Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Mar 1967, p. 8

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SOLEMN MOMENT llicrnbcrs at the Kennedy family stood with Freedom Johnson in the rain cnrly yes terday tor the blessing ot the new trove site at President John Kennedy From iclt Mrs Edward Kennedy wife at the senator irom liiassachu solts Sen ltnbcrt Kennedy IN WASHINGTON the President secret ser vlee uncut hirs Jequolina Kennedy the widow and Sen ator Edward Kennedy AP Wirephota Govt To Maintain Graves Oi Founders My OTTAWA CPlThe cost at maintaining the graves at all iolhers oi Canterieralion will be underwritten by the iedernl government from now on it was announced Wednesday Where the crows havent been badly neglected they have usually been cared or by tics scendonts or by private groups The announcement may stir controversy however it tell out the name oi ilewltt Bernard the secretary to the Quebec and London conferences at which the British North America Act was drafted An otilciai oi the historic sites and monuments board which recommended iederal cars at the graves said it doesnt rcelt oenize Bernard as being lather water the federal centen nial commission has listed him as one in biographies mailed this year to thousands at school teachers APPEARS 1N PORTRAIT Bernard is among the 07 iig area In thcriamcd portrait at the iothcrs lie is buried at ilccchwood Cemetery in Ottawa The board was questioned about Bernard alter check at press release turned up sev eral errors In the to names Edward Vhelnn Prince Ed ward island lather was listed as Winslow and it Stcoves New Brunswick dele gate was listed as IV li Spearcs Sir liector Louis Longevln was down as it Lnngevln The press release was issued by tho information ntilce oi the indlnn ntialrs and northern de velopment department he at also at the national and historic parks branch This whole thing was pre pared by the board said spokesman at the intnrmatlon oitlco This was issued by the in ormntion service sold board oiilclnl The press release attributed the announcement to Northern Development Minister Lalne who said the board recom mended that Oitawa pay tor the upkeep at the graves SEARCHED FOR GRAVES lhc lioy Scouts In centen nloi project had to use all their lore last year to iindsomc oi the iorgnilcn burial places The centennial commission is Nixon Seeks Organization Oi Ont Development Corp TORONTO till Liberal Leader iiohert Nixon has called 000 tor complete reorganization ot the Ontario department at eco namlcs and development in an ciiort to bring what he calls intelligent regional develop ment to the province litr Nixons attack in one at series at weekly statements circulated throughout the prov incc centred on what ire called the utility oi the Ontario De velopment Cotp mainstay at the governments development program Tire corporation was set up no Crown agency that aprlne to replace the Ontario Develop ment Aeeney Air Nixon said the govern ment originally promised dclt vciopmcnt land at $100000000 but in reality has established $7000000 corporation which hits opened one projectan ndtli ttan to an instrument planttN TDENTIFIES PLANT Liberal spokesman said the plant rcierrcd to by the Lil oral leader was Lelttht Instru ments at Carleton Place near Ottawa iio aaid the plant opened in January had rev eeived $400000 loan irom the corporation Alan Etehcn director at the corporation described Mr Nixs ons attack as complete non sense and said he had never heard the iigure oi $100000000 mentioned tie said the corporation has made nine maior loans totalling $2000000 since last year and has iniormoliy committed virtu ally all at the balance at its original capitalization at $7000 Two at the projects were ski ilit near lawn and veneer plant near North Bay WERE FLATTEHED lNDEED BUT Theres only one Welcome Wagon imltstlon tta said Is the tincst oi compliments And as amuchlmltated organi zation waro certainty list tered But as many have learned the reasonable facsimile too oltcn tails shortct the real thing So beware of substitutes torthersla norsalsubstltuto tor the services at and the bsnellts provided through Welcome Wagon or CARRIER MISS YOU it your Barrio Examiner ctirrler has not arrived by pm please phone 7282433 And Copy at The Examiner Will Be Delivered To Your Home by pan THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE ruVVALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS searching iar descendants oi iho others to take part in grave side memorial ceremonies this summer Mr Laing sold detailed ex amination oi the condition at the graves wlti be made Each will be marked by distinctive plaquo to be designed iar this speciilc purpose Thirdly ilnanclal assistance will he provided to individuals or associations who wish to participate in the erection and maintenance at grave memori als Mr Lathe sold the tall cost wont be known until the iield study has been made find it pro EarnI outlined to the treasury oar 3Provinces Consider Taxation Legislation Ry Till CANADIAN PRESS ihree oi the nine Canadian legislltum in session chncs day considered major legisla tion dcolln with taxation The Nowmodicnd govern ment Iano ced two terms at increased taxation in conncc tion with massive education ex ndilurcs planned tor the com ilscai ycort Finance tiinlster itowo announced an increase at one cent gallon in the gasoline tax bringing it to to cents siter April The lovy ogaliut the taxable income at com panies and corporations will be raised to it per cent irom to in hianitobn Sidney Green tNDP inkstert claimed that mo crcentJalcs tax the provinc at government plans to put into torrs June will tell most heavily on lowerincome groups Premier Daniel Johnson said in Quebec that his Union Nn tionai government plans legisla tion to impose provincial tax on all ilnsnclal institutions which collect deposits in the province Legislatures also were in sea sion in Prince Edward island New Brunswick Nova Scotln Ontario Saskatchewan and British Columbia in other legislatures N0 GEORGETOWN DEBATE Charlottetown An opposi tion motion ittr an emergency debate on Georgetown indus tries which went bankrupt sitcr receiving considerable govern ment aid was ruled out oi or der in the irtncn Edward is land legislature Premier Alex Campbell said it would not be in the best In terests oi the provlneo to dls cuss the operation ot the tin proeessing plant while its sta tus was beiora royal commis sion inquiry st Johns Tho Newiound land government said it has spent 350000 so tar on crash program to train New ioundianders ior work on the Churchill Fails hydro electric project in Labrador it is esti mated 7000 workers will he re nulred tor the $700000000 the year project Fredericton Five hills on subjects ranging irom lank yards to translation were intro duced in the New Brunswick legislature as Premier Louis Rabichauds Liberal ment began taking the wraps oit legislation tor its new Pro gram for Citizens and Commu nlty Winnipeg Manitobas oom pulsory medical care insurance great aged Whiskies are gentlyyblended into every drop of Adams Private StoCk That full rich flavour isnt VeaSy PriVateStock is the 29whisky whisky rooms Arms otsriucnoLroniinonro plan will allow doctors to prsc tire outside the prepaid plan and allow patients to receive treatment irom the doctor oi their choice Details at the plan nnw are hetero the house Regina Premier ltnsa Thatcher at Saskatchewan said there will be no provincial clce llon this April but he added one could be held later this year VictoriaLeo Nlmsick INDP lootenayi demanded royal conuninion into the British Co Ittmhll mintn ttr Ninuie slid the public was not getting sutitclcnt re turns irom the misting industry iic sold only is per cents at every dollar invested in mining stocks got to the mine or cs rsrnmmmmmmmavmnm Boy Disappears But Writes Home MONTREAL CF Charles hess tSyclrmid diabetic who disco and irom his sub urban Dollrd riu Ormesux hams March It has written his lather letter postmarked at town police said Wednesday night The letter which arrlted at the Tress home late Wednee day contained only news that he was still alivenothing as to his whereabouts ills lather has been worried don Fear us telt tor his lite all not been inking insulin re Ir ills iiihcr its to Ottawa imn mcdlltsly alter the letterus delivered in Toronto the boys mother said her tormcr husband tele phoned her to say he had rc mind the Iotlu and that ho was going to Ottawa to make television up at tor the boy to coma home paran are dis vorccd THE ELEGANT PLACE amt gave the Earepean world the tulip thh tabla lost or next year plorstion program about the anund boys condi end the meets both BARRIE CAMERA CENTRE STARTS FRI MAR I7 IN ORDER TO SERVE YOU BETTER THE FUTURE WE ARE CLOSING THE RETAIL PORTION OF OUR OPERATION AND WILL NOW BE KNOWN AS GEORGE IIIIIIIIIIIIT Studios Commercial Industrial Photography gt PLAN AHEAD KODAK Your INSTAMATIC M4 MOVIE Weddings 3nd liilNlEllll Reg Price 8950 SALE Portraits Now George Drought PRICE AGFA 156 RAPID MINOLTA 16 IF KIT $1595 zeros COLORA magnificent camera regularly priced at 51905 s° $375 With case strap and UV Filter Rntt $1500 50 Sale Fricc ltcg uses 6an Price SLIDE MAGAZINES 5AVE to tit all makes of protectors 15 25 StilltT rotor nilltlilttittllll lllT The complete kit for starting your own darkroom at home Reg Price $l495 $1150 All protectors Prlcn ZEISS BlNIIIJlIIIIIIS at an vttn Lnnt Reg Price $10700 Sale Price SALE PRICE Ssva ION an all other darkroom equipment FILTERS to iii aliislses and makes of sxoosunc 331 Protector Tables METERS up to Screens BRAND NAME FILMS 15 KODAK AND AGFA AT mscouwr PRICES Savmgs BARRIECAMERIICENTRE 7290936 45 DUNLOP

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