fie Varied On Inmmen who tunezl out tor public meeting last night at city hall heard to at Barrtea dozen aldermen unreal widely diiierlng opinions on queetlons to be placed on Mondays balloli They were laid on one hand that eight alderman couldnt poulny do the work now so rompllotred by 11 and on the other that the reduced number could conduct huaineu with easy and etilclencyt And the ward system accord ing to some members at coun cills the only way to provide proper representation hut ac cording to otherr it has broken down The only point at unanimous agreement weather the pruent Swear term should be retain Seme la ratepayers turned out to hear the discussion and pose questiam Voters will be asked Monday to cart ballatr on Illlnr ldetlon and whether they lever an egntmsn council instead ot the prraent t1 elections at large and extension at the council term to three years Fluorida tion war not up tor dlaeurrlon last night FAVOR REDUCTION in favor In eighthran mn cll were Aldermen Frank Her sey Lea Jollltie Jack ltec Laren Fred Smith Gerry th liams and Phil Seuve while At riermen Jack Garner iii bcrla EVerett Emma and Bar lan Parker were emphatically oopoled Those who later the reduced number agree that it would in crease efï¬ciency wither creab mg no urldue amount cl work tor individual members Ald Lee loilliie said the pre scnt ryetem means that hurt neer dealt with by the immenem ber standing committees must be rehashed in council tor the re mainder oi the nldcrmcn An ei htmember council would per ml meetinga in committeeot tirewtrole snd avoid duplication Ald Fred Smith suggested that organizationr with large memberships etten tind that only law men do the work in many placer one roan et ticiently represents an area at 25000 people Here we have ii men to reprerent that many he laid Ald Williama aald be war ALDERAIEN Gerry Wilt liarno left and Everett Em ma right diseua queaione on March ballot with 511 rie to tind 12 atdermen in city at Ihir rite People who have to do hurinerr through council must become tnutrated with the time involved in getting something approved he said atrong opponent to the eight man council however was Ald Everett Emma Eight six or even twoman councils would probably work he said But iewer aldermen would begin to take things tor granted The eye tern would be more likely to lead to corruption and make council more easily flayed by prereure groups he said WA APPALLED Aid Dorian Parker not only opposed reduction in the num ber nt aldermen but said that and the other questions should never have been placed on ballot at thic time amazed when he came to Dan war appalled that there il To Cast Borne new voters will be Billch to cast ballots in Mon days reterendlnn on fluoride tlon and three other nnmicipat oueotlm Unlike voting tor atdermen ln regular municipal elections rstqayere will be restricted to one vote whether they own pro youtrym in me than one ward or Polling piaea will be estab lleiwd at seven locations on Monday with the advance poli wet tor Friday and Saturday at dtyhalliromtpanJonm On Monday voting will take place trom to in the morale until pm Ward residents who live east at Nelson st and Nelson Square Escapes 12820 Eligible Ballots will vote at Johnson St School while other Ward tours will cast ballot at Codrlngton St School in want the polling place tor residents living north of Wei lington St East and between Bayileld and St Vincent will be at Oakley Park School While others will veto at the public library Ward voters raiding noth of Dunlap and west at Baytield will cast ballots at Hitlereat School willie other Ward mi denta are to vote at Prince of Wain School The only want polling plan will be at King Edward School CustOdy Gets Jail Term An wyeenold Mahlan er who ucaped lawiul custody Feb 73 was rentenced to at months in jail by Magistrate Foster thla morning Alter serving his airmonth termltobert Theodore Kutyi will be returned to Camp Head rle mbtimum aecmurité 10n heron Batorurrmry oa Township tomeaounenpired portion at previous sentence court was told that Kutyl along with two others ereeped tram thareiormatory The other two persons have been pravlour ly dealt with bylhs court Tia defendantwaaéacaptured on same day at were but rpent came time In hoop tel git to revere we at troah IMPAIBED DRIVING Two area man convicted oi impaired driving showing up arate incidents added me to the court coiterr Both drivers reeelvoddflarrmautmnotic three mm Wit Hiram Alex Tripp to Elm rlmn parent WTNNIPEG OP Germ allyiirm linseed oil prtcu on the continent atirnutated modeai activity in flax today at the opening at the Winnipeg Grain Exchange Flax opened to We higher May 801 rapeseed not open oala unchanged May 90 bar ley unchanged May Mali rye it higher May 137 MONTREAL OP Agricul ture department quotations nigger Average weighted price wnoierale to retail on one dozen cartons extra large Alarlla 504 medium Alrmali 307 vale pleaded guilty to driving while rnpaired Jan on High way no He was observed by Provincial Comteble Thompron travelling at only 25 miles per hour tn oonrile zone and crossed the centre line betora belng stopped James Wheeihaure at at BauDorden was apprehended by military police March at the Bare Arthur Pariah ao oi Coiling wood represented in court by Cerlelhlth received $2150 tine stter being convicted at having liquor in place other than residence Magletrate Foster war told part bottle oi alcoholwaa found in car checked by Conltable Bill Litowslri at the Junction of Klfllweya 26 and 27 FBABTEATPAT otNorihAmertcan women betlweerrsoanduere wmeoweiglnbymorethanloper BarriICImern Centre vtlosula our SALE continues Many items snll ten 45 humor 24 intone est Rotrmn dleirrnan oi the Barrledunberotcorrmrea dlio attain mrnmittee The eonrrlthee sponsored public rues rhould be confuud with fluoridation ahe laid Taxpayers would suitor through poorer representation with eight aldermen accord ing to Aid Parker Aid Jack Garner said an eiflltomn council would be no thing but vocal rubber atamp He said that under committeeolthewhole system all mcmbela oi council would have to have broad knowledge oi all aspects oi municipal gov ernnrcnt However that is vir tually lrnporaihle Ald Garner raid the wor load would be so great that tew Opinions Split On WardSystem The word system should be mapped in the opinion at at lean aix Dante aldermen However tour otlrerxorlncii members who spoke last night dratng public meeting at city hall believe the eystcm la the best way to provide good repre sentation The question oi voting tor ald ermen at large instead ot by wardewiilbeoneoithoseon the ballot this Monday in favor ot elections at large were Aid has Joliiitc Jerk MacLeren Roberta Fred Snith Gerry Williamevand Phil same But Aldermen Jack Garner Frank Hersey Everett Dome and Dorian Parker want the present system retained Ald Sawe aaidlast night that die ward systemic not working property He noted that Ward ha more than double the number ot voters at word Those in the larger ward would not have as strong voice he eaid Request For Farm Oiiice By Elmvale Gains Reeve Alex McAulay and membera ot hil council and otherr have been gratllled over the outaide sup ortgtven Elna valel bid tor utabllabmcnt oi provincial agricultural ot tlce in the village Toy and huncldele Townships are among the laiert to endorse Eimvalee application to the On tarlo department of agriculture and iood tor each an niiice Earlier Reeve McAuley naked support tram the dimooe County Council but action was deterred pending iurther study There are two agricultural oltlces in the county now at Ailiatonand Barrie it an ethics is opened here it was suggested the Bar Haunts FLOWERS Views arch 20 Ballot rrgm muting at city hall iaItnlght to allow Aldermen to expresa their views on the questions Examiner Photo people would be able to nilord the time to do justice to the Job He noted that there are 14 boards and commiasiona on which council members must Aldi Roberta agreed that work would baton heavy tor eight men lie raid he attended 49 committee meetings 29 council meetings and or other rcaalone on city business last year amaller council would on ly provide better representation tronr the admlnlatratlon he sold Voters ahould be able to get the answers they want irom aldermen not city hall stall Aid Roberta who alao tavorc elections at large said Barrie la etlll email cnoum that older men could provide personal re presentation over the whole city Aida Fred Smith estimated that lie election costs would go irorn two to 00 ii the ward system were scrapped but said he iavora the move anyway ieei that as an alderman represent mere throughout the city not lrom any single area he raid However Ald Frank Herrcy oblottedto the proposed change know can be an efficient alderman mder the ward aya tern but it would be iltiolllt to give proper representation to votere over the Movie cityi Also opposed was Ald Garner Our tirst concern is tor the taxpayers not for what is done in other numldpalltlee he said The ward system provides the 7m best and most delnomtlc repre min More Support rle ottlca might be closed but alnce Harris has the largest agricultural tair in the county and nurnemu farm organza uom in the vicinity there has been opposition at their rantber would resolution to the Mature call ing tor utabiiehment ot corn mittee to thirty revision oi the prayer For every iDDDDDD oi Taxpayers Money DUMPED IAIM THUMDAY MIC iI LIT went Seek lieElection Whether there will be eight alderman or dour elected in the municipal vote out Decree her lean tun mun bera oi eoundl wont be among them Aldermen Gerry Williams and Everett Em announce duh ing public meeting at my ball last night they wont leek re election LOCAL GENERAL PLANNING BOARD Planning board this week agreed that resolution irom Etbtcoha calling tor the aboli tion at otttelal plane ahould not be endorsed Any recommenda tions the city has to make in the matter horridbe toward ed to the iltltner committee on law relorm D00 LICENCE Dogowners in Barrie have un ttl April to take advantage at licence diamante The lee will go trom to or males or rpryed temalu and iron to to use tor temaler BUD Till The Canadian Cancer Society Barrie branch ta sponsoring bar trulr to Pran Margaret Harp and Lodge in Toronto Sunday MIrcb 19 MEET TONIGHT The Barrie Winter Carnival windg meetingnand dance will behei tonight the BCAF Aav lactation club rooma Tleporta will be presented on various winter carnival operations DANCEL MEETING An open meeting at the Erm ton Field Nootmelista let tor March coin Orlllla has been cancelled Speaker was to be Paul Hobberlin tailrln on toa atla Next activity oi nltur diim will be Held tri Mamie 25 Lloyd Smith will end the expedition irom Qun Park in Barrie Mo REV W4 DOWN Discuss Revision Oi House Prayer Rev Downer PC DuherioSirneoel was tour mesmer oi thelegislahrre who met informally Wednesday to deciles revision oi prayer to one sitting at the Elmer Sophg Strawfl who last week described the prayer ae hormone and unfit ting la the estimates wu oentllry met with Mr Downer Speaker Donald Horrorand WWWhipEJnckfllrfla PC Toronto Beadle The manners agreed that one present iiiiiiE BOOK DISPLAY AT OAKLEY PARK SCHOOL ihree Barrio pliblie eailool meteors take advantage at the book Why It Oakley Park not on Approxi Qtiestions Haunt JFK Assassination NEW ORLEANS AHWilla kere tor Lee Harvey Oswald and norm town onewons Minted the Kennedy Irraeainatlon con aplrary care agalnat ClIy Shaw today Perry itullo 25yearold in ruranea salesmen witnerl re metned on the hot griddle oi crowexamination at tho prelt llminsry hearing on whether Shaw muat go to trial Show at wealthy retired mainly iddietribttton train the Canadian Book Pubiishre Oouodi up oompreheruiva displays oi amnmd library exeoutlvs chain smoked and watched imparaively as his law err tried Wednesday to destroy uuor credibility as key rtate witneu Why did ituuo wait three years to tell authorities about an alleged conrpiraoy to kill Prerldent John Kennedy deience lawyer trvbr Dy mond raked didnt Ruclo recognize Orw the oncilme New 0r iennr resident named er the al cnraln iroln television and new paper photographs shown at the timet Dymond naked Ruaao oi Baton Rouge had booke text and work booth atlases and dictionaliea Alro spread tiuoudoout the airplay area were various types of audio virual equipment told the three lodge crtrninai diatrch court he was present in mid September loss when Shaw Orwald and David Ferris plotted to kill the president Kennedy war shot to death about two montha later in Dal iaa Shaw booked but not tor melly charged with conspiracy to murder her said he never knew Orwaid or Ferric Free under 0000 hand ho is the only man oi the three named by Russo atill living connecrron In last Nights Examiner The Power Advertisement Was Incorrect ADVERTISEMENT ON PAGE IT For This Weeks Ouioionding Food Buys Fluoridation 999 oi taxpayere newer vote no on an ballot to sroarllrolnaanon aAarue FtUOltiDE enuoanonconmrree Helpqu runm Ade Pauliricotta Watch CKlIRiV at 1110pm Thursday LareThan llo offe Here