Mull mun WAY ll INT KITCHEN GOSSIP By EILEEN DIXON Sure and its great day tor the Irish From the River Shannon to Balianaugli laughter and song ring loud and clear But youll find no more gaiety on the Gold Sod than on Main Street in your home town The panda moves sprightly down the street and the crowd cheers in ap rpreciation All nationalities and customs melt into one Wearin the Green And later on during this day of days parties and dances will complete the les tivitics Perhaps because oi the wee ones you cant make it to the Hibernian Dance so youll be invltln the clan to your house All of the aunts and uncles and kissin cousins will be there Now all the Irish love to eat but tis best to plan meal that will give the cook as well as everyone else chance to visit and reminisce about the old days Here is the menu lrish Potato Sort Mashed Potatoes with Chopped reen Onion Tops Brussel Sprouts Jelllcd Lime and Lemon Cubes with Custard Sauce Hot Tea Savo Cheese Fingers Alter dinner vel have nd time what with jigs and reels and all the 01 favorite songs from Rose of lralee to Molly0 RSH POTATO SOUP tablespoons minced onion tablespoon butter or margarine can 1002 condemed cream of chicken mushroom or celery soup undiluted cup seasoned mashed potatoes cup milk salt and pepper to taste Saute onion in butter in saucepan until trans arent Blend in soup and potatoes gradually stir in mi salt and pepper Simmer minutes stirring frequently Garnish with chopped chives or watercress Makes servings appro mately cups instant otatoos may be substituted VARIATIO Onion and butter may be eliminated if desired DUBLIN ROAST pounds rolled rump roast salt and pepper tablespoons shortening large onion sliced large green pepper sliced can tounces mushroom pieces and stems 13 cups tomato ketchup cups water Sprinkle meat with salt and pepper brown on all sides in shortening in Dutch oven Add onion green pepper and mushrooms Blend ketchup and water pour over meal Cover simmer 22Vi hours basting occasionally or until meat is tender Ihicken sauce with flourwater mixture Makes 810 servings ap proximately cups gravy SAVORY CHEESE FINGERS cup finely grated process sh cheese tablespoon mayonnaise or sala dressing ii teaspoon Worcestershire sauce tablespoon chopped pimento assorted crackers or melba toast sliced pimentostliffed olives Combine first four ingredients Spread cheese mixture on crackers garnish with an olive slice Broil inches from heat source until hot and cheese is bubbly Serve immediately Makes 13 cup spread Vg Toronto Doctor Discusses Cancer iii Annual Meeting In keeping with the theme oi the Cancer Society and the dal rlodil bullet is large basket ed jdaliodiis and iris decorated the head table at bhe annual dinner Lmeeting oi the Barrie and Dine triet branch at the Canadian iOaneei Society The arbongement was pre aenlcd by Mr and Mrs William Lone Mrs Lowe LI member oi the local branch Head tabla guests included the speaker Dr Magma Spence and his wile Mrs Spence at Toronto Morrow who rel presented the city oi Barrie lJack Oaln president at the local brandh and his wile MrS Cain Mrs Stan Ruth vicepresident of the smiety and mnvener al the dinner Mrs Whar ton Rory ODonal Missiola Srnitii Mr and Mrs James Greeahalgh William Dennison campaign drainnan and his wife Mrs Dennison The annual meeting was held in the Willow Room of the Com tincnoal inn last evening ITrousered Lady °°= Ignores Hotel Ban LONDON MP The wile British racing driver breached The Savoy dining grooms ban on Women in trou son but the distinguished Lon don hnlel saysit wont happen again The rule breaker was Swed lsii born brunette model the who or zeyearvold Sir John thltmore London newspapers reported today that aha railed into the dining room and no body sald word about her trousers spokesman for the hotel suggested that Lady Whitmorer pantsvere prqbably cut lull and looked like skirt He said the rule against trousered ladies lhhhe Savoya dining room alillotands think she got in becaur ahe is Lady Whitmore aaldtiia ladyshiisband who has driven at EIMME in the Monte Carlo andlwaa European sedan nonunion 51 Director Of Bureau Retires Following ChequeredCoreer By MARILYN ARCU OTTAWA CP Now Lilli woman have moved tron the kitchen to the elites the out logical step is to the bargain in table says the int dim lor oi the womens bureau of the iederal labor department Marion Royce tall white halrod nomao retired in Jan uary alter ll yearn oi rurvey ing unmen at work in all ileids in Canada She rlyl more iniormalion is needed about womens role in trade unions The nursing Newton is good uample There has been quite revolutionary move towards collective he lien on the part oi nurses to get better working ruudillona and salaries Miss Royce lollspoken distinguished leaking woman is native oi St Thoml 0nt and studied lar an MA in social history at University oi Tomato iorrner teacher aha was or tour years nallonal glrls work secrets oi the Re llgioua Educaton Council at Canada For 10 years bolero coming to the womens bureau aha travelled through 24 countries lor the World YWCA con ducting international aludics on the status and employment or woman MORE WORKING WIVES She rays her rather chequered career gave her experience to locus on the problems et woman in her own country Theres universality be cause all women whether French or Russian or Cana dian have the same biological lunctlon oi motherhood But there are very low countries that have provision or special administrative or rangcmcnis to deal with women workers in the in years she was with the bureau the most revolu llonnry changes in womens carccr patterns were the re turn at married women to the labor iorce and the marked increase in the number oi working women in their mid dle years There now are more mar ried women worldng in Can ada than single women in the post the norm oi pcriormuncu in the labor force was always based on men Women because oi their maternal iunction will have to have pattern dillcrent lrom mcn Practiceand law in re spect to employment will have to be changed to accommo dale wnmcn Already many employers have made some adjustments Although Mira Royce says you cant generallrc she says some employers do have in hibillnns about hiring women that have nothing to do with their qualiï¬cations And once hired women may not be altered promotions or expensive onlbeiob training as readily as men PUMR WITH THE MORE WALKABLE HEEL It you want to wear shoe all day it must fit and give adequate support Air Stepa Dress Pump features roomy ginmun st Prop Norman Hesketh mom MARION ROYCE Besides the loot that women may get married and have children and leave they are not as mobile as men The places where they will work are determined by the selec tion oi places where their husbands can had the most suitable and lucrative em ployment She says women are lim Ited partly by their own in hiblllons in Canada women in medicine or architecture are rare though women com monly perlorm these lunc uons in other countries Miss Royce rays women re dle years are sometimes un real in their expectations Vove really tried to em phasize the importance at women in this group having opportunities for courses and retraining Thcy sometimes dont realize the need or this themselves One oi the most exciting things thats happened is the development oi the Quo Vadis nursing school in Toronto where students must be be figure for the and junior size by turning to work in lhcr mid rler has lovelier average woman Wonder Bra Peter Pan Playtex Gothic Delay nExquialto Form Maldonlorm Goeaerd GrenlerQ Formllt Stella Luena Demon an PHONE motor tween the ages oi so and 50 Alter tidying up oltlea de tails lor her successor Mrs Jock Findlay at Ottawa Miss Royce plans to move to Ten onto to make new tile its really protective more lob has been so much oi locus oi my his in Ottawa Shea coiuitlng on continuing hcr interest in art histor which she once taught Muse is also hobby especially Bach Bcelhoven Iiind Haydn because he maker you laugh SPOILED THEIR PLANS Low HESKET England pedigreed white Highland ter pollt her chances at raising liter thla aprlng by eating alx at her mistreasa birthcontrol plila Charloltan puppies are worth $15 each but she now has tevall at her Cumberland home until the pills eilect weara oil TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE Wild Quality name brandloundatlon Garments carefully chosenln the average and Junior sizes have long been specialty or Evangeline If you were to come In today you would find at least 28 styles In bra fittings alone from our coliectional isnt this the kind of selection that could hale you to leveller figure 909 can to mod pm shinny AM To EM tulips in bloom din covering four leaf clover curious turtle and lreabueapringbreeze youngeterr in all their Enter ï¬nery All the promise of newness and the wonder of lilel Thats what Easter is Coat and Dress Ensemble Swinging Alina styling Dress is sleeveless with back zipper cloalng Coat is promoted to epauleta braaa button trimmd to match its llont buttons Vi length sleeves Solid bottoms topped with laltalsall checks In lreah linen Navy green 712 Set Dreaa Sleevelera Coat Terrana lloral print dress blooming neath lta dotted Swiss elasvelera coat Dress is further high bodlcad and iced with lace at collar Buttons and lies at the back Skirt poula out over not underlay Both invoile Pinioaqua prints Coatwhlte46X an 798 Cotton Poplin Reversiblerro take alrelterln gentle manly manner from capricious spring breczor and April ahowerr This snappy allweather coat la detailed with tourbutton closure and llap pookotr Reverses from navy to beige brown to beige 46X Only AALKE Rs THE HOMEIOF THE BRANDS