amass tweeds Churches audience he does not see how we niil ever but one in Toronto of Senator Rupert Sen Davies was at the top at the Kingston Whig Standard VS ROUNDIIP Christian Unity Restsr On Laity Leger States EDMONTON tCi Paul Ernllc Cardinal chcr of lont reui said here Sunday that suc cess of Christian unity rests primarily ilh lay Christians The Archbishop of Montreal told an Edmonton Council of ity unless Gods people want it They must out it enough to pray for it to study it to dis logue for it and to uarlr for it he said You people here tonight must ca hack to your homes and offices and by example as well as nord snow that the un ity of Christian people matters to you personally Cardinal Leger arrived Thursday ill Edmonton on fourrduy visit Its received an honorary doctor of inns degree Friday from the University of Alberta ile laid the church council audience that in the past it might have been true that ecu mentsm had gone too slowly be cauac church leaders had not given direction Painting Gone MONTE CARLO Monaco tiieulcrstFrunz llul moua painting Flntc Player bus dls appeared its unner ount Iifourice dc Bendern reported Sunday He said the rltug by the Tim century llti winter nus estimated to be worth about 50000 Beard Contest WIIITBY Ont tCPl The vbltby Barbers Association Sunday announced Its centen nlal protect beardgrowing contest spokesman said We may lose little revenue but it only happens every hundred years Engraved shaving nntgs will be presented June to for the fullest heard the most artistic beard and the most original mistake The tendency at Honor Davies LONDON tCPl The Times gives first place In Its obituary columns today to report of the death during the weekend Davies Times readers are told that his profession as newspaper publisher in Canada and was honored in the land at his birth Wales Born in Vclsltpool Mont gotncryshire and migrant to Canada at 15 Senator Davies maintained an estate near his birthplace In 1051 he returned for year to serve as sheriff of his native county Sen Davies was president of and tormcr president of The Canadian Press Orders Aircraft TORONTO CPI The Bra zilian Air Force has ordered 12 turbo prop Buffalo transport aircraft and spores from da Havlllsnd Aircraft of Canada Ltd it was announced Satur day he aircraft capable of take offs on 1000oot runways ear rylng up to six tons of cargo or It passengers Is joint dc vclopment of rte Ilavllland and the Canadian and United States governments The Canadian Air Force has ordered 15 and Bra zil will have theirs in 1968 Erect Souvenir MARVILLE France Rent crst Canadian airmen cur rcnliy evacuating this base in eastern France erected 30 foat Indian totem pole Sunday as souvenir for the local people The pole earrcd by Pacific coast Indians from the trunk of spruce fir was presented by tho Canadian gavcrnment which fictv an Indian dignitary here trom British Columbia for the ceremony WANTB YOUR TRUCK RENTAL RWNESS 7266527 Use How Quickly We JOHNSON 113 DUNLOP OPPoslte The Queens and ills of todays society rc qulre united attack from all churches the national leader of the Salvation Army In Canada said Sunday sled of Toronto said united elfort by all churches however at cintrcitcs CARDINAL LEGER Require ilttack SAItNIA tCPt Problems Commissioner Edgar did not mean an organic union not not in favor of organic uttlon at all he said In an in lerrletv For all the churches to come together under one hierarchy is hierarchy Is always to say yatt should do this you shouldnt do math There Is tendency for Should Differ KINGSTON CPI Coms munily colleges in Ontario should differ to this extent that the resources and needs of each reorntnunlty are different says Robert Curtis director or adult education for the Ottawa col legiate lnstituta board Soprano Dies RIDGEFIELD Conn tliPl Geraldine Furrar its who resigned from 1006 until 1022 as Metropolitan Opera soprano died Saturday at her home lttiss larrur had lived in re llrement for many years In this western Connecticut town Cause of death was given as heart failure ller autobiography Sweet Compulsion appenred In llldii Funeral service will its private NEW YORK AptTho eonlt troverslal lllsltop James Pike says the income and prop should be taxed in tho United States heenuse church wealth has become menace income taxes uld be significantly reduced and property taxes abated If churches were tnxed he says In on article written for the April issue of Playboy magazine Pike resigned last year as Episcupiti bishop of Sttn Itrun Centre for the Study of Demo cratie institutions TRY EXAMINER VANT ADS hierarchy to become dictator ial be sold PHONE Mitt Become Menace erty of reitglon eiscu to work with Coiliornlol Residents are evacuated Sunday by boat from ltybnlt NB Senator Dies lit 81 SAINTrJOIIN NB CPI Senator Nell hchtun Bl business leader and clean of New Brunswick senators died in hospital here Sunday night ills Iiqu illness was brief but he had been In failing health and was not in his Senate seat regularly before the Christmas recess Ills death followed by one day that of Senator Rupert Davies 57 of Kingston Both were Liberals It left the Senate standing at to Liberals til Progressive Conservatives two Independents one Independent Liberal and eight vacancies Senator McLean was chair man and president of Connors Bros Ltd at Blocks liarbor NBr lie IO0It over the company as small calorpriaa in 1022 beauty checkup business or politics liltie more than iouamu HAIRSTYLISTS OF DISTINCTION REOPENING SPECIALS FLOODS HIT RUSSIA so In the Republic of Molda via USSR The waters of and built it Into the largest sardine cannery In the Com mouwealth lie scorned retirement from lm just as good as ever was and know more about pollv lica than ever did he said car are when senators were it you their choice of retaining their lifetime pointmculs or accepting pen an Born at Ilurilund Nll Alex under Neil Ilchcun was proud of his ScottishDutch ancestry including United Empire Loy alista on his mothers SPRUCE PAYS OFF HALIFAX CPIlied spruce is the principal lumber tree In Nova Seotla although balsam fir is probany the most com mon The most common hard woods include sugar maple rod maple striped mupie moun tain ash white elm black cherry and imnwood lvitvntflhgts tItr CALL now FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT srttLtsrs TO SERVE YOU iowmm Cg lgerm HAIRSTYLISTS 0F DISTINCTION ths Dncstr River rose more than to foot Saturday and old timers say they cant remem ber such flood In the last so years This picture ts from Toss Soviet news agency AP ercphoto by cable from ltloscowt CAR AND TRUCK LEIISINII ATTRACTIVE VEARLY auras CALL 7266474 BARRIE DRIVEACAR ts Essa nu Allandola Our Expert Cure Gives You Hair Titut Glows With lite Sparkles Excites at Our Special Prices Your hair can get all the special and extra special care It deserves at price Dont be astonished iust some in during our reopening week and take advantage of our priceslashing on permanents hair styling coloring shampoos and sets even dramatic wigs have been reduced Its time now for your ilees Iittacirs Gordon Policy KINGSTON CPI George lieu Saturday attached is eeonarrdc policies of Walter Gordon and said that if pro tactloalat attitude continues in Ottawa big foreign Investors will take their money else where Ill kind of silly to wave flag on an unpty stomach Mr lists candidate for tho traderb of the Pragmslve Cotuarvatlva party told tha Queens University Progressive Conservative Iu BARRIE II Ba Ilald 5t IO BARN EXAMINER MONDAY MARCH ll How big is that Big 0K you get at Banaflclalt Planty hlgl Big as that warm wsicoma that greets you whsn you come In Big as all th cash you gat Big as all the things the cash will do for you pay bills take care of axpsnus balance the family budget That bill Right Cali up or coma in 0K7 And gal that Bi OKl Beneï¬cial FINANCE 00 OF CANADA Loans up to 55000 Your loan can be IitItnsutad 42 month contracts on loans orsr$1500 Attacking what he termed the Land against foreign iavut ment by lr Gordan minister nlttout portfolio and pressing his own fourpoint program for economic dav alo pment btr itccs said You cant expect than people from outside who coma cre take the risks and provids lob for us not to want what ever profits that come till economic policy calls tor encouragement of investment by hnadIons an increase in tax deductions from busincas mans main Mistress for loss to curred on second vsnlure Mr Iicas won straw vota on the Conservative leadership smog members of tha Queens PC club Fhona PA 85931 ORILLIATJ Ililllfll St East Pttonc 3267353 OFIN IVININOI IV APPOINTMINfFNDNI FOR NOUI