Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Mar 1967, p. 5

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nmamummmarmmiam Anthems Adoption Urged Notional UIIAWA CPI Ipaalal ritamontary committee Itudy aI aathuna Itll Inked tor broader authority to bear Iodi ldtlIIl who want to quart new word ior the national and royal anthem Ihe tetra Senate Ooman committee recommended Wed neaday that the overIntent be allowed to Adopt Iortbwltb the prmat mule ol Canada and God Save the Queen II the Inthema But on iyrloa lhI committee aIid ita order ol reieroaca waI lot too rIItriotiva lo rmit the detailed Itudy whie thlI question deIorveI The committeea re gblgnubrtonahwhwltye it Idioai and in the Senate by it Itoice hourlet tLqueboei The report laid the commit Ioa onII broader relara to do luItlce to all Canadian many at whom have taken poraonei interest In providinl animations to tha committal Illt UNANIIIIOUD The recommendation to adopt the muaio ol the two Iothoma waa tmaaimoua iho roaoiution is expected to come belore the current union on prob ably iItor thII month The committee matte only ooa xlllllcltldil coneeroial the ma or OInIdat it we no tation Ihouid be added to the the motto IaItruotial that it played with dignity not too Ilowly waa it alto rocornmondod the av oramenl taka Itepa to approprl ate the copxrtaht to the mute oi Cool which now be to the Thronto matte nub 1m iirrn oi Doom Thompson Ltd The iirm Ilao boida tbo cool rllht to the curraat Enll iyriea or Canada written by Robert Stanin WIIr oi Moat Ieal The music waa comooud to in by Colin MIMI INTRODUCED YEAR ADD lovtrontont reminder to adopt Canada and God Save the ueon aI anthema waa intr uced more han year In Heat controveray on the iion bu centred on the ate iyrlu ten more than to ver Iioaa oi olilah 1yth and the commonly uaod eir vor lion baI oiten been criticized The mom lyrtca Ilto have come under attack lor their Itronl realonai Million and cultural overtones There have been quoaiionx ior two new verriona or tea Ilit la bilingual voraion ere iI no oitlrial French veraion oi God save the Queen LIVES BY VOICE Bernard Grant oi the map goon The Guldlntr Liaht doe nulilb lonzuode movie dub binl lor Marcello itieatroionni itrnandei and other European ra CATTLE OWNERS IF YOU WANT ANY BREEDING STOCK YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT THESE REPRODUCTIVE DISEASES mmumgbofliomatltolmonthI reunite many Iterila owe Avoided by early vaoataotlon ol II Italian and Initiate insemination TRICEOMONIAM outeee early abortions from two month Cowl diIdIaroa and become Iterllo somd try buiio lttere to no oompletoly ellootlve tmotmont Avoided by Initiate insemination vtamosrs cameo Needing problem low conception me early abandons IINMI heat periods and die daarn by bum by Medina then utilioini lamination Avoided Ivy mitioial in Ierninetlen Tooeaaaawyourherdhomtheeomdolthooo dluuqmdlaatwwfltwaimtheouyathoeerwlooeot CENTRAL ONTARIO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION MAN LEAFS T0 SAFETY Unlrlentiiled man IcaoI tram hurnlnp dock to Court Guard veuoi Yorke durina watortront lire Sunday in Vancouver The him which Ioot pail oi Imoka Iorou the city broke out aa piling were both coated with error me Wirephooi House Begins Study 162 Bank Act Clauses UITAWA CplTho overn mont came hack in Far umont Wodneadoy with III Dank Act bill that hoI already Iurvlved more hiomo proton and chnnao than any ilnanciai Ieaiaiotion In yeorI Thero waI ovary pro eel more bowing and Ihap lore it omoraeI the rulohook governing Cnnndaa chartered nnka or the noxt to you The Commons it Its oiauoe by eiauaa Itudy ot tho legislation three yearI behind ac edule and under preIIure The current Bank not will ex ire in it moro llltiiil doyI caving the hanka without au thority to carry on buelnaaa un ion the now hul ie proclaimed by that limo The Commons can be ex poolcd to run well into next week beioro iiniahinrl with the ill eiouaea Vith Parliamont expected to adjourn lar EoIter noxt Wednesday or Thuraday it unlikely the bill will no to tho Scnuto until alter the no cost Finance lillnlater Sharia1 spon Iora tho ieritioilon but ok nowierlgori Wednesday that it ll mainly tho lnI iretion oi hla predecessor Wa tor Gordon BEGAN 1N lDM Mr Gordon now senior min later without nortioilo started on tho regular decennial rovlow oi the Bank Act in 1964 but it heI taken this ion to hatch alter extended cab not diacua Ilon Ind 79 hearloxl belora the Comment llnanca committee inca oratlal many recom moodatona oi the Porter ro at commitalon on hInltlol the ill Iota out new modern lar tho chartered bonito but to remote competition In the metal b9 Iyalom it aiIo iorceI them to grep tiea with other tnItltu Oillt lntorlockinl directorataI will diaaopear hank invoIlmentI to cor orationa and recalled near ha iottltutlona will he re Itrietod and individual holdln oi banlr aharoe will be hod own Part oi this that proviaioa lo the controvorelai clean ply ing to tho Mercantile Bart oi Canada the only one at Can adII lo chartered hanlu that it ioroin owned MUST REDUCE HOLDINGS MercantlloI parent Firat Na tional City Bank oi New York will he required to reduce itI holdings to 15 per cent by Dec 51 rm to eaoape limitation on the lrowth oi Mercantile Colin Cmerou New Domoo eratic Party linnnoiel crltio hinted Wodnoailoy thIt he will try to amend the act to mill government ourchamt lion edntUo Ho loot an amendment lendino and the detienturea More oi their depoaita will be available ior inveatmont throulh In outer ratio in the amount oi monoy they malt itaop on doporit without inter al in Bank oi Conoda cotton The new room will be 00 per cent oi depolit liabilities dowtn irom the current oiaht per een Moat important at all the bloke will earn the Iixoor cent coiling on intoreat the may Charla on ioana The col in MI to per cent when tho act cornea Into loree and will eventually vaniIh alto lether The date will be deter mloed by the average yield on Ihorttorm aovornmoni bondl which are currently at lovol thatii Iualeined would tree the bank rate next Jon in other liouae bualnear Wed neIday Speaker Lucien La moureux ruled out at order Contervalive omondmont that would have branded Ipendino oatlmatea oi the doioneo do artment or irregular and con ery to law to this olioet in In earlier vote In tho llnanco committee lho iooialatlon will improve the benke In Iotaiton to laat in competitoro They will be allowed to re enter the lieid oi mortme Is your ear all shook up If you are not enjoying aafe troublefree driving maybe its time to turn in the old car for new or gooduled model that will give you your of dependable aervieo Youll Ilnd Ill maker modelr styles and price range In Barrioo Automotive Supermarket The Barrie Examiner ciIIIlliocl adI Check The Ettamlnere ads anal find the car you Want It the price you want to pay Examiner Classrfled Ads YOUR auromormsuremanker fro plaeeafllleellledAdPhonI roaaere mum myt BUSINESS BRIEFS 31 Ill CANADIAN PRESS NEWSPAPER EXPAND Thirtythree Canadian dIiiy nmnapera went norm tor plant praaaloa aod moderniao ation in me the American Newapaoar Pu are Auocia tion announced in New York Wedaaaday Iha ANPA raid Canadian deillao extract to mod mm or ea let our lay to 61 It Iaid it U3 til 1ch Will VI an pa stallnelxpeaditm oi titanium PLAN NEW 00 GRADING new India IyItam or hm to take ed ion baa been recommend the Canadian Swine Couno and the Meat Paelrm Council at Canada The maniaationa laid in total abatement Wedneeday the IyIIam would grade are anea on the boat oi total hacklat meIIItremeot II In in dicator ot yield FIRM SHOW LOSS Canadian Firet hlortma Corp at Toronto bad loII oi 1960 In it compared with lit oi $71M in 65 Fruit cat JameI Coyno me In thI Inoual report Ibo report Wod nuday thowod loam oi 1000 were incurred on National Homing Act We and 0000 wII written oil to re duce certain Ieeuritlaa to market valuo CALL FOR SALE PUSH Canadian trade commil Iioner Iaya Canadian car partI meanhieturm are not nu va mm UrIlad stalII hteert Hay ol iiciai trade reproaentativa at Detroit WedneIday told mootinl olJartI roanuiacturere too many them are Itiil in to inrorluce their produc by letter retiree then In tendin aaleaman to cell on common in the US BACK IIOIIIE AGAIN OLEAN NY AP Some 2500 oeraona lorced lrorn their home when luollne tumor In lower tlnea ooud the threat oxpioaioltl were back in thei dweltinn Wednoaday II city ol fldah all to learn how the tool entered the dueta Mayor Harvy shoeiderm tilted hla twiceimpaled ememnoy ior whlooir alter aalety olileiaia named him there on longer we any danoor INCOMETAX QUESTIONS ANSWERED FREEAI The Barrie Post Office March 14th 15th 16th and 17th Bolore you make the trip make sure Its necessary Check your new tax guide thoroughly for the answers to your questionetlret If youre still stuck come and see us Well be glad to help And to make your tax lorm understandable The Q0 understandable Itaxlorm uranium or narrow alvaxua llil new my trauma it WIIISKY watqu or CALVICIlI ill IANHIM The first time you taste Dry Rye it does not taste like anything unusual The tirsttlme you taste youriavourite rye alter youve tasted Dryflye something happens Your own favourite rye tastes unusual Thats the wonderful thing about Dry Rye it makes every other ordinary rye taste unusual Thats how dillerent the taste of Grand Prix is You suddenly realize that Grand Prix is not an GRAND PRIX My vatlan old whiskywith new slogan You know it is new whisky with new taste dry taste sweetness remove full Rte taste with every shred of When you try Grand Prix the Dry Rye one of two things may happen it will always make your favourite rye taste unusual Grand Prix may become your favourite rye THE WORLDS FIRST DRY RYE carrier or unaoa IIDaUOItIIIlJ matro rumha

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