36 per word lmefllm will 10 tlltlolul chug not pald Infill love dnl boot to Wlhfloo In nthulna reaulta hurled CIIUIM MVHlIumta Ind en or more paw nrlul be oelved or at day preczdlnl publicflan II III flu lion Ollullltd WWII Id mule willell mun be In by 1200 noon pnudlna day llwm norm Box an mm mm letter Box be repllea in mid molly mm entlal menu In win new will ummou mumA Appralula Llatinxa invited RES mom pm Anflquea Gilt 01d Jewellery PHONE 7281810 Hall PROPERTY FOR SALE OSCAR BATES Co umlm nu Realtor PIOPIITV FOR SAlI REAL ESTATE ROGERS CONNELL PROPIRTY FOR SALI Photo ll 1415 mu CORBY REAL MATE armor Iilod 1m mm 1an an Wm Elly$31 Wu willl mmmmmmnl um nan um um omamrm 7m 1m YOUNO W7 END 1mm damn mm STA FRANK NELLES no son 331 0mm Mm m3 MW mm BRUCE CLEAN nluml mum ALLAADALE um mam borne Jo c°°mm MmIWH1mImNMIWWdIn in loom and lilan room Allanian nuninflamed large any New all lntlu mum melon and aolld lnr only 01591 nvsulnoa CALL Milt HAOUI mm CHUCK COIMN MRI NELLM Hum noa AUNDlRl Docket leL lillJJ one 7471 CAMPBELL Pllom lane REALroll 32 R1611 lrr mm film new mom AREA 0n tho main floor the in lame lllteilm nparatc living room and dining room and bedroom Master bedroom has vpieoa bath llIlll bloadorm In the basement there In lbedmorn belteon lalned apartment renld for In per month lure in an electric fireplace in the living room it you wud like home that you muldrentpartotittlllaooudbetln IMINI 10 3m SOUTH OF EARRIE halo elm home or file on 111mm 111 Nearly row with HAROLD FORSTER COMPANY BO Boylield Street PHOID ILLS REALTORS mu Mariam Funda Available Free mt PlfltInl II KWOGmKA may HILDR 00R rename 3333 lblfiEERIm loll IRZNE NMB BIDWELL Real Rotate Broker 33 COLLIER STREET PHONE 7234480 TTIEEARLYRIRDGDIHTETEWWNAUINDWI $10400 Maple Grove Edmi will ultranu mum years old bedroom Elan Indlllina IWIIL ideal family home Trolloped Garriu for one principal inland lam Moderate dawn ment ilclrne to Mill We wont have tllia one loot dont de Gall either at the Hill lleted below wnmnmwzwmtml minimummm EMORY MILLER MORTGAGE ARRANGED 731381 M15 RBAUIOR 01 Dlmlop St West ONLY lhla llfiotoroy Hoodcorn home dilllied oll um bot llal livini room llltdlen dining room Ind lpieco lutll Oil belied Mdr Well on property 01m to Jellool Carries for only Dont miss thll mi Gall Harvey Weber LOTS FOR SPRING sumo 61er of Nelson and Napier 82 Sauteed SAWSteele 8L fronlnzer Serviced 350047 It on Letitia St Serviced soonNo lots together on Letitia St 15 It Simle lot on Slmnldalo Road SLED71x53 on Bunnidale Roadl Iha Gall RIM Scalllreit Emerlon Swain means Karl Maribel moorl Harvey Weller min Robert Flowellinx 7255868 Emory Millet 72me3 CARSON PHMO MIA REALTOR 58 WORSLEY STREET TELEPHONE TZGMBI rmrllmalmo How nu Broom momma house in Very mood condition Reasonably prloed tolettla an estate coll Norm Synnott Norm Synnott 7mm in Cannon Moi mu unimum mm mom IIoGratll mm mm amu Heworlll JIM Rita Beandrett 7W Percy Ford 7237930 MLS REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE BROKERS ill Duan St mm or 145 DUPLEX H061 Wma Eadl paltlnfllt letely Ind carry mmmfiam in top momm Rumble dml mellth one morgue had to vendor Asking 314600 No Vol Cull Mn larBllell 1m W61 DO YOU W511 TO BUY THROUGH VIA Five xenon Railway 11 with obedmorn mm Real Estate Broker THORNTON HWY 27 Telephone Ivy 291211 WGARVEY near mm Broker no Barrie Hwy ll South Day or llMll 715100 M7952 enou ol 50le one mm 147nm humor till CW fig an flaunt re ulru 55 kindly 941M 41 Ill ldnrllununt llnnudlllely um um lnurtlorl In orflli Out In um or amnion lnly b0 MW More Mn Ill order Dill lame III 112111154 da ti Ex fill lol wauflmiwfllo Dal rumble or only one lnconoelly printed inur lion any annrllmnmt and tlura Zuhilfillllllt amok taxi ml potum of an mun nmnm wllIot not leaon Villa at IIAEYDC Wn anti Mmflfigflb ammonium larrll eumlm mu tlu to am Inr nun nay rim in elually min mwwm unlock slx arms or meRClAL mm or tuning colon Exorl distance 4mm am No man can Gully stalwa mo smr or 1270mm You our lot Mi wsRAwNi mew KEITH DAIRY FARM Dimvale dio mm lriet 03 acres borderan main Hwy molt attractive tam 1n fineérqumllkmelnnld XWJbedrwnhm mam 14 mom pietam MW motd ban silos kwdlomnnpclmhmlmoonl rnent aired and wise lm Sttuntedlnanioaeecllonnearr preaalve red brick home with an 131 M49300 all modern oonvenlencea arm you would be proud to wmmumlmrrr own Howell herd and mum hm client woollnz to rat living loom kitchen bodmorna Alli mm double were Barn onalotlom Muyboboudltwlilllowdounpayrlmlt mam Oilrile Rand mull Rum Pioulnm 1260129 nmaooll lunlalol um 311 gmpbgliu SGTLl BMRWIVALIIH 45653416 Mr hgfidugg aoJWg amp M23 ataon M1 school or smlul Campbell now me Taylor mull TWA Nllfil 000110110 Nun ummumm1 Nwmbi Gordon Spencermeow SHELSWELL and WILLSON can Rye in mmm home and doublerarnze WHmoondilim Gall Juan lane AND 00 owner or mm uonronol llorlnv AVAILABLE Photo Illa Realtor New Homes For Sale 634 NHA MORTGAGE And bedroom homer IIIIIO and double mam IlVllll room dininl room modern kitchen Alex Isbrandi 93 Vancouver St om hold Mri um mm IPACIOUI law VIII my run mpg m1 LowerT will WIRMLTRL rmMI mm no BEDROOM brie nu lo V117 1133i IOGIIMI It 21 strut EM Alli Til Elton moon or Infill Mr Allan lrnw Home all 161 mu El plan Saulam nu Michella with Illl In am om iml Fin all Pan com um lam two on mm with mm mm bedroom balconY will rInplm and exit to our mammal Dlntllld mmuon gem mun droonl rlla arm humaldw cum nvlnmlnlnfi room broad loom MW all ml an lnml ollxhent will Marine mm ara hole linoum lot mlIoe PROPERTY WANTED vacant mmw aorllnl area I1u CIII Cllm ml motor mar am pm moral mlmnu mm mum modern lm in mm lnlthl ml ol about how mm ml xeta paypant not Mic nloo anally our Norm Symon no as groundn canon Roll on Painwick LOTS FOR SALE ammo wr Cumb Mind 81 but oil ghlflfi lelL moon JUNm mm mm mum ravnn normenu Write an reel nam nunliner gt REAL ESTATE MbIlLl HOME TRAILERS DALE Rm RUSSELL CHURCH MoblleML Homes General Gllndalo Pute and Service Mumupon IN RUBTONA new RENTALS EXPO 67 For rent 46 berth trailer 10 Minqu from Expo 315 night minimum to or $90 week ew choice dates left 7286435 HOUSES ro RENT ANOUI Wmfimmu or oceuou nulls nume ruur Ina wlln Iota MildANAH on hqu malterx MAOan WMM Illlullocl Ih DOM umrrmmopantallv mmwe lILFLWRImW HOUSES WANTED mm unalmn llouu aulla hr woman mum and rm Ildnrl manly In in ma MIN ll Arlm Dull remand Dunne APTS WANTED TO RENT ivlnllm cat or mm mm to uni two ln am also from on um EMA wamnr macu mmll tuflmem or rli in mm nu Comm erltow Plumb In and Huang am Wl munn Norm llmtuw 1mm APARTMENTS 10 RENT WWINIOIID bedroom kitch lml rm lrrr err Iole MINI urrnn wrux null bld mailmm fiwmhlfia mom noolrm normnut ror not private mm nu mmnlumn AdultI Wily 10 Irma Rt or tel WIT ANOUI tommam agunmmmmlmfv $5 vmhmmufilepnm loud in uln ll pm or runner nun NU ROOM AnammM hr rent Dim th nowa dmnlod IloN Ind Harlin lntllldefll WWI button element runmrllzo nputmnt nx ml In new modern norm heated rim imia WNW Apply Ir III ROOM mHlIIIled ITIth plm bun ruled In Mi bdryertux TI contllpe Am llamwlrl mom on napnoorl Avartment fly in room kllcnul Ind flniailed alue Alllndall ml rmln ll ultlu too per month Ava lulu Immediately rallpnono 1mm FURNISHED room mutmlllt on main floor modern n1 eolltlln oelllnl heated clean pario llnbk lurch III Noam mum mmalmo blellolor apartment BUS OPPORTUNITIES Cold Slorage Plant ST THOMAS 10000 11 relrigerated area lliplll and low temperature ammo 3000 It other areas Mullen room oiling or apart irlelltw Permii for retail meat Other property oonaldered HOWARD WERE Realtor TILIMNBURG DAI and Stuck Bli of lean nxenllm Mellon on Hln way between chill and Orav Inhllrn Id truck Ila CIDIMI mum WW fiuflllflmhfll hollow man lollfrln0° lr am on neural ea llydro ml water all lied on monthly Tehphonl 7r allolvrm Poo oni bailml run ren emu gamble Baikal locluoll 7R5 utoan amount modeln lam noolnlhaleony cable TV alth eolll no Roam rent Adults moon alto Dim Tim 1100 for rent with now NEMHM zine door lovemqu airplane or would NEWLY Doom clean modalll mm loom mm Ir blth mud loo lured wno Box of Bani crooner MORTGAGES malnolam 56 ans yw ere It You Need Morley To consolidate mu Pay 98 flirtIll IO II or aortan conllnl lnom iln rovalnanu 0AM nor pllrllo oallae Write 01 Phone m1 Mortgageerundlng SimmSeare ml finim Tram mum WIN MORTGAGE First or Second at low simple interest up to 110 or your prop erty value low monthly pry mentt up to fifteen years to re For any mortgage prob area 11 COREY Real Eb late 03 Dunlop mono INSURANCE THE MARITIME LIFEv ASSURANCE CO Armed Service Divlsion oryoptlonalateflnooetm aiobancorszoroneyur vandirnakea Anyalo renilll4 Bill Ranpm 91 mum An East mama rrl RURALPMTM flu disrujgn£fi Personal 1414 Insurance Mort Razellllluranc Group Plano Annuity Plan In exempt Penaiorl Plan Ernie Salter Rarrla 7262135 Mum Mm Wm We and mo nmlloou Aplnnurlt wllh llln room allan bal egnyl walrus not the rule va DO IIOVIl £3 Illnrneoiate mom lwo Moon MIN lplrllnmtllor mt stow urn mior minim ruuluu warn am mu lol Kenyonlelt on Am or telephone mom m6 modern SWO WM Hullaflmlfia ages man no ellrohomlm WEIR lie 11°F lln room when eel contain Gil1e West find $100 monthly Illltd Avlllable Immdlluli Ton mm our collem belted on mlmm nut1mm with sewn mums um and Mn mm glldllldfiAwll all IT ea T1 phom rm rallNullED Ayndment loom yilll laundry mom H11 wntelnld with lorllutle enmnu Ind driva wayr Ideal or younz collpie Moat In In to be lmchted era an Avallnaln April Ttlflnllm WANT ADS SELL Mbsr ANYTHING Ripleys BELIEVE IT OR NOTI RENTALS APARTMENTS TO RENT malaqu Mlflmlnll Modem unmet wauu mum AD Elli EL 57 mm am lol ura annmmu fireW Id Ipufllmn 01 mnmu mum 1m IEluulmfim nonunion human mom TWO ml Animal Ind No Ibodroom nutmenu Dell unit Complete llle Rut me retrialnor anitu 1mm flll will OM rell accepted lo 100 In month For Wllfllllm Mil mull wnlllulallzb bodmonl Ipcro maul lam livlnl mum klicherl and Mill lint and Wale nl BUM CVMnlly iooakd Mill only Harmer llllormltlm on AND no Bedroom unturn laMd alwdlrn apartrn use and But PH 01 aulov no or me all NIL TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7151114 SERVICE On Your Job DRIVING SCHOOL Laxullo DRIVING lollle Licenced mtnuiar Ind lnme mu Phflno mm lamb CITY WIDE Driving School full Hunted Insured dual controll For intonation uU mum MODERN IllWHO VSCIIOO in drive uu moonn rolepriam Mu SMALL ENGINE REPAIR BAYSIDE SMALL ENGINE CENTRE Expefle in Small Engine Repair ALL WORK GUARANTEED Toronto St W40 JANIIOR SERVICE Lonmo roll clean eleallln or llomeI attic ltoSIT on Cleaning Service mu ELECTRICAL Why poo um FREE CHECKUP WWII and Maire Bi SOUTlIWOOD 7283880 CERTIFIED ELECTRICIAN SAUNA BATHS DAWM Ema gauze ranr Slunn all LILD HOME RENOVATIONS ROOMS cmme Eulldlnl or main Ceramic Lilo mills CARPENTERS ROBI Hugo Kg 10 our an nee or Roan affiliate CITl 7M now MOWER REPAIRS Almloluzw service and War EII Iimik if Wsénlél on ten nmr rear 171 Burton Ave 7261151 RUG CLEANERS DONE finial use It Hot all so all can TEL Northway Rlll 7754911 IREIMMINTIIEIATEBIPRNWY RY MARTINI PARS FRANCE MWFWWM an MMI loo REPAIR GUIDE These Skilledllradesmen are Ready to Work armed R1 Emit loo Yonn 5t Free ulimltns Guaranteed work GYPROC TAPING DRADLEY interior axlerlor PAVING 7282414 DARRIE 7m lIEADOFFlCEOF TsuBONE PAVING CO Han inon from Toronto to 2m Yonge St PAINSWICK BARRIE save UP TO 25 BY BOOKING YOUR WORK now No alarm for mmtalim nnd suggestions MW given by loremell ommwnmuuanm WorlrDone hyJapanese Paying Expelta RINGS nENrAls APARTMENTS FOR RENT WRNTIIIIII on Mm Ipnro mull or rent urn 1M mom limo bemoan Into cloud In randa Tolehvnt wme IVIll KEVIN ROOM modup ll lLlhl apartmml In Mk lgflll mlnnco Ind pllklnl Mlle wlri i°ll nu 130 month Tehphom 75 ROOMS TO LET ammo and Kilrmn nut lllml Illyplled Mua1 location TVIODMIII 7261711 ROOM AND BOARD lAVAlADllWr um chill quilt home mm tookhl lunches packed anon Sop sum liel OFF STORES T0 RENT Contemplateri OFFICE BUILDING up in Baguio nab to 4000 sq am second floor Vrlto Boll on Barrio Exnm iner tor further details Immediately HANDYMAN an WEEHW Irkl Rep mm iauceta to outboard motore ITS emu cannon rd REPAIR THAN REP CE other Home Service Phone 4495790 aooxxeermo mom one Admul mull Booueapllu valrrna in com ru Mum moon no no em pm SIGNS ONE AND SHOWCARDI on IIT1°R Win 33 Shanty n15 72511 PLASTERING GEO DUSTERIND Ro vnlni Free Estimates Rafi ram Tolepbono 7140181 SECRETARIAL more can nlmeolrnyb Ileo goal Anglo Iliumgd Janell marry SW 7154619 WHEEL ALIGNMENT nlmanD whael Alllnnlm and mm link 21 Toronto St Rlipn Grlln ropflalol 1281101 ALUMINUM meaows ALUMINUM Window and Doc llutllled Call Rob 1710 for ulea Ind ulvlelr IRONING menma or per baakat wuulnl and lrnnlu 50 Pickup and do llver Phone mom GUN SMIIHING REPAIR AND Rlvtalltloll mod 41 and antique film work all INSULATION nnowmu llmoll lnlllllllom Telephone Seolt Mull 7151161 will HOOD EXWE VI IIIIB guy on Inl COD lflly ll would CLASSYFDIED ADS WILL BRING RESIJLTS TORONTO mom

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