Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Mar 1967, p. 7

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NEWS ROUNDIIP Stewart Introduces Dairy Payment Bill TORONTO tCPA Bill Intro dnccd in the Ontario legislators Wednesday will insure dairy farmers Igalnlt nan payment tor produce sold lndcalers The proposed Farm Products Payments Act introduced by Agriculture Minister William Stewart was couehed in terms that will allow the system to be applied eventually to all tarm products Under the bill the Ontario milk commission will be able to collect fees from dealers to cre ate an Insurance fund Farmers will be compensated whenever it denier goes into bankruptcy or payment is not made within 15day period The milk commission would have the right to collect monies owed on behalf of the farmers and provision is made for farm ers to refund money in cases where they are eventually paid by both the commission and the dealer Any profits from administra tion of the insurance fund would go to the government Cuts Bank Rate LONDON lRoutcrst The Bank of England cut the bank rate by onehall per cent to six per cent today it was the second cut this year in the rate that sets the nitern for banks In the ster Inc bloc Jan 26 the rate was cut to 65 per cent from seven The announcement at the new cat followed disclosure by the treasury Wednesday that iirlt ains balance of payments swung out of the red and Into the block In the final quarter of Hiltsthe best trade balance showing the country has made In eight years Use Training GUELPH CPI coroners tury recommended Wednesday tth prison guards should make use at their training in artificial respiration whenever sary until they are relieved by doctor The Jury was Inquiring into the death of Grant Binder 17 at lsrcknotv Ont who hanged himself Feb 25 while in cust ody ln county Jail here ROBERT NIXON Housing Shortage TORONTO CF Liberal Leader Robert Nixon of Ontario says the federal immigration department is discouraging families from the United King dom and lreland settling in some Onlarlo cities because of the housing shortage Ilc said the department warns in bulletin distributed to prospective immigrants not to come toToronlo Hamilton Kitchener or Windsor unless they have prospects of earning $7500 year Mr Nixon in statement di stributed across Ontario blamed lack of leadership by the provincial government in the field of housing Rap Car Deals TORONTO CF Eddie Sargent Grey North at lcgcd Wednesday that car man ufacturers are being told to send commissions on vehlcies sold to government agencies to dealers friendly to the govern ment Speaking during therbudget gt sin 52113 the start of Wonderful European vacation ThissummerBoACoflenyouu complete program of British nd European car and coach team Youll find all the fact in titres colourful now booklets Theyre free and they give you all the deter it today to Quebec DBritain by Car EuropebyCac= lsyouneedto anour tmmr ttonliesuretssgetyssurcozplyy pew yam BOAC ID Box 416 Station Mantra Please send me titefroe bookts have indicated Britain by Coach El Britain WILLIAM STEWART debate in the Ontario legislat are hit Sargent said an oftl cial of General Motors of Con stla had informed him of the practiceunder which the or meals went only to Tory eat era The Liberal MPI laid the practice Is followed by Ontario Hydro and the highways de partment Not Best Solution TORONTO tCli The On tario department of lands and forests is studying methods of providing recovery of losses for crsans Injured or killed in tinting accidents llowever the department laid the Ontario Federation of An glers and Hunters Wednesday It Is not satisfied that compulsory liability Insurance is the best solution The federation recommended compulsory insurance in hrch in Icaislaturos committee on natural resources and ion ism Opposes Motion OTTAWA lCPlStale Secre tary Lahiarsh said Wednesday the CBC must be free to corre spond with other broadcasters and unions without having to risks the correspondencs pub Is She was opposing in the Com mans motion by Frank Rows ard lNDPSkccnni for CBC correspondence relating to ap plication of federal law on min Imum wages and hours of fit Miss LaMarsh who reports to Parliament on broadcasting allairs said tsbiing of the car respondence would be detrl mental to the management of the CBC Approve Bills orrnwn or The Comi mons gave final ap roval Wed nesday to bill eslgnod to plug some tax loopholes can ncetcd with deferred profit oharlng plans after the Con servatives called for formal vole The Conservatives stood alone against the measure voted down 120 to so The bill also brings under the income TaxAet some tax as sistance measures MW incorp orated in the Canadian Vessel Construction Assistance Act min act is repeated by the new finai reading Finance Minister Sharp said that changes in deterred profit sharlng rules had become nec essary to prevent abuses He said there had been cases where employers were galnlng unwarranted tax benefits by listing wives or relatives as par ticipants in such plans although they werepaid only small sai arlcs Appeal For Homes VANCOUVER CPI Aii tip pool to Canadian fismilles to take Indian children into their homes during the school year was made Wednesday by in dtan Affairs Minister Lalng Speaking to bonds of Indian residence schools Mr Lalng said education is the prime mover in resolving the prob Fill in the coupon and mat lt There was no debate prior to term which have beset the ln dtan people As part of the education pro gram the department was seeking good families who would provide home for Indi ans from remote areas during the school term am appealing to the moth erly instinct to Canadian women to the fatherly instinct In Canadian men hlr Lalng said ask experienced par ents to malts home for stud eat from the wilderness for the school year The department pays no month or more depending on the locality to cover the cost at boarding such students he added Understanding WASHINGTON tAPI US Roman Catholic bishops urged their congregations and clergy Wednesday to advanceths cause of Csthoilcdowish harm ony through such means as common prayer and meetings promote mutual understand Ill The National confcrcnce oils Catholic Bishops through Its subcommission for Catholic szish affairs noted the Vail can councils statement calling for new and unbiased friend ship with Jews and other non Christians New Coat 0i lirms FORT WILLIAM CPI new cost at arms for this city will be unveiled April 20 by On tarlos LtGov lIari Rowe to mark the 60th anniversary as city and 75th anniversary as town The coat of arms was the re salt of five years of planning by Mocgilllvray publisher of The TimesJournaL Author Isatlon of the new design was given by city council in loss Great Opportunity MONTREAL CPI for estry expert said Wedestlay the logging Industrys greatest opportunity for cash and labor savings ties In the mechanics tlon of the processing functions Nielsen of AudioCana disn Pulp and Pa er itiills Ltd was speaking at second day of the annual meetingol the woodlands section of tha Cann fiian Pulp and Paperlssocia on He said prcscni wood con sumption of 1930000 cunlts will Increase in 27000000 cunits by 1975 canit is 100 cubic feet of wood Full mechanization could pro vlds substantial savings in la bar and machine costs MERE EXAMINER PRESIDENT President Lyndon John son gets an affectionate pat on the check Wednesday morn ing as hels greeted by his wife Lady Bird at Nashville II NICKEL wstconro Itirport The President is In Nashville for an address to the Tennessee Lollhlltura and to dedicate Junior college In nearby Chiumbla tAP Wire or PENIIIES BEIIT PARKING VIOLATION KINGSTON CPIA pran Ilcal law student has found way to beat parking viniu tlon resulting from motors that use the words penny nickcl dime and quarter in their Instructions Matthew Hudson at finall year student at Queens lini vcrsily argued chncsdtw that Kingstons pnjklng mclcr bylaw forbids the usoi of substitutesJor coins It de lines as ane five 10 and ZScent pieces tie said the Canadian Cur rency Act deilnu these coins as legal tcnder for Canada and states they arota be used in nli legal proceeding and transactions Hotyavcr section 397 of the Criminal Code stated that only coinsdesignated on tho Important word In our vocabulary because It means that we are constantly on our toeslooking searching planning for improvements lmprovemchts Inmethads and equipment to give you even better service our engineersat Bell at Northern Electric our manufact Ideas that will useful faster always change customcr Northern Eloctrlc Laboratoriesare now working on telephone and transmission meters shouidba used ln Kingstons ease this was pen nies and nicksls CLAIMS ACT EREACHED This Is in contravention the currency act and the Kifdgston bylaw Mr Hudson ss Magistrate Baker dia missed the charge City solicitor Douglas iiartttman said later that all similar cases will bs dis missed pcndingan appeal by the city But metormaids would continue Issuing park Ing tickets Gordon Allan chairman of salt It the magistralas ruling Isupheld In the Ontario Ap peat Court it tvlllbc binding across the province and pos sibly across the country cannot Isadnln Wall an ter urlng subsidiary and at the mike your phone even more nd more convenient Change for the séke of change chcrl But where change is needed for the sake of improved service to you our THURSDAY MARCH 10 ll to bargain despite the ominous threat of nuclear war Kingstons parking authority run IIEIIIIEBITIIMWIIIW Wave Of Gloom Washes Away Geneva Optimism HAROLD MORRISON lg Canadian Press Stall Writer new wava at Geneva gloom appears to be washing away initial optimism am possible early conclusion to In EastWest pact to ban Iha spread of nu clear weapons atlators are reported to ba Modding wondering what went wrong Their enthusiasm had reached high pitch when the two nuclear ants tha United states and Soviet Union had cents to an understanding But statesmen appsrealar bad underestimated the sue on oi the shutter neaaucisar porn some appear topba prepared The may however be ready assure these countries that its own bombs would be available ter such peacetime protects as can uin International approval The USSR would of course have to be party to such agreement The treat delay is particu larly sad fair for British de iomats They had anticipated the only major obstacle was to win the Soviet Unions accept ance Once that had been ob tained they believed the test would be easy ha to be revised before formal presentation to the t7 country Geneva conference West Germany and ttaly among are reported simply not ready to toss the towel on their demand that they get the full benefit at the com mercial side at nuclear develop meats including those that may come from nuclear testing WANT OWN SECRETS They also want their oust attractor are pr mm prynl eyes of both the 18 and the USSR through any Interna tional Inspection system created In connection with nonprolif eration ban it Is understood the proposed drafts would commit all nonnu clear signatories to pledge not to build nuclear arsenal of their own it also would prevent these countries from using nu clear devices for peaceful com mercial protects such as level ling mountains or dredging harbors DROVE ROUND WORLD REGINA tCP Ephraim Nesmlu of Regina an Intercity bus driver was honored after completing in consecutive years and soon miles of acetdeat free travel 0n the road be taecn Maple Creek and Watch Man he has driven the equiv alent of at times around the world Meanwhile the pact Is being delayed to the point where some negotiators wonder whether it ever will win approval The upshot of all the private scurrying and bargaining Is that the proposed treaty drnits ma Iqtlwttui Wm murum Try shot in the dark Rich dark rum that goes down smooth ltMl Nit III BaseBordeniand Angus Residents now YOU cars HAVE idle ONLY inert Brings YouDailyv Authentic World News in Detail hototf the wire of Cana disn Press Daily World Wide wirephoto service Localand District News compiled and edited by large staff of reporters and correspondents Features include comics sports thoughtprovoking editorials Inside Queens Park Ottawa Report by Pat Nicholson featuring timelycomment from Ottawa Wom ens News andFeatures Pattern Services tested recipes daily medical column Ann Lenders Column daily stock market and farm reports and dozens of other items of genuine interest enonr726653991th7

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