Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Mar 1967, p. 3

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ENCOURAGES CHILDRENS INTERESTS hi Klein Montreal on ti tlcalcr points ottl silttll nrities bclucen the models bra from Iloman Catholic Church in Quebec and the can delabru of typo often found In synagogues held by Anne Marie ilasmusseu lr Klein encourages children to look round his shop finding it wwdcrful to watch the face of the truly interested child AQUAMIIRINES Birthstones For March Fashions Favorite Color II MARGARET NESS If you were bortt In hlarch and have no aquamarinethe birthstone of the monthIts supposed to ensure that youre fearless amiable and tea Perhaps more imporln Is year youll be right in fashion Aquamarinos come in colors from clear sen green to blue and It is the green shades that are in style Ior spring They complement the yellow tones fralrt plllo daffodil to brush told thu are popular in all the col lections in Paris New York and Montreal Aquamarine jewelry Is also good contrast with pink another color favored for spring fashions As wilit most precious stones the aquamarine has lone his tary In early Egypt it was be tlievcd because of Its scs green color to have the power to in voke vatcr spirits to the aid of the wearer Greek gnltlsmiths used the stones in their ornate Jewelry But they were expensive be cause they were imported from the Far East and had to come by earnel mravan across the Arabian desert and then In gnlleys across the sea Later nquamarines were the only stone with iacctsthc planes of stoneby the Romans In 1910 the largest aquamarine ever discovered was found In liralll ll weighed 119 pounds and was pale yollowttrecn not considered the best color How ever by then the gem trade had learned that by applying heat cautiously to some gemstho color could he changed The treatment was successful and the color changed to rich sca blue making it much more valuable it was cut and yielded 200000 carats in cut stones While the aquamarine Isnt found In any at the royal crowns It was considered sul flciently valuable to be listed among the crown Jewels in four countries thrgest of these Is an uncut stotte of 1550 carats among the erowu jewels of Portugal In lotdCharles of Spain presented Leopold of Austria with 492 carat stone which was added to the Austrian crown jewels Queen Elizabeth wile of Fred erick William IV of Prussia owned handsome aquamarine and bequeathed It to the crown treasury with rider that Em press lredcrica he allowed to wear It during her lifetime This aquamarine was of more than passing Interest since It came from the clasp of NapoIA cous coronation mantle The Russian crown jewels In elude several souamsrlnes large one of which ts from the collection of the Great Aquamarines are found In Brasll the USSB and cow pic of states of the United States The name dates from 1754 and comes from the Latin for water aqua and blue greenmarine Before that It had several names hfarch has second birth stonethe bloodstone Its out ular In mens jewelry because of its deep opaque color of great flecked with red Media val legend tells that the red Bodta came from Christs blood when It felt on green stone at the foot of the cross The bloodsione makes hand some ring for man either itallan fa ship it designer Sorelle Fonlsna uses crystals and beads in these two latest modelsThe cocktail dress in foreground Is in yellow chil ion and csdy heavily em mmmmmmannnoaomsasm CRYSTALS lino arias citizenship of Vatican City sovereign state to acres in ex tent in Rome broidered transparent crystals Fontana uses large white beads to set off the cocktail dress at rear made of turquoise cady and chiffon CP Photo tions of the Stratford Festival this season It was announced Thursday other actors cn gagcrl for the season Include mas Leo Ciceri and Christo pher Newton polished or cut as slgnct SIGNED Foil STEATFOBD STRATFORD Oatmtcit Frances liylond has bee signed to appear In two produolt Tony vanBridge Zoe Caldwell Bernard Behrns Eric Christ PEorLE ARE new total of 545 people have onRoertrcctwuddbeofgnat Game That Beats Helpless Bunnies Not Sport Deu Au Ludmt liars you em heard or Bop the Bunny Ryell neither bud Iunttl yuterv Some local people decided there should be more tenth crow between fathers and sons so they organised hunt group Since most of the boys were too young for guns under 10 years of out the hunters decided to use rocks and sticks as weapons The Idea of the game Is to malts human ebsln luau field and lot the dogs loose to flush out the rabbits the rub blunmoutofthsbmslttoes esp the dogs the fathers and sons hit the deferrals cur tubes with itch and rock good slmcrs who land fatal blows arc the herou of the game They call It Bop Tbs Bunny My first reaction was these Plans Indicate The himh business mention of the itoysl Victoris Hospital Auxiliary was held In the Morris House Tomato St Tuesday good attendance of members was welcomed by the president Mrs Parsons hirs tamson was Introduced Is new member Etocellcnt nnnthty reports were given by the various convene There are now Kt paidtrp mem bers on the roll At least of the CHIN Strip ers will take part in the mod elling of the 80m to be shown at tho Aurdllnrys Centennial Project Portraits from the Past on March 30 In the Cent rsl Oollezista Auditorium SPRING SALE The Spring RtanrnagsSale will be held on April It In Trinity Fattin Hail Mrs Roadl is the contour and donations for this proled will be greatly up predated fbe Florence Nightingan TM on May to Is to be convened by Mrs Pugh Rather an nouoeemcafs will be made at later date Despite genomic response to the appeal the library Cart is still in need of magazines of lo telest to women and of recent issue and pockettype books OLD RECORD the Auxiliary is leaning some of their tremred old records to the Provincial Association tor me in preparing Its program at their annual lncoting lo Defiobcr Pictures of ii orieinsl Mill on High fired the am hoopr interest to the project If anyone am THE BARBIE EXAhDNER MONDAY MARCH ll For RVH Auxiliary Members poor rlbblts but then burn to think tboso poor chlldrenl but tragedy to be brought up to balm it to fun to but helpless animals to death contactod the Humane So cion and uhed why they II such crud The not Then is they can do Ibwt IL Id lilo to know why not Please tell mo what you think ofthlsgsmuihlvobecnlr gig with people since tut ay Youd be surprised at the number of folks who think WI perfectly all rigbtlbsrtu tea Dou Cbsrlcltnt checked with the Humane Society In Chicago and turned that the authorities of their national lingerie to legal Itlllfll stop unny In North Carolina but the udgo ruitd that the society had no Busy Season hiss Pumas dosed the mean lot with chm review of the outstanding dates In hiarah and an old Irish hiatus Mrs Council and him Cooper were In charge of tho nodal hour Easy Shortcuts To Planning Meals working wife often finds her self short on time when It comes to preparing dinner But this most can still be triumph so oordtng to home economists It Maotnnald institute University Guelph If you plan shortcuts for advance preparation and quick cooking Here are some flatIons Make stirs all tools are in sadly scmdble places Gnome double dishes such as sth which can be served again the second day as meat pie Plan meals that can be entire ly baked broiled or pressure ootlrclrkcd Theyre chants and do atom dsheo that can be eas PI peppered the day or night be on Serve more of oneth In crdcrfootndownonths totsl Itttrtlxrrotdlatmt mafreodoydonilywrbsk iozforthofoilowlngweek Met shot Nils durinl thework week Sentheme elslmcnlzonyoudlootf ICE HELP HEART An Icocubs gently rubbed would care to loan thus please 16th and The understandable tax form This coupon can be the start of wonderful European vacatlon This summer BOAC oflers you Emu complete program of British and poan car an coach tours find all the facts in no colourfulnew booklets They free and they gtvp you all the details you need to plan your perfect summer vsoa if tron Be sure to get your copy Fill in the coupon and mi amps aoaq so Box 416 Station Montreal Please send me the free boom have indicated DB Emgxtéty Cyndie EIBnintn by Coach EIanala and arrtrnmfi MFRPROka 730Ac masmtummmddmmoflfln rus son IKNIoN amtIn aurasrustic or amount nevsuol contact Mrs Allah 513 for limiter information INCOME TAX QUESTIONS ANSWERED FREE AT The Barrie Post Office March 13th 14th15th 17th Before you make the trip make sure Its necessary Check your new tax guide thoroughlyforthe answers to your questions first If youre still stuck comb and see us Well be glad to help And to make yourtaxform Understandable mm Ivdu the punitilflufifi antim TMINIC heart stand roanat Tinting conservation laws on the other hand would not tolerate bunny has in Ill fairness It must be conceded that rabbits can pose right tomoddlo Tho flllnols litrest to rural economy pm HAT PATTERN OUT OF STYLE PICION Ont tCPIMrs James Scott has been re minded that she ordered bat pstern from hiont rcsl firm years age The patlcrn arrived this week The pattern was post msrked in hiontrenl hiny 14 1954 hirs Scott said In an In Icrview that the putlcrn was yellow with one By coincidence hirs Scotts pattern arrived the same day the Prince Ed ward County Chamber of Commerce naked its civic affairs committee to meet postal officials to investi gate com Ialnls of poor mall serv ee WIN FREE NIGHT ON THE TOWN ALLAN DALE bi Hr service Close to ON 259 Bradford 7283511 RUBYS BEAUTY SALON Ix Hairstyling Upon Dally TI Thurs It lrl open so Ill hilltop IIIII Double your money back guarantee on all fresh meats trod and blue brand steer beef onLVt FOOD FREEZER ORDERS 100 Gusrantes on all Items Day Delivery Service No club or member ship tees No down payment required 1st plymcnt April to AAII one lot isms cost plus 1074 Atl meats flash men and out exactly to your order AliM FOOD IIVIARKET AdoMil Angus GLEN Goaoon PLUMBING fleplttl mow work Ileneinitial flemodllltnl Innnldnin ltd izlml For BEST VALUE In New or Used Car See ooue BEAN Sales Representative for Moifstt Motors al Essa Rd Barrie Ont Call Barrie 72055 or Angus 04170 KENS TEXACO Olsss Modialllc nineups Dubcs Malor It Minor Repairs meDNE PRODULJB 7235301 at Tlffin st Burris last rats an be cm to urban society but III on this occurs the rabbits should be tcrmlnstod In human man nor To male game of betting rabbits to death and to call It fun is utterly indefensible PAYS To BE KIND Dear Ann Llsdcm am woman of $0 with four good childrcn and flat husband have been reading your column for many years and tile so many others never dreamed thIt one day would be writing to you for advice But here am was raised in the Lutheran faith and attended church school We were taught to live by the Ten Commandments believe one should love his neighbor as himsei and for this reason have sin been kind to two unmarried lldlu twho live on our blodt New York lublicist Appointed Yesterday we but heavy snow noticed the walk In front of their home was no Ihoielcd to offered to shovel It To my astonishment was told that snow was an act of God and they did not wish to go against ills will decided to shovel the walk anyway An hour later re ceivoi phone call from es of the sisters ordering me to slay oir tholr property and mind my own burlncu It you Ann Landon does It pay to be nice to peeplsi Insul Id Dur insulted Yes It plyl to be nice to people hloreover It can be downright rowsrdlas BuZwhtn the people are little cuckoo anything can happen So please dont let their two dolich sour you on the Ten Commandmens What else can you name that still works after more than 3000 ycsrsi morememmmmmmmmm 41xrkbzflsg 314131244th mummmtmm at US Representative lit Expo MONTREAL New York publicist Seymour Krswlts has een appointed US publicity represonatlvs for Expo 07s World Festival of entertain ment hir Krswits Is one of the leading showbusiness pub lirlsls In the United States He has handled publicity for numerous films Including round tho World in on Days and more than its Broadway shows omont them How to Succeed In Business Vithouf iteally Trying Gyps Iorny and Boss and the mid of CANT TAKE IT One reason there to probably no life on hiars Is that Its sur focs gels Intense radiation from the sun Fendloys Flowers Floral Designs Flowers For All Occasions ihnno TIMI it onto St Barrio PAULS SERVICE Station Class hiechsnlo Tires Batteries Lubrication oil SNOWJIEMOVAL lln 11 RULES linen weak for to woo you no win Night on the Town with till compliments DI til olrliolplh till bullnclus on thin advertise moot All you are required to do Ll read bismuth each ldvfllllo moat carefully Tom wilt lppllr In number at UN sdvlrtlununtl each week tho letters lorflllltl tn name or our of thl plrtillillt trig hullnuul correctly identify th bullpen ueh weak and can your answer along with your aunt and Iddrcu to Night on Did Town Contest Editor filo The Bln1l Pmsmlnol Th lint comet IHIWM drawn Ilch Wick will win Nilhi on till Town Bilriot mun bl received no later thlfl Ffldl noun of non wccir WHAT YOU WINI new at it or rum entity drioniiumm 2A Conu compltment nod llys flowers Dill Ildyl dull and on salt suit in mm by catty Bltln Bull compliments of sinus sauna autos 11m suite Ilrn Allandsfs TAXI CD0 Dianr tor two so Isrrls luioods nutoust lourtllnmr Hawk is It till Queens lTwo stuns compliments of to rand starlet Aosur New WAY Upholstery Cleaners smm in your own rm ufimam ilun and upholstery drillfl study for rill In In rnons canny Borden mim BEMEDIAL MABBAGEE UltraViolet infralied Lamps For Appointment Phone miill 105 Ellehlll Dr Suds Wong Mr Krnwlts has also rnsnsged publicity for conccrll and television shows and int yolr served as US rcsl representative for the frat Vorld Festival of Nclro Arts In Dakar Sanegsl scannert IRRITATION Mus oisruns siest rlntl lil illoilili built flfilflnn canard 1x nlhlll bll On 10 ml com no mo nunirod lig or mud tattleo at In asurtnm osln rvl TV REPAIRS Appllanco Service WES FERRY rims It msm DRIVEIN SERVICE in by illout by tension Ih Imtu and lamb Mending litu and on Invite In Cllllldyllriz Blocked quslltgnflzaglng liflu Ihl any Dunlap 11141 Nightly Entertobrmcnt from It pan with the fabulous sounds of the COACH FOUR and IDGO DANCING at tho QUEENS HOTEL Meet your friends when the action is BARRIE SEAFOODS Fish ls Chips nutuirurt or am out 13 Halibut nty 100 Bradford El Barrio mom vorter at arms can Cooklos Jlldgdlylmk lcc Cream Clgarettcs Molsslnes Takeout Service 29 Blake Opp Simeon Plaza Phone Barrio ml DAINES SAUNA BATHS BAUNA BATIIS Barrio TAYLORS 1TEXACO Class Medianlc MsJor it Minor Repairs Firestone Tires and Batteries Wnsttes Accunorin gnome out to call Barrio 72H execs

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