PLAN PROJECTS FOR 67 Harris President and Mrs Victor OBrien Secretary The Centennial protects and ev ents fer the coming season were discussed by members of the Slmcoa Area Womens in stitute yesterday attcmooa Checking over arrangements for one of the projects planned tor 67 from the left Mrs John Bell Provincial Board Director twat Mrs Resell McElwatnp Provincial Board Director inartht Mrs Donald meeting was held in of fices of the Department of Ag rlculturs Collier St Examin er Photo Costume Look Favored For FastPaced Life Of Travel NEW YORK CPIFashion is completely sold on the ces tume look The adaptable combinations of coal costumes or jacketed dresses are ideal for this fast paced life especially for travel They are also smart and are likely to be at the top of the style list for years Costumes arent new In the spring of 1915 fashion writer wrote that the fulllength cost plus dress was back again She noted that when the redlngots cost was whlpped off it showed nice little slim dress usually print and told her readers to watch this in black coat with light print This could be 1967 report except that this spring the coat is more likst to be white or pastel as In Wraggos white Ilncn cost with its own Illsc print dress But it did take some years for costumes to win acceptance as being more Important than Individual costs or salts BLOUSES OVER SKIRT This spring as In 1955 there Is much Interest In the three piece ault outfit Most blouses Centennial Plans For District Outlined By Woman Speaker most interesting and inform ative talk was heard by mem bars at Trinity Anglican Church Guild last evening when Mrs Newton was speaker Mrs Newton chairman for ï¬meoc County of the Womens Activities Committee of Ontario Centennial Planning Branch out lined dchs and descriptions of centennial projects to he held In this district in the near future President hire me Long prs sided during lira business sec lion assisted bysecretary Mrs Wilson Jabb who read the min aim of the last meeting and let ters of thank for donations and assistance Mrs Dalton Swan gave the download CONVENERS REPORTS Reports were given by Mrs John Seal treasurer Mrs John Stevenson membership convcn er Mrs Sparham wel fare and Mrs John Borysiuk shutin and sick convensr Mrs Corbett reported on the Federation of Women Touch en Association of Ontario ban quet held at the Parish Hall in conjunction Education Week Mrs Ray Asquith report ed on the dessert bridge held on March and thanked her to converter Mrs ti Nesblti WHAT THE By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Wednesdays stellar configur ations suggest that you avoid emullonallsm bickering ten denclas to fly off the handle at the slightest annoyance These same influences how ever willprove highly stlmtl latlng to writers artists are atlva workers generally FOR THE BIRTHDAY it tomorrow Is your birthday your horoscope indicates that Job matters should be taken well In band now and even in seem ing lack of progress carried out conscientiously If you would sea the definite uptrend thatcan be yours In another year Despite possible breaks In this connec ilon during the late AprilIsis May ported and In late Decem bcr only hard work and will lngness to assume extra rcsponV elbilities in the interim eaa bring you closer to your ulti mate goals by the cadet1381 VWhers finances hre con corned you can expect tomaka while not as Important as the IN overblouse are overthe skirt rather than tuckIn style which fashion tried to reintro duce couple of seasons ago There is also the coatskirt assemble such as Norman Norells while shortte banded in navy ever matching beaded skirt with blue blouse This spring foo sovcrsl de signers like the Idea of sleeveless coat with its own long sleeved dress This is effective In cesturns suit MonteSsno and Pnrzan wit its cspslcured and collarlcss black and white window pane wool Jacques Tiffenus alcovcless lilacandwhlto check cast tops longsleuvcd lilac dress and another sleeveless checked coat teams with silk dress Simon elll combines green sleeveless and openslrontcd coat with matching skirt and white blouse Travel has played major role in establishing the ces tume For one thing fewer ac cessorics are needed and this reduces the weight of your sult careful in budgetary matters be casc Also the coat or Jacket MRS NEWTON and all members who hcipcd to make the venture success 67 PROJECTS Centennial hall was discuss ed as luttne protect also otlm events planned for the spring and fail The meeting concluded with social hour and refreshments served by St Martins group STARS SAY some gratifying gains early to May throughout July In mid Septemher mid October and next December Despite this pleasant picture however you will have to be somewhat con servative in your operations important to remember Make no loans in late May be out of all speculative enterprises by by early June and be extremely tween midrNDmebct and mid December Sentimental matters should prove hlghiy stimulating this year with outstandingly auspI cious stars governing romance in late June all oi July and to la September There maybe so change In either your home or business environment in early June and for late ch Iober but these changes would work out for your ultimate mi Achlld born all this day will be romantically ardent adven can fit with other items in your travel wardrobe LININGS FOR SNOW Adele Simpson longtime pro poncnt of the travel costume this spring Includes such luck eted and coated dresses as navy wool crepe topped by multlvstri Jacket or black dress wit sevencighlhs cast in bright yellow and lined in goldandwhlte crisscross pat tern on black These mesnltoboucn lia ings are popular for spring They come in bold stri or vivid patterns often pick ng up one color to link either with the coat or dress Pat Sandlers military red whiteandblue costume repeats the red theme of lha threeione lining in both lha Jersey coat and silk dress Or the some lining is used for the dress as in Samuel Winstons straw berry wool coat with its straw berryandwhlte check lining and matching belted dress This spring too there is much Interest in bright color contrast in costumes Yellow Is most popular shade Esn Zuckcrman combines yellow wool coat with its marching row of single buttons and white lersey dress And of course the costume look erctonds to the nowestab Iished paols outfit as well as lateday combinations as in Malcolm Starrs green stabbed silk dress with Its greenand whlte cotton brocade coat Saiety Theme 0i Womens Institutes Safoty in the kitchen is the Womens institute Safety theme for the now year The house wife spends most at her day in the kitchen so every effort should be made to make the kitchen safe rigor an lmfloflmnt safety feature we lit kitchen area Is easy to work in and safe to work In Check proper storage of utensils especially knives and other sharp tools Check wiring to be sure there is sufficient power for the many electrical appliances Check storage of bleachcs cleaners detergents thatthey are out oi reach of young chil drcn Use safe working methods to protect yourself from Injury every hememakers daily task every homemakers daily task mmmï¬wrwwm am ANN LANDERS ADVISES More Than One Life For Soap Opera Heroes Dear Aaa Leaders Please tell that woolen who went Into depression over the death of soap opera character to cheer up urns thing be pened to me was down In dumps cried and every for four days Then by acel cat die covered my dead hero was the leading man in another soap opera Ill bet if this woman switches to another channel the wul find her dead hero tooilappy Agai Deie mom have received hundreds of letters from read on who tattoo that the dead hero Ia alive Accordi to my readers he was bran our son to he the World lhaas en lo the as lonlshment of millions oi view era he died on the operaan table Within matter of days mWswumhhimtwa sugars Women Seek Vote In Tribal Elections SOUTHAMPTON NY AM An indlsa rlacess oi the Shlnaccock tri ls flghtln for womens rights in the trbea reservation at this Long Island conununlly Princess who claims to be descendant of Chief Sachem Wyaadaach says women should have the right to vote In the tribal elections each April to select three trustees of the reservation The trustees say they will continue to permit only the men to vote in the tribal elections Princess also known as Lola iluoter has filed complaint with the Suffolk 0mm human relations com mission which la studying the case There are 00 Indians on the reservation Indian women can vote In county state and national aloe lions however he turned up happily practicing rur cry in another soap opera ed The Nurses So to para use the la moua words Douglas Mac Arthur Soa opera heroes never die ey Just change networks KEY WORD Dear Ana Madrut Recently you bllshed Nelve Rules For Reerng Children One of hood rules has me Rusted You aald Do not amol er your children with superficial manifestations of love alwa thought It was good for chit to be kissed and caressed We are an affection ate fondly and althou we do not believe in public it splays of affection we do lot of ktarlng and hugging at home wise friend once told me that chil dren need thisthat parents can never give child too much love Please explain your posi tion Es lielaea Mother near Motherr The lin word In my rule in superficial superficial moans shallow not deep or meaningful caressing am IllE BAIIIIIE EXMIINEII TUESDAY MARCH it Illl St Georges NOW View Film Depicting Mission Work In India film Journoy lnte lttrlla showing cross section of city and rural life in lndla blah llghtcd the meeting of St Georges Anglican Church Vo men Guest speaker Mrs ll liopwood who had spent four years In lndis related the work of missionaries and told of many of her experiences in India in ENGAGEMENT PREDICTED Princes Bencdikte of Den mark 28 will become engag ed to German Prince Eldestd so SunWittgenstein 30 two Danish dailly newspapers pro diciod today AP Vlrcphoto Churchill UCW Cemplete Plans For St Patricks Day Supper Churchill UCW met In the Sun day Schaol room of the church with the president Mrs lion sld Allan in chrrrge Following the opening exercises business included final preparations for the St Patricks su per on Mar 17 and the meat of delegate to attend the Slmcao Presbytery Workshop and lore cheon Comprehensive reports of tho UCW Presbyterial held at KEEP IN THE TRIM Slim Down To Desirable Weight In Tim For Swim Suit Weather teenager in need of em like to see my letter in you couragemcnt asked to see her letter In the column am loyearoid girl five feet three inches tall and weigh 165 pounds dont have to tell you that look mess could cry but that wouldnt help 0a reading your advice to day decided to really give it my all have feeling that this time can do It would melts and endowedIWIth laur autistic ability my ounropsr column Knowing others expect me to succeed will give me courage My measurements are 373040 Please give exercises for trimmingth its hips and waist Do altthin Icoud look halfwa ecent by summer the as ed wfrtfully Honey you can be in beauti ful shape by July You will not be down to desirable weight by that date but you can be PIRFICT DRAPIRV DHVCLIANING WITH FOLD FINIEHING muuntuaunnnmrn hamlinsa Draperies lookttkanu Quality Cleaning from the House of gamer Barrio Central United Church were given by Mrs Brown ing and Mrs Lucas and the president added her report on 1251 executive meeting held Feb Mrs Grddes introduced the study book for the season which includes the Guide lionlt and two reference books into Nation and The Church Grows In Canada Mrs Geddcs stressed particularly the part played by tho chumh in educa tional development over the eco turydrawlng attention to the various colleges founded by the different denominations To augment her address Mrs do pounds lighter inches alim mar and have song in your hasrt You have in weeks before summer simmers In Reducing at the rate of one and half pounds week you will be 72 pounds lighter Get on the right eating pattern Do not go on faddy diet The basic meal plan should provide the nutriantr needed to complete your growth firm your muscles strengthen bones and develop healthy nervous system Tito session opened with short Lenten acrvlco and the business meeting included ro porla from all units Unit an clor tho louderstrip of hire Ir Slawart are busy with Dorcas work and all Items are to be submitted by the end at March Min Shelia Presser leader of Unit reported an talk with llov IIonoy relating to his work at Camp Hundry minimum security prison near Anton tfltlr Mrs ht thlla reported that Unl will cater for banquets and will also arrange rummago solo trip to Edgar Centre for ilattdicappcd to give birthday party was attended by liar and Mrs Don French Mrs John McGowan Mrs it Coin Min Enid Partridge and hire Lorne Williams IdTll ANNIVERSARY Centennial eeiobratlonr will be combined with calobrntlanr oi thotfth anniversaryofat Geargos Church Coninnnlai celebrations com bined with the 75th anniversary of tho church will mark Canton nlal Vack Sept 17 to 14 Cam mlttco members hflaa Earths llogan and Mrs liugh Ellis have planned special events Including an outdoors band concert by tho liarrlo City Road on fiopt is with the young pen is of the church serving re reahmcnts Sept to will be former Warden Ratlraadera night and on Sept 25 the Parish supper will be held The main church service is scheduled for Sept 24 with many of the congro often at tend ng in Contennta costume The Harvest Festival service will take place Oct Thosain attendance at the meeting included Roy and Mrs FTNICII Mrs John McGowan coordinator Mrs hay Delta secretary Mrs Ii Cain Mtaa Enid Partridge Mrs Trainer Miss attain Presser Mrs Androw llolfman Mrs tiarr Smelhurst Mrs Fro reau Mrs Robert Prince Mrs Charles Smith lira Burt Penn and Mrs Mel baker The next meeting of st Georges how will be held March it at pm The Bell Telephone science film Gato we to the Mind will be shown on everyone welcome Goddes had this display of Canadian books and books by Canadian authors which she ran ommcndad to the members for their ecntenntal reading plated the evening INGROWN NAIL Relievanaggingpsingukklywith liquid OUTORO fail applicationsOUTGROtougbem tender skin and pushes the hell up for safe easy cutting HERTZ TRUCK RENTALS commercial and Edilate rewalkatbeonomtaat rates or as Return Trip to Tomato Vion Van $3300 complete on 7280474 BillilNE INIIVElliiilll 43 ESSA RD ALLANDALE three IV Lunch and social hour comf and Iriutng children Ia fine but it is not proof of love and the dutloat child know an empty riarrnsnca when he am one male who not love their children show It expanding the time and energy to guide and discipline thorn by sharing experiences with them and by setting good example PAYMNT Dee Leaders am old college tunlar live at home and commute daily by bus No weeks site became acquainted with young are in one of clause it drives car it offered to ke me home from school thought it Is out of his way We do ad taikln and he of isrodto riv ma onto every day Here my problem Ilothar law must out of his car this afternoon and asked ilnln colorod rants suits slacks shorts llllf trim skirts achieve new fashion moaning when combined with crisp looking colorfully printed blouro These two ongataav ed tailorcit blouses by Gregg Drtuidy photographed by no lltncriettn Fr ntsri Fabrics Council are Just fine for now and later also for country or casual wear The button Language Problem Solved By Blonds WINNIPEG CPIAn attrac tive rauodri Itnguni blonds hos solve good doctor the PM American flames societys for el nlanguaa problems forces parMuni7 has taken over tome oi tho work grevlouaty done by toomorn or language committee dho translates correspondence in Fronch Spanish amt Pertu gucso shortening from works to few days the writing of reply to foreign athletes soak Ing information about the Fan ï¬morican Games horn July 22 Marcela learned French in school English from her gover ness in Buonos hirer Portu gum lha sold it much tlke or native tongue Spanish Marcela and her doctor but band flout came to thnlpofl late that your from tho Unto States float is resident at Winnipeg General lies at NY EXAMINER WANT AM PHONE 7282414 No not Ilour dill pun IN FULL BLOOM about the follow when told her of the lucky break was ï¬tting she let with both mil She screamed How can you be so elupidt Nobody does anything for nothing That fellow lalotn to expect to be paid for rdu one day ands he price may be higher than you want to pay dont believe ho is that kind of person but even II he fan that my mother should more faith In mo Aim lrl in hole and our Comment demand payment one and he do you can pay him with Confederate money Fpsntrh doubloonl or Methodist handshake arm that th lrl Ir boss and you sound like girl who it in the drivers not even when th passenger WUMfml downttrorront shirt htouu on the left which son be worn tucked in also comes In three color backgrounds gold olive and plum Tho pulovar shirt now biotin concept on the right has fourhutton tnh front and buttoned calls its huge floral print is available in turquoise with camel and alive with blue Ileth blooms are motto of rayon chnlila IIILLE Tlllil NOADI ltaty produced imttl auto mobile In toes an increase ofI 10 nor cent over the previous your glvia kflolibgi theyll Itiiillf you close tbobcali CENTENNIAL lililEiillll BUFFET Entertainment fluut donk rr and Presentation of Newspaper Awards CONTINENTAL INN Tickets $250 wan Mascara 1967 Available from members of Cancer Society or at office ll Clapparton Bi Phone mean or name buffet ms you EVERYONE WELCOME