Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Mar 1967, p. 2

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Cite idiotic Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 aaytlald Street Barrie Ontario Walla Publisher McPherson WY seam William Teller General Manager Managing Editor It ilfl PAGE City Deserves Higher Grants For Education The wing problem at Ontario mun repent In re ation to education costs was again emphasized this week by the barrio City Council Ooan resolution requestin the tion of Ontario Mayors an Reeves to sup rt the motion which requested the re lies to bear 80 per cent of the tota cost oi elementary and secondary school educa tion In Barrie 43 cents oi every tax dol lar raised by round goes towards edu cation In number oi other Ontario municipalities the percentage is much higher The cost oi education is not the issue in the resolution Council recognizes the vital need oi providing the best pos sible educational facilities and oi keep ing students in school as long as pos sible Young people with wellround ed education especially those who take degrees in universities iace bright iuture in Canada But this emphasis on learning serves to underline municipal financial problems Barrie in common with most municipal lties has only one major tax base realty assessment liiosi oi the revenue received by council comes from taxes imposed on property And because oi the pressure exerted to increase ser vices especially education taxes on In dustriai plants commercial enterprises and residence are going up so much in fact that may people are beginnin to wonder it it economically soun to own homes instead oi renting them The question oi rising costs oi educa tion has faced council ior many years Tnie the Ontario overnment rovidce grants which tall short the 00 or cont target suggested by Barrie Vlthout more generous aid the city iaces the alternative oi curbing other services or raising taxes Taxes can only so high and then commun laces more and more tax delinquencies and eventual loss oi some properties to the city through such isilures The city has no new sources at rev enue It must continue to assess real pro rty and at the same time abide with6 the dictates oi overnmoni in rela tion to education Ontario govern ment calls the tune on education It sets the standards and in large mean ure the meta too This then imposes responsibility on the government to provide revenue tor the city Ii taxes on real pro crty are as high or higher than they ould be then the government should lve the city other means oi taxation or ncrcasc provincial grants It would appear that the grant tom should be overhauled drastically ghty or cent ts high but certainly not too iilgh in relation to the citys financial position With more grants the city could take look at other municipal services and best oi all keep curb him hldhli cry wa eearncr ou op opay the cost education The property owner should bear his share bu not the entire amount apart irom grants DOWN MEMORY LANE 65 YEARS AGO IN SIMCOE COUNTY Barrie Northern Advance March 13 1002 Iiiill mneral held for Robert Coiborne an or auspices 35th Regiment Slmcoe Foresters He had served in early life nearl 2i ymrs with Im eriai Army much oi tin India He was lied when struck by train on Grand Trunk tracks near Bunkers Creek while walk it Board of Trade revived after hein don mant some time Inducements ll be made to attract new industryrto Barrie It Lambe manager Bank of Toronto elected president Ed Gallic came up from Toronto University on Friday to accompany Barrie hockey team to Drillia Hunter Konned won Colis compet tion at Barrie Cur Club and is now proud owner oi ncwipalr oi stones don ated by James Vair Carleya boat works made first shipment of year to Huntsville customer Rev lied ditt preached first of series doctrinal sermons Sunday at Collier St Methodist Church Lou Vairs horse made dash for freedom Saturday morning but after lively run along Elisabetta St driver Bowden got him sto ped Fla flown half staff in ublic schoo on first anniversary of to Findlayls death in Boer War Very Rcv Dean Egan of St Marys Parish will be chair man ior St Patricks concert in aid oi hospital Considerable activity at Barrie Carriage Works with prospects home from Barrie to Allandale ood or sprin trade Partridge ormorly at town Hill lost house In lire at his ranch in lilontana Capt Hoiiord Ardagh is leaving to spend our months In the Old Country Enthus iastic meetin at American Hotel organ Ized Barrie crosse Club ior coming season Ed Shear was in chair Ito Thomas gave treasurers report thc showed surplus oi 84025 irom last sea son Hampton Jory elected resident with vice residents James Va II II Webb an Grant Hanmcr Vair aplpointedmanager It was decided to ion Canadian Lacrosse Association and form both senior and junior teams Walter Lawr oi Allandala has done good job rcieraeing hockey in district this season Senator Gowan appointed Chairman or Committee on Divorce Ite ionn at Ottawa Centre Simcoe Farmers Institute met in Barrie to plan activities ior spring and summer then adjourned to Brookdale Farm to inspect Simon mentsthoroughbreda Comman or and the Misses Whish have returned to Woodcot on the bay Brown and Co issued spring seed cat alogue IoIIendal flour mills on LovorsCreck at Toronto road along with house and iarm adjoining offered for sale Frontier Whitneyoi Oniarlo introduced his bill which would restrict sale oi liquor by cutting down licenses and remove impeotors irom political in iluenco OTHER EDITORS VIEWS ONE LAST WISH gt Ottawa Journal The Canadian Highway Saiety Coun cil in its submissions to the Commons Committee on Justice contended that more than 2000 lives would have been saved in Canada In 1005 It seat and shoulder belts had been worn by passen gers and drivers wmmmum CANADAS sroav liChgmplqin NeWspaper Use of seat belt only would have saved L420 lives the Council said use oi seat and shoulder belt 400 lives and use oi seat and double rlwuldcrbelt 200 lives statistic that will never be known is how many drivers at the catastrophic moment of collision wished theyd tied the saioty bolt in the car Put Out son aowuaw Samuel sis Champlain was man at vision He predicted the building at the Panama Canal and was probably ihstlrat news paper publisher In Canada Champlains ilrstr voyage to North Amerlcswasin I500 as geographer to an expedition that visited Spanish possessions including Porto Rico and Hex ico He was allowed to explore the coast In small boat and saw that canal would solve the problem oi getting to the lPlaclilc it was built 300 years or jll Henry IV had heeded that advice skills minister thrDuc de Sully Francs might have beaten England in the sstsb llshmcnt oi colonies louth oi Canada sully urged the king not to trytn create colonies north at to degrees latitude Virginia but Henry sailiihat theonly hopsoi getting linen clai returns was through the in ii trade and the north wall better ior iura That is why Frances major colonial deve opment in North America was In Canada In loos Chlmpiain was member oi Insxpaditlan that went up the St ilawrcnce ll tar as Montreal Then it was decided that there would be compromisein the northsouth argument by establishing col ony Inlthe Arcadia area This became knalIvn later as Acadia in 1604 Champlain was mem ber an expedition at two ships that explored the coast oi Nova Sculls noted the excellent har bor at Port Royal Inow Annapo Iis Royal but decided to spend the winter at Docket island near the mouth oi the St Croix litver This Island is now an historic landmark between New Brunswick and Maine and can be seen tram the highwa be tween st men and Are drews it was during the winter on Dcchct Island that Champlain put out the news aper tor the entertainment is colleugucs However Dochct island was not good place to settle because it lacked ircah water and wood which had to be brought tram the mainland aiten In stormy weather Nearly hall the com pany died at survy 0nMarch re 1005 Champlain decided that the colony must be moved slac whers as soon as possible and eventually settledat Port Royal OTHER MARCH l0 EVENTl tubIroquois atttaoked Iluron settlement and killed Fathers Braboui and Loiemant mobaiat Johwbhedlac hail way incorporated rueEer ai Catheart made Governor oi Canada Mm met Quebec locoLord dtnlhcboa lime sailed ior south Alrica SEED CATALOGUE TIME v3 wau gummy UEENS PARK Broadcasting Debates May Be Considered By DON OIIEARN TORONTOThe question at whether television and radio rn cording oi the proceedings oi the house shault be permiiied nppcars due to come up ngnin llilli perhaps more prominently than It ever has been In Ihu past Until now any recording al the proceedings in the house ior broadcast or television purposes has been prohibited but radio and television Inter ests have never been able to iundorstand this praldbllioa and recently have been more and more anxious to get their micro phones and cameras his the chamber CLOSE VOTE An incident that may serve to bring this to the lure Imp pancd at meeting at the pri vato bIIIa committee The CBC were ready to start recording the meeting when the chairman Bcrt Lawrence oi Ottawa pointed out this was not allowed under the rules oi the house some Liberal and ND mcm bcra rotcalcd Ihey larccd the quest on to vote And the com mittee was split to members iar and 10 against with Air Law rence having to cast the decid Ing vato against permission to record Obviously good share at the members lccl that tclccnailng and broadcasting should iii per mitted And with this stimulus the demand should ha stopped up NEW DIMENSION The question involved Iavdcep complex and also largely with out precedent All reporting oi the news al parliaments is in rather grey area At one time no verbatim reports at all were permitted and still the only place in par liamentary chambers who re notettaking is permitted is in the press galleries The wh and whorsiorus at this are urled In history and werenmcmmwnmmmmw Jim new the privilege at reporting per mitted the press today is largon based on accumulated custom rather than any iirm rcuacncd rules Iiudlo and television are new media operating In another div motion with direct communi cation betwccn the pnrllamen tarians end the publ and therclara prescnilng new problem it can be argued strongly that the nature at the news THE LIGHT TOUCH TheseVRerncrks Can Lead To Trouble syn nevus NEW YORK AP lie marks that lead only to trow Well alter all why not respected leader your community you are one at select tow to whom this pioneering altar Ia being ex tended Which do an want me to do drive car or listen to rent guess another little one wont do us any harm What has the chcl got leit ever in the kitchen today Whatever it is Ill have same was cleaning out the III tic id run across this old buu at your love letters It you re that tired at washing dishes why dont you just throw them out the windowi Remember It you ever need help dont target to call on ma Is there anything else can do or you howl Do you do anything dur ing the day except leak at cap operas on television You heard me new ummnanmaeewnmmsmrml tends towards distorted pic lure That because oi the im Itntlnna at time both radio and TV normally touch only the highlights and with these can ecnlrate on the sensational hut against this there is the strong other side that they are Integral media In our communl cations at today and should not be deprived oi the right oi re porting purlinmcnt In accord ance with their normal methods or operation know it is none pl my business but It were you id understand you are tak ing karate lessons What have you learned an inrl Im sure theres enough gas in the tank to got us there Illch It only ycstcre day or was It the day boa iarei is that what were having or dinner agoint wn thats what had ior lunc Guess who this is hate to bother you with my problems but Dsnt just stand there Do something you dont mind me at icrln suggestion ayll never ilnd wa to automate my lob Im rcady the Indispensable ma chine around here Wh not park right here The as are hundred to one that we wont get ticket Now hold on there Just second buster Why cant you be like other wives Why cant you be like other husbands Lots settle this outside right now T0 canon vor IAIN Dis its aim umrning us one as i3 oi the rdmodum vote on arch 30 Alan local dentists advocate adding sodium fluoride to our water au to delay tooth de lo the This entails the muchua 0i coaiiyeeulpmant and hiring man who mean the ad Tbs daily ooruiunpiiea at us tean Barriein use was about two and hall million gallons Assuming at six tboiulnd chll dran are under II and the thsm wouldd mishaps If vs or per the 1500000 signs which have been treated would be used by than to beoeflt That Is an aaornwua waste oi the additive which could be harmful to others The aitsrnalivea brushing or purch tablsts The accurate an is one pill coating available In all druuia the rice oi three candy pot as at aoit drinks the chil drsn can be treated without in tottering with our excellent ter supply No Aldermen by General Vale Under this syatarn one or more wants might have no real dent alderman and could poss Ibiy be neglected No Reduction to eight al dermcn There is suiilcicnt work ior ll alderman With one qunrv icr the resent population we had In dlilon rceve and two deputies amailer body could eliminate an opposltlnnlwhlch should be sirong st eny level oi government it prevents too has ty and Ill advised legislation Iiuahorrrwre It could easily bo comc an all srchy elected by church serv es and lratcrnal groups due to the apathy at great many ratepayers No Ihoroyeur lean ii any alderman can show abiiliy in two years they will likely be rocleclcd It not they are bei tor oil when the tuoyear term ends am not on expert but pride myacli on having good common some and alter weighing the decided to vote No on all tour questions and hope many others will see the merit oi my atand and will vote accordingly Yours Truly liicOulre Ill Cumberland El Barrio FLUDMDATION Dear Sir The minister broadcasting over radio station CKDB bundn morning emphasized notice the church bulletin aolIciiing support iar fluoridation In the coming plebiscite on the grounds that the medical and dental prolculona warn endors ing and supporting it While iecling that minister has the right to expound and express his views on anything oi inter est and Importance to the com munity to which he has given serious thought or sludy or even at reviewing the serious thought and study at others yet this object that he apparently with or without the support at niher in the church was trying to In fluence the minds al the church members not on the basis at sclentllic and critical study of the question by hlnueli or the prolessions but simply because some In those profession bro endorsing It This brings nothing but disaedlt no only upon lids minister but non the organiza tion he represents Now the loot oi the matter is that the majority in these pro icaslons are disgracehilly Ignor ant oi the whale sub out at fluor klnilon and are bcng led like sheep by or intimidated by U5 Vietnam arguments pro and can have writer was disturbed and mm new web com bureaucrats oi the proiusions and their organisations As one who has sltaiied this If may was conzictlon that the medical and dental pretensions have done hm tbsnuelvaa to the last to or it years to das troy the will and landid true have iarlsl much at respect the have built mar lha center as than anneal estid pot dbl luvs done by this Ian al cal unldmtiic endorsation at Win and by the dot icabls msaauru their at solu tions hm taken as and aliens the ml atudsnis and dentists mg the mission who have taken the trouble to study the sub ect and who almost invarlab ralsct and condemn fluoridann and recoi niu it as the most al who on the aide oi the imam but airmain the WM oi the props and is bur common sense dictates the mom to the de caries problem is first to recognise the ad than to remove the possible It seems unaciantliie and one must be terribly llible to imagine that an sign icanl change In the in ci ence ot dental caries can be made by the introduction at one element fluoride One inal admarmljzn every one appmodung iot Use and depend upon the llgence with which you are an dowcd not upon the asyso oi anyone sin Yours truly Russell Pegue Walaga beach REPLY TO EDITORIAL Dear Editor in our editorial on blonds Mars is entitled Fluori tion Common Fact Not An Emo uenal Matter you wound up by sayln Facts not emetona ahaul decide the fluoridation la sun in Barrie wholeheartedly agree with that statement Since gis tact either in sup rt at or against the question lollow ins liat oi sets may be at some help to the voters in deciding ubdiwoytovotsondiefluori dation issuer Protesalonal inlon is car tainly not unan mans an the fluoridation Issue Dr llugo Theorsll and Dr Jarvis summers both Nobel prize winneruor the research and work in enzyme chemislr are opposed because their war gives reason to believe fluorides are hernqu to the body The Medical Denial Committee on Evaluation at fluoridation which Ia comprlicd oI over 1600 distinguished scientists physic lans and dentlals oppose fluori dation None at the evidence given to the Harden Commission was giv an under oath The American Iiiodlcsl Asso ciation does not urge or recom mend an communities under take to uarldatc The manuiacturcra oi baby ioodl refuse to use fluoridated water because their chemlall know that sodium fltmids may be hermlul to young babies Ovar to per cent at the water supply fluoridated or not will be poured down the the us The dongs oi fluoride is com pletely uncontrolled when added the water supply Again me express my grcamsnt wlh your ataiament that acts not emotions should guide the fluoridation issue in 24 Sincerely Edward main Shannon st Barrls Deioiiation Nears $100 Million Mark WASHINGTON AP The us sliorl to kill Vietnams jungle and crops which hide and sell the Communisil la escalating into 00000000 program in less American planes spcwcd out an estimated 010 000000worth at dclollanta and to Baylicld strch Barric Ontario Authorized as second clean mall Post Ollicc Department Ottawa and in payment at postage In cash Daily Sundayn and Statutory llolidsys excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier tic weekly 02340 yearly Single copies 10 By mull Barrio mas yearly Ontario 01200 yearv tnotor throwoil 315 year side Ontario sis year Out plds Canada British posscae slsns tie year um and iorcigu In your National Advertising OI iiccsztgs University Avenue Toronto 040 Caihcnrt Stu Montreal WI 1m West Pen der St Vancouver Member nun Canadian Daily Newspaper Publllhcra Association the Canadian Press and Audit Burcau si circulations The Custodian Press Is exr elusivoly entitled to the use ier republication oi all news dispatdtcs In this paper credI italic it at The Ameniod Prusoriteuters and also the local news published therein ilall aut trr at km 1r HAPPENED Iu We CANADA Till new raw MW mums um WGUOAT own chino madman Within Imus mac Will WWI lrfLVMnlllf ms 1mm WM herbicides over hundreds at thouaands oi acres at dense jungle as wel as over Viet Conghcld riccland This years air torus budget provides 9500000 tor about 0000000 gallons oi vegetation poisoning chemicals And In the next ilacal year beginning JuliI says it is as ng Congress tor 549500000 more to expand the spraying program This hueaalilcatlon at the chemical war haa continued de spite occasional protests that use at even mild allegekilling agents migln lead to admin atrslion oi more deadly concoc lions by both the Communists and the United sum This was ar an last beaten her by as so enlists including seven Nobel Prize winners who wrote President Johnson ds plaringr use at chemicals In the war hey said It could open the door to worse things In response to questions Tucsc day the deicnce department sad chemicals used In the spraying operations are neither harmlul to human and animal Ilic nor do they sterilize the soil against iuturs vegetatlen nan ruoucarj All we like sheep have gone utran we have turned every one to his own wart and the lord hath laid on Ilim the in iquity oi as all ialisll rm Ws either have to account or our sins or acknowledge Him who has diedior them Chris is died or our sins our editorial gave not one aln the air iorcs

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