Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Mar 1967, p. 6

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TO GOOD HEALTH Urge Psychiatric Help Soon Ior Son By JOSEPH MOIYER MD will print only parts of long letter from worried mother whose son always has been nervous dropped out oi high school once now has dropped out of college three times andI the letter goes on He has withdrawn from so cicty and has bitter outlook on life His brother said that at college he lacked himselfin the bathroom pounded on the walls and shouted at the top of his lungs He says he Ls mixed up and confused about life in general and sex too ile from up when out with girl lie is in tslligent and makes good grades but cracks up in the middle of the semester He has applied for Job but last summer he got job in factory and after two or three hours walked out and said he auit He admits he doesnt know why he does these things dont know where to turn next My husband had stroke and has serious lung disease and can only pay his bills little by little What can do am no psychiatrist but it doesnt require one to recall nice that this young man is emotionally disturbed Call it mental illness or what you Will but he obviously cant cope with the worldnot because oi lack of intelligence but be cause of emotional pressures it it tterent tor the familys economic difficulties would urge examination by psychia trist at once Under the circumstances as they are would still seek psy chiatric help The familys reg ular physie on may be able to direct the young man to clinic if not many state hos ltals will accept patients an hosts of voluntary admission This of course requires doc tora recommendation fairly short period oi 0blt servatinn and help beiova pa tlcnl breaks down entirely alien is sufficient to avert the break down This benefits both the patient and society in general Every time potential mental patient can be helped in time to avoid long tlme hospitalization it saves that much expense for the state We all bemoan the fact that TELEVISION we do not have enough psychia tric services to meet all the needs but such help can be found if one makes serious effort to obtain The iimeto help person struggling with emotional prob lcms is before he goes to pieces completely wish had some easier so lutlon to offer in this case but do urge that every attempt be made to find psychiatric help soon Dear Dr alolarr For 11 days have had diarrhea The stool is still loose and as black as can be Can you iind room to tell me what to doiB Certainly Get to doctor as fast as you can go That black color can mean bleeding some where high in the intestinal tract from ulcer cancer or di verticulosle Dear Dr itiniaer ls hiatal hernia hereditary lily grand mother my father and all have ltG doubt that heredity is toe lor this is probably coinci dence Note to itliss when there is diabetes on both aides oi the family the chance of having children who will be di nbctic is about four times as great it is not true that die passed on only by tho Iobless Total UP In February OTTAWA CF Unemploy ment rose to 096000 at mid Februnry from 561000 in Jan uaryI slightly greater in crease than is usual for this time of year it was announced today in February last year there were 358000 unemployed Joint report oi the malls power department and the Do minlon Bureau oi Statistics said unemployment represented 54 per cent oi the labor force in February this year compared with 52 per cent in January and five per cent in February last year Of the 330000 unemployed in February 78 per cent had been out at work for less than iour months Tile increased unem ployment was spread generally throtlgh all age groups of both men and women married or single PROGRAMS HUFFALO HAHHIE BUFFALO BUFFADD TORONTO ll HAMILTON THURSDAY MARCH id EVENING 2llkl Douglas sCoinntunleate The secret Item Love Lucy iiSuper Comic 4th lZorro no Show tGqu lor AIalrpt ICitlnnet Illeltn tltalatiu met llThe Munster MD sal ter 111le tlaamiiy Theatre The counterlett Plan 510 201 Land and seas ssluuc nor their stly Three am 1Bewttebcd sNawa Sports 1uovia 900 taluwlns Wild 5151 so khiavie oNewa wrather sports 11ilorrs Berton 700 soarts Vflatman 100 LmIn pllpvie Playells 500 rein see 2Cchua tst rhrre lNelh Wethlr sTinta Tunnel LTna Littlest Hobo 11ny Thu Sane 2Prolect so tVounl lwvlh 7N wa lDoubla Crosebmtes llJi Hockey roep 114th Hocch lMalor Dundeai 7anc on ltoDIWP Oltl leenlng 2Drslnst 3H Herb Ilhat Girl 9Dean hllrttn l0 211 It Lllt JGlrlln Eiahln UNCLE 76taga a1 lihlerv EMILE 1050 9THl Cat 1100 217VllNawl NC Weather seam 1130 2lnnil0t anew JBdlar Wallace 11 army as one lrerm Calls At Monti 1slovla IlMystcry Theatn sans FRIDAY MARCH 17 MORNING AND AFTERNOON at leriduw on the World esunrlu semester 7thdowen III World lNBWI 30 sc pCarteon 10th lFricndly did Camera 11 Allen Honeentratlon School 100 mm 1Han CIsey sMovie tion of All aaba Gllnt alltovia 700 saeveriey Hillbillies Luck oft he Irish zlosar hzarly Nlll flwl trite OTVpUlllxflltY 730 7flmht ship 0311 lit and llrl tlSc nitsci House Telkllil 11li 1100 ellr chtw e1an KInIIroo 9Hompor ltoolrs 411M ll Steed eea Lllgk Show sas Allen ABannie Pruddett 7DlAllul for Dull sUneta Hubby llLtttie People v30 sIark LI Lanna Ballademoiseils Paris sLova or Lu llOllurlo Schools attoo 2iieaoh for on Ell 1130 1200 ZJcnvlrdy Spoil 1aiovie SNOnndlY tSelrch or 400 ICammurileate ialika Daflllll Show Mtitf llttrm om IlSupcr Contiee 480 Adventure no snow tHInk To Godl Count roantn Theatre To Town is and War JManroes 730 zTImn seats 50 VGrccn hornet alahiovie erinoia and Patti tiha Mum at Blnlilllfll 1Laraniil it many mam made in Heaven 530 oos Land and am Me Vewa Weather sports usvl rt vm Htreetl 0seIaprsy use gt tlsyvurlnklay vio multilayerta 500 eMovie tWIn NM 530 AHullnl BFrlcturtd Phruel zslatches and Mates Dream eAndy Gril lth 7sumrnarket lMr and Mn llMfltl Doullll zHoliywood Squares Lchkie Henderson eDiek van was 7Dlttnl Game Oliuiltrltel Court 3Popeyt and Pill eNews Weather titameo and Juliet DTorentu Today 12lu znlerv Grtltin row llltl Mulch FRIDAY MARCH 10 EVENING ID9Plem Berton TNews Wanner Sport tdeaple In full OFrulttl ul Eouullmnlori lllts About Time ewiid Wild West 0Plstols and Patti coats ilTtma Tunnel Hat Smart 7Ttnu Tunnel 211 Irons UNCLE ZTomllly Hunter SMflllon lmvnlalble ltMan From INCL srlovla TM Hares iiwy TBverybodyl 30 zLets Make Deal AAs the World Turns 200 znays or our Lives srurworo INawtywed Gama Time drThl Doctors sThe Wars II sHouae Party 7Tlms For Us 9Penpll In conflict 300 zAsmther wrrla srau Thirty sTr Tell the runs 1GelterIl hospital etvluas and innate rissarria Contident 330 1You Dont Say saara or leht 4ng of the meat 7Superman lts Your rem titFarmers Dauw till AMevie iThe Pigeon first name 7itlngo mo urn CIt 1Phylltn DiLies IlliIt Patrol 100 zLaredo 7Sonlmlkeru BBIIIIIOII fm 311110 tlTierv cruel 1100 reagentNam Weather soorta 1130 Holmfly Carson mm are rem Giles To lie OTna In Show In Wendel 7flovie thud GNU Itom rrnr euuts lLll 51ng Hamel By JAY South dealer Neither side tulnerable $313 ll° soda Arosressa AJI Ittebtddtng South West North Para Pass Opening lead king of clubs The most interesting hands to play are these when the out come dc ends not so much on which si has the greater pow er as it does on the skill of the contestants For example take this hand where Vest led the king oi clubs won with the ace Declar er played spade to the aueen on which East showed out It the same time signalling with the nine of diamonds Anxious to return to his hand for another trump tend towards the king but unwilling to play NEWS OF By MRS HOLT Fifteen of Thornton United Church Women attended the Easter thankoiiering meeting in Cookstpwn mouse Mary and itoss ltiiiroy assisted in the varied program with their musi cal numbers Roger Gethons was admitted to Stevenson Memorial Hospital lira Maurice Hutchinson under went knee surgery in Barrie hospital Cookstotvn mens banquet was attended by Carr Bill Gethons and Cecil Brethrt About 40 men were in attend ance to hear Anand Chaudhari of India now at Toronto Bible College ltir and ltirs Lennox attended College ltoyai at Guelph last Saturday MISFORTUNES Last week had three accidents which were vi local concern but did not happen in the im mediate vielnlty The Holt fam ilies received tvord their bro therinvlaw and sister Mr and ltirs Norman Scott of Barrie had traffic accident In Ken tucky while on their way to Florida Norman suffered Irae tures to both legs while the car is tvriteoii Bob Hunter of Thornton was in mutorarclr dent in Barrie and ltirs Dalton Banting fell on the outside steps oi barrio hospital and sustains ed fractured wrist when she was about to visit her daughter Mrs htaurice Hutchinson who is patient there All the in Jured are gradually improving Thornton Womens institute was busy last week Wednesday Mar they provided lunch eanior the Central Cattle Breeders Association in the Thornton OrangeHall when the Jack Hoodjupplies set up book display in Thornton sehodl Dont feelthat this new £03055 1Rescls 538 93mm 100mm 110birds 12Waruterae ILAfldrded 1560 overto 190119 8Mora hundred humble meters uWoeiamel fluoride 13Networlc 18Mesited mllblry tabrin engagr 1911 meats Formosa cider Norse god Ellen FIJWD of sea Dilbert I7 Plunder Moves orWald 22 hfeaaura attend oergag 2603 ElliHIM mltrctlegul anotra river 311ml prefix 323mm sanctum 35Revoivo 311omtna1 capitalot Bolivia aaPuraua Bailey 40 agents emw an Ilflfl dollhousee Lima1 just because your salary is being out In half DAILY Caosswona gauuuoauaugr Eloollnwull upuulloHIl flfifllllflllflfl fifilygfllllflfl cortenacrsnmea BECKER heart to the ace because of the danger of ruff South led club to the lack It trick three West won with the queen and shifted to his singleton heart South tools the return with the Ice and led trump but West went up with the ace returned low diamond to the king and ruffed Easts is art return to defeat the contract one trick This was fine defense of course but South would have made the hand had he exercis ed greater eara in guarding gainst heart ruff When EIst bowed out on trumps at trick two placing the contract in at least mild ieo pardy South should hare taken firmer steps to protect himself irom the danger of heart rult What he should harm done It trick three was lead diamond from dummy in order to imme diately and permanently sever communications between Elli and West tiad he done this South would have made the contract No heart ruff could then have been arranged by In method of play and he woui have come home with to easy tricks The diamond play at trick three does not seem to make much sense but to the declarer who constantly worries that the worst will eventually happen to him it is the only possible play THORNTON for Essa Township School Ares teachers itiar they served refreshments About to were in attendance at each function The United Church Women and other helpers have complet ed the quilting at eight quills this past fall and winter These have been done at the home of ltirs lvrln Caldwell Much as sistance small and large has been given Those who took advantage of the invitation from Stroud Unit rd ChurchWomen to Trinity UCW liar 13 were rewarded when they saw the educational slides with commentary by Dr James Evans of the Congo These were shown by his mo ther ltirs Charles Evans of Bradford ltirs George Holt attended Simeoe County Vi executive meeting Mar in Area conven tion will be held in Stayner Presbyterian Church Nov and ti Thornton Number 4H meet ing was at ltirs Bournes FrenchCanadian receipes for baked beans tourtioro and on ion snup were used Congratulations to fur and Mrs Norman Marrow Valerie Elliott of Barrie ohths birth of son in Barrie hospital Mar Anglican Church Women eat ered for luncheon forthehias titis Workshop in the Orange Hall There were abouttso at tended and It was sponsored by Slmcoa County iiiilil Committee racer or was JOHNSTON Sympathy is extended to Mrs Eurt Bulke nee Margaret An IULIET JONES DONALD DUCK SECRET AGENT X9 deathoi Mr Eulke last week in St Petersburg Fla assignment is demotion 20Plllagal 21 Fir rue 27Mul9 um Mover Poet 25sore man an 28 can luhrdaal AIME manta datumnay 29neadyror 351mm flung tlrstlpn unseat Joel 31Tiny 381mm oal I2 leaIlia dersoni and daughter in the BLONDIE rsuzz SAWYER Musés ANb execrest were rm moresrep story me or usurious not salami so IF you pour oer seat BEEN WORKING TDD HARQ Assam on war KNOW war to GLDEN TIMES Nb FLYER IWARNED YOU NOT TO COME BACK UNTtLiOU RAva GIRL PRAClItALLY WALKED INTO sauowmz MONUSJ KNOW WERE HOME tva ONE SILLY amazes WERE ALso 551ng5 HOW was THE BiETHDAY PARTY WHATS MORE IIAKEJ HEARTNE CHARLES TALKING DOWN This GOPHER llllllI Illlll DONT WANTA 7055 saw some wanr you to LOOK NATURAL UTTEELI Lustl MOMS GRANDMA LODGE STUPID Tomjr are ALL smutgo Loomukc oerssesr SM WEI UNIQUE it NSURE MAINST Buwfs liKE ME 96 iii NtD pools mites thl DONG 1o mu Mo our stares aae Attractive acute at near Wm WIN okhsnlvnA JUST THE SAME IM Goltlfl 10 VW YOULLJOSY AGRENADE DOWN 21 SEE WHAT DDNT STAND STILL MLK AWNDA TAKE ir EAS¥ Juarez mars roo Moca Norastsu comma AND THE CARNtVALWtLL BE CLOStNG MIGHTAS wsttcttEcit WmlTHE MANAGER GAVE THEM EACH PHONE OF HER OWN BLOWWAPORE Exrtootp gt GUESS THE ONLY WAVTO EEY ANATIIRAL SHUT OF JDNIOR Ar DINNERTIME wueN HES BEGGING RAPS FROM THE TABLE

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