Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Mar 1967, p. 2

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Harrie Examiner Published by Canadian Newspaper leltad The Walla Publisher axingguaic Barrio OntIrio William Taller Oa Manager McPherson Managing Editor MONDAY MARCH 100 PMiI Fluoridation Common Foot Not An Emotional Matter With fluoridation of the citys water to go before the pee ie of Barrie March 20 at the special vo ng citizens are in for repetition of arguments Fluoridation is going to be calcd everything from Communist plot to an invasion of civil rights There is not enough space here to list the arguments in favor of fluoridation About enequarter of the pee to of Cana da drink fluoridated water ecause na ture has sup llcd tilts chemical in the right pmport on to safeguard the teeth of children in the United States 2500 communities embracing 45000000 peo ple drink water that is either naturally or artificially fluoridated All the ernotlonal debate begins when public health authorities with stocks of statistics to back their recommendations want to add the chemical in the ratio of one part per million One of the most convincing ar unrenta in favor of fluoridation came ut by chInco in the Wisconsin eityof Antigo which stopped fiuoridadon afterusing it for 10 years Within four years tooth decay among kindergarten pupils rose on per cent among secondgraders raa per cent and among fourthgraders 100 per cen After 16 years of thorough research Canadas federal government approved fluoridated water it has the backlog of dental Ind medical associations which see dental decay as ctvilizattons most wide spread and costly ailment in Ontario overnnrent comrntssion headed Dr Edward liali president of the Un vers ity of Western Ontario was able to refute every antifluoridauen argument Of course sodium fluoride is poison So is table salt if taken in excess quanib ties and so is the chlorine that every counnunity uses in minute quantities to purif its drinking water Facts not erno ans should decide the fluoridation issue in Barrie DOWN MEMORY LANE 20 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner March ii 104 Ap pointment oi campaifn committee for new ltiernoriai iiosplta will be ap eluted at special meeting March 13 Jo Mil eirinson president of Rotary Club of Bar rie announced Provisional group con sisted of Rev James Ferguson Dr Ross rlurnbuil James iiartGcorge Ull man Rev James Clair and It ille Carroli Terrific snowstorm hit area and passengers on TorontoMidland even ing train had to end hi hi on tracks near Craigvale Slrnp Examiner columnist for innlstli Notes who farms nearby donned snowshoes and hiked nearly two miles across fields to get in terviews Amen these on train were Herbert Barker erk of Sunnldaie John Smart Coliingwood industrialist Gordon Coutts itlr and Mrs Craig Mr and Mrs George McCorrkey Mr and Mrs Citittick MrsEdith iticlliarlin Jean VanAtter Homer Daley Mr and iifrs Millard Maurice Hines was installedipresident Barrie Junior Cham her of Commerce with directors George Church Fred Crowe Cliff Arnold Ern Bell Geoff Glenn Art Johnston Murray Lee Neel Stephenson Ross Saunders Red Cross fund drive began with Sandy Coutts as chalrinan and Colonel lGany Lee ObE MC as vice chairman Miss Lila lticPhce resent ed her 28rd annual report as if rarion Barrie Public library naid lilac Laren reelected elra rman of board Barrie Ladies Lawn Bowling Club met at home of Mrs Harry Armstrong and elected Mrs llowitt resident for 1947 Tossy Splvakovs Russian violin is was featured artist of Barrie Com nmnlty Concert Association in Collier St United Cimrch playing on Stradivare his 1721 Kenneth Robinson Barrie recreation director presented roundup of winter activities to date Charles Seagram Barrie lawyer lost Northern Ontario squash racquets final to Bill Noyes Toronto Barrio Colts will meet Owen Sound Lumber Kings in OHA intermediate group semifinals Gus Goring has been performin well in nets since bein coaxed out retirement Although uh lost Bud Kashner throu transfer by CNR to Capreet Colts it have powerful defence group of Max Richardson Harry Livingston Harold Jennett Bud Palmer and Cecil Cook in mm Junior playoffs Banteilyera lostfirst game to GaltRcd Wings 62 Terry Sawchuk was outstanding in Galt nets Barrie goals scored by Gord Heats and Gil St Pierre Alderman Charles Griffin chairman board of works de clarcd 00 Barrie streets now open af ter fierce blizzard hit town Barrie Fiyers beat Gait 20 in second game play of as Barrie goalie Jim Strachan out played Sawchuk OTHER EDITORS VIEWS CHURCH SCHOOLS FACE PROBLEMS Owen Sound SunTtmest Protestant Sande schools in Canada are headed for trou le says an editorial in the current issue of The United Church Observer For example in De cember 1861 the United Church reaclta ed its peak Sunday school enrolment 757888 in the next five years it drop port to ee7oae During the past seven years the Can adian birth rate has decided steadily When that catches up with the United Church the decline ll accelerate The trend is obvious among North American liberal Protestant churches Somearo already predicting that the church must find way to nurture its young in faith in that regard the observation that the decline is in liberal Protestant churches is significant it could even indicate there is something wrong with the pres ent ap roach based as is on secular educa onal lines muuastzxesia 1r HAPPENED IN Citation GREAT LOSS Fin MAW mm fail mammal Ann outrun CANADAS Aleuom mam wivr arm aLLowrpnz caution is MVI NW mm more New arm NAMIWWRI HtiMIM vsuarmsaunerauuyoa mom luau sneer nun AW iu CANADA luewvernr MWWM was 70 mam MArx era arm Ill1A4 JFFAMIM 17 CAMY rt AP MA BY FIRE FLY if Alftllf ran it litany relWm to Christianity best being served by this systematic educational approach Manv church schools are operated ver much as if they were day schools Muc the same atmosphere is found in them as in the public school classroom Train ed school teachers are generail sought to give leadership Yet many ulia who sift have close church connections re member with doe feelingof indebted mess the Bible lettering of persons who had little formal education certainly no training in teachinfz methods at who appeared inspired it their Blbe study leadership Scripture itself provides support for those who doubt if young eep can he educated into tlro Chr at an faith No doubt such lhinkin willbe viewed as backward Yet cra are slgnathnt church schools who remain more closely to the oldorways of education attract more young peoplepforwhat that is worth mhsllililrMrfitfidedilifluliflNJWA mmrorunwawrm 97 unearnedalumin MJiltl OTTAWA REPORT Bank Controversy Stirring by PATRICK NICHOLlON OTTAWAUnited States can troi of Canadian burlnclaca has been moved from the realm of philosophical debate to tha ur gent arena of combative poli ticI by the affair of the Men cantlle Rank of Canada This small Dutchowned bank wan purchased by the powerful First National City Bank of New York That let the eat of foreign initiative among tho pigeons of domeItlc complacency One of the moat strenuous lobbies ever mounted on Parliament iiill was dedicated to the proposition that on Canadian bank should coma under foreign domination The new factor was that un like its former Dutch owners the Us bank was powerful enough to build lliercontile into an actively competitive force further it was feared that the us parent would be anxious and able to influence other US parents to compel their Conn titan subsidiaries to transfer business from Canadian bank to this US Iubaldlury BIIARP VERSUS GORDON One school of thouaht perenn filed by Finance llilnlaier Sharp considcrl that the Iiirring winds of competition and of foreign loans an be beneficial among Canadian banks Ad on posed reboot long spoken far by vformcr finance minister Walter Gordon believes that halt must be called to foreign no tably US control of Canadian business The Mercantile Rank hnp paned to become the battle ground But Ilnee January back stage manoeuvres hirve been quietly seeking formula which would Ibridga this seemingly una bridgeubie gap Few people out aide the cabinet knew what was going on When reconciliation seemed at hand Mr Gordon upped his ante And all hell broke loose around the cabinet council tabla Prime Minister Peamon said that it reports of this row leaked out he would Olin iliurrtr Examiner te Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario Authorized as second class mail Post Office Department Ottawa and for payment of postage in cash Daliyi Sundaysand Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 45 weekly 01140 yearly single copies 10c By mail flurrle 7min yearly Ontario 51200 your motor ihrowoff 515 year Mall out aide Ontario pit year Out alda Canada British peaaw tisluna tilt year UBA and foreign the year Notional flees 425 University Avenue Toronto 040 Cathcort St Montreal 507 1200 West Pen dcr St Vancouver 130 Member of the Canadian Daily Newspaper Publishers Association the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of Clreulatlena The Canadian Preuirex eiualvely entitled to the use for republication et all new dispatcher in this paper cred lied to it The Animated Pross or Reuters and also the local now published therein momu 1k escapes HATE T0 QUOTE Ali ADMIRAL Capital Are the antidote responsible for tho leak The leak earns But Parliament Hill still is waiting for our unilring prime minister to implement his throat Thct is the onward poetm The unacen picture la even more fascinating it concerns rising young politician named Bryce Mackaley native of Quebec City and new Liberal MP for MontrealVerdun AI parliamentary secretary to the minister of abcr Bryce in several lightyears distant from the world of finance But as hardworking and realistic MP he is interested in every facet of the parliamentary de bate ineludlng foreign owner ship Although not member of the Commune committee an it nanca he attended as spec totor when it was examining the chairman of First National City Bank Jamar Rockefeller he and he alone picked up one significant remark made by INTO THE LION DEN As result he conceived the idea of personally pursuing the negotiations it closed doors He told Mr intention to Prime Minister Pearson and Finance Minister Sharp he re IL irrittiun stiurztlrrxxirhwtmxu made clear that his venture might be officially diaowned if it turned sour Accompanied by gory German young law partner of the powerful cabinet minister Senator John Connolly he set out for New York to heard the Wall Street lien in his board room After two dayI of hard bargaining he brought back to Ottawa Roekefeilera agreement that he would Ieif lb per cent of Mercantile to Canadians pro vided he was first given five yearn in which to build up the banks business and make its Iharea an attractive buy From that point on leaks from cabi not have made the story public knowledge But the significant fact iI that this once again points up the initiative courage and plain haraeacnre of Bryce Mackasay who on previous occasions has ahown that he possesses as much drive as any ill other MPI not excluding present and part ministers History may rs cord that his now famoul week end meeilnga In New York pro vided tha breakthrough in the whole vexed question of Amer ican control of the Canadian economy but it was not Bryce MackaIey who at his CANADAS STORY Female Dog Best Garrison Sentry wounded The people watching By ROI BOWMAN One of Wm Disneys best ani mal film was th Itery of terrier Groyfaira Bobble There is ItItua In Scotland commemorating thtI gallant llt tie dog dramatic film also could be made about dog cIllod Pilot who was member of MIlaonneuvaI garrison in Neutral in 16 his garrison wII IlwayI in danger of being attacked by the lroquoia who hid in the woods outside the units They IiweyI hoped for an pertunlty to kill Inyone who venture out The glrriaool est sentry war the female dog Pilot who had good note for the lroouols When Pilot located them she began to bowl on Pilot had puppies and aha harm them to do the some On March 13 um Pilot and her puppies bIgIn to howl and ointed at the woodl like btrd ogr MIlIonneuraI men were weary of the confinement of the fort Ind longed for action They liked to be allowed to go out and attack the iroquoll liaison ncuva knew it war risky but waI prohabl luit ll impIticnt for action hmrelf and shouted Get ready thenl Ihail lend you use it was mlailke When they get outside the fort they were bogged down by the heavy snow and quickly surrounded the lndlanl They had gunI II well Ir bowl and arrows Maison neuva realised immediately that he had fallen into trap or dered hlI men to try to hide be hind the trees Ind get back to the fort Fortunately there wn path through the snow made by tag gera and Malaenneuvar rnen raced along it The iroquois chmd them screeching their waraery Cas asa kouee firing their guns and arrows Three Frenchmen were killed and othsrlwm from the fort thought thIl tra otheu would never get back lately and they fired at lna lnriians boom to check their progress Fortunately the ra minder did manage to get back to the in time Maison neuve was the last man to when the strong We closed behind him The wounded were Jeanna iliInceI firIt patients in the tfn hospital thlt hId Just been bu it OTHER MARCH ll EVENTS tartThe King of Portugal granted Joarn Alvam Fagur as the Islands in the Gulf of St Laurence imJlmrs Douglas Irrived It rite of Victoria BC ma John Brown brought stem to Windsor Ont wuss British ColumbiI re fused to allow Chinese to land 1M iyrrail began 1700ch curve from Great Slave Lake to uteriicld inlet toteManitoba planed Tant pcranca Act 191 Labor representatives from four western rovlnrea held conference at Ca gary imEileen Voilick of HI liton Ont was the first Ca dlan woman to get pile licence She was the first woman anywhere to take off and land plane on skin test Major General Jean Victor Allard became the first Canadian to command British Army division BIBLE THOUGHT That it thou shalt conical with thy mouth the Lord Jenna Ind Ihllt believe in thine hurt IhIt God bulb rIlIed film from the and then alt be laud Ramllll The Christiln lifI ought to be full of believing tailing Ind Iharing When you sove the GoAheod woy you get Life insurance tool Choose live your savings goal it could be as little as $600 or as much as 350 iYour aauraiaavlanaplaa Advertising Of ceived their blessing but it was achievement QUEENS PARK Political Privileges Are Held gDearly By non oazaaN TORONTOHoot my in but dont take away my perq tallest it Is one of the fact of life of politics that the pavviiegcs that go with office no held dearly And this more than anything olle it seems to probably at the heart of the somewhat comic opera situation in the Niagara Parka Iltuaiionwhieh has seen the Niagara Park Commission in revolt The members of thI commis sion all rerva without remuner ation The one compensation they have bed has been the use of bedmorru at the refectory and the privilege of entertaining guestl at commission expense Jamel Allan waI named chairman of the commission early this winter Ind one of his first official acts was to sweep oul the bedrooms He announced that there was to be extensive renovation in the refractory where the bedrooms were located They would be replaced by bid cocktail bar and an execu tive suits for in visitors to the province The members of the commie Ilonnomlnotcd by the province ihere also are municipal rep rcacntativeaaaln none of this they would quit it was free aheeio or nothing and they not in letters of resignation Huperficlally the blame for this ll being placed on Mr Allan who it is rain was being arbitrary and dictatorial wih the commission There would in much more than this to It howavsrr As the treasurer here for em Mr Allen is used to In or what will be done firmness And II the longtime chair man of treasury board where ministorr and government effi clnlI have to fight for their money he has the habit of copy aau March Review and stamina no will be wardedupan request Wood Grindy Securities ccnventantrnonihlydapositcen range from state $33 Whatever savings goal you not foryourself thats the amount of tile Insurance prolectionyoe have for Na years from the minute you make your fin deposit This is in addition to all deposits mode plus the bows your savings have earned Whethsryoure saving foryour childrens education to the dowa paymenton new home for retirement nest egg or even if you dont have special oblsciiva in mind ask your TorontoDomle Manager about the SoAhead way of saving TorontoDominlona Assured Saying Plan No medical is required GrentGoAheod idea from TORONTODOMINION The Bank where people melts the dilleronel Duniop at no em St Edmunda Manuel Dunlap St and Maple Ave arrnear Enoch aser at Canadian Chartered Bank Shares The forthcoming Bank Act revisions will result in farreaching changes in the banking system in Canada The March issue of our licviep and Securities List examines the pending changes and reviews thecurrent investment merits of bank shares Comment on the Stock Market with some consideration of the pop alble effects that may arise from the Carter Commission on Taxation is included together with investment data on over 00 representative common sham in addition the Bond Market is reviewed and selected list of bonds suitable for current investment is provided Limited RALPH WUGIIEEDI mm PMMATIVZ 514110105 mop Sr Darnimn Manager Manm

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