Lt7t and Frcchan In Named Leagues MVP GALT Dave McComh com tried sweep ol OHA senior heetey honors by cl the most valuable player The Colllngwood Georgians slick centre monopollsed the MVP ballot at thoroughly II he did the scoring rate and the ril siar selections He succeeds Guelph Regsls goalie Dost Hur day as winner oi the Pinknsy trophy McComb was lust short oi per sexton II for Is the voices were concerned cosehes mIn rogers sports tvritcrs and rts cesters In the it league tiles Ilo received lie at possible msslmum oi 135 points No one was close to the ss yoaroid Ooiilo wood are who dratv It lirst pace nominations no two seconds Only one sci ccior completsl ignored him in the voting little was conducted on the basis oi iive points tor lirst glare ballot three ior second olce and one ior third Bill Burnga and Tom Mer cer at Kingston Acct itnlshcd second and third respectiveLy Ind polled the only ilrst place votes lhlch eluderl McComh Deicnceman Burego had it points and had two lirsts iour seconds Indlourlhirda Mercer winner at the goal londlng trophy had as points on one lirst ace ballot lire ior second In two ior third No lorwards were Ihe nnlv others who received as many II 10 points Osirvtlls Ouka iIin Bob BIsho Ind Kingstons Davey Jones th right wing eu had to votes each to tie tor iourih piIee McComb who scored goals in three lull pro seasons rattler won the league scoring chom plnnshlp and led the tvoy in goal scoring and assists as well its runaway winner with it to assists ior as points estpro who played with Kitchener Waterloo SudhuryI Si Paul and Cleveland in play iorpay ranks led the Iiistar ballot He vss almost on unani mous choice at centre gaining 11 oi possible its points The Ioilowing Is the complete MVP vote McComb 12o Burch tl Mer cer 22 Blsho 10 Jones 10 Price Oakvllo allurie Guelph Rose Bellevllle Power Woodtlock Reeson Voodstoclt Taylor Beiinvllle Sanderson Takes Jr Scoring Title NIAGARA FALLS Ont lCP Derek Sanderson nl Niagara Falls Flyers llnlshotl the regu lnraouson where the lens thought he wouldon top at the Ontario itllilor linckey Associ atlun JuniorA series ndlvidusl scarln rare Son crson compiled 101 points on ti goals and no assists to capture the Eddie Powers Trophy won last year by Andre LnCrnlx oi Pelerborourlh ictcs Mickey Redmond at Peter borough who gave Bonnetson rtln tor the title in the last month at the season liolshcd second with as points on 51 goals and ti assists llm Larcnts ol Niagara Falls was third with goals and bi assists ior in points Niagara Falls and Peterbor ouch dominated the top 10 scorers Gary Monohon oi the By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Chicago White Sox hitters were renli lookinir over the pitchers troubs was that when they lnund one ihey liked tltey couldnt do much with it The White Soil werent swing lng at too many bad hnlis Mon daythey got is walks But they also got not one hit and lost no to New ark Yankees in Gropelruit League game at Port Louderdaie Pia Pitcher Dennis Higgins single oil rooho Blll Iienty in the icurth inning was the Chicago hli Henry wolkcd lour Rookie Sion Bahnacn the New York starter also walkedliaur and Hal chIII the New York lin ishcr walked ilvo Ross Moschlto drove In two runs with double and another with single lor the Yankees ROOKIES STOP TIGERS Three gating st Louis lich ers ick Hunhes olaon Brilcs and Jim Colman also combined lor shutout at the Cnrdlnals cdgcd Detroit Tigers 10 on Phil Goglianos strain in the ninth Inning at St Palm bars Flo Floyd Robinson hit pinch hit homer and Dick Simpson da llvercd tworun blast in Cin clnnatl ltcds to victory over Houston Asiras at Tampa Fla New York Mets made use oi the long ball in beating anton Red Sox so at Winter Haven Poles was iourlh with at points ioiiowcd by rookie Clem Trem blny oi Niagara Falls and John Vanderburg oi Poterborough Goaltender Peter McDulia at St Cathnrlncs Black Hawks won the Dave Pinkney Trophy with 193 goalsagainst Iver Igo llnal standings NP Nia gars Falls Potsrborough London Kitchener Montreal Toronto Ill Sanderson NF at 60101 Redmond 51 it 95 Loranis NF 59 PT Monohan on so at Itcmblay NF so n1 n1 Vanderburg 11 51 7t Ungor 38 35 75 Tkoccuk 41 70 Drouln 30 iii Moohan on 42 as Hitless Chisox Fall To Yankees Fla Cicon Jones hit tworun homer and Chuck lililor slammed solo shot In the sixth inning Rookie second baseman Mike Andrews got llvs straight hlls ior tlls Reel Sax Los Angelos edgcd Washing ton Senators 10h It Vern Beach Fla when Dodger rookch John Wchail and Jim Companls broke an Oil tie with run scoring singles in the seventh inning PIRATES WIN Pittsburgh Pirates sent Kan InI Ctty Athletics to their iourth straight setback 71 at Braden ton Pia as Matty Alnu singled to tlvo runs and Willie Stargcll drove in three with single and double Minncsota Jumped on Pedro Ramos or live runs In three innings and bolted Plliiadci la Phlllles vs at Clearwolcr la Rich Rollins hit basesempty homer lor the Twins in Grapclrult League night game Orlando Martinez snueclcd home pinch runner Ed Pacheco In the bottom oi the 10th to give Atlanta Braves 10 victory over Baltimore Orioles at West Palm Beach Fla in two Cactus League games Colllornla Angola edged Cleve land indlans 65 at Tucson ArlzI and Chicago Cubs bcat San Francisco Giants ts at Phoenix Aria EXHIBITION BASEBALL one common PREBB Detroit noonnonaon nn stLonIs onnnnnnott at Lollch Padres Cladding Brunsbarg Hughes Brlics German and McCarvor Rickets Pittsburgh 1012030007 30 Kansas City 000100 0001 11 Slck Jo ca Gclnat 11 and Condcr ny oi Krausao Walker Rodriquez Pierce Ind Duncan Taiton to JChicago 000000000 11 New York 02201010xd 61 Rublllotta Higgins Ed mondson Murphy is and Martin Hermnn 17 Bahnscn Illenry to chill t7 and Gibbs Ilousibn 010200 000 Icinclnnatl 201 otnzns 12 Gautier Parsons Schnei dor and Adlcsh Boleman 17 Pa pos Nnxnailts Nolan Pavistich Coknr JlRI HouLnndis etaRobin 1son Simpson Minnesota 203010001 121 Pltlla nnolnnznosa to Sinister Mutinyt4 bno t7 Worthington to and Zim merman RamosGomez it Hall Built to and Dalrym pie HR MloARoiliusr Washington 110 200 iod 122 Los Aagclcs 222 200 ZDxIt It ltittti Porchem Prlddy and Casanova Comilll to Sutton Staab it Show Lor tnin to Calm and Torborg Rosebom HR Wash Chance New York n020003000h 70 Boston 000010 020 100 Cardwell Gardner it Ray is Show andSuiiivan Stephenson Clsco Roggen bung Bennett and Gib son IlRa NYC Jones Bos Smith Chicano 101100 MO 12 San Fran 1100 01110011 11 Hands Nye licence and liundley Pena til Estelle Chem Bryant McDanch to and Holler Botton to Calilornia one not con to clavelsad 001 lotionss oz Gelshert Cootes it Clmlnc Kelso and Barlow Tlont Bell Dawnso and Sims RottenJD Baltimore oonoaaooooost Atianta no one tool7 Drabewslry Barnawsky to Miller t7 Herroa to and Johann Biciary Upshaw Nlckroil Ritchie 17 Navarro to and Oliver Hellman lo Weeks Barrie Colins Onl mood liergotl Gall Ford Kingston Moore North York llogso Call McNamara North York Ad In Barrio Jewell Coiling wood Boily Relisvlllo lrulo Ortllis Mollawks Force Seventh Game BELLEViLLE co Belie tiie bioHawks detected Col llngwood Georgians ti Monday In Ontario Hockey Association senior action tying their best oisevcn ousricriinsl series There were to penalties In the game Seven were handed out siter third period brawl Each team accumulated is penalties which included lour rau hing penalties three ior sills ing and seven ior high sticking Wayne Brown lead Belle vllles attack with two goals while other goals went to Min nle Menard and Bob ltleAiplne John Lumley scored Coiling wnods only goal in the lirst period The deciding game will be played Wednesda Cll wood SENIOR STIIX Best oi Seven Ousrtenrinsls SERIE II Belloiiile ll 16 I5 Willogwood It in to Last Nights Scorn Bellovllie oillngwcod htture Games Wednesday Beiioville at Del llngwood SERIES WL Guelph 17 it Woodstock It 17 Future Games Tuesday Woodstock Guelph Thursday Guelph at Wood stock ll necessary Rest o1 Seven Bemliiasls at SERIES IVL Klncston 10 Gait it Fuhrre Grunts Tonight Kingston at Gait SIGNS LIONS COACH DETROIT AP Dotroit Lionsoi the National Football League expanded their coaching lineup Monday when hcad coadt Joe Schmidt signed his lormer teammate Jim Martin SW MONTREAL cr an ish in the National Hockey league standings during the been clinched since Montreal Cansdlens tvon the Prince oi Wales nullity league cham pions to 105560 The Black Hawks dimmed their ï¬rst chsm lonshlp in the clubs tlyear HL history in their dist am The Canadians game season in 105560 headquarters today show that Is result at Chicagos lirst place linlsh In the standings each oi the Ti liswlts will re ceive 150 in bonus money Now the Black Hawks have captured the elusive title they run concentrate on several rec ords which they have chance to erase with nine games re rtltalnlng in their 70gama sched NHAIlINi CLUB RECORDS One more victory will be their oath ot the season and will give them as points in the sinntilitiia both club records With nine games lait to play the Hawks need 85 goals to surpass Moot reals record oi season goals Centre Stnn Mlktta needs points to break team mate Bobby Hulls record or points set last ear and only tour as slsla to reek his own mark at 59 assists ior one season Hull needs seven goals to break his record goals also set last season and the Scooter Line of Mlkltu Ken Whltrnm and Doug lilohns needs it points to break the record at can points by one line set by Detroits Production Line ol Gordie Hows Norm Uliman and Ted Lindsay to 195051 Mikltn has the scoring cham pionship locked up with 38 points an 13point Icod over Hail the goal scaring leader with to Hall is 11 points ahead at Wharrom Winning the points champion ahl is worth 31250 to Mlklte in ad Itlon in the $500 he won as lirsthull leader Hull and MI kita Ire neckandncck ior sec ondhall scoring honors with Hull currently holding one polnt odgc He has no points In llll BARN EXAMINER TUESDAY MARCH Ii Hawks Collect Big Bonus Pay Black Hawks tint plch lln weekend marked the earliest ilmeihat the championship has captured ts championship In their slat game also oi the it Statistics released by Ntll STAN MIXITA Pursues Record Ullman is lourth in the indi vidual scoring race with points followed by Howe and Phil Goyotta oi New York with as points each Bobby ltous seau at Montreal ls seventh with it points and Mohns has as Chicagos Phil Esposlto ls ninth with at points Ind de lsncernen Pierre Pilate oi the Hawks rounds out the top to with 17 it would also Ippcar that the Hawks will capture the Vezlna Trophy since the gonitendlng combination oi Glenn Hall and Denis Delordy has litgoal leId over runnerup New York Goalie Ed Glacomln oi the Rangers continues to lead In shutouts with eight and John Ferguson at Montreal Is the in dividual penalty leader with 156 minutes 11 minutes short oi the Montreal record at 167 set by iron Fontinato in lestos itiont real leads the team penalties with Wimlnutcs Mcanwhllehihe battle ior scc and place in the standings con tlnucs New York winch in seven games is second withies points 10 lower than the Hawks and two more than thirdplace Toronto Montreal ls earth with on points The Lesls have played one game lower than either the Rangers or Cana dians Detroit is lilth with as points right lower than Manl the second hall the schedule FOUR UNDEFEIITED Manitobas Ernie Boushy points Counts Easy ViciOries QUEBEC CP Manitoba Alberta New Brunswick and Saskatchewan are the only rinks still undeieated ladav ailcr iwo roundsoi play in tie Canadian mixed curing cham pionships which began here Monday Ernie Boushys lllnnltoha crew the pre championship iavoritc Gerry Fishers Al berta squad and Arthur Wood leya New Brunswick louraome are all in first place with 20 wanlost records Saskatchewan skipped by Larry McGroth ls lourth with 10 record having drawn bye in the lirst round Rinks skipped 131 Allan Smith at Prince ward island John Pike ai Newiaundland and Earle Hushagcn 01 Ontario are tlcdlor illth place with one win and loss Grant licnncd British Ca iumbla rink ich drew the second round bye is next with one loss In Its only match Quebec Northern Ontario and Nova Scotla have yet to win In two tries Boushys link easily won Its matches deleating Quebecs Earle Carson 117 and Prince Edward island 184 Alberta won ill6 over Nova Bcotlo and 34 over the New ioundiend Arthur Woodlaya Conn 11 ton NB club downed orth ern Ontarios Wayne Patch 65 and won illi over Howard Har rIs Nova Scotla rink MeGrath skipped Saskatche wan to 75 victory over North ern Ontorlo In match thl produced live blank ends The score was tied Matter the to regulation ends and blank was recorded In the IitilHDW ever the Western Canada rink came on strongly in the lilh cold scoring long to taka the wn Prince Edward Island aver came British Columbia lot in lirst round match but was an able to mount much opposition to Boushys Manltobd crew HUSHAOEN RALLIEB Hushogsn was vdeloatcd by Newioundland inthe lirst round ot but recovered to edge Que bec B1in second round con test thatvnesded an extra and Twe more reundr will be gloved today the linear moo pm EST Indthe Ieeond at 900 pln in third round action Prince Edward island will meet On tario whlis Manitoba plays British Columbia New Bruns wick gocs against Newlound land Nova Scotla against Sas katchewan and Quebec ageinst Alberta Northern Ontario has the by In the lourih round Ontario meals British Columbia New Brunswick meets Quebec Sas katchewan mee ts Nswiound land Nova Scotia meets North crn Ontario Prince Edward is land clashes with Alberta and Manitoba has the bye Canadian mixed 11 championshlp standings alter two rounds Manitoba Alberta New Brunswick Saskatchewan nan Nowioundiand Ontesdo British Columbia Quebec Northern Ontario NovsSootss nngtnung OOOOOHHKNHN nuuraHoAaaec High prég For Fergie Jenkins SCOTTSDALE Arlzl CPI Ferguson Jenkins is ruminant In manager Leo Duroc er plans to pull Chicago Cubs out oi the National League cellar this The slooie right hander who was traded to the Cubs by the Philadelphia Philiics spent his lirst no major league games as rollover it wasnt until late in the year when Durocher decidedha was wasting lot at talent lnthe bullpen that the swearold Chatham 0nt hurler became starter and won six ol the it games he began But even this is deceiving since the rookie had sss earnedrun average the best among the clubs regulars Youngsters were our plan or last year and theyre our plan lor ls year and were not about to change it sald Du socher Were not golngto Jump out at the boat now Weve got several kids lust as Inch away lrom greatness and they could come right notv JENKINS PRIME 01 Jenkins he has said Ha iinlshed the season bywinning six starts and because he was getting three days rest between assignments hes that much taster Jenkins is primed or this coming season and hes going to show you something But Duraciter still needs more experienced pitchers despite the addition at veteran righthander Ray Culp 74 last year with Philadelphia Cubs see last year was 21yearold Ken Halts man leithander who led the team with illvlctorles although he parlormed only porttlrrlc in tha lirst two monthswhlle iin ishing his college year Durocher has bright pros pect in Rich Nye leithander who worked only three games but produced sparkiingznz era while the team lallcd to score run ior him Other than that the club to pretty well set except lor John Boccabclla probeny replacing Ernie Banks at lirst base In Glenn Beekert at second base and Don Ksssingar at short stop Durocher has asolld pivot pair with allstar Ron Sonic at third Adollo Phillips should play centre llcld Billy Williams shouldbe in tall and Byron Brown in Randy iIundly who ilit It homers last year as the clubs rookie catcher Durocher may have found the bestCuls catcher since Gabby Harmett But unless the team can ma ture much latter titan most ex perts predict it seems destined ior Its diststraight seconddivi sion iinlsh my axauovgn wsnc hos PHONE nos7414 margin despite handicap to real and Boston ls last with is Bants Hold Lead In Quarter Final Set Peonac hnl ghts and Coon Midgets tell by the wayside over the weekend leaving MeEsch era and Flynn Bantams the lone Barrie entry still In contention tor 1061 Ontario Minor Hockey Association title The Bantams won out to take onegosl leId aver Kitch ener Into the second part at their total goals qusrienllosl round slated ior Kitchenet Memorial Auditorium tomorrow night It pm nte peewees were ellrnlnsted by Woodstock In their home and home total goals qusrteriinai sot dropping at decision on the road Sunday morning and losing the round as in the open er Saturday attentoon It Bar ris Arena the teams battled to stIndoii Coon MldgeLI bowed out to Oshawa in their best or three semiilnsl set Trailing to on the round COOp blew load and lost out in disastrqu third period in the Bantam clash Barrie held lead early in the li nsl period and outplayed Kitch encr by decisive territorial Ilse Kitchenet pulled within one goal through controversial play right at the gsmes end John Hclbein beat Art Willar with sliding shot through the crease lost as the llnel huuer asundod The otfldals debated tor good live minutes as both teams awaited their verdict bo lore the goal was allowed to stand Bob Pickett shot the visitors ahead at this ol the opener This lead was shortlived as Wayne Toscana evened the count Just 15 seconds later Bants gained the advantage lor the lirst time with 75 seconds re maining In the lirst session as Colin Scott scored on power play Alter scoreless second per iod Brian Kinsella mute the score 31 in Barriss lavor three minutes into the llnale Ted Granny pulled Kitchener even at 00 better Scott restored the twogoel bulge three mlnutu later rolling the stage lor the big controversy at the iinlsh The visitors were assessed six oi 11 penalties Barrio captain Toscana and Kitchener Pickett were sentenced with highstick ing minors and liveminute light ing malors tor scrap late in the third period EYE INJURY Barrie dcicnccmon Bob Lynch leit the game in the second per iod when he was clipped over the right eye accidentally by Kitchener stick He was taken to hospital where the had cut was patched up with seven stitches CoOp Midgets brought about their otvn dolvnlall with series ai loolish penalties in the third period Trolling 32 the locals spent virtually the entire line tour minutes short handed wreaking their chance at laun ching lull attack In an eliari to tie the score Don Mainney provided Barrie with the original lead scoring the only goal ol the lirst period at 916 His high drive from the late sldo trickled in oil on Osh wa dcienceman with Murray Perry standing by at the edge of the crease This goal came with Oshawas Wilson serving charging penalty David Reid increased the Bar rie lead with picture pass plIy at MB or the second period while teammate Red Kyle was oil ior slashing Reid accepted per lect pass lrom Maloney who was Nays beating Mollion with Chm bookhsodar It 1525 Oshawa virtually took over control oi ths game in the third period and came through with the willow at 1329 Blanchard barged In on aneostone situa tion Indwh1pped high hard drive past Maliions outstretch ed arm The pack struck the crossbu and tell In through narrow opening Bernies linsl chances It com ing back were wrecked in the panley box Pint Moianey was sent oil ion tripping It 16 Shortly after his return Brent Sndth was sent oit ior roughing and Perry ior tripping as Barrie llalshed the game playing two men short MslAMS moment HM Period Kltdsencr plate Helhclnl ms Bar rle Tsseona tiIvem Bohhctie 1000 Barrie Scott Curtis Kinsells 181 Penalty Ben acit hold 1655 Second Period No scoring Penaltiu PIvaro histick 10 Fsvcro knee ozso Third Period Bards Kin selie lthtrtis Cote 300 Kit dsencr Qanny Dwell 14110 Barrie Scott Kinselll hm tlsl mom1 Kitchener ilet bcin tSchrihcr 1359 Penalties Scull hold 910 Outta chcck 1110 Pickett sad Tas cona histick light 1500 Duesch Xchcck 111 Novels daily game 1911 OSIIAWA BUDGETS First Period Barrie Mal oncy Pony Smith one Pcn allies Wilson allure non hic Nnmara int Kyle hold 1141 Pt iIDIIZM 1131 Second Period Barrie Reid Pcrry ltlaloncy use Osh awn Ncsbltt Nestor iszls Oshawa Nay Blanchard Pron llco 1545 Penalties Maloney elbow 12110 Rcld slash 11 Third Period Oshawa Blon chard Ncsblli 15291ellaitias iter slash 349 McKnight trip 605 Sarlcant trip 15 20 lilaloncy trip 16 Smith trough 1B16Pcrry ttrip ivzm If you like parked back of the net and tucked iha pads into the short side holeso the Odaawa noimiod er could make Al move LEADWI The visitors roared hack into contentionhetore the period was out as they stepped up the pace Nestlitt broke the goosegg at arms and sticks item back at the blue line Bob lllailion in the Barrie nets played brilliant Ipplied extreme pressure The lirst goal was registered with Maloney oli lor elbowing The visitors continued their improv ed play and tied the scoraquick TWO PLAYERS FOR EUROPE WINNIPEG CP Dolence man Gary Begg and centre Roger Bourbnnnals leave today to join Canadas national hoe key team in Vienna Begs lo and Bourbonnals theztycar oldcoptain olthe team both erastudying law at iltclliniver sliy oi Manitoba and remained hehlndto complete their studies when the team late March on ur op do exhibition tour prior to the worldhackey tourn ament 1n the Austrian capitol CREDIT on your list Ilopoirs is Easy at IlilliiIElilIEIIIS Dont Wait for Spring REPAIR Mowg PAY LATER Phone 72649 at tolls tiring through mete 1y despite the defeat as Oshawa grand scenery Go CN And enioy big bargains tool Complimentary meals when you traval cars Extra savingsior by sleeping or parlor groups of 10 or more adults or when you share sleeping accommo datlon Lowlareslorchlldren Coach seats are reserved on most main line trains Reservew early Coll yourAuihorl or CN Passanger zed CNTravol Agent ales Oï¬ico today Look at these Red bargain fares Barrie to Halifax Montreal London Winnipeg Vancotw 52200 920 440 $2100 er 54200 One way coach travel Rad Bargain Days CN Centennial year Dont Theres lotto us during Canadas ntlss CNs Pavilion at Expo 187 Montreal