Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Mar 1967, p. 6

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They made big deals little deals and sold some of the darndsst articles they didnt think anyone would want Try want ad 7282414 11 THE BARRI EXAMINER TUESDAY 10 ANNOUNCEMENTS DEATHS mm In swim at sum or sumy more mt hart rum Dunn In her nod oIove we at 1710 ram Tol flu masher um ma Nell as and iiltana at Bar dear 01 to Dubai oI wdmpan Ontario Mrs Doro thi TaleI Ind Mil Annie Mll both or llarr also IIIMVM by Dina randohti RIIIIIII at the Sue ry Mineral Home WBIIIU MINI Dmit Service And committal In Rb chlpel DD Instead Illrrli II II IllilmiIM III II llDIVIIJ etrry BIRTHS BROOK Alr Iltd Mn Olen Droelu at All Strobe WIM own In announca the birth at son 1Ilrllri turnrm on ivoth rii Much m7 al Yivtnlla IInIDttIl Blrrlr cAaos or THANKS CAMPBELLWe would like Io norm our lhuiltl to all those uno ionl cards and Iiouara ourtnl at Ihl time at the Norman Camo tal thanks to than dry oi the run cfillrhihliy Nor their limits to lIlrIItlI in the Ian or dear mo rim and nralidmoimr at their noun lxtbulra and moon Speltl unna to num In Ilnor Rvu bllu Dr riillton film In hilltlll IIIV lovinr memory or lie In uuotnn uho ar mh It Ivar Inna It smile in one Iorarar AIiIi rr hand we cannot mum still we Into Ifl nians mrmOIi or the one lured IO mtith lItIr inrnluly In our ltelllllltr In which uru nrirr tun tituihhar hrr in In kartrlnl no air If our Ibttil Alila remembered and udly mined by molhrr binomd nut atln lion nuuqumInitw im rainr glhndcirlltilen Tony and Randy rinlrr an broiherlnlrw Mr COMING EVENTS The BARRIE BRANCH Oi the CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY are sponsoring bus trip to Toronto on Sunday March 10th lor the purpose oI attending OPEN HOUSE at PRINCESS MARGARET HOSPITAL 0nd DDGE Bus to leave 15 Oiappertnn St at 1200 pm Return Iare 7200 Anyone wishing to go please phone Isobel MeDonagh at 72820 Bingo Wednesday pm ARMY NAVY AND AIR FORCE CLUB 79 Dunlop St West aoruasrou 50 $300 JACKPOT In support of the Barrie Branch Navy League oi Canada MR AND MRS JOHN LAVENDER of RR BARRIE will celebrate their tslh Wedding Anniversary Sunday March 191967 to pm and to pan with open housefhcld aI their sons home MR AND MRS MORRIS LAVENDER Ill FLORENCE SI BARRIE MR AND MRS CHARLES SCOTT 0i STAYNER ONTARIO will he at home to Irlends and neighbours Saturday March iii 1067 to pm and to pm on the occasion at their 50TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY tNo gifts please RUMMAGE SALE Friday March 17 100 to 300 pm CANADIAN LEGION 7S Collier St Auspices HURONIA SCHOOL SUPPORTERS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE 7282414 at WORD MINIMUM CLASSIFIED ADVERTISINGCash coumntiva inurtionr to per insertion total rare air con aacutive Insertions aloe per word per IJIIDHIDRI total soot 10 na dltlonal charge it not paid within raven days Sublect eaneaiiatlan when ntlalactoly will obtained Ciauiilad advertisements and nati ear or time pares must be re criv day preerdlnl flu tlorl nivrrirementl by 1100 noon BLIND LETTER BOX REPLIES liainl mind IAN REX Numb ll Ilcld strictly confid ential split to better Box will he Rain ant to days alter that dau of pool cation Aflvrrtlaera living Box Numb will be charted 50 cents CANCELLATION REAL ESTATE PboooMLSRealtof ROSE APPRAISALS MORTGAGES RENTALS Is OWEN at ALLANDALE taboo bedrooms lot lpprol as 39900 bedrooms lot Approx 91 it its 729300 semidetached bunga lows bedrooms each yeera old lot approx 100 9500 bedroom bungalow plus room apartment in acre 01 land $91m bedroom storey brick lot approx lot 015800 bedroom bungalow ever it acre ol land CENTRAL 3900 tt bedrooms lot approx 50 200 $17000 duplex bedrooms each apartment lot approx 50 103 311500 bedrooms aeparala workstiop Ravage lot ap prox or iii GUTHRIE 717000 bedroom bungalow lot approx 79 700 All Ruse ltes TIEBIN Bill Macknesa Res 7200726 Russell Smith Res 7209990 Mary Valr Ites 7200060 It Dick Hartley 7207973 RETER and WILES LTD This lovely brick bungalow has bedrooms kitchen ivith dining area and large livlngroom leca bath oil haatlnit lull asement more large lot 100 70 AIer VLA properties with brick homes Tyndale 01784 iltEITH Rahltor Limited ACRES BUNGAIDW £500 asking price tor 1year old bedroom bungalow large picture window utility room 41 batii oil Iumuoc good pressure system 20 Intit trees many extras Contact Myrtle McLeod Bairle 7204759 101 Egitnton Ave East Tomato it RAWN Real Estate Broker 508 BAYFIELD ST 77480461 50 ACRES OF CHOIMJ LAND Ideal or pasture or cultivation never falling stream it miles Ironr Barrie real barttaln at $7000 Call Larry Toipay 720 0715 SPECIALIZING IN RURAL PROPERTIES CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Phaaa 720ml as Dunlop Sb III Ind Tiltl IIIDIIIIRCI on low monthly payment DIIY your present III mortglles AF 710337 LAURANS KERR Million AIS75H MABEL MARSHALL 71M dill7M ZIETARA 7Ubl77 IANE YOUNG 7704717 RCiioikan It Co Limited MIS Realtor TRANSFER PROBLEMSI Use our guaranteed purchase Iacilltles plus the assistance of 50 trained personnel to help You relocate EVENINGS ViGlbbyf Gilison 7200461 Baker Branciiitianager 58 Oakley Park Square Barrie 726440 007 For Want Ad Section accepted until 11 DJ BRRORII on CORRECTIONS All phone insertion oroarr arr convenience to the ar tors in Classlllad Advertialnl artmont requirea all oovrrureuto kindly recheck their advertisemanl Immediately alter lirrt Insertion In arm that any error or omlaaionr may as ra ported balora am In order that same may he reatllled or one lol lowing days publication The Bar rle Exlmilm ia moonnblr or only one incorrectly pnnted inser tion ot any advertisement and their only to the extant or Portion or ad that involves mil rlnr Errors which do not he value or the advaiiiaerri at ellllbia tar reflections by moreroe rn Barrio citminn reserves IIW am tn am or same day aancaliattoh llllli la elaaaily will or any want Idt PROPERTY FOR SALE REAL ESTATE PROPERTY sell me HAROLD FORSTER COMPANY 70 Blifidd are PHOTO ILLS REALTORS resets Morison Funds Available Free Parking IS THIS NR YOU Separate 1le and dining rooms Lam kitchen with oven and surface urut Spaeloui Iatriily room with fireplace Foor bedroom and two washrooms Beautllui wailtowail broadloom in more than halt the house Atiaahed mu Ona block lrorri separate school hiil price WANCarries Ior 3130 condition Cali Gloria Kossatr and see It today EVENING CALL CURLY KLOOSTDIMAN 7155 MILDRED RMODRI marr MARGARET MOORE Hm KIDOSTDLVAN RI GLORIA XOSSATl melts LOU ODIDDIONDT sue IRENE mltlm TitII SHELSWELL and WILLSON MLS REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE BROKERS liD Dunlop St 770102 or norm ARE YOU IDOKING FOR Rood homa with business potential situated on BaMicld st Elsht lanie rooms the storey house lot is 132 zoned eornmacial iould be Ideal Make an appoint ment to see this valuable property by calling Gladys Mndnir WWW No 1967 LAST NEW HOME ON GROVE ST could be your lI you quality Only Rem Low down payment hit Mrs Brown was 7781 STEEL ST IOCATIONGose to new high odiool Lovely split Iorel Lshapcd living room dining room with fireplace Four bed moms two baths panelled Iainin room June 30th possession Coll Mrs Atkinson 7207700 STAFF OF 17 TO SERVE YOU AI TO PM BIDWELL Real Estate Broker 33 COLLIER STREET PHONE 7284430 POULTRY FARM 90 Acres 54 in heal and barley barns drivesiied Also bedroom bungalow Good water supply 20 miles Irom Barrie May be sold separately $8500 or 10 acres buildings and btuigaiow $8000 in all acres Call Elaine lneson ELAINE INESON mW ROGERS CONNELL Photo Realtor DUNIDP STREET EAST At the Five Points Phone 7205560 II BURTON AVENUENOW VACANT PRICE REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE 512000 An excellent buy today This Is goodlooking ktorey brick home and although it Is an older property it has the mod erh wlrecut brick all round In spotless condition it has been very well maintained and Is equipped with garage and aluminum storm windows Close to schools bus and shopping Iaoilillcs Taxes only SEE IT NOW MLS i0 EVENINGS CALL MacArthur 7260637 Fred Eplett 7209793 Rogers 7203582 Council 7200755 Foster 7205143 Ed Green 728412 FRANK NELLES lholo Realtor 79 BAYFIELD STREET 7261005 $2600 DOWN BUYS this excellent bedroom home finished Ice reallon room In good residential area Balance on one mortgage with easy terms WANTED SMALL ACREAGES toms and outoltorin proper ties Our clients are trailing and ire would like to talk about your property EVENTNGS CALL 7mm ii tcrtUcKt COHAN its0919 llosioa BOB SAUNDERS ono HT Cochin 684160 MIKE MAGUS FRANK NELLES cacti Mle CAMPBELL ouoro urns REALTOR noon union or Mondny itald1 Ia OPEN HOUSE TONIGHT 15 Woodcrest ham 79 Coffee STOREY SIUOCO HOME 0n paved highway north of Barrie we have 12mm home which could easily be duplexed Main floor has kitchens dining rooms living rooms and sunroom Second floor has bedrooms sunroom and Spices bathroom This is new listing so call beforelts too late ARE YOU LOOKING FOR LUI IN BARRIE We have one on Ecolea Street North 60 132 with trees at back with few at the lront Asking price $300 Charlie Read 7202011 Hugh Plowman 7200120 Smllh Campbell 7237389 Ed Gavin lit66W Don Campbell 172423 Ron Allan 4565003 Doug Campbellmma Bud Watson 7200015 Fred Taylor 7aalzos EMORY MILLER MLS REALTOR MORTGAGES ARRANGED 67 Dunlop St West 731001 ACRES and unfinished bungalow This is real NMLTYRVIIIE with lots oi space 0car garage and workshop fireplace in living room good water supply low taxes Asking $10000 Telephone Percy Ford 7207030 BEDROOM BRICK HOME With Ilnlshed recreation room spacious kitchen and living room with fireplace large new Insulated garage and workshop Full price $19000 Gall Harvey Weber N015 EAST END$15300 Three bedroom storey brick home has livingroom dining room hallway and beautiful modern kitchen Situated on lot as 80 Forced air gas heating Priced tor quick sale Cali Gord Spencer 7206340 RES 7387389 MARE OFFER excellent building lots on Napier Street 500 each Gall Bob Fiawelllng 7206003 517500 Lovely bedroom brick bungalow near schools in nice area shaped living and dining room all in immaculate condition $101 monthly includes taxes Call Rita Scandrett 7204605 Emerson Swain Tia0505 Rita Scandreit 7204005 Karl Marshall 7280917 Percy Ford 7107931 Harvey Weber 4303015 Gorodn Spencer mSMB Robert llewelllnl 7285503 Emory Miller 7200560 CARSON PHOTO Mia REALTOR 58 WORSLEY STREET TELEPHONE 7286481 Norm Synnoii 77112533 Ruse calson 7200011 Bill Hamilton 7205325 Rupert MtGrath Elmvala Milka Charles Hepwortli 7200402 OS Photo Realtor BATES While no gm 109 Bayfleld St 7281071 THORNTON Hwy Appraisals Listings invited Telephone Ivy whit RES 7289170 This home is less than two years old andIs III betterthenaiew IVILMA BIDWELL 7268021 REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE STARR no Sell Rural Ontario can BRUCE McLEAN Ooobtowa Ht GARVEY Real Estate Broker RR Barrie Hwy it South Day or night mmi salsa AND 00 OWEN ST 7181 MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE Photo MLS Realtor In GORDON Mfrsmm WALTER courtsnoun SANDY NOTE7MB MARSHALL MLS Realtor lasuraiim ll Orchard Drive 7283391 Rose Pappin mam New Homes For Sale 634 °u NHA MORTGAGE and bedroom homes single and double garages livtng room dining room modern kitchen Alex lsbrandi 93 Vancouver St Barrie nasois TWO liEIlROO brtrl bu In tery Minted Ilka Ii rrie Sinel Nollh mm rash Tele phone new or Irthet Parr Ilwlln NEW HOMES 367 Gm SI Nu rinreu bedrooms lam lry slab hitchrns Lith alri ie an ares open in to can Lrnu call lam uenst Lid 12ml BIIJT LDVRI bedroom brltl attached raragr heriin rulli hrondioomd months at codrlnrtun mo Owner inna Iemd NltA altr Iberiare tcl ephone 71MB sIoRlsi Mom with double garage bedrooms balcen with tlrrlilrce Ind exit to bar bmdioom panelled runlion lawn Nearinl completion Near schools iaeozsa stunt TERMS Poinrwlcks bedroom rur brick bungalow Ir ohavld Ilvlhgdlltlnfi room broad lonni roomy Itllr on tull bare meni all heat aluminum alarms acrrens lam Insulated ours larite lnrisuped lot tattoe LOTS FOR SALE BLOODTEN ACRE hush IIINIII ravine Barrie miles vtII Boa CAI BIIIIh fibmlnel BUS OPPORTUNITIES RENTALS rungstart Bflol slab mam Newarmor MN MALL Rinam Isrn MNfll room Mu WANT mime la barri In drama by me =w wmn nor mEem hm MUD7711 ml Nfl guilt ARM to ram norm mnthIsulm Wmm curt uiui Anna Nudesnbul and mmwhmm Roost banished Ifiml pin bath hosted my on store nmrmtcr uil rentalsex lullbl Inmdtfiiudj mm DSI autumn Apartment liv lnl nun llletiut Illa Rubbed aux AllOdds and bar ta rlilliu per month Ant abl lmmcolateiy Telephone mm NEW bedroom not re marraior and NMWNI ratr bent and tumor comm urinary BANKERS II TIIePhfln szI FURNISHED Mn war min NW modem straws arc laten Niephona mm runNranrzn sienna sputum heated and mister nil N71 him 11ml sis netting QARIbl April ktbohom FURNIBLISB room MAIN sum it so monthbu Telsvhorie 7am DRDuxn noon OM bedroom apartment or rent numerator liable Central location no DSDROnii Apanrnrnt Inoan tans tombs botany cable TV trlirbrn MW Rumble not Adulls phone otter am lItRa R00 runehi tor hirertor run with new glui stop rldzxr Inflamm rr om or TAMIL TWO HEDle Apartmrnl Illh livinl Noni dinin room bli tony washtnl lariiiir Rhine liar and no pmln Avail gal Immediately In one MDDSRN two bedroom Ruled apartment or rent Stern rema enlor uihtnr Iltlllllu parlilnr am Apply toe Remain Drive Apt roll or telephone melt UNPUerslrsD in bedroom apartment llvllll room dintnl Min RIIchNt rcit contained caress irui end aloo monthly heated Available Immediately Tritihflno IuRNrstnsD Nolan to rent bed alitl room with new mil to lull madlobm TN and Mimi kitchen Very nilI klephm ream THREE bedroom apartments In modch bulldihl III tilllilies supplied Available at sis per month lncludu stars rciriaera tar washer and all Dinars Miller Real Esta oat FURNIRIISn OIII bedroom IDIIA MIDI IDI Rnl LITE Iltllll MID kitchendba1htoh large elm otllt ar It most Tele om rim den mam Tlllm LARGE modern two bedroom apartment stove and retrlfminr supplied Illlndn Iiid haiku Ia cllilos East end Telephone TIB stvs or ratteas Ripleys BELIEVE APTS WANTED TO RENTl WW lmllfi WWWETRE MRIEROFSMCNIWN WWMMWNSZ SIS THEN MED MAN AND mmmmnmu WWWMMTSI ARTICLES FOR SALE ATTENTION USED LUMBER FOR SALE IN ANGUS All kiluls and sires also ply uood windous doors insula tion fluorescent lights linole um sink basins toilets shoir ers tubs also asbestos insul brick be sccn at the turn ber yard It Angus Highway 00 Open every night until pan and all day Saturday Ask ior Mr Robert Baltimore Phone alter pm Used erigcralor range auto matic dryer and automatic dish washer McFADDEN FURNITURE 5E APPLIANCES 7289288 Righwny 21 North CLASSYFIRED ADS WILL BRING RESULTS NORTHWAY RUG CO LTD The house at tine broadioom DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED BROADLOOM Remnants all sizes and prices 05 Collier St Phone 70111 WRECKING BUILDING 43 Dundoneld Windows Doors Plumbing Supplies Lumber Rmsonablc Apply on site can rmruo or are tired to lent one Isa Telephone 12erser atter pan Das MR and Snack Bar or ism excellent location on High way it between onllla and Grav enhurxi ideal trurtt not Caottrl required Write Box Darrin Exlmlnor MORTGAGES IMMEle 1st and 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere ON ALL HOME FARMS AND COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES 90 0F VALUATIONS If You Need Money 01b consolidate erbtr OPar on existing Iner aral rnrortgara rearing ua Rbrae Im revelnenta DAM wor hwhlll cause Write or Phone 72009111 Mortgage Funding OVII SimpsonSears rra DUNLOP Member Ontario Morum Brohra Association WANT MORTGAGE First or Second at low simple interest up to 80 of your prop erty value Low monthly pay ments up to Iilteen years to re pay For arty mortgage prob lems sca COREY Real Es tate 90 Dunlop 7202419 INSURANCE THE MARITIME LIFE ASSURANCE CO Armed Service Division Personal Lite Insurance Mart gage insurance Group Plans Annuity Plans Tait exempt Pension Plans Ernie Salter Barrie 7202135 Roy Bullock Angus 05760 MOBILE HOMES TRAILERS SALE RENT RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd General Glendale Parts and Service Cash or Terms up so Years no BURTON AVE ratsass RENTALS HOUSES TO RENT CENTRAL all IItuleaster it more rain IGA Sierra bed rooms Avlflable Anl WI Telephone moose at Dan ravaxmuiucn waur ans PHONE 7mm nsnnrnuu Apumnenu iiodmi bedroom rurienl heated store and reirgerator eiev or laundry IIIIT parking roeuluu APPb I7 or lie so Act NI tele phone moo nsonoou timed apartment with IMM room and dirilru room libr school and mains on our waste Allarrdnlc rm ParIrt ragtime April 1th ALLANDALR No Imime hul ed ooartmuu for rent Liiln room kitrhen tree bath au hall nrlnte runner partrtrra rrrllliles April let on Telephone 7205703 awn solsDROOil hostimmi and two 1bedroom artmrnis Etch uilii complete uih hut xtove mmrmtor Janitor service rel norklnfl children mooted so to side per month For blather particular cell mills UNFURNISIISD bedroom apart ment lam living mom kitchen Ind bails Hut and water suw nlled Centrally Ibuttd Adult only For Author lnIorrItItioll HIM ONR AND TWO bedroom unturn shed modern aparuncni east end BIrrie stove rem orator qu matte laundry Iacill es hot Irrat el Darklnl Aillllhle Avril Mme $29 after pull SEva ROOM modern Ii ra apartment in Aiinndnle vat entranoa and parklna Btrelient location bus ato or nhlldnll welcome Avalla to now 075 per month levholre Zianail ROOMS TO LET aaDslinND Room with small slitciamcire or rank Connasympto or arklrnt sure tense Merinore reason FURNIst bedstttina room atova rerrigenior dim and lin rn supplied Central Rustncsn wo apply only Telephone no OFF STORES TO REN Contemplatad OFFICE BUILDING in Barrie Up to4000 sq It available on second floor Write Box 73 Barrie Exam iner Ior Iurther details STORE FOIL RENT In Aillndlli ma lwroximalaly 1000 nulro reel Am iieetharnaRed and White Road Barrie STORAGE WANTED WANTED slotare space want ed to rent IppmxlinliBLv 00 square teat Mun be dry Ind heated with easy recess Tele phone iremt drya or 1101100 evenings HINT FOR THE BRIDE AND GROOM Watch Classified Ads for terrific furniture and ap cnanrron ELECTRICIAN plianee bargains urns DsAvsn ssIncn laihe In hideour eablnet complete with cultlmt molt sas Tricphona no for Nilhn detllls SERVICE BARBIE DISTRICT FOLK USED 65447 CLASSIFIEDADS IN 1966 IT OR NOTI rt FRANK IINS Tours St5ttl us FEET til6it FANS em UM re mm lists or woman mus Also smut as assert AND mu ARTICLESTOR SALE liaise iilu Pu or rate rai ltm Ibo to Dec leliTv IVIIPhon Wm smile burner outerI Electric RMY dulr In very soon condi zlohtis TIIPMM as also altar mlle sltiv titer tor sale brand new Complete with motor Ind mutt Cost over ssoo Int otter PROM mill LEONARD Ilecltln Burst all completely Iuiomllle control Iain GD INT ALID BI DOOR and mums Trimsth chrcu tor sale tom Glider WM wish colmrlele motMum Telephone Isai Illrr Ewan SUI Small ml onto he opacdiae lirl notably ell la country Trieonminrraotss ANTIQUE litdlvom Stall out thelnnood bed dresser mir Nr Ohmlllo kltihrll table rnrl elnlrs All in odd condi tion klbpham TilTHE IrIthr CONSDLR TV slime table and chairs Remarrator Atttnmbiic atom ontlaiental bed Ilair an All metal IT White cardboard tExulililslt pi to Rent lluuir or sun etc Avlllshli ll Barrio Subtitle huslriesl oiliu canons lnIhahbma service tor custom made dunrty call Iza au nt molar Raille Tent nut Avrilan Co ill 1an mllie In our town OIRMIII It KUIMMEM satislaciion INGLIS AUTOMATIC with risk mu old eiceilerit open sling condition Ilsa one donablb laundry tubs smooth IinlnWIII atone compieioulth hrlu IRIIII lentil $3 72666 ADDING MACHINE Smlbh tCofi rllth $59 or trill rent hit til or werlri Fat0am rno rig pints ell 011m Oakley rm Barrie 7201509 TRY EXAMINER WANT AD PHONE maul REPAIR GUIDE These Skilled Tradesmen are Ready to Work On Your Job immediately CARPENTERS HOME RENOVATIONS Ross IIIIIION IIItill lookatter our ca nry nee or your home or mill Call 7284670 Row MOWER REPAIRS AUTHORIZED Servlm laid Vlh ranw IR dunth nlrwctgtolsecrllfleml0 an oir $131 Burton AW TABI131 RUG CLEANERS he re YOURSILETSo It lion dr clunl DIBLRDU Use our rna DIILRI m0 orthway Rur noisrl DRIVING SCHOOL MODERN DRIVING SCHOOL Learn to drtw the modern why reiophona moors CI ivroa Driviri Sehooi Iiilly Regard Insth Iiiuil controls For idiotbastion call 7200120 Lanssltonr ammo SCHOOL Danced Instructor and instruc mu Phillie Til0175 anytime SMALL ENGINE REPAIR BAYSIDE SMALL ENGINE CENTRE Experts in Small Engine Repair ALL WORK GUARANTEED 2t Toronto Si 7206440 JANITOR SERVICE LOOKING FOR clean clslnlnl Ioi hurries atllrer atmrl Islam Ellanlnl Servicl TABTill IRONING mounts per burn washing and Ironing $50 PERM and Ilyer Phone 05 ELECTRICAL Wlty pop Iusesl FREE CHECKUP Wirina and Repairs SOUTHWOOD 7283880 lllDWlNO Rec ROOMS Cabinet Bulidinl or Ruin Cehnsie TuIIIS HANDY HANDYMAN Repair anything from leaky Inltcols to outboard motors ITS OFTEN CHEAPER TI REPAIR THAN REPLACE Other Home Services Phone 4495790 BOOKKEEPING GRAVES Bus Admin insiru Dookkoeolng stuns In coma Tax Returns ED Box Butte SIGN SIGNS AND SIIOWCARDBI hi SB IllIIIy reasonable 190 Advertising In the Viilala oI Shanty any rattits PLASTERING GROSS PLABTBRINO and Ill palm Free estimates it ronabla rates iclephona molar sacrum ruturo 00W rnirnrogranh Ironic rtenclla Upstlirr Siatlonarv Courtesy speed filial 1I Ilasale WHEEL ALIGNMENT iuURDocIts WRIII Alignment Irarnb repair 11 Toronto at It Green roprlItor 720 ALUMINUM WIN OWS ALUMINUM windows and Doors Infilllad CIII Boh Old1770 and antiIce SAUNA BATHS DAINRa SAUNA liaths and Mars age The uliiin In health loIIx Itlon lrivrtr unitman Satin daily ii rum 7201 OUN SMITHINO cm Ind anilbtle 11ml Work antootl Dnm 1W YOIIIS ELIlb INSULATION METHOD Im estimates Iiln Telsharia Scott Mil

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