have escaped from we Norrie Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 Bayflald Street Barrie Ontario Walla Publisher William Teller General Manager McPherson Managing Editor roman war ii rm PAGII kin Ask Sensible udguauurw Legislation Use Of Firearms In Canada The Canadian Wildlife Federation made good poiiil in presenting its hncf on firearms legislation to Justice Minister Cardin Federation officers argued tirat while there is an obvious need to discourage criminal use of firearms there is some danger that laws dedgsncd for this Fun pose may lend to leg late against ire arnu themselves rather thanagainsi their misuse General restrictions ur prohibitions might interfere greatly with the recreational pursuits of lawabiding eople without really acltdcving the ob ectivo of reducing the misuse of the arms by criminals The rather weak provisions of tho Criminal Code relating to firearms are under review at the moment and the sug gestions put forward by the Wildlife Federation in their brief are twofold They would select the rights of the more than 00000 Canadians who use fireanus for recreation as hunters tar get shooters and collectors and the rights of the population as whole to be roiecled from the dangers inherent in tire misuse of firearms For instancethe federation would de fine firearms more closely putting them into three classes prohl lied restncied and rting The first would include all fuii automatic weapons and other weapons such as grenade launchers and bazookas Restricted wea ns would in elude handguns guns in an overall length of less than 30 inches and some thing new firearms and other devices whose projectiles are designed for the injection of drugs rung firearms would include rifles an shotguns The federations proposals would stren gthen the Criminal Code measurably prohibiting possession of restricted fire arms by orsons who have been convict ed of an ndictabio offence or who have been declared mentally incompetent and further that conviction under said section carry substantial mandatory penalty There is genuine balance in the sutg estionsmade by the Canadian Wildli ederatlon to the justice minister that hopefully will be reflected in the revis ed legislation Dowri MEMORY LANE 10 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner March 1057 ile ber Smith QC Barrie lawyer won Progressive Conservative nomination for Simcoe North to contest next federal election Julian if Ferguson of Coiling wood MP for 12 years earlier announced retirement Unsuccessful candidates were John Browne Colllngwood in dustriaiisl Grant Mayor former ma or of Barrie motel operator Garfied Case Colilngwood Steele Cash town Palmer Stayner Rev Leighton Ford Billy Grahams associate evangelist anlved in Barrie to conduct Crusade for Christ on invitation by 30 Protestant churches in district George Hoes MP Toronto Broadvlew was guest speaker at Conservative convention in BCi auditorium Oldtime fiddler of wide fame Lennox died in 03rd year He was first baby baptized in ivy Church and fornianyyears was con ductor of ivy and Thornton bands Barrie Skating Club xvpresented annual ice show Alice In onderland to ap preciative audience of more than 2000 at Barrie Arena Club pro Miss Diane Wright was director Brilliant perform ance by sisters Marilyn and Donna South Lillian and Georgina Bakogeorge Mrs Jean Appleton Mrs FBadgley re sented trophy to Nancy Craig Presr ent Cameron made other resenia lions to skaters Barrie Dis ricl Col 19 late von Central Ontario Secondary Sc ools Association senior giris basket ball title Team coached by Miss Mary MacDonald beat Toronto Bloor Colic late in final 8720 Ruth Dangerfield an Jill Smith led scorers Grand champions at North Simcoe Seed Fair held in Elm vale Community Hall were ilunter flus sell IiIidlltlfSt Ed Bule Sta ner Gabriel Maurice Lafontaine ari Babeock Barrie reelected director Ontario Credit Union Lea Barrie Flyers elim inated in HA Junior playoffs by St Catharines Teepees Winners have two romising youn forwards named Bobby Hull and Stan ll lia Steve Jonescu Examiners new sports editor comment ed ori prospects for Canadas new heavy weight boxing product George Chuvalo 10 of Toronto Fund cam algn began for Barrie YMYWCA Jack lerrett was chalrman for food and produce division Geoff Glenn for retail merchants Harry ltllcliles rink reached finals in Colts event Ontario Curiin Association Brennan was crosen Barrie Citizen of the Year and awarded Wright Memorial Trophy Band of Royal Canadian Dragoons statIOned at Camp Borden gave concert at Roxy The atre Sunday evening sponsored by Bar rie Citizens Band OTHER EDITORS VIEWS GO HOME SIRI The Times of London In spite of all the ealumny heaped upon British Rail there must be few oc casions when it would actually be quiclu or to walk than go by train One occa sion when this might have been true has just come to light it ha pens to concern dog not man The og was dispatch ed from Dublin and got as far as Liver pool where it was found to bearonly the enigmatic label Staples Dublin to be called for Tire staff of British Rail whose reaction in this case can scarcely be faulted sent the dog back to Dublin where it was fed watered and exercised until forind by the rail authorities and sent on to its proper destination in Suffolk Had the episode occurred in film or book it would have developed differ ently At Ifiverpool the dog sensing that something was going wrong would box he ed per esque English countryside becomin involved in various adventures in wide had men were brought to Puslice and good ones to happiness Fina 1y it would turn up on the doorstep of its owner to be welcomed by breed of happy child ren This appears to be yet another area in which dogs are superior to men an ac knowledgment that will come easily to no one but the more fanatic dogwor shippers Yet it amounts to no more than saying that man has had to pay for his intellectual development With the sacrifce of certain rlrnai senses is the exchange worthw human being lost in Liverpool could have stated his destination to the men of British Rail but he might not have been fed water ed and exercised with quite such friend Viy solicitude The only way to solve permanently haps some applechceked waymen any problem in which human emotions From here it would have made its way are rwoived would be to stamp out unerringly across 200 miles of pictor people amwmme Hepes To Hand Off Troop Withdrawals By ARCH iiiacnanzm From NATO support costs in Germany underlined WASHINGTON CF The US in what some are calling rediscovery of Europe io hard at work trying to head off any British troop wllhdrawnls from the NATO forces there Officials heremeke lain they fear the slightest eras on of En ropes NATO manpower com mitments will generate chain reaction of similar sentiment in lbeU15 Congress too hot to handle Mike Mansfield Senate ma jority leader has proposed that as many as four of the six US divisions in Europe could be withdrawn Tnlks at Londim among Brit ain West Germany and the US are described here as at the halfway stage but US deter mination to find solution is Officials are saying much firiler undcrslandlng with the Soviet Union may be lust around the corner But it lanl here yet in the US view and NATOs guard has to he kept up for another year at least pending more progress on such issues as tire spread of nuclear VCBPOM Meanwhile they contend the Soviet Union still homo divi ainnii in East Germany and lhey are skeptical of reports ihat some of these divisions are being drained off to bolster Rum elns ions with China US ENVOV BENT John McCloy has gone as an envoy to London with 1pm posnls designed to meet Brriah demendofor more help lnaup porting the British Army of the lihine There also are plans to assuage German complaints of financial problems mils says thorNewv York Ti fr beleiedlf5leader shipio case the longfestering wrangle about troop levels and and uneasy border The US preoccupiedwiih Vietnam gave some interim old to Eritnlo last year Ger many also made some concea alons Now complicated deal up pearsiln ihc making to relieve Germany ofpledgea to buy American arms she doesnt want US bonds would be sub stituted and perhaps German purchases of American wheat to he sent as German old to In dia That would case the US dollar drain To US officials the decision of little Luxembourg lo and her military draft doesnt mean much to NATOa numerical strength But they see it astlle kind of gesture that could have multiplying impacthcra in poll tlca encouraging support for European troop reduction on grounds of Vietnam needs and INFnun iiiih llilllill lllllll illlli in ruml iiiiinirinrun lililllllllllll of If IiNiiiiifinirririiipi or it rt ii tfml ii Illli lillllllll illllll THE iDES OF MARCH hlrJEWLflRJK it OTTAWA REPORT Make Cigarettes Saie As Possible By PATRICK NICHOLSON OITAWA Should profit hungry businessmen be permlt led to market products which endanger our lives and diminish our health Should government intervene to hon such antisocial commerciallsmf There questions are posed by dcepiytihought and original concept outlined in speech delivered by llcollh Minister Allan Mochchcn lo the inter national Order oi Alhambraa Iiomon Catholic service group in Toronto Good health and physical wellbolng are becoming more and more mailers of personal option the minister said Public health program and the rapid strides of medicine have combined to remove or at least curb mony of the threats and obstacles to good health over which individuals pre golusly bod little if any con WE CONTROL OUR HEALTH great many of us in Can adn could be much healthier and consequently much happier if we but put our minds to it ti lilr MacEachcn The missing ingredients are individual selfcontrol and pcra sonal responsibility There still are areas for government aclion but in my Turmeric TOUCH Things AColurnnist Finds In His Mail By HAL BOYLE NEW YORK AP Things columnist mlghi never know if he didnt open his mail Snakes obey the speed laws Although they appear to he swift moving few snakes view there is llrriil to whet governments can be expected to do Smokingia care in at Studies by my department so well as there of wide var icly of returnable and respected bodies have shown the relation strlJi between smoking and vol variety of illnesses lnduda lng cancer and respiratory and heart ailments Yet people smoke and youngsters continue to follow the examples act by their elders Should government moka smoking on offense think not We can inform and educate we con warn but in thoiflnal analysis ii is quest ilon of personal responsibility When Judy LaManh was minister of health she let an example totha nation by giving up smoking cigarettes she also launchedfinanced by the tax payers moneyn massive cam polgn to inform and warn Cana dians against the danger of cigarettes llcr successor or health minister Mr Mac Eachen sét an even better example he never was ciga rcito maker is clgaralio smelting danger ous to health and liter The CBC recently announced The average Canadian smoked if cigarettes lode 32 Canadians died from resp ralory diseases The great majority of doctors ever wrinkle along the ground at pace ofmore than five miles an hour It has been found that man thinks most sharply at tem pcraiure of 40 degrees And does his boat work at temperature of 65 degrees Health item among dent nurses HP Otto Torrie Examiner id Hayfield Street Banis Ontario Authorized as Iecond class mail Post Office Dopartmenfi Ottawa and for payment of postage in cash Daily Sundays and Statutory Helldayl excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 45c weekly $2340 yearly Single wplcs 10c BY mall Barrio moo yearly Ontario $1200 year motor throwoff no year Mall out side Ontario $14 year Out side Canada British possev sloiu 515 year USA and foreign Ste year gt National Advertising Of fices 425 University Avenue Toronto 040 Caihcart St Montreal 507le West Pen der St Vancouver BC Member of the Canadian Daily Newspaper Publishers Association the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of Clrculatlons The Canadian Press to up elusiver entitled to the use for remhiicaiioo ofail new dispatches in this paper cred liedylo ll orTlie Aarocatcd Prmoffletiifllimd also the 1ocai news published therein warmer climate with NHLWWW my closed that smokers were ab sent from their duties because of respiratory infections twice as often as their nonsmokinx classmates How bright are your chil dren Psychologists any fhat one test of fntclllgcnco is the natureof the questions they oak Ths harder his questions are to answer the smarter is the childor the dumber is the parent if Household safely hlnlr you have flash fire in your kitchen douse it quickly with baking soda Baking soda is basic ingredient of num her of commercial flro extin guishersl Sign In an antique shoppe 50ycara added for cash Catholic Digest tells of the strong minded wife who took her husband to psychiatth and said He has severe inferiority complex How do you know tiintffv do married the annoyed psychia trist Serenely replied the wife Because gave it to him Folklorei it is bad luck to fee white horse soon after leaving home To foil wlilie golng upstairs is Ilgn of an impending marriage person whose eybrowr meet will become rich Corry lng crlckets nut in your ocketwlli bring you good rrArvrmquuaumm etatwa2cmm aw 413 minim confirm that there is relation ship between the twoSmog la prohnbl contributory factor smog lcfly caused by the ex hauat gases from automotive vehicles The fiiih belchcd forth by your car and the pollution inhaled from your cigarette make killing combination TO PAY HIGHER TAXES Mr llliicEachcn warns us that we should show the self conlrol to kick the habit but he lays the government has no mora responsibility beg to differ likeyou pay taxes One of the largest eels on our taxes will be the coil of notionniheoith scheme That coslwill bcpro grcrsivciy increased by the need to treat sufferers from those inhalation diseases Clgv areiics will boost your taxes cars will boost your foxesby making more and more Cane dleno ill The prime responsibility of any government is to ensure as far no possible that no citizen suffers enrichment of his inalienable right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness through the actions of his fellow citizens It can be argued that it la the duty of every govern ment to forbid profibhungry businessmen to put on the mar kef any product which causes sickness and death Thus manu faclurerr should be compelled to make their cigarettesand their automobile as safe as possible before marketing them or else be forbidden from marketing them at all ATny comments health mlnisn er BIBLE THOUGHT will therefore thit iricn pray every where lifting up holy hands without wrath and doubt log Timothy 20 Eternity alone will rcvcal cn tlrciy those prayers ondrwhat prayers have been answered it is enough for us to know that God is In the prayer answering business and it is our business to pray For Fight In West By BOO BOWMAN After iheliudlcna co took over its bitter rlva lha North West Co in mi ll Wllv miisd nun area on ur Pa clflc coast It was known as the Columbia department and com riud pmcntday Wuhlnlion clon ldaoo UIAh part of bi ouoa and rouihorn Brillah Co umbia Then the Americana began pouring in and the Hudsons Bay 00 eordd see the handwriting on the wall in fact the Amer icana began chanting warlike slogan st to or fight mcnn log they wanted all the Pacific coast territory to Alaska Fort Vancouver near Port land Oruoo had been the prin cbal tredln poet but Governor Simpson cred his chief factor llrcre Jamcl Douglas is look for new headquarters farther North Douglas made survey in ion and recommended the port of Camosock on the south ern tip of Vancouver island He said The placa itself or cars perfect Eden in the of the dreary wildcrnur of the North West coast ills recommendation was ap proved and Douglas landed romeo AFFAIRS port of workmen al Camouck on arch l3 LI to begin building Fort Vicoria Dougie himself not north vlsllcd Fort Tahu and Fort McLaughlin and brought back more men and materials to Fort Victoria it was an unuatioiiy dry sum mer and to October the work men bod uill two housed large storehouse and three storey bastion armed nlih guns The area was surrounded by tub of cedar picketc lb feet Oi It won the beginning of the grime capital of British Colum OTHER MARCH ll EVENT rm Lasaiie claimed the moullt of the Arkansas River for France riotSir John Johnson was printed in charge of the lndians Canada i7liThe Canada Act tCon aillullonol Act become law fluJ lilacdonald govern ment resigned and was replaced by government under Sir Etienne Techs and John Ilacdonoid rm Women were granted theright to vote in Saskatche wan New Nations Find Weak Do Not Inherit The Earth By PIHLIP DEANE Foreign Affairs Annlyil The United Nations building in New York is pervaded by feeling of Impotence neccntu ated by the worsening conflict in Vietnam The clusters of diplomats mainly Asian and African at the bar of the dele peler lounge no longer look or round as if their discussions over alcohol have importance They mainly complain The Moscow Washington relaxation which to us is promise that war will not dealroy world we generally enjoy is to these Af ricans and Asians conspiracy aa they put itto preserve world unjust to them There soon will hire special session of the UN General Aa rembiy to discuss finonclnz for peacekeeping operations thllo importance is attached to ihis forthcoming gathering which is expected to produce little Not that it matters without any real agreement on how to fin peacekeeping such peacekeeping as is lolcrohle to the great powers goes on in the middle East Cyprus or Resh The money comes from voi uniccr contributions or in ef fect it always has The General Assembly never has been able to extract payment from unwill ing powers of boy importance The United States attempted for some years to use majority General Assembly votes in mak ing Russia and France pay willy niliy This of course would have given great power to the General Assembly ma jority of Africans and Asians the US disinisls and as soon as this was rcirlizcd in Washing ton the campaign to make the financing of pcacckcc ing binding universal oblige on was dropped SIGNIFICANCE Thus the US now is brick to acting only by the unanlmaiu agrecmcnt of the great powers as the charter provides The small powers which had profiled much In the period ofgrcat power disscnslon discover they no longer are courted or bribed for their voice The new nations are finding out that as in the past the trunk do not lnhcri the earth and they mind bitterly The employees of the recre torlot are more easily resigned to lnsignlflcanco than are the delegates of rveak nations Briefly whllo Russia and Amer lco bitterly fought their cold nor there was vacuum in which US employees acted al most ludc cndcnlly ihcy cool not depend on get ting ngrced directions from fire superpowers and things had to be done The US under Ham marakjold was becoming scou iar Vatican it did not last America now approves lins rlan efforts to settle the difforo encis between India and Paki stan applauds Kosygins atm tempt to end the Vietnam con flict these are tasks that would once have been cninuied to the UN Secretary General and his staff Now the irricrnatlonnl civil servants are back to doing the routine jobs for which they rvcrc hired important jobs but without the excitement of centre stage BUSINESS BRIEFS STEEL OUTPUT UP Canadian steel ingot produc tion during the week ending March it toiellodlwdot tons up 47vpor cent over ilia pre ceding week the Dominion Bur can of Statistics said lilondny Output during the comparable week of 1066 was 101764 tons The index of production based on the average weekly output during i957r59 of 90108 equals 100 was 200 during ihc current week 199 week earlier and 200 one year ago PLANS RAISE British Columbia Telephone Co announced Monday it plans to raise 150000000 externally to help finance massive prpvlt incewide expansion program Ernest Richardson president and chief executive officer said BC Tel plans to spend $5000 ooo on improving its services He added that more than so per cent of the required funds will be raised through bond issue the balance through sale of cltbcrflpreferred or common stock SHOW EIGIIEREAHNINGS Northern Electric Co Ltd announced in Montreal Monday net income of $9501szon sales of 00216739 for 1966 com pared with 07060309 on sales of $358143193 in 1965 Sales to the parent Bell Telephone Co of Canada and its subsidiaries totalled 5227263530 tip 332300 550 from last year Sales to other Canadian customers were $162770867 up 3546572 from the previous period IT HAPPENED IN CANADA Atari6 nt WE GleAm WWI one threesome norm gum urrosssaa outer Attowa room Mull6 use entrain Mm More oirious mammal moiucrieu name new But as man Mraiimu in IN norm of res owamwurï¬ Int4 Arman thmu MIRMl millI ma ow confirms more in reinsurance cling$3931 devotions Viv35 um Broma Winger uï¬gw gr wonm atng